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2022-04-28 13:40:40



 陈半丁1876--1970),即陈年,画家。浙江山阴(今绍兴)人。家境贫寒,自幼学习诗文书画。拜吴昌硕为师。40岁后到北京,初就职于北京图书馆,后任教于北平艺术专科学校。擅长花卉、山水,兼及书法、篆刻。曾任中国美术家协会理事、北京画院副院长、中国画研究会会长。代表作品有《卢橘夏熟》、《高枝带雨压雕栏》、《惟有黄花是故人》、《赤壁夜游图》,《莫负此生》等。1956年在北京举办个人作品展览。 有《陈半丁画集》、《陈半丁花卉画谱》、《当代中国画全集·陈半丁》行世。Chen Banding 1876-1970, that is, Chen Nian, painter. Shanyin (now Shaoxing) from Zhejiang Province. Poor family, learning poetry, calligraphy and painting from an early age. Wu Changshuo is the teacher. After 40 years of age, he came to Beijing, started working in Beijing Library, and later taught in Peiping Art College. He is good at flowers, landscapes, calligraphy and seal cutting. He was a member of the Chinese Artists Association, vice president of Beijing Painting Academy and President of the Chinese Painting Research Association. His representative works include "Luzhu Xiashu", "Gaozhi with Rain to Press the Sculpture Bar", "Only the Yellow Flower is the Old Man", "Red Cliff Night Tour" and "Never Negative This Life". In 1956, an exhibition of personal works was held in Beijing. There are "Chen Banding Painting Collection", "Chen Banding Flower Painting Spectrum", "Complete Works of Contemporary Chinese Painting, Chen Banding" on the market.