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王玉池(1931.9—)别名署月,出生于河北省束鹿县(现为辛集市)。1956年入地方 工艺美术学院学习,1961毕业后留校任教。1962年调中国美术研讨 所从事美术理论研讨 。现为中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 所研讨 员、中国书法家协会学术委员会委员、中国书画函授大学教授、中国美术家协会会员。曾任《美术史论》副主编、大百科全书美术卷书法部分副主编。撰写绘画、雕塑论文多篇。80年代以来,次要 研讨 书法篆刻理论。主编《中国书法篆刻鉴赏辞典》。书法专著有《钟繇》、《王羲之》、《书法瑰宝谭》、《王羲之王献之评传)(日文版)、《中国书法艺术欣赏》。次要 论文有《古代动物石刻)、《从赵壹〈非草书〉看书法向独立艺术的发展》、《梁武帝对书学理论的贡献)、《试谈王羲之的暮年 书作》、《黄庭坚草书简论》、《伊秉绶的书法特点》、《清代平准噶尔叛乱的几幅历史画》、《南朝陵墓建筑雕刻》、《中国古代动物石刻》等。并对当代书法家启功、李长路、王学仲沈鹏张道兴等写有评介文章。书法创作曾参加当代中国书画名家作品约请 展、北京东京中日书法联展。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Yuchi (1931.9, ) alias office month, be born in Heibei to save bundle of deer county (it is laborious market now) . Learned into institute of central arts and crafts 1956, stay after 1961 graduation school teach. Institute of tone China art was engaged in art theory considering 1962. It is painting and calligraphy of committee member of committee of learning of association of calligrapher of researcher of institute of art of Chinese artistic academy, China, China to teach by correspondence now academician of artist of college professor, China. Ceng Ren " art history is talked " art of subeditor, big encyclopedia coils calligraphy part subeditor. Paper of compose brushwork, sculpture is much piece. Since 80 time, basically study calligraphy seal cutting is academic. Chief editor " dictionary of appreciate of Chinese calligraphy seal cutting " . Calligraphy monograph has " bell You " , " of Wang Xi " , " calligraphy gem Tan " , " Wang Xianzhi critical biography of Wang Xi) (Japanese edition) , " Chinese calligraphy art is admired " . Main thesis has " archaic animal carved stone) , " from Zhao Yi < blame is cursive > see the calligraphy progress to independent art " , " Liang Wu emperor learns academic contribution to the book) , " try Tan Wangxi old age book is made. Open result, Li Changlu, Wang Xuezhong, Shen Peng, Zhang Daoxing to wait to contemporary calligrapher write have review implied meaning. Calligraphy creation ever attended work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of contemporary China painting and calligraphy to invite exhibit, Sino-Japanese calligraphy couplet exhibits Beijing Tokyo.



