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2022-03-11 17:34:34




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台湾台北人,生于福建厦门鼓浪屿,1995年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,留校任教,75年调任上海戏剧学院美术系油画教研室主任,80年升到教授。84年调任上海大学美术学院油画系主任,87年升教授,中国美术家协会第四届理事中国油画家学会理事,上海市文联委员,上海市文史馆员,上海市美协理事,上海市书协会员,上海市,六,七,八届政协委员,享用 政府特殊津贴。作品有电影宣扬 画《甲午风云》《5 朵金花》《刘三姐》《自有后来人》等,油画有《艳春》《康乃馨》《童年走过的路》《延边秋色》《北国风光》《清晨》等,水彩水粉有《苗族老伯》《苗家女》《瑶家女》《江南农妇》《大巷》等。作品分别在美国,日本,法国,俄国,丹麦,东欧各国,东南亚各国及香港,台湾等地区展出并参加历届全国美展及严重 约请 展,为各地画报,画册,刊物出版,刊登和介绍。

Introduction to the artist

Taiwan Taipei person, be born at Fujian Xiamen to rouse billow island, was graduated from Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1995, stay school teach, 75 years art of transfer Shanghai Thespian institute fastens director of canvas staff room, rise a professor 80 years. 84 years canvas of academy of fine arts of transfer Shanghai university fastens a director, rise a professor 87 years, home of canvas of China of the 4th director learns Chinese artist association director, committee member of Shanghai article couplet, shanghai Rearch Institute of Culture and History member, thing of Shanghai beautiful assistant manager, shanghai book association member, shanghai, 6, 7, committee member of 8 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences, enjoy a government special allowance. Work has movie poster " armour midday wind and cloud " " 5 gold are beautiful " " Liu San elder sister " " have a successor oneself " etc, canvas has " colourful spring " " carnation " " the route that childhood has taken " " Yan Bianqiu is lubricious " " northland scene " " early morning " etc, watercolour soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes has " Miao Zu uncle " " Miao Jianv " " precious jade domestic daughter " " Changjiang Delta peasants woman " " big alley " etc. Work is in the United States respectively, japan, france, russian, denmark, hamster each country, southeast Asia each country reachs Hong Kong, area of Taiwan and other places exhibits and attend beauty of all previous whole nation to exhibit reach great invite exhibit, for each district pictorial, an album of paintings, the journal is published, publish and introduce.



