1981年,《中国青年报》用1 个整版发表了他的小说《今夜月儿圆》,小说发表后调为《青年文学》的编辑。
八十年代末九十年代初,与王朔、刘震云等人一同 组建了“海马影视创作室”创作了颇有影响的电视剧《编辑部的故事》、《海马歌舞厅》等。80年代开始收藏中国古代器物,至90年代,他的收藏已具规模,陶瓷、古家具、玉器文玩等藏品逾千件。
1996年10月,在马未都的奔走下和有关部门的大力支持下,观复古典艺术博物馆终究 获准成立了。
2000年伊始,观复古典艺术博物馆迁至朝内南小街,仍然 因循 过去的展览方式和风格,力求将更好的展览展示 给大家。2002年,马未都创办了全国首家私立博物馆分馆——观复博物馆杭州馆。
2011年,马未都在接受南方周末的采访时提出:“二流的制度比1 流的人强”。他指出“如今 文物鉴定根本没无形 成1 个行业,也就没有行规。文物知识很深奥,不是谁都能胜任的。文物收藏又很火爆,不少专业工作者或“疑似专业工作者”的机会就来了,电视里的好多“专家”连基本的专业知识都不具备。”他的话再次提醒收藏爱好者,人眼已 不可靠,光凭经验太不科学。专业的鉴定工具和1 流的监管制度才能更好地规范收藏界。
2016年11月17日,“中国非物资 文明 遗产传承中心筹备典礼 暨《国家级非物资 文明 遗产巡礼》丛书发行典礼 ”在北京人民大会堂举行。马未都获得“大国非遗工匠文明 大使”。
小说集《今夜月儿圆》,1992年出版的《马说陶瓷》被许多读者视为传统文明 的启蒙读物。
接着他还写了《明清笔筒》等文物鉴赏、研讨 的专著和上百篇文物研讨 论文小品文章,在《收藏家》、《文物报》上发表,参与编写《中国鼻烟壶珍赏》。
2002年出版《中国古代门窗》,获第六届国家图书奖、第二届全国优秀艺术图书奖1 等奖。
目前他又努力 于关于中国古代家具艺术的研讨 和整理。
《马未都说收藏》共5 本,分别为《马未都说收藏·家具篇》《马未都说收藏·陶瓷篇(上)》《马未都说收藏·陶瓷篇(下)》《马未都说收藏·玉器篇》《马未都说收藏·杂项篇》。
《马未都说》系列三本。分别为《马未都说 枕上篇》《马未都说 车上篇》《马未都说 厕上篇》都已出齐。
2011年出版旧书 《瓷之色》。
观复博物馆是新中国第1 家私立博物馆。
本馆设有:瓷器馆、家具馆、油画馆、工艺馆、影象 馆、门窗馆和多功能厅。常年举办各类展览及讲座,开展鉴定和征询 业务。展览侧重开放情势 ,强调人与历史的沟通,突出传统文明 的亲和力。
“观复”出自老子《道德经》第十六章,原文是:“致虚极,守静笃,万物并作,吾以观复,夫物芸芸,各复归其根,归根曰静,静曰复命。”。意思是说:达到虚空的极点,安住於甚深的禅定当中 ;宇宙万物彼此 运作生长,我们得以观察到它们的本根源头。不论万物如何变化多端,终会回归根本。回归根本称作静,就是所谓的回归其本来自性。
“观”即看,“复”即1 遍又1 遍。世间万物你只要 静下心来1 遍又1 遍反复细心 观察,才能认清它的本质。“观复”博物馆由此得名。
1996年10月中国第1 家私立博物馆——观复古典艺术博物馆经北京市文物局批准正式成立。
座上宾 —— 中国古代坐具展
百盒 千合 万和 —— 中国古代盒具展
2010年6月9日,观复基金会成立典礼 在银泰中心举行了盛大庆典。本次庆典由观复博物馆主办。
初期 “观复”
观复古典艺术博物馆最早座落 在北京古老的文明 街琉璃厂,展出面积约400平方米,陈列以明清传世文物为主;除终年 展出的古家具以外 ,还定期地策划组织专题展览,并举办文明 交流讲座等活动。馆内的布置温馨而典雅,客厅、书房、卧室、茶室的布置,打破了人们成见里的冷冰冰的博物馆抽象 。全部 馆内只要 十多个玻璃展室,不断地更换着新的展览。
2000年伊始,观复古典艺术博物馆迁至朝内南小街,仍然 因循 过去的展览方式和风格,力求将更好的展览展示 给大家。馆内终年 陈列中国古代传世精品文物,定期策划组织专题展览,举办文明 交流讲座活动。
如今 “观复”
2007年,观复古典艺术博物馆正式更名为“观复博物馆”。马未都的希望 是使观复博物馆尽快社会化、规范化,构成 良好的运营的机制,并终究 完全 地留给社会。做到这点不能只靠个人的力量,必须依托 社会的力量来完成。2007年,观复博物馆正式实行理事会制,100名理事将一同 为这项文明 事业做出贡献。
观复博物馆至今已举办了明末清初青花瓷器展、中国古代文房器具 展、明清箱匣展、宋辽金元古瓷展、观复小品展、海上怀旧展、食之美器——康雍乾青花瓷盘展、锤錾工巧——中国古代金属工艺展、中国古代门窗展、中国古建筑门窗及陈设展等十多个展览。
观复古典艺术博物馆的成立填补了建国以来私立博物馆的空白。地方 电视台、北京电视台、各地方台、香港卫视凤凰台、日本NHK、中国日报、人民政协报、人民日报海外版、光明日报、北京青年报、南方周末、北京晚报、中国文物报、香港大公报等百余家媒体给予报道,声援他的文明 事业。
年近花甲,马未都却仍然 精力充沛,与互联网便宜 首度碰撞出的火花——首个互联网脱口秀《都嘟》于2014年11月19日亮相优酷、土豆。
《都嘟》由优酷土豆电影中心倾力打造,每期节目中,马未都以其独1 无二的“马氏”言语 方式将文明 、历史、热点事件等与电影充分结合解读,并不断展开盘点和趣谈,逗趣搞笑又不失智慧深度。
马未都表示,本身 并无奢求,只愿《都嘟》能成为观众生活中的万金油,不求治标 ,只求1 个“爽”字。
“天上1 脚,地下1 脚;东1 榔头,西1 棒子;三天打鱼,两天晒网;只说道理,不求本相 ”,马未都首个互联网脱口秀《都嘟》,在深度、幽默的解读之下,剥落出鲜活的真实。每周三、六在优酷、土豆,观众也将在浮躁的信息大潮中,聆听到有态度的声音,细细品味文明 的魅力。
马未都先生于2008年1月1日起做客央视《百家讲坛》,前后 播出52讲。分别为《马未都说家具收藏》(共10讲)、《马未都说陶瓷收藏》(共23讲)、《马未都说玉器收藏》(共8讲)、《马未都说漆器收藏》(共3讲)和《马未都说收藏杂项》(共7讲),和 《薪火相传说收藏》。
Ma Weidu, who went to the countryside in his early years, joined the queue and worked as a machine tool milling worker for several years after returning to the city.
Literary creation began in 1980.
In 1981, "China Youth Daily" published his novel "tonight's moon circle" in a full page. After the novel was published, it was translated into the editor of youth literature.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, together with Wang Shuo and Liu Zhenyun, the "Seahorse Film and Television Creation Room" was set up, and the influential TV dramas "The Story of the Editorial Department" and "Seahorse Song and Dance Hall" were created. In the 1980s, he began to collect ancient Chinese utensils. By the 1990s, his collection had reached a large scale, with over 1000 pieces of ceramics, ancient furniture, jade articles and other collections.
Since 1992, he has published many books on collections.
In October 1996, the Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was finally established under the support of Ma Weidu and the relevant departments.
On January 18, 1997, the Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was officially opened to the public.
In 1999, in cooperation with the World Architectural Congress, the Museum of Classical Art, in cooperation with Architectural Newspaper, held an exhibition of doors and windows of ancient Chinese architecture. The exquisite exhibits and unique exhibition design left a deep impression on 200,000 visitors from all over the world. Li Ruihuan, chairman of the CPPCC, also visited the exhibition at the opening of the exhibition and gave them a chance. Highly praised.
At the beginning of 2000, Guanfu Museum of Classical Art moved to Chaonan Street, still following the past exhibition methods and styles, striving to show you better exhibitions. In 2002, Ma Weidu founded the first private museum branch in China, the Guanfu Museum, Hangzhou Museum.
In October 2003, he went to Paris to exhibit ancient Chinese doors and windows, which was well received by all walks of life. The local European Times reported on the exhibition with a large number of articles.
In 2004, Guanfu Classical Art Museum moved to No. 18 Jinnan Road, Zhangwanfen, Dashanzi, Chaoyang District.
In 2005, the Guanfu Museum Xiamen Museum was founded.
In 2007, Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was officially renamed Guanfu Museum, and the board system was formally implemented.
On June 9, 2010, the Guanfu Foundation was established.
In 2011, Ma Weidu put forward in an interview with Nanfang Weekend that "the second-class system is better than the first-class people". He pointed out that "at present, cultural relics appraisal has not formed an industry at all, and there are no rules and regulations. Cultural relics are so profound that no one can be competent. Cultural relics collection is also very popular, many professional workers or "suspected professional workers" have the opportunity to come, many "experts" in television do not even have basic professional knowledge. His words remind collectors once again that the human eye is no longer reliable and that experience alone is too unscientific. Only professional appraisal tools and first-class supervision system can better regulate the collection industry.
On November 17, 2016, the "Preparatory Ceremony for China's Inheritance Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Release Ceremony of the National Tour of Intangible Cultural Heritage" Series was held in Beijing Great Hall of the People. Ma Weidu was awarded "Ambassador of Culture of Big Countries and Non-Heritage Craftsmen".
Guanfu Museum is the first private museum in New China.
On October 30, 1996, it was approved by the government and officially opened on January 18, 1997. Mr. Ma Weidu was the founder.
Council system was introduced in 2004.
The Museum has: Porcelain Museum, Furniture Museum, Oil Painting Museum, Craft Museum, Image Museum, Door and Window Museum and Multifunctional Hall. All kinds of exhibitions and lectures are held throughout the year, and appraisal and consultation are carried out. The exhibition focuses on open forms, emphasizes the communication between people and history, and highlights the affinity of traditional culture.
Guanfu Museum has local museums in Hangzhou, Zhejiang and Xiamen, Fujian.
Guanfu Museum is a public welfare independent legal person, receiving donations from all walks of life.
The Origin of Guanfu
"Guanfu" comes from Chapter 16 of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. The original text is: "To make empty poles, to keep quiet, to do all things, to observe and recover, to restore their roots, to restore quiet, to restore their lives quietly." It means: to reach the pole of emptiness, to dwell in deep meditation, and to observe the origin of all things in the universe as they interact and grow. No matter how diverse things are, they will eventually return to the root. Return is essentially called quiet, which means returning to its original self-nature.
"View" means to see, and "reply" means to see over and over again. You can only recognize the essence of all things in the world by observing them carefully and quietly over and over again. The Guanfu Museum was named after this.
Records of Guanfu
In October 1996, Guanfu Classical Art Museum, the first private museum in China, was officially established with the approval of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics.
On January 18, 1997, Guanfu Classical Art Museum, located at 53 Liulichang West Street, Xuanwu District, Beijing, was officially opened to the public with an exhibition area of 400 square meters.
On January 18, 2001, Guanfu Classical Art Museum moved to Huazhi Building of Bamboo Rod Hutong, Nanxiao Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with an exhibition area of 400 square meters.
On January 18, 2002, the Hangzhou Museum of Guanfu Classical Art, located next to Hu Qingyutang in Hefang Street, Hangzhou, was officially opened.
Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was selected as one of the top ten folk museums in the "First Annual List of Chinese Collections" published on June 18, 2004.
In August 2004, the Beijing Guanfu Museum of Classical Art relocated to the new Museum at 18 Jinzhan South Road, Jinzhan Township, Chaoyang District.
In 2004, the Beijing Guanfu Classical Art Museum was changed into a board system, with 15 members.
In October 2005, the Xiamen Museum of Guanfu Classical Art opened.
In August 2007, Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was renamed Guanfu Museum in order to adapt to the development of museums and the diversity of exhibition contents.
September 17, 2009 - March 16, 2010, 60th Anniversary of National Day - Special Exhibition of Guanfu Museum Dedication
Guests at the Seats-Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Seating Equipments
Hundreds of Boxes and Tens of Thousands of Harmony-Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Boxes
Exhibition venue: Guanfu Museum
Planning and Exhibits Provision: Guanfu Museum
Extension: 17 September 2009 - 16 March 2010
On June 9, 2010, the founding ceremony of Guanfu Foundation held a grand celebration in Yintai Center. The celebration was hosted by the Guanfu Museum.
Early "Guanfu"
Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was first located in Liulichang, an ancient cultural street in Beijing, with an exhibition area of about 400 square meters. It mainly displays cultural relics handed down from Ming and Qing Dynasties. Besides the ancient furniture exhibited for many years, it also regularly plans and organizes special exhibitions and holds cultural exchange seminars. The layout of the museum is warm and elegant. The layout of the living room, study, bedroom and tea room breaks the stereotypical image of the museum. There are only more than ten glass exhibition rooms in the museum, and new exhibitions are constantly changing.
At the beginning of 2000, Guanfu Museum of Classical Art moved to Chaonan Street, still following the past exhibition methods and styles, striving to show you better exhibitions. The museum displays ancient Chinese cultural relics, regularly plans and organizes special exhibitions, and holds cultural exchange seminars.
Now "Guanfu"
In 2004, Guanfu Classical Art Museum moved to No. 18 Jinnan Road, Zhangwanfen, Dashanzi, Chaoyang District, covering an area of 8 mu, exhibition area and member activity area of 2,800 square meters. It has seven exhibition halls, including furniture hall, ceramics hall, door and window hall, photography hall, oil painting hall, craft hall and multi-function hall. The membership system is implemented.
In 2007, Guanfu Museum of Classical Art was officially renamed Guanfu Museum. Ma Weidu's wish is to make Guanfu Museum socialized and standardized as soon as possible, to form a good operation mechanism, and ultimately leave it to the society in its entirety. This can not be achieved only by the strength of individuals, but also by the strength of society. In 2007, the Guanfu Museum officially implemented the board system, and 100 directors will contribute to this cultural cause together.
Guanfu Museum is a public welfare independent legal person, receiving donations from all walks of life.
Up to now, Guanfu Museum has held blue and white porcelain exhibitions in late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, ancient Chinese study utensils exhibitions, box exhibitions in Ming and Qing Dynasties, ancient Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties porcelain exhibitions, Guanfu sketches exhibitions, ocean nostalgia exhibitions, delicacies of food - Kang Yongqian blue and white porcelain disc exhibition, hammer and handicraft - Ancient Chinese metal craft exhibition, ancient Chinese doors and windows exhibition, ancient China. More than ten exhibitions, such as architectural doors, windows and exhibitions.
The establishment of Guanfu Museum of Classical Art has filled the gap of private museums since the founding of the People's Republic of China. CCTV, Beijing Television, local stations, Hong Kong Satellite Television Phoenix, Japan's NHK, China Daily, People's Political Consultative Conference, People's Daily Overseas Edition, Guangming Daily, Beijing Youth Daily, Southern Weekend, Beijing Evening News, Chinese Heritage Daily, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and more than 100 other media have reported in support of his cultural cause.
Near the age of Huajia, Ma Weidu is still energetic, and the first spark collided with the Internet homemade, the first Internet talk show "Dudu" appeared on November 19, 2014, Youku, potatoes.
Dudu is created by Youku Potato Film Center. In each episode, Ma Wei fully interprets culture, history, hot events and movies in his unique "Mahalanobis" language, and keeps making inventories and interesting conversations. It is amusing and witty.
Ma Weidu said that he had no extravagance. He only wanted "Dudu" to be the golden oil in the audience's life, not the root cause, but a word of "Shuang".
"One foot in the sky, one foot in the ground; one hammer in the east, one stick in the west; three days of fishing, two days of net-drying; only reason, not truth." Ma Weidu's first Internet talk show "Dudu", peeled out the vivid truth under the deep and humorous interpretation. Every Wednesday and Saturday in Youku and Tudou, the audience will also listen to the voice of attitude and savor the charm of culture in the impetuous tide of information.