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1986.03——1990.04,江西省南昌市委副书记、副市长(分管常务工作)、市政府党组副书记;(其间:1988.09—1989.07在地方 党校中青年干部培训班学习,1986.04—1988.08中国行政函授大学行政管理系行政管理专业退职 大专学习)






 中国共产党的优秀党员,江西省人大常委会原副主任、江西省人民政府原副省长,全国、全省劳动模范蒋仲平同志因病治疗 有效 ,于2017年3月5日16时30分在南昌逝世,享年74岁。 

2017年3月9日上午,中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的虔诚 的共产主义兵士 ,江西省人大常委会原副主任、江西省人民政府原副省长蒋仲平同志送别典礼 在南昌市殡仪馆举行。

蒋仲平同志逝世后,习近平、李克强、刘云山、王岐山、张高丽、孟建柱、赵乐际、朱镕基、温家宝、吴官正、李铁映等分别以不同方式表示哀悼或送来花圈,对家属表示慰劳 。地方 组织部,中共江西省委、省人大常委会、省政府、省政协、省军区,安徽省政府,省直有关部门,蒋仲平同志家乡和生前工作过的单位等发来唁电或送来花圈。

江西省领导鹿心社、刘奇、黄跃金送来花圈;姚增科、周萌、谢亦森、龚建华、冯桃莲、郑为文、胡幼桃,老同志黄智权、舒圣佑、朱治宏等参加送别典礼 并送来花圈。




 蒋仲平同志勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业、克己奉公地工作和战役 了5 十多年,他的终身 ,是革命的终身 、战役 的终身 ,是全心全意为人民服务的终身 ,是为社会主义建设事业奋斗不息的终身 。

蒋仲平同志自参加工作时起,前后 在德安共青垦殖场工作25年之久,成为共青城建设和发展的亲历者和领导者。1966年,他带领大家成立了板鸭厂,当年就加工了11万只腊味板鸭,出口香港9万只,盈利9万元,使全场度过了最困难的时期。后来,他负责组建羽绒厂,面对1 无资金、二无技术的困境,他和同志们通宵达旦 奋战,终究 建成了鸭绒加工车间,第1 批生产的鸭绒背心立刻销售1 空。他带人到处跑码头,闯市场,使共青羽绒厂成为当时全国规模最大的羽绒厂,“鸭鸭”牌注册商标响遍大江南北,长城内外。他还前后 狠抓了共青酒厂、乐器厂、机械化养鸡场、古代 化养猪场建设。下大力气对场部驻地进行规划建设,使昔日钉螺为患、野兽出没的不毛之地崛起了1 座新型的小城镇。 

  蒋仲平同志的久远 目光 和出色 胆识、为共青城产业和城市发展作出的严重 贡献被誉为改革路上带头人。1984年6月,他被江西省政府授予“企业改革家”称号,荣获“改革贡献奖”。同年10月,他当选全国劳动模范,出席在北京召开的全国劳模、先进工作者表彰大会,并参加了国庆35周年庆典活动,登上了天安门观礼台,受到了邓小平等党和国家领导人接见。

蒋仲平同志担任南昌市委副书记、党委副市长时间 间,前后 分管城建、财贸、政法、外事侨务等工作,在全省十二城市创“三优”评比中,三年夺得“三连冠”,得到了地方 和省领导的好评。在担任市长时间 间,掌管 改造沿江路等旧城区;领导参与南昌火车站、昌北飞机场等交通枢纽的规划与建设;兴修 南昌大桥;建造了20多座市内立交桥,极大改善了南昌的交通状态 ,连上海市政府都前来参观取经。他还领导和组织创办国家级南昌经济技术开发区和南昌高新技术开发区;掌管 参与重建江南名楼“滕王阁”。为南昌经济社会发展留下了许多浓墨重彩、可圈可点的政绩。

蒋仲平同志担任江西省人民政府省长助理、副省长时间 间,满腔热情地投入工作,协助省长抓流通和对外开放等工作,同样以开拓创新、敢为人先的勇气推进商贸改革,繁荣城乡市场,扩大省际合作。特别是在按捺 通货膨胀、控制物价上涨方面,认真贯彻落实地方 和省委、省政府的严重 决策部署,较好地完成宏观调控各项目标任务,按照建设大市场、发展大贸易、搞活大流通的要求,深入调查研讨 ,奋力攻坚克难,全面深化改革,转换机制,开拓经营,大力扭亏为盈,较好地提高了经济增长的质量和效益,胜利完成了省政府的目标任务。他在担任江西省人大常委会副主任期间,认真履行 人大常委会的各项决议,依法履行地方人大的工作职责。在制定地方性法规,进行法律监督和工作监督等方面作出了积极努力,为加强社会主义民主法治建设,促进深化改革和科学发展作出了重要贡献。

蒋仲平同志还是一名 书法艺术爱好者,几十年来,他在工作之余对书法艺术孳孳 不倦地寻求 探索,曾任中国书法家协会会员、江西省书法家协会名誉主席、中国工艺美术协会履行 会长、首席顾问,《中国工艺美术全集》领导小组副组长。多次参加全国和省市工艺展览、会议,亲临指点 工作,许多作品参加各类大展,被收编成集。

蒋仲平同志在5 十多年的革命工作生涯中,对党和人民无穷 虔诚 ,始终保持坚强的无产阶级党性。他始终不渝地坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,认真学习“三个代表”重要思想,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,深入学习贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、5 中、六中和习近平同志系列重要讲话精神,在大是大非面前立场坚定,旗帜鲜明,始终不渝地坚守党的主旨 ,始终不渝地把党和人民的事业放在第一名 ,处处以党和人民的利益为重,对党赤胆忠心,对人民满腔热情,殚精竭虑,把本身 的终身 忘我 地献给了党和人民。

蒋仲平同志对工作极端热忱,始终服从党和组织的安排,顾大局,识大体,哪里需求 就到哪里去,不管 到哪里都认真地履行 党的路线方针和政策,兢兢业业、勤勤恳恳,殚精竭虑地为党为人民工作;他长时间 在不同的地方担任领导工作,但从不居功自负 ,从不搞特殊化,而是坚持把本身 作为革命队伍中的普通1 员,以身作则,率先垂范,埋头苦干。

蒋仲平同志坚持民主集中制准绳 ,坚持党的集体领导制度,襟怀 坦荡、光明磊落、风格 民主,重视 听取不同意见,置信 群众、热爱群众,坚持走群众路线。他严于律己,宽以待人。他廉洁奉公,生活俭朴,淡泊名利,对家属、子女和身边工作人员要求严厉 。他的革命精神和崇高品德,受到广大干部和群众的敬佩。

我们要化悲痛为力量,学习他的革命精神、崇高品德和良好 风格 ,开拓进取,务虚 无为 ,为决胜全面建成小康社会、建设富裕美丽幸福江西作出新的更大贡献!


Introduction in English

 Jiang Zhongping (January 1944 - March 2017), male, Han, Hanshan, Anhui Province, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1970, and worked in September 1959 with an in-service junior college degree. Comrade Jiang Zhongping is an excellent member of the Communist Party of China, a long-tested and loyal communist fighter, former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress and former vice-governor of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government.


At 16:30 on March 5, 2017, Comrade Jiang Zhongping died in Nanchang at the age of 74, ineffective because of illness.


Personal Resume


1959.09-1966.09, correspondent, accountant, captain of forestry team, apprentice of Jiujiang Foreign Trade Salted Duck Factory, Nanhu Animal Farm, De'an County, Jiangxi Province;


1966.09-1970.06, director of workshop, Secretary of League branch and deputy director of salted duck factory of Gongqing Reclamation Farm, Jiangxi Province;


1970.06-1971.10, Secretary and Director of the Party Branch of the Salted Duck Factory of Gongqing Reclamation Farm, Jiangxi Province;


1971.10-1974.08, Secretary and Director of the Party Branch of Down Factory of Gongqing Reclamation Farm, Jiangxi Province;


1974.08-1978.03, Vice Secretary and Vice Director of the Party Committee of the Communist Qing Reclamation Farm, Jiangxi Province;


1978.03-1982.12, Member of the De'an County Committee of Jiangxi Province, Deputy Secretary, Field Director, Secretary and Field Director of the Party Committee of the Communist Youth Reclamation Farm;


1982.12-1983.02, Member of Standing Committee of De'an County Committee of Jiangxi Province, Secretary and Director of Party Committee of Communist Youth Reclamation Farm;


1983.02-1984.06, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of De'an County, Jiangxi Province, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Communist Youth Reclamation Farm and Director of the Field;


1984.06-1986.03, Deputy Secretary of Nanchang Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government of Jiangxi Province;


1986.03-1990.04, Deputy Secretary of Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Mayor (in charge of executive work) and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government of Jiangxi Province; (During the period 1988.09-1989.07, he studied in the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School, 1986.04-1988.08, he majored in administration in the Department of Administrative Management of China University of Administrative Correspondence)


1990.04-1993.08, Deputy Secretary of Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Acting Mayor, Mayor and Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government of Jiangxi Province;


1993.08-1998.01, Assistant to the Governor of Jiangxi Province and Member of the Party Group;


1998.01-2003.01, Vice Governor and Party Member of Jiangxi Provincial Government;


From January 2003 to February 2008, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress and member of the Party Leadership Group.

Paul Mauriat's History


Comrade Jiang Zhongping has worked and fought diligently, conscientiously and confidently in public for more than fifty years. His life is a life of revolution and struggle, a life of serving the people wholeheartedly, and a life of constant struggle for the cause of socialist construction.


Comrade Jiang Zhongping has worked in the Communist Youth Reclamation Farm in De'an for 25 years since he took part in the work. He has become the experience and leader of the construction and development of the Communist Youth City. In 1966, he led us to set up a salted duck factory. In that year, 110,000 salted salted ducks were processed, and 90,000 were exported to Hong Kong, making a profit of 90,000 yuan, which made the whole hall through the most difficult period. Later, he was responsible for setting up a down factory. Faced with the plight of no capital and no technology, he and his comrades fought day and night to build a down processing workshop. The first batch of Down Vest sold out immediately. He led people to run around the dock and enter the market, making the Gongqing Down Factory the largest down factory in the country at that time. The registered trademark of "duck and duck" brand was heard all over the north and south of the Yangtze River, inside and outside the Great Wall. He also paid close attention to the construction of Gongqing Winery, Musical Instrument Factory, Mechanized Chicken Farm and Modern Pig Farm. With great efforts to plan and construct the site, a new type of small town has emerged in the barren land where snails and wild animals used to infect.


Comrade Jiang Zhongping's long-term vision, outstanding courage and great contribution to the industry and urban development of the Communist Youth City have been praised as the leader on the road of reform. In June 1984, he was awarded the title of "Enterprise Reformer" by Jiangxi Provincial Government and won the "Reform Contribution Award". In October of the same year, he was elected as a national model worker, attended the National Congress of praise for model workers and advanced workers held in Beijing, and participated in the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the National Day. He boarded the Tiananmen Observatory and was received by Deng Xiaoping and other party and state leaders.


During his tenure as Deputy Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor of the Party Committee, Comrade Jiang Zhongping successively took charge of urban construction, finance and trade, political and legal affairs, overseas Chinese affairs and other work. He won the "three consecutive championships" in three years in the evaluation of "three excellent" in twelve cities of the province and was praised by the central and provincial leaders. During his tenure as mayor, he presided over the renovation of old urban areas such as Yanjiang Road, participated in the planning and construction of transportation hubs such as Nanchang Railway Station and Changbei Airport, constructed Nanchang Bridge, built more than 20 interchanges in the city, greatly improved the traffic situation in Nanchang, and even the Shanghai Municipal Government came to visit and draw lessons. He also led and organized the establishment of the national-level Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Nanchang High-tech Development Zone, and participated in the reconstruction of the famous building Tengwang Pavilion in the south of the Yangtze River. For the economic and social development of Nanchang has left many impressive achievements.


During his tenure as assistant governor and deputy governor of Jiangxi Province, Comrade Jiang Zhongping devoted himself enthusiastically to helping the governor grasp circulation and opening up to the outside world. He also promoted the reform of Commerce and trade with the courage of pioneering innovation and daring to take the lead, flourished urban and rural markets and expanded inter-provincial cooperation. Especially in curbing inflation and controlling price rise, we should conscientiously implement the major decision-making arrangements of the central and provincial Party committees and provincial governments, better accomplish the objectives and tasks of macro-control, conduct in-depth investigations and studies in accordance with the requirements of building large markets, developing large trade and invigorating large circulation, and strive to overcome difficulties in an all-round way and in-depth manner. Reform, transformation of mechanism, development and operation, and vigorously turning losses into profits, have improved the quality and efficiency of economic growth, and successfully accomplished the objectives and tasks of the provincial government. During his deputy term of office of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, he earnestly implemented the resolutions of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress and fulfilled the duties of the local people's congresses according to law. Active efforts have been made in the formulation of local laws and regulations, legal supervision and work supervision. They have made important contributions to strengthening the construction of socialist democracy and the rule of law, promoting deepening reform and scientific development.

Comrade Jiang Zhongping is also a calligraphy art enthusiast. For decades, he has pursued and explored the art of calligraphy tirelessly after his work. He has been a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, honorary chairman of Jiangxi Calligrapher Association, executive chairman and chief consultant of the Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, and a leader of the Complete Works of Chinese Arts and Crafts. Vice group leader. He has participated in many national and provincial craft exhibitions and conferences, personally guided the work, and many works have participated in various exhibitions, which have been compiled into collections.


Comrade Jiang Zhongping has been infinitely loyal to the Party and the people and has always maintained a strong proletarian Party spirit in his revolutionary career of more than 50 years. He unswervingly adheres to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, earnestly studies the important thought of "Three Representatives", thoroughly implements the scientific outlook on development, and thoroughly studies and implements the spirit of Comrade Xi Jinping's series of important speeches at the Eighteenth National Congress and the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Central Committees of the Eighteenth CPC. The former stand is firm, the banner is clear, and the Party's purpose is unswervingly adhered to, the cause of the Party and the people is always put in the first place, the interests of the Party and the people are given priority, the Party is absolutely loyal to the people, full of enthusiasm, exhaustive efforts, and selflessly devoted his life to the Party and the people.


Comrade Jiang Zhongping is extremely enthusiastic about his work. He always obeys the arrangements of the Party and its organizations, considers the overall situation, understands the general situation, goes wherever he needs, conscientiously implements the Party's line, principles and policies wherever he goes, and works conscientiously, diligently and diligently for the Party and the people. He has been a leader in different places for a long time. Guiding work, but never arrogant, never special, but adhere to their own ranks as an ordinary member of the revolutionary team, set an example, take the lead, and work hard.


Comrade Jiang Zhongping adheres to the principle of democratic centralism, adheres to the collective leadership system of the Party, is open-minded, open-minded and democratic in style, pays attention to listening to different opinions, believes in and loves the masses, and adheres to the mass line. He is strict with himself and lenient with others. He is honest, honest, frugal, indifferent to fame and wealth, and strict with his family members, children and staff. His revolutionary spirit and noble moral character are admired by the cadres and the masses.


We should turn grief into strength, learn from his revolutionary spirit, lofty moral character and fine style of work, forge ahead, be pragmatic and promising, and make new and greater contributions to the success of building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a prosperous, beautiful and happy Jiangxi Province.


Comrade Jiang Zhongping, rest in peace!




