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2022-04-28 13:40:39

展品作者: 林风眠


 林风眠(1900年11月22日--1991年8月12日),画家、艺术教育家、国立艺术学院(现更名为 中国美术学院)首任院长。自幼喜爱绘画。代表作品有《春晴》、《江畔》、《仕女》。历任国立北平艺术专科学校校长、国立艺术学院 院长、中国美术家协会上海分会副主席。1991年8月12日10时,因心脏病、肺炎并发症,病逝于香港港安医院,享年92岁。

Lin Fengmian (November 22, 1900 - August 12, 1991), painter, art educator and the first president of the National Academy of Art (now renamed China Academy of Fine Arts).I love painting since I was a child. His representative works include Chunqing, Riverside and Ladies. He has been the president of the National Peiping Academy of Art, the president of the National Academy of Art and the vice-chairman of Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Artists Association.At 10:00 on 12 August 1991, he died of complications of heart disease and pneumonia at the age of 92 at Hong Kong An Hospital.