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别名苏霖,白族,字澜沧人。云南剑川人。擅长中国书画鉴赏、美术理论。曾于日本京都大学专攻美术史。历任中法大学教授、北京艺术师范学院材料 科主任,中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 所材料 员。
7岁入私塾,8岁到湖南衡山三伯父处学习。1905年,到长沙铜元局、沅陵县龙泉寺读书。1908年,其三伯父逝世后离湖南回乡,继续学业。1909年入剑川高等小学。1910年入大理省立二中。辛亥革命后,进昆明双塔工业中等专科学校。1913年考取留日豫备 班,入日本高等师范英语系。此时,他对绘画发生兴味 。
1919年,入日本京都大学哲学系,专攻美学和美术史,所画反映云贵高原风貌的小幅钢笔画笔力厚重,创意独特。1925年回到北京,在孔德学校讲授西洋美术史,教素描、国文。参加创办中法大学孔德学院,继任该院教授,介绍新兴美术理论及日本对中国美术史的研讨 ;讲授植田寿藏的《近代绘画思潮论》;翻译了法国居友的部分美术论著和福尔的《西洋美术史》。其间,发表了《游居鉴赏录》等美术著作,主编孔德学院《云岗》专刊。前后 担任北平师范大学、北平女子师范学院、国立北平艺术学校、燕京大学、辅仁大学等院校美学和美术史讲师。曾作书参加北平艺专书画展。写成《日本重游印象记》。
抗克服 利后,在天津国立体青专科学校任教。中华人民共和国成立后,曾任北京师范学院美术系材料 室主任,并讲授《文心雕龙》。后调中国美术研讨 所任材料 组组长。
著作尚有《雄壮 的国民精神和六艺》、《文艺上的感伤主义和情势 主义》、《印度·中国·日本美术异同论》、《老子美学》、《绘事后素论》、《论湖北十画家画展》、《并行而不相悖逐一 论中西画不应有门户之见》、《略论抽象主义》、《论钱南园之诗书画》等。与刘亚兰合译《苏联绘画史》。其白话诗、散文、随论个性明显 ,文笔流畅,极富思想性。如《阜外杂记》、《游居摘录》、《回忆录》、《渤碣窝诗文集》、《榆树馆日记》等。
1988年2月辞世,长年 93岁,安葬于北京八宝山。

Introduction to the artist

Alias Su Lin, the Bai nationality, person of word billows dark blue. Yunnan sword plain person. Be good at theory of appreciate of Chinese painting and calligraphy, art. Ever thed capital of a country at Japan the university specializes in art history. Have successively held the posts of director of division of data of institute of artistic normal school of Sino-French college professor, Beijing, data of institute of art of Chinese artistic academy member.
 Su Minsheng, wen Mingsu continuous heavy rain, chinese beautiful association member, art historian, art essayist, " Chinese artist dictionary " put pass. Yuan Mingting hardwood, date billows dark blue child, Jin Sha, old Jun Shan's person. The Men Zhongyi austral sword plain city alley person, the Bai nationality.
 7 revenue private school, to Hunan 3 uncles place learns Heng Shan 8 years old. 1905, to county of hill of bureau of Changsha copper coin, Yuan Long Quan temple reads. 1908, hunan return to one's native place leaves after thirdly the uncle dies, continue school work. Entered sword plain 1909 advanced elementary school. Entered Dali 1910 provincial 2 in. After revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches, enter technical secondary school of industry of Kunming double tower. Pass an entrance examination took day of preliminary class 1913, into Japan English of advanced normal school is fastened. Right now, he produces interest to brushwork.
 1919, the capital of a country into Japan university philosophy is fastened, specialize in aesthetic and art history, small pen that paints view of reflective the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau draws massiness of style of writing or drawing, originality is distinctive. Returned Beijing 1925, be in aperture heart school tuitional West art history, teach language of sketch, country. Attend establish institute of heart of Sino-French university aperture, this courtyard teachs succession, introduce burgeoning art theory and Japan to China the research of art history; Tuitional Zhi Tianshou hides " latter-day and painterly thoughts is talked " ; Translated France to reside friendly partial art work and blessing Er " western art history " . Meantime, published " You Jujian is admired collection " wait for art works, institute of heart of chief editor aperture " Yun Gang " monograph. Hold the position of north to make the same score Normal University, north to make the same score institute of woman normal school, national north to make the same score artistic school, Yan Jing early or late university, complementary benevolence the school aesthetic such as the university is mixed art history instructor. Ceng Zunshu attends north to make the same score art only book art exhibition. Write into " Japanese revisit impression is written down " .
 After war of resistance against aggression wins, in Tianjin country stereo black training school teachs. After People's Republic of China holds water, ever held the post of art of institute of Beijing normal school to fasten reference room director, tuitional " Wen Xindiao dragon " . Institute of tone China art holds the post of data group group leader after.
Composing still has " vigorous and firm countryman spirit and 6 art " , " literary the sad creed that go up and formalism " , " similarities and differences of art of Japan of · of Indian · China is talked " , " father is aesthetic " , " element of draw after the event is talked " , " by Hubei 10 painters art exhibition " . Add up to interpret with Liu Yalan " Russia is painterly history " . Its colloquialism poem, essay, along with talk individual character distinct, write in an easy and fluent style, extremely rich ideological content. Be like " the notes outside mounding " , " You Juzhai is recorded " , " memoir " , " collected works of poem of nest of Bo stone tablet " , " elm house diary " etc.
In Feburary 1988 demit world, all the year round is 93 years old, bury at hill of Beijing eight treasures. 



