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文兵(1936~),原名文彬,笔名辛墨。现为浙江漫画研讨 会理事,之江书画院特约画师,台州市漫画研讨 会副会长,黄岩文明 馆副研讨 馆员。如今 家专事人物画创作。
1936年岁末生于中国浙江黄岩1 医生世家。62年转至市文明 馆从事群众美术创作辅导工作。1997年元月退休。
自幼酷爱涂画。中学时代开始人物画创作,并在《浙江日报》发表作品。当过报纸美编,师范学校教师。以自学速写起家。画过连环画、宣扬 画、年画并与人合作版画。80年以后 开始中国画人物画创作。受再现论影响,早年画风写实,用线寻求 速写效果。85年开始尝试用水墨画法揉合装潢 画外型 、版画肌理效果及山水画皱擦手法来表现江南渔妇的生活情趣。现专事人物画创作。
曾任黄岩市第三届文联副主席、第1 届台州市政协委员、台州市政协书画之友社副社长。中国美术家协会会员,浙江人物画研讨 会会员,中国连环画浙江分会会员,浙江台州文联名誉委员
作品曾在《美术》、《中国画》、《画廊》、《连环画报》、《中国连环画》、《书与画》及《浙江中国画选》、《浙江人物画选》、《中青年人物画家作品全集 》等处发表,并入选“82—浙江中国画(赴京)展”、“浙江人物画展”、“第十届全国版画展”、“中日交流文明 展”、“当代中国画坛精英作品展”等展览,前后 赴北京、上海、日本、香港等地展出。
90年偶以中国画用笔,试作人物漫画,得到同行的肯定,从而1 发而不可收。其肖像画作品又前后 为《中国漫画》、《漫画》、《讽刺与幽默》、《光明日报》、《读者欣赏》等处刊用,并为《中国古代 美术全集》收录入集。水墨作品《近代画坛巨子漫像》、《画坛星座》、《前躯》、《对话》等20幅肖像漫画前后 入选“92-中国漫画艺术探索—水墨漫画展”、“93-中国漫画展”、“第八届全国美展”、“第九届全国美展”、“第十届全国美展”、“2000年中国漫画大展”、“2002全国(百人)漫画约请 展”、“2003中国国际漫画展”、“2004中国漫画大展”等展览。水墨作品鲁迅等三幅巨人 肖像获第二届中国漫画艺术最高奖—金猴奖(作品奖);并有毕加索等二幅外国名人漫像参加“中国水墨画幽默巡回展”赴美国展览。出版有《线条的魅力—文兵速写集》、《文兵为肖像漫画作品集—世界名人百图》二书;和 反映画家本人创作生活的电视专访《西窗独语》(地方 电视台播出)。其传略被列入多种国家出版的大型名录和辞书。
所获奖项《待渡》入选第10届全国版画展,并获1990年浙江版画作品展优秀奖。《前躯》入选第8届全国美展,并获省展优秀奖。《画坛星座——齐白石潘天寿像》入选第9届全国美展,并获省展银奖。《对话——毕加索张大千像》入选第10届全国美展,并获省展铜奖。《当代水墨名人漫画肖像》(组画4幅)入选第11届全国美展,并获省展铜奖。《鲁迅、李大钊等三幅水墨作品》获第2届中国漫画艺术最高奖——金猴奖、作品奖(1993年)。《画坛星座——珂勒维、蒋兆和像》获浙江省“群星奖”,浙江省优秀美术书法摄影作品展1 等奖。(2008年)《漫画创作断想》获“‘子恺杯’首届中国漫画理论奖”文章类优秀奖。(2004年)其电视专访《西窗独语》获第12届全国电视文艺《星光奖》三等奖。(1997年)

Introduction to the artist

Jiang Wenbing (1936~ ) , yuan Mingwen Bin, pseudonym laborious Chinese ink. It is director of Zhejiang caricature seminar now, painter of engage by special arrangement of courtyard of river painting and calligraphy, vice-chairman of seminar of caricature of stage state city, house of yellow rock culture the deputy member that study a house. Now only thing character draws creation.
1936 year old end is born at Chinese Zhejiang Huang Yan one doctor old and well-known family. Turn 62 years to city culture house to be engaged in masses art creative work coaching the job. January is emeritus 1997.
From a child loves Tu Hua. Middle school times begins a character to draw creation, be in " Zhejiang daily " publish work. Should cross newspaper beauty to make up, training school teacher. In order to teach oneself literary sketch build up. The picture crosses comic, poster, New Year picture to cooperate with the person woodcut. Character of the traditional Chinese painting in beginning after 80 years draws creation. Suffer emersion to consider an impact, wind of early New Year picture realistically, seek literary sketch result with the line. Begin 85 years to try to be kneaded with wash law add up to adornment to draw effect of modelling, woodcut skinning texture and landscape painting to knit the life interest that brushs gimmick to behave Fu of Changjiang Delta fishing. Now only thing character draws creation.
Administrative division of the first vice-chairman of couplet of the 3rd article of city of Ceng Ren yellow cliff, stage is municipal assist the friendly company assistant president of painting and calligraphy of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of city of state of committee member, stage. Chinese artist academician, zhejiang character draws seminar member, member of branch of Chinese comic Zhejiang,
Work ever was in " art " , " China is drawn " , " gallery " , " comic signs up for " , " Chinese comic " , " book and picture " reach " the traditional Chinese painting in Zhejiang is chosen " , " Zhejiang character picture is chosen " , selected " 82, the traditional Chinese painting in Zhejiang (go to Beijing) exhibit " , " Zhejiang character art exhibition " , " woodcut of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " , " Sino-Japanese communication culture is exhibited " , " altar of the traditional Chinese painting in now, go to and other places of Beijing, Shanghai, Japan, Hong Kong to exhibit early or late.
Use a pen 90 years with Chinese picture occasionally, try character caricature, get the person of the same trade's affirmation, be sent thereby and cannot close. Its portraiture work is early or late again " Chinese caricature " , " caricature " , " satirize and humour " , " bright daily " , " the reader is admired " wait for place print to use, it is " complete works of Chinese modern art " collect part. Work of water Chinese ink " recent painting altar is gigantic child free resemble " , " the constellation that draw altar " , " before human body " , " speak " wait for 20 effigies caricature early or late selected " art of 92- China caricature is explored, Shui Moman art exhibition " , . The effigies of 3 great people such as Lu Xun of work of water Chinese ink obtains skill of caricature of the 2nd China top prize, golden monkey award (work reward) ; the celebrity of 2 foreign countries such as Picasso is overflowed resemble attending " itinerate of Chinese wash humour is exhibited " go to the United States to exhibit. Publish have " the glamour of line, collect of Jiang Wenbing literary sketch " , " Jiang Wenbing is collect of effigies cartoon work, world celebrity 100 graphs " 2 books; And the TV special report that reflects him painter to create the life " on the west window alone language " (the CCTV broadcasts) . Its biography brief is included the large directory that a variety of countries publish and lexicographic work.
Place bear the palm " wait for cross " selected art exhibition of edition of the 10th whole nation, obtain Zhejiang woodcut work exhibited outstanding award 1990. " before human body " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, obtain a province to exhibit outstanding award. " the constellation that draw altar -- Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou resembles " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited, obtain a province to exhibit silver-colored award. " dialog -- Picasso and magnify 1000 picture " selected beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited, obtain a province to exhibit cupreous award. " effigies of caricature of celebrity of contemporary water Chinese ink " (group picture 4) selected beauty of the 11st whole nation is exhibited, obtain a province to exhibit cupreous award. " the work of 3 water Chinese ink such as Lu Xun, Li Dazhao " obtain skill of caricature of the 2nd China top prize -- golden monkey award, work reward (1993) . " the constellation that draw altar -- Le Wei aing jade-like stone, Jiang Zhao and picture " obtain Zhejiang to save " galaxy award " , zhejiang saves work of photography of fine art calligraphy to exhibit first prize. (2008) " caricature is created want " obtain " ' child Kai cup ' award of theory of first China caricature " article kind outstanding award. (2004) its TV special interview " on the west window alone language " obtain TV of the 12nd whole nation literary " starlight award " third class award. (1997)



