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2022-03-11 17:16:22




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张爱学,1972年出生于河北省邱县。1985年参加“青蛙”漫画组。作品在《人民日报》《中国艺术报》《讽刺与幽默》《读者欣赏》《艺术》等六十多家报刊、杂志、网站发表。曾获人民日报1993年度与2004年度“讽刺与幽默奖”,《包扎》荣获第十八届中国旧事 奖并入选第十1 届全国美展,作品多次入选波兰、叙利亚、韩国、LM国际漫画约请 展。
系列漫画作品《走出象牙塔》,《绘本人生》,《校花故事》,《漂亮女生》、《流星家园》、《E—mail兄弟》、《男女情感》、《网虫E家》、《小熊丑丑》、《小小故事》、《格林新童话》、《酸酸甜甜小白领》、《炫幻三国》、《“金领”十二钗》《开心成语谷》等分别在全国《讽刺与幽默》、《中国漫画》、《儿童漫画》、《幽默大师》《读者欣赏》等各大报刊,杂志长时间 连载。河北省邯郸市漫画艺术委员会秘书长、山东省临清市漫画艺术委员会名誉主席。作品《《母亲》荣获第九届”子恺杯”中国漫画大展优秀作品、作品《三大距离》荣获第三届中国.桐乡全国廉政漫画大赛优秀作品。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Aixue, was born in Heibei to save Qiu county 1972. Attended 1985 " frog " cartoon series. Work is in " People's Daily " " Chinese art signs up for " " satirize and humour " " the reader is admired " " artistic " wait for more than 60 the press, magazine, website to publish. Ever obtained a People's Daily 1993 year and 2004 year " satirize and humorous award " , " wrap up " have the honor to win award of news of the 18th China selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, work for many times caricature of international of selected Poland, Syria, Korea, LM invites exhibit.
Series cartoon work " walk out of the tower of ivory " , " him draw is unripe " , " school beautiful story " , " beautiful schoolgirl " , " meteoric home " , " E, Mail brother " , " affection of male and female " , " net bug Home E " , " Little Bear Chou Chou " , " conte " , " Glyn is new fairy tale " , " acid is acerbity, the magazine is long-term serialize. Secretary-general of committee of art of caricature of city of Dan of Heibei province Han, Shandong visits honorary president of council of art of caricature of the city that face Qing Dynasty. Work " " mother " have the honor to win the 9th " child Kai cup " Chinese caricature exhibits outstanding work, work greatly " 3 large spaces " have the honor to win the 3rd China. Contest of Lianzheng caricature of tung country throughout the country is outstanding work.



