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蔡小丽,旅英中国画家,1956年生,福州人氏,生于古都西安,雍容大度,颇有大唐仕女之风范。她1982年毕业于北京地方 美术学院,1988年赴英国作为职业画家至今,展览遍及全世界,作品被大英博物馆、牛津博物馆在内的多家机构和基金会收藏。为当今世界画坛上最重要的中国画家夫妇之1 ,现居住于北京,伦敦,法国需尔堡三地。




1982 地方 美术学院78届毕业生作品展 获叶浅予二等奖

1984 中国第六届全国美术作品博览会 上 获优秀作品展

1989 北京 中国美术馆美展 获"优秀作品"奖


北京 中国美术家协会

北京 地方 美术学院

英国 牛津博物馆

瑞士 奥兰斯卡基金会

瑞士 巴瓦格基金会

英国 自然艺术博物馆


1993 "王迦南蔡小丽画集"人民美术出版社 北京

1997 "论东方美术教程"欧伦姆出版公司 伦敦

纽约 1997 王迦南蔡小丽画展目录 英国伦敦古豪士古代 画廊

1999 两重空间 王迦南蔡小丽画展目录 怀古堂画廊纽约

2000 蔡小丽画展目录 英国伦敦古豪士古代 画廊

2001 王迦南画展目录 英国伦敦古豪士古代 画廊

2001 无边 中华"古代 中国画展目录"美国纽约苏富比大厦

2001 古代 中国绘画 英国 牛津博物馆

2003 蔡小丽画展目录 美国纽约古豪士古代 画廊

2003 美术研讨 杂志2003年第三期 北京

2003 美术杂志2003年第三期 北京

2004 "王迦南、蔡小丽画集"广西人民美术出版社 南宁

王迦南;蔡小丽夫妇二人均于1982年毕业于北京地方 美术学院,1988年赴英国作为职业画家至今,展览遍及全世界,作品被大英博物馆、牛津博物馆在内的多家机构和基金会收藏。为当今世界画坛上最重要的中国画家夫妇之1 ,现居住于北京,伦敦,法国需尔堡三地。

English Introduction

Cai Xiaoli, British China painter, born in 1956, native of Fuzhou, born in the ancient capital of Xi'an, is quite generous, ladies of the Tang style. In 1982, she graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 1988 to the United Kingdom as a professional painter so far, the exhibition throughout the world, works by British Museum, Oxford Museum, including a number of institutions and foundations. As one of the most important painting of the artist China couple, now living in Beijing, London, France to Aalborg three.

Cai Xiaoli, British China painter, born in 1956, native of Fuzhou, born in the ancient capital of Xi'an, is quite generous, ladies of the Tang style.
award-winning work
1982 78 China Central Academy of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition won the two prize Qianyu
1984 outstanding works exhibition of the Sixth China National Fine Arts Exhibition
1989 Beijing Art Museum exhibition Chinese won the "outstanding work" award
The works are collected by the following organizations
Chinese Artists Association of Beijing
China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
British Oxford Museum
The Swiss Olenska Foundation
The Swiss Bawage Foundation
British Museum of natural art
Publication record
1993 "Wang Jianan, Cai Xiaoli's" Beijing people's Fine Arts Publishing House
1997 "the Oriental Art Tutorial" European Lunmu publishing company in London
New York 1997, Wang Jianan Cai Xiaoli exhibition catalogue London ancient Oshkosh Modern Art Gallery
1999 double space Wang Jianan, Cai Xiaoli exhibition catalogue of the ancient Tang Gallery New York
2000 Cai Xiaoli exhibition catalogue of ancient modern London House Gallery
2001 Wang Jianan exhibition catalogue of ancient modern London House Gallery
2001 boundless Chinese "modern Chinese exhibition catalogue" America's New York Mansion
2001 modern Chinese painting Oxford Museum
2003 Cai Xiaoli exhibition catalogue of American Modern Art Gallery of New York ancient house
2003 art research magazine 2003 third issue of Beijing
2003 art magazine 2003 third issue of Beijing
2004 "Wang Jianan, Cai Xiaoli's" Guangxi people's Fine Arts Publishing House in Nanning
Wang Jianan Cai Xiaoli; a couple of two per capita in 1982 graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, 1988 in the UK as the occupation artist since the exhibition all over the world, works by the British Museum and the Oxford Museum, a number of institutions and fund collection. As one of the most important painting of the artist China couple, now living in Beijing, London, France to Aalborg three.



