苏士澍,1949.3月生于北京,满族。自幼酷爱书法篆刻,少年时拜刘博琴先生为师,中青年后从师启功先生。多年来从事中国古代书法碑帖编辑出版工作。工作之余从事书法、篆刻的创作。兼习诸体,擅长鸡毫作篆隶,饶有特色;行草流畅,神韵 极浓。篆刻宗秦法汉,寓己意于古风当中 。
现为全国政协常务委员会委员,全国政协书画室副主任、中国书法家协会副主席、中国书协地方 国家机关分会副会长、地方 国家机关书画协会主席、中国书画收藏家协会会长、、中国文物保护基金会副会长、中国老年书画研讨 会会长、中国书协评审委员会委员,中国教育学会书法教育专业委员会理事长,中国书法培训中心教授,艺术品中国网资深顾问。北京唐风美术馆名誉馆长。
曾多次参加国内外各种大型书画展览,曾多次在日本、台湾及港澳地区举办个人晨及书法讲学活动。1997年荣获中国文联“德艺双馨”百家会员称号,同年享用 国务院政府特殊津贴。1999年荣获国家人事部“有突出贡献中青年专家”称号。
编辑出版了我国古代各种书体工具书《草字编》、《隶字编》、《行书编》、《篆书编》、《楷书编》。主编多卷本《中国书法艺术》。掌管 并策划编辑出版了《历代碑帖书法选》、《中国真迹大观》等大型书法专业书,著有《中国书法艺术·秦汉卷》等。另内在 文物出版界,苏士澍不断 是抢救文物书籍的先锋。
次要 研讨 鉴赏范围:碑帖、碑帖印刷品、石章、石材(次要 以寿山石为主)、书画等。
2013年3月11日,全国政协十二届1 次会议第四次全体会议上,当选全国政协常务委员。
2009年“歌颂祖国 弘扬文明 ——苏士澍金石书法汇报展”在中国美术馆举行。
2008年书法家苏士澍荣获旧事 出版总署第十届韬奋出版奖。主编《中国书法艺术》和《中国法书全集》 等。
2008年3月书法家苏士澍当选第十1 届全国政协常委。
2008年由全国政协书画室与文物出版社主办的“书写和谐守望家园——苏士澍金石书法求教展”在全国政 协礼堂开幕。
1997年书法家苏士澍荣获中国文联“德艺双馨”百家会员称号,同年享用 国务院政府特殊津贴。
1969年书法家苏士澍在北京市第二机床厂唱工 人。
自幼酷爱书法篆刻艺术,少年时拜著名金石书法家刘博琴先生为师,中青年后师当代书坛泰斗启功先生。兼习诸体,善以鸡亳作篆书、隶书,饶有特色。行书流畅含蓄,神韵 极浓。篆刻宗秦汉,寓己意於古风当中 。编有《篆字编》《隶字编》《楷字编》《行书编》等大型书法工具书及《中国书迹大观》《中国真迹大观》等大型书法业书,著有《中国书法艺术·秦汉卷》等。1997年荣获中国文联“德艺双馨”百家会员称号,1999年荣获国家人事部“有突出贡献青年专家”称号,2008年书法家苏士澍当选第十1 届全国政协常委。吉林书画苑推荐书法家。2010年书法家苏士澍当选为中国书协副主席,后又被评为2010中国书法十大年度人物。2011年4月12日上午,北京首届浏览 季启动,聘请书法家苏士澍担任北京读书抽象 大使。2012年3月27日,“两岸同根,传承文明 “——刘艺、苏士澍爱心捐助书法展”在北京政协礼堂隆重举行。代表作品:
Su Shishu, born in March 1949 in Beijing, Manchu, is a contemporary Chinese calligrapher. On December 8, 2015, Su Shishu was elected Chairman of the 7th Chinese Calligrapher Association. The 10th Honorary Member of the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art Circles.
He is also the Standing Member of the CPPCC National Committee, the Deputy Director of the Calligraphy and Painting Room of the CPPCC National Committee, the President of the Press of the State Cultural Relics Bureau, the Vice-President of the Central State Organs Branch of the CPPCC, the Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Association of the Central State Organs, the Director of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, the Vice-President of the Foundation for the Protection of Chinese Cultural Relics, the President of the Research Association of Chinese Old People's Call Member of the Committee, Chairman of the Calligraphy Education Professional Committee of the Chinese Education Association, Professor of the Chinese Calligraphy Training Center and Senior Advisor of the Chinese Art Network. His works participated in the "Glorious Mission - National Press and Publishing Industry Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" opened at the Revolutionary Military Museum of China on August 23, 2011.
He has participated in various large-scale calligraphy and painting exhibitions at home and abroad, and held many morning and calligraphy lectures in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. In 1997, he was awarded the title of 100 members of the Chinese Federation of Arts and Virtue, and enjoyed the special allowance of the Government of the State Council in the same year. In 1999, he was awarded the title of "Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution" by the Ministry of Personnel.
Editing and publishing various ancient Chinese calligraphic reference books, such as Cursive Character Editor, Lizi Editor, Xingshu Editor, Seal Book Editor and Regular Character Editor. Editor-in-chief of many volumes of Chinese Calligraphy Art. He presided over and planned to edit and publish large-scale professional calligraphy books such as Selected Calligraphy of Stele Ties of Successive Dynasties, Grand View of Chinese True Handicraft, etc., and wrote Chinese Calligraphy Art, Qin and Han Volumes, etc. In addition, in the field of cultural publishing, Su Shishu has always been a pioneer in rescuing cultural relics and books.
The main research scope of appreciation: stele, stele printing, stele, stone (mainly Shoushan stone), painting and calligraphy.