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姜昆 - 姜昆、唐国强、郁钧剑的书法感言

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姜昆,全国政协委员、中国曲艺家协会分党组书记。国家1 级演员,全国政协委员,中国文联委员,中国曲艺家协会副主席,中华曲艺学会会长。 1950年生,山东黄县人。创作表演 的《如此照相》荣获中国金唱片奖,《新兵小传》、《虎口遥想 》前后 获全国创作表演1 等奖。

1985——1995年担任中国广播说唱团团长时间 间,带领说唱团完成历史性的赴台湾宝岛的首次表演 ,率团在世界数十个国家进行过访问、表演。1992年组织编纂《中国传统相声大全》,任名誉主编,以后 出版了《中国传统山东快书大全》,《中国传统鼓词大全》等书。

中国著名的相声表演艺术家,曾经是黑龙江生产建设兵团十六团的兵团兵士 。十六岁,在北京灯市口中学初三毕业后,还没有拿到毕业证书,就赶上了文明 大革命。75年被选到黑龙江代表队,预备 了半年,76年到了北京参加全国曲艺汇 演。78年底,他以最年轻的代表身份,参加了文革后的 全国“第四届文代会”,并被选为中国曲艺家协会理事。地方 电视台1983年的春节联欢晚会,选中了他当掌管 人,并参加创作。自此,他又开始了他艺术生涯的1 个新的阶段。十几年的连续参加,他奉献了中国人民1 个又1 个精品相声:错走了这1 步、老奶奶看排球、虎口遥想 、电梯风波、焦急 、学唱歌、照相——等等。 1985年,姜昆当选了中国曲艺家协会的副主席。同年,他接替他的恩师马 季,担任了中国广播说唱团团长的职务,并在这1 年被选为中华青年联合会常委。1995年,他辞去了中国广播说唱团团长的职务,担任了由他在90年创立的中华曲艺学会会长,潜心在相声领域里在奋斗1 番。他编辑的200万字的《中国传统相声大全》,成为研讨 中国相声珍贵的权威性材料 。 他创作的《姜昆相声集》是中国相声人手1 册的教科书。
98年他出版的自传体的《笑面人生》1 书, 第1 年销售突破四十5 万册大关,在中国销售排行榜上名列第二。1998年,年近5 十的姜昆又有了新的安排:创办中国相声网,把世界的笑引向中国,把中国的笑洒向世界。


十六岁,在北京灯市口中学初三毕业后,还没有拿到毕业证书,就赶上了文明 大革命。
1975年,被选到黑龙江代表队,预备 了半年。
1978年底,他以最年轻的代表身份,参加了文革后的 全国“第四届文代会”,并被选为中国曲艺家协会理事。
地方 电视台1983年的春节联欢晚会,选中了他当掌管 人,并参加创作。
自此,他又开始了他艺术生涯的1 个新的阶段。十几年的连续参加,他奉献了中国人民1 个又1 个精品相声:错走了这1 步、老奶奶看排球、虎口遥想 、电梯风波、焦急 、学唱歌、照相……等等。
同年,他接替他的恩师马季,担任了中国广播说唱团团长的职务,并在这1 年被选为中华青年联合会常委。
1995年,他辞去了中国广播说唱团团长的职务,担任了由他在90年创立的中华曲艺学会会长,潜心在相声领域里在奋斗1 番。他编辑的200万字的《中国传统相声大全》,成为研讨 中国相声珍贵的权威性材料 。 他创作的《姜昆相声集》是中国相声人手1 册的教科书。
1998年他出版的自传体的《笑面人生》1 书,第1 年销售突破四十5 万册大关,在中国销售排行榜上名列第二。
1998年,年近5 十的姜昆又有了新的安排:创办中国相声网,把世界的笑引向中国,把中国的笑洒向世界。
2011年3月2日,姜昆透露,他已离任 中国曲艺家协会分党组书记职务,新职务是中国文学艺术基金会秘书长。他表示,已 报名申请非物资 文明 遗产传承人,并要将巴黎中国曲艺节推展下去。


著名相声表演艺术家,享用 国务院专家津贴,知名相声演员,现任中国广播艺术团说唱团国家特1 级演员,曾担任中国广播说唱团团长职务十年之久。现任中国曲艺家协会党组书记、副主席。 姜昆是相声大师马季的得意高徒,三十多年来,他创作表演了上百段相声作品,代表作品有《如此照相》、《诗歌与爱情》、《虎口遥想 》、《电梯风波》、《特大旧事 》、《精彩网络》等。在国内及海外华人两头 引发 巨大反响。他还创作出国内第1 部大型相声剧《明春曲》,在国内外表演 了近百场,并搬上了人民大会堂的舞台,受到了各界的分歧 好评。 2003 年姜昆还被中国文联授予全国“”艺术家的光荣称号。


说起姜昆和妻子李静民这对模范夫妻来,业界朋友们没有不伸大拇指的,这对当年也算是1 见钟情的艺术夫妇,不管 世态如何沧桑及世事如何变迁,他们夫妇坚实安定 的婚姻从未爆出过花边传闻。说起当年他们的邂逅奇遇结良缘,这就要说起当年那场文明 大运动风暴,当年姜昆和很多热血青年1 样,在伟大领袖的光辉思想指引下,身穿绿军装而朝气蓬勃的奔赴大革命所需求 的最前线;黑龙江省的北大荒生产建设兵团。当年在奔驰的火车上,姜昆在组织宣扬 活动中,邂逅结识了文静秀雅的姑娘李静民。面对这位容貌秀美而歌声嘹亮的姑娘,姜昆与她连续合作演唱了多首歌曲,他们两人默契的合作,博得大家的热烈掌声。从此,李静民的倩影就深深地留在姜昆的内心,而李静民在彼此 默契的合作交流中,也对姜昆的开朗和真诚产生了深深的好感。

当年他们到达建设兵团后,两人没有分在相反 连队,但是他们两人已 心有灵犀的将思念紧紧相连了。青山遮不住,终将东流去;终究 两人在黑土白云的北大荒相恋了。当时姜昆在建设兵团的生活可谓是波折坎坷,即使在姜昆处于最困苦艰难的时刻,李静民坚定信心 而不惧人言,决然 与姜昆并肩向前而彼此 扶持,共同留下毕生 难忘的风雨同舟记忆。后来在姜昆的顽强进取下,他创编表演 的相声作品《林海红鹰》震动 打响,随着如潮的好评和日趋增长的影响力,终究 姜昆被中国相声界大师马季先生慧眼识才。经过努力姜昆终究 回到北京,而且踏进了中国广播艺术团说唱团的专业大门。后来随着李静民也进京踏入广播艺术团的大门,他们成为了婚恋的伴侣和同事,而李静民的曲艺说唱成就 也得到淋漓尽致的发挥。随后数年两人的感情终究 瓜熟蒂落。

随后在七七年初时,姜昆与李静民而喜结良缘,无情 人终成眷属。随后两年姜昆夫妇的女儿姜姗出生了。由于姜昆与妻子平时忙于表演 工作,所以跟女儿在一同 的时间不多,因而 只需 姜昆和女儿在一同 时,姜昆总会设法补偿本身 对孩子缺少的亲情。姜姗自幼喜欢唱歌跳舞,或许是父亲的遗传所致,姜姗对声音和动作总能模仿得活灵活现 。女儿姜姗初中时,她背着家人参加了北京市中先生 相干 艺术节,结果她获得了通俗歌曲比赛的第一位 。随后,小姜姗又开始参加各类相干 表演 活动。随着小姜姗在春节联欢晚会等系列活动的频繁露面,姜昆逐渐 发现女儿随着不断进步的自满和浮躁,为让女儿能够踏实进取,姜昆则安排女儿前往澳洲去学习深造。随后姜昆夫妇在联系安排好相干 学校后,在深情的嘱托中,女儿姜姗首次踏上留学澳洲的人生之路。

在女儿留学澳洲的日子里,姜昆时常写信鼓励女儿的学业和生活,而姜姗在澳洲期间的学习成绩也非常出色。终究 毕业时,姜姗以优良 的毕业成绩,获得在世界各地六所著名院校而选择继续就读的机会。姜姗在父母的参考下,选择了美国的相干 院校,随后顺利得获得了录取通知书。可以想象姜昆夫妇的喜悦无以言表,非常高兴女儿的进取事迹 。在女儿办理去美国留学之前,姜昆特意带女儿前往黑龙江省的北大荒地区,面对父母曾经共同生活和工作的环境,小姜姗深有感触而深切明白父母的用心,这次北大荒之行的教育意义,可以说对女儿的影响非常深远。随着女儿在美国的刻苦努力,终究 姜珊以优良 的学习成绩,从美国的高等学府顺利的毕业归国。如今姜姗已 与留学美国时的华裔同学结为夫妇,两人在北京联袂创业从事相干 影视工作。

除去姜昆的女儿外,关于姜昆夫妇特殊的儿子也堪称佳话。当年姜昆在1 次前往社会福利院期间,在天真纯情的孩子们当中 ,有个刚刚两周岁前后的小男孩,始终紧紧跟随在姜昆的身边,同时还甜甜地叫姜昆为爸爸,被这孩子的天真天真 而深深感动的姜昆,随即萌发出收养孩子的念头。随后,姜昆带着妻子李静民再次来到福利院,面对着孩子童真纯朴的向李静民不停的叫着妈妈,李静民感动地答应着天真的孩子。经过夫妻的意见统1 ,这个名叫小姜何的孩子就正式地成为了姜家的成员。而姜昆夫妇就像对待亲生孩子那样,对于姜何给予安排接受了良好的学习教育。如今已 成了大男孩的姜何,在姜昆夫妇的考虑下,针对孩子的本身 特点而让他选择了杂技事业,后来再安排姜何进入杂技团从事专业的学习训练,期待着小姜何的人生进取。


2011年7月,“打假斗士”方舟子向乐嘉开炮,称乐嘉出版的著作中所谓“获得过美国阿姆斯壮大学工商管理硕士学位”,涉及学历造假,指阿姆斯壮大学是王姓华人于1996年在加州注册的“野鸡学校”,上世纪末本世纪初曾在国内卖文凭,如今 已关闭。“学历门”波及更多名人,有媒体指姜昆等人也是该校“著名校友”。
《壹周刊》指出:要获该大学颁发世界杰出华人连同荣誉博士衔约需七十万港元,但由该校颁发的学位及衔头名存实亡 ,申请政府职位或升学进修时不会获承认。而著名相声演员姜昆和香港演艺界 著名人士钟景辉、陈妙瑛和张玉珊,都在2007年度获得过该校的博士学位。对此,有网友表示,“看来不能深挖,连累 太多”。更有人同病相怜 地表示,“我有种感觉,乐嘉和方舟子都将不再是配角 ,姜昆同志将以其主流相声和非主流学位,成为全部 事件的焦点……”也有网友认为,“打假”姜昆并无技术含量,“听相声不看文凭,打假打点有质量的”。

姜昆助理表示,姜昆在2007年2月11日,和李昌钰等名人一同 在香港会展中心被授予世界杰出华人奖,同时被美国哈姆斯顿大学授予荣誉博士学位。该“世界杰出华人奖颁奖典礼暨美国哈姆斯顿大学荣誉博士学位颁授典礼 ”是由世界华商投资基金会、美国美亚发展协会主办。“世界杰出华人奖”旨在表彰世界杰出华人对世界各地华人和社会所做出的贡献。金庸、成龙此前也获得过该项大奖。而姜昆是首个获得世界杰出华人奖的中国内地艺术家,也是第1 个被美国哈姆斯顿大学授予荣誉博士学位的中国内地艺术家。主办方是这样评价姜昆的:姜昆博士相声大师,承前启后。著名相声表演艺术家姜昆博士,在继承和发展相声艺术上不断创新,是中国新1 代悲剧 及幽默艺术的代表人物。他“把中国的欢笑洒向全世界,把世界的欢笑引进中国”。

有种说法认为,阿姆斯壮大学又译哈姆斯顿大学或阿姆斯特朗大学,是美国加州湾区的1 家私立大学,在联合国的国际大学联盟的数据库中并无这所大学的材料 ,亦无国际商管评审机构的认证和六大地区的认证。而姜昆本人并未关注到这条旧事 ,在听记者解释以后 ,姜昆透过助理表示,对乐嘉所谓“美国阿姆斯壮大学工商管理硕士学位”并不了解,与本身 获颁的“荣誉博士”不可混为1 谈,当年也未交任何费用。
北京青年报(文/记者 满羿 见习记者 周丹 张雅 线索提供/杨女士)在美国,著名相声演员姜昆被卷入了1 场集体诉讼案中,并成为了被告。
尽管姜昆曾经声明与相干 企业有关 ,他在美国的律师也提出如果没有实证,姜昆会以诽谤、不实指控等罪名向对方律师提出控诉,但是被告 律师刘龙珠已 决心将官司打到底,并向姜昆的律师提出在本月22日当面对质的挑战。
实际上,这是1 场与“欺骗 ”有关的案子。刘龙珠所代表的华裔们针对的是1 家名叫富豪集团的企业。9月29日,这家位于洛杉矶的华人公司遭到了查封。该公司被指利用1 种名为“瑰宝 币”的虚拟货币以传销方式来欺骗投资者,而姜昆的照片成为他们宣扬 “瑰宝 币”的材料。

English Introduction

Jiang Kun, member of the CPPCC National Committee, China quyi Artists Association of Party secretary. The actors at the national level, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of China Federation members, China Artists Association, chairman of the Chinese Quyi society. Born in 1950, Shandong province people. The creation and performance of the "camera" Chinese won the gold record award, "biography", "tiger recruits reverie" has won the national first prize of performance creation.
1985 - 1995 China served as the head of the rap group during the broadcast, leading the rap group to complete the historic debut in Taiwan Island, led a delegation visited dozens of countries in the world show. 1992 "Chinese compilation of traditional cross talk Daquan", served as honorary chief editor, published after the traditional "Chinese Shandong Dagu Daquan", "traditional" and other books Chinese Guci daquan.
1988 creation of Chinese rap art center. The Chinese folk art society founded in 1990. Create a "man" China Kunpeng network 1999 crosstalk (www.kpword.com) and won the title of "China Shijie network".
Chinese famous crosstalk performance artist, once was Heilongjiang production and Construction Corps sixteen regiment Corps soldiers. At the age of sixteen, in Beijing Dengshikou junior high school after graduation, also did not get a diploma, to catch up with the cultural revolution. 75 years was elected to the Heilongjiang team, for half a year, 76 years to Beijing to participate in the national folk art festival. By the end of 78, he represented the youngest identity in the country, after the Cultural Revolution "fourth text", and was selected as the China quyi artists association. CCTV 1983 Spring Festival Gala, selected him as the host, and participate in the creation. Since then, he has begun a new stage in his artistic career. For ten years, he devoted Chinese people a fine comic: wrong to take this step, the old grandma watching volleyball, tiger reverie, lift storm, anxious, learn singing, photography - etc.. In 1985, Jiang Kun was elected vice chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association Chinese. The same year, he succeeded his mentor Ma Ji, served as head of the rap group Chinese broadcast duties, and in that year was elected the Youth Federation committee. In 1995, he resigned as head of the rap group Chinese broadcast duties, as set up by him in 90 years of Chinese Folk Art Association, concentrated in the comic field in struggle. He edited 200 words of "China traditional crosstalk Daquan" has become a research China, comic authoritative precious material. He created the "Jiang Kun" is Chinese comic comic book everyone has a copy.
For 98 years he published the autobiographical book "smile", the first year sales exceeded four hundred and fifty thousand copies, ranked second in the China sales charts. In 1998, nearly fifty of Jiang Kun has a new arrangement: founder of China crosstalk network, the world's laughter led to China, China's smile to the world.
Apprentice: Liu Hui, Deng Xiaolin, Liu Quanli, birch, mountain, Liu Quanhe, Zhao Weiguo, Li Daonan, Lu Ming, Xu Yong, Xia Wenlan, Ni Ming, Tang Aiguo, Qi Liqiang, Xu Wen, Guo Dan, Cao Shuguang period, and so many.

At the age of sixteen, in Beijing Dengshikou junior high school after graduation, also did not get a diploma, to catch up with the cultural revolution.
1975, was elected to the Heilongjiang team, ready for six months.
1976 to Beijing to participate in the national folk art festival.
By the end of 1978, he represented the youngest identity in the country, after the Cultural Revolution "fourth text", and was selected as the China quyi artists association.
CCTV 1983 Spring Festival Gala, selected him as the host, and participate in the creation.
Since then, he has begun a new stage in his artistic career. For ten years, he devoted Chinese people a fine comic: wrong to take this step, the old grandma watching volleyball, tiger reverie, lift storm, anxious, learn singing, photography...... Wait。
In 1985, Jiang Kun was elected vice chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association Chinese.
The same year, he succeeded his mentor Ma Ji, served as head of the rap group Chinese broadcast duties, and in that year was elected the Youth Federation committee.
In 1995, he resigned as head of the rap group Chinese broadcast duties, as set up by him in 90 years of Chinese Folk Art Association, concentrated in the comic field in struggle. He edited 200 words of "China traditional crosstalk Daquan" has become a research China, comic authoritative precious material. He created the "Jiang Kun" is Chinese comic comic book everyone has a copy.
In 1998 he published the autobiographical book "smile", the first year sales exceeded four hundred and fifty thousand copies, ranked second in the China sales charts.
In 1998, nearly fifty of Jiang Kun has a new arrangement: founder of China crosstalk network, the world's laughter led to China, China's smile to the world.
In March 2, 2011, Jiang Kun said, he retired China Artists Association of party secretary positions, the new position is China literary arts foundation Secretary general. He said, for the person of the intangible cultural heritage has signed up, and to Paris China forward folk festival.

Famous crosstalk performing artists, enjoy the State Council expert allowance, well-known crosstalk actor, the current China Radio Art Troupe rap national special level actor, served as head of China Radio and rap group ten years. Vice chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association of party secretary, Chinese. Jiang Kun is a comic master Ma Ji proud gaotu, thirty years, he wrote and performed hundreds of comic works, works on behalf of "camera", "poetry and love", "tiger", "Daydream lift storm", "big news", "wonderful" network etc.. In the domestic and overseas Chinese caused great repercussions. He also created a large domestic comic first drama song "spring", at home and abroad show nearly 100 field, and onto the stage of the Great Hall of the people, by the unanimous praise from all walks of life. In 2003, Jiang Kun was awarded the National Federation of the honorable title of Chinese "artists".

Speaking of Jiang Kun and his wife Li Jingmin the model couple, no industry friends thumbs, this year it was love at first sight art couple, no matter how the world changes and how things change, they were solid marriage never broke off rumors of lace. Speaking of when they encounter romance, it is necessary to talk about the year that field cultural movement of the storm, when Jiang Kunhe a lot of blood, in the glorious guidance of great leaders, wearing green uniforms and rushed to the forefront of revolution full of youthful spirit needed in Heilongjiang province; the Great Northern Wilderness production and construction corps. In the Mercedes Benz on the train, Jiang Kun in the campaign organization, met met quiet girl Li Jingmin. In the face of the beautiful appearance and singing girl, Jiang Kun and her continuous cooperation sang a lot of songs, two of them tacit cooperation, won warm applause. Since then, Li Jingmin shadows deep in the heart of Jiang Kun, and Li Jingmin in the mutual understanding and cooperative communication, but also for Jiang Kun's cheerful and sincere deeply.
When they arrived at the Construction Corps, two people not in the same company, but two of them have the heart will be closely linked to the missing. Castle not cover the will to the East; the final two in the black clouds in the Great Northern Wilderness fell in love. Jiang Kun was in the Construction Corps life can be described as twists and turns rough, even in the most difficult moments in Jiang Kun, Li Jingmin faith without fear of criticism, and Jiang Kun decided to forward together and support each other, to leave an unforgettable memory stand together through storm and stress. Later in Jiang Kun's indomitable spirit, show him to create comic works "Red Eagle" Linhai shock started, with rave reviews and the growing influence, Jiang Kun was ultimately Chinese crosstalk Master Mr. Ma Ji spot. After efforts Jiang Kun finally returned to Beijing, and stepped into the China Radio Art Troupe rap professional door. Later, with Li Jingmin also entered the gate of Beijing broadcasting art troupe, they become the marriage partner and colleague, Lee Jingmin of folk rap has played most incisive attainments. The next few years the feelings of the two final fruits fall off when ripe.
Then in early 77, Jiang Kun and Li Jingmin married, married lovers. Then two years Jiang Kun couple daughter Jiang Shan was born. Because Jiang Kun and his wife are usually busy performing work, so with his daughter's time is not much, so as long as the daughter and her together, Jiang Kun always try to compensate for their lack of affection for children. Jiang Shan childhood love singing and dancing, may be caused by genetic father, Jiang Shan of sound and movement always imitate weimiaoweixiao. Daughter Jiang Shan junior high school, she is carrying a family to participate in the relevant section of the city of Beijing art school, she won the first game of the popular songs. Subsequently, Xiaojiang Shan and began to participate in all kinds of activities related to the performance. With Xiao Shan in the Spring Festival Gala series of activities such as frequent appearances, Jiang Kun gradually found his daughter with the continuous progress of complacency and impetuous, to let his daughter to solid progress, Jiang Kun arranged her daughter to Australia to study. Then Jiang Kun and his wife in arrange related school, in affectionate exhortations, daughter Jiang Shan first set foot on the road of life in australia.
The daughter of Australia Day, Jiang Kun often wrote to encourage her daughter's school and life, and ginger Shan in Australia during learning achievement is also very good. The final graduation, Jiang Shan with excellent grades, get around the world six famous universities and choose to continue studying opportunities. Jiang Shan in the parents' reference, select the relevant institutions of the United States, then successfully got the admission notice. Imagine Jiang Kun couple joy without words, very happy daughter's aggressive performance. In their children to study in the United States before Jiang Kun had brought her daughter to the Heilongjiang province the Great Northern Wilderness area, facing the parents have common life and work environment, Jiang Shanshen feeling and deep understand parents' intentions, the trip to the Great Northern Wilderness's education significance, it can be said that the impact on her daughter's very profound. With her daughter's hard work in the United States, and ultimately Jiang Shan with excellent academic performance, graduated from the United States higher institutions graduated smoothly. Now a study in the United States and has Jiang Shan Chinese classmates married, two people engaged in film and television work in Beijing in business.
Remove the daughter of Jiang Kun, the son of Jiang Kun a couple of special is also well received. Jiang Kun was in a period to social welfare, in the naive innocent children, has just two years before and after the little boy, always follow in Jiang Kun's side, also called Jiang Kun sweet daddy, is this child's innocence and deeply moved by Jiang Kun, then a adorable child's adoption idea. Subsequently, Jiang Kun with his wife Li Jingmin once again came to the orphanage, facing the child simple to keep Li Jingmin called her mother, Li Jingmin moved to innocent children. After a unified opinion of the couple, the child named Xiao Jiang ho officially became a member of Jiang family. And Jiang Kun couple treat their own children, as to why Jiang gave arrangements to receive a good learning education. Now a big boy in Jiang Kun's ginger, consider, for children's own characteristics and let him choose the acrobatic career, then he entered the circus for ginger engaged in professional training, looking forward to Jiang He's life ahead.

Accused of money to buy a doctor
In July 2011, the fake fighters Fang fired to Le Jia, said Le Jia published in the so-called "won the MBA" Armstrong University, relates to the fabrication of academic credentials, the Armstrong university is surnamed Wang, Chinese registered in California in 1996 of the "pheasant school", at the end of last century. In the domestic selling diplomas now, have been shut down. Degree gate spread more celebrities, the media refers to Jiang Kun, who is also the school famous alumni".
"One week" pointed out: to be the world outstanding Chinese University awarded honorary title together with about seven hundred thousand dollars, but issued by the school's degree and title is nominal, apply for government jobs or their studies will not be admitted. The well-known crosstalk actor Jiang Kun and Hongkong showbiz celebrities, Mariane Chan and Shirley Cheung, were in the 2007 year of the school received a doctorate in the degree of Zhong Jinghui. In this regard, some netizens said, "it seems unable to dig deep, implicate too much". More people gloatingly said, "I have a feeling that Le Jia and Fang will no longer be the protagonist, comrade Jiang Kun will be the mainstream and non mainstream crosstalk degrees, become the focus of the entire event......" Also the netizen thinks, "fake" Jiang Kun has no technical content, "listen to the dialogue at the diploma, fake quality management".
Assistant Jiang Kun said Jiang Kun in February 11, 2007, Li Changyu and other celebrities together in Hongkong Exhibition Center was awarded the world outstanding Chinese Award, while the United States Armstrong university awarded an honorary doctorate. The "world outstanding Chinese honorary doctorate awards and American Armstrong University award ceremony by the world Chinese investment fund, sponsored by the American Association of Asian development. World outstanding Chinese award aims to commend the world's outstanding Chinese contribution to the Chinese and society around the world. Jin Yong, Jackie Chan had also won the award. Jiang Kun is the first to receive the world outstanding Chinese Award Chinese mainland artists, was the first American Armstrong university awarded an honorary doctorate of China mainland artists. This is the organizers of Jiang Kun: Dr. Jiang Kun, a master of comic dialogue, past. Dr. Jiang Kun, a famous crosstalk performer, is constantly innovating in inheriting and developing crosstalk art, and is a representative of Chinese new generation comedy and humor art. He "China's laughter to the world, the world's laughter into china".
There is a saying that, Armstrong University and Armstrong university or translation of Armstrong university is a private university in the United States of California Bay area, not in the United Nations International University Consortium database in the University, there is no international business review certification and six regional certification. Jiang Kun and I did not pay attention to the news, after listening to reporters, Jiang Kun said through the assistant to Le Jia, the so-called "Armstrong University MBA" does not understand, and he was awarded the "honorary doctorate" can not be confused, then also did not pay any fees.
Involved in the case of marketing
Beijing Youth Daily (full text / reporter trainee reporter Zhou Yi Dan Zhang Ya clues / Ms. Yang) in the United States, the famous comedian Jiang Kun was involved in a collective lawsuit, and become the defendant.
Although Jiang Kun once declared with the relevant enterprises to his lawyers in the United States also proposed if no evidence, Jiang Kun to slander, false charges and other charges filed a complaint to the attorney, but the plaintiff lawyer Liu Longzhu has determined to fight the case, and to Jiang Kun's lawyer provided in a confrontation this month 22 challenges.
In fact, this is a fraud related cases. Liu Longzhu represents the Chinese people are targeting a company called Regal group. September 29th, the Chinese company in Losangeles was seized. The company accused of using a virtual currency known as treasure coins to pyramid schemes to deceive investors, and Jiang Kun photos become their propaganda treasure coins material.



