1934年——1941年 上学,读《四书》、《诗经》,临《多宝塔碑》。
1942年——1944年 在家当农民,临《芥子园画传》。
1945年——1948年 当农村教师,参加中华全国木刻协会函授班学木刻。
1948年——1953年 任《新洛阳报》、《湖北日报》美术编辑。
1953年——1960年 在湖北省美术工作室和湖北省群众艺术馆供职,木刻《牛群》、《套耙》和《山地冬播》参加全国美术展览、全国版画展览,出展东欧各国,选入《十年来版画全集 》。
1960年——1966年 任湖北艺术学院讲师和版画教研室主任。临摹历代碑帖和中外名画,常回故乡写生。木刻入选 法文版《中国古代 木刻》,出展日本及阿拉伯联合酋长国,中国美术馆和阿拉伯联合酋长国博物馆收藏。
1966年——1977年 在河南省群众艺术馆和河南省美术展览办公室供职,下放农村劳动四年,通读并选修河南省博物馆库藏碑帖,木刻赴瑞士展览。
1978年以来曾任河南省美术家协会和河南省书法家协会副主席、河南省美术家协会名誉主席、河南省书画院院长、1 级美术师,中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会、中国版画家协会常务理事,河南省第5 届人民代表大会代表,第六、七届全国人民代表大会代表,5 次率团访问日本。
经常跋涉黄河两岸,寻味高原幽情,努力 诗、书、画创作。多次参加全国美术展览和书法展览,出展日本、美国、新加坡、韩国、马来西亚和巴黎春季沙龙,入选《中国新兴版画5 十年全集 》、《中国新文艺大系·美术集》、《中国新文艺大系·书法集》、《中国古代 美术全集》、《新中国美术50年》、《20世纪中国美术》、日本、法国及东南亚各国出版的书画集。
为表彰他为发展中国文明 艺术事业做出的突出贡献,中华人民共和国国务院特决定1992年起发给政府特殊津贴并颁发证书,享用 毕生 。
1984年 《陈天然画集》由河南美术出版社出版。
1993年11月 大型精装《陈天然书画集》由河南美术出版社出版。
1994年8月 徐恩存著《诗情土地的跋涉者——陈天然的艺术世界》1 书,由河南人民出版社出版。
1994年11月 由河南省艺术研讨 所、《东方艺术》杂志社组织召开的“陈天然艺术研讨会”在郑州举行,会议历时三天,来自全国各地的美术评论家、艺术史学者、教授三十余人参加了研讨。
1995年1月 由中国美术家协会版画艺委会和河南美术出版社联合组织召开的“《陈天然书画集》首发式暨陈天然书画艺术座谈会”,在人民大会堂举行。
1996年5月 获中国版画家协会颁发的“鲁迅版画奖”。1996年6月 《陈天然诗稿》由河南人民出版社出版。1997年10月 获日本国际版画研讨 会特别设立的凤凰金奖。日本国际版画研讨 会会长片野孝志夫妇专程来郑州为先生颁奖。
2001年5月 荣获中国书法家协会荣誉奖。
2002年12月 《守望故园——陈天然艺术研讨 文集》(张啸东主编),由荣宝斋出版社出版。
河南省文联副主席、省美协主席刘杰说,陈天然先生是德高望重的著名书画家,更是一名 美术界的优秀领导者和伯乐。在他担任省美协、省书画院领导期间,为河南美术界提拔 了1 大批优秀的书画家到专业岗位,均取得了丰硕的艺术成果,成为河南省和全国有影响力的艺术家,为提升河南美术在全国的影响力打下坚实的基础并做出了严重 贡献。
作为新中国成立后成长起来的1 批河南老艺术家,陈天然通过美术作品着力体现中原风格和中原人文精神,毕生努力 于“中原画风”的凝聚、构成 和突破。在老艺术家的带动下,近年来河南省美术界人才辈出、佳作荟萃。陈天然先生是其中的代表人物,他的离世,是河南美术界的1 大损失。
2018年1月5日,著名书画家陈天然先生在郑州大学第1 附属病院 因病逝世,享年92岁。
Chen Natural (April 20, 1926 - January 5, 2018), born on April 20, 1926 in Baigouling, Heluo Town, Gongxian County, Henan Province (now Gongyi City). Contemporary Chinese calligraphers and painters, printmakers, poets. He was Vice-Chairman of Henan Calligrapher Association, Vice-Chairman and Honorary Chairman of Henan Artists Association, President of Henan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Executive Director of China Artists Association, Print Painters Association and Calligrapher Association, and Representative of the Sixth and Seventh National People's Congresses. Since 1992, he has enjoyed the special allowance of the State Council for life. Works of art are exhibited in spring salons in Japan, the United States, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and Paris. His works have won the Luxun Print Award and the Phoenix Gold Prize set up by Japan International Print Research Association.
On January 5, 2018, Mr. Chen Natural died of illness at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University at the age of 92.
From 1934 to 1941, he went to school and read "Four Books" and "Book of Songs" and Ling "The Tablet of the Multi-Pagoda".
From 1942 to 1944, he worked as a peasant at home, and came to "Biography of Mustard Seed Garden Painting".
From 1945 to 1948, he was a rural teacher and took part in the correspondence class of the All-China Woodcut Association to learn woodcut.
From 1948 to 1953, he was the art editor of Xinluoyang Daily and Hubei Daily.
From 1953 to 1960, he worked in Hubei Art Studio and Hubei Mass Art Museum. He participated in the national art exhibition and the national Printmaking Exhibition in woodcut "Cattle Crowd", "Set Rake" and "Mountain Winter Broadcasting". He exhibited various countries in Eastern Europe and was selected as "Selected Print Painting in the Past Ten Years".
From 1960 to 1966, he was a lecturer and director of Printmaking Teaching and Research Department of Hubei Art College. Reproduce the tablets and famous paintings of past dynasties, and often return to their hometown to sketch. Woodcarving is selected as the French edition of Modern Woodcarving in China, exhibiting the collections of Japan and the United Arab Emirates, the Chinese Art Museum and the Museum of the United Arab Emirates.
From 1966 to 1977, he served in Henan Mass Art Museum and Henan Art Exhibition Office. He devoted four years of rural labor to reading and choosing tablets in Henan Museum, and went to Switzerland for exhibition.
Since 1978, he has served as vice-chairman of Henan Artists Association and Henan Calligraphers Association, honorary chairman of Henan Artists Association, president of Henan Calligraphy and Painting Academy, first-class artist, executive director of China Artists Association, Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Print Painters Association, and representative of the Fifth People's Congress of Henan Province. Representatives of the Sixth and Seventh National People's Congresses led delegations to Japan five times.
Frequently traveling across the Yellow River, seeking the plateau, dedicated to poetry, calligraphy and painting creation. He has participated in many national art exhibitions and calligraphy exhibitions, and exhibited spring salons in Japan, the United States, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and Paris. He has been selected as Selected Works of Fifty Years of Emerging Chinese Printing, New Chinese Literature and Art Series, New Chinese Literature and Art Series, Calligraphy Series, Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art and New Chinese Art Series. Fifty Years of Chinese Art, 20th Century Chinese Art, and books and paintings published by Japan, France and Southeast Asian countries.
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of China's cultural and artistic undertakings, the State Council of the People's Republic of China has decided to issue special government allowances and certificates since 1992, and enjoy life-long benefits.
Chen Natural Painting Collection was published by Henan Fine Arts Publishing House in 1984.
In November 1993, a large hardcover collection of Chen Natural Calligraphy and Paintings was published by Henan Fine Arts Publishing House.
In August 1994, Xu Encun wrote The Trekker of Poetic Land - Chen Natural's Art World, which was published by Henan People's Publishing House.
In November 1994, the "Chen Natural Art Seminar" was held in Zhengzhou, organized by Henan Art Research Institute and Oriental Art Magazine. It lasted three days. More than 30 art critics, art historians and professors from all over the country participated in the seminar.
In January 1995, a symposium on "Chen Natural Calligraphy and Painting Collection" and Chen Natural Calligraphy and Painting Art was held in the Great Hall of the People, jointly organized by the Printing Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association and Henan Fine Arts Publishing House.
In May 1996, he was awarded the Luxun Print Print Award by the Chinese Print Artists Association. In June 1996, Chen Natural Poetry Draft was published by Henan People's Publishing House. In October 1997, he was awarded the Phoenix Gold Prize, which was set up by Japan International Print Research Association. The president of Japan International Print Research Association, Mr. and Mrs. Takashi Noguchi, came to Zhengzhou to present the prize for Mr. Noguchi.
In May 2001, he won the honorary prize of the Chinese Calligrapher Association.
Watching Hometown in December 2002