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郭华,1969年生于河南省林州市。中国美术家协会会员,中国油画院特邀青年艺术家,清华大学美术学院访问学者,现就职于河南郑州工程技术学院艺术设计学院。油画作品多次入选国际、国家和省市的展览。也曾多次在国家及省市展览上获奖并被各级美术馆和私人收藏。曾入选第十1 届、第十二届全国美展;第二届、第四届北京国际美术双年展;第四届全国青年美展并获最高奖;百家金陵全国油画展;艺术凤凰、吾土吾民、中国精神、中国美术世界行、油画与当代社会等全国大展;应中国美协约请 参加七彩云南、多彩贵州和大美四川等十几次由中国文明 部、中国文联、中国美协组织的权威性全国大展。和数十次各级其它各类展览。
2005作品《1 家人》入选第二届北京国际美术双年展;并被双年展组委会收藏;
2005作品《静物》应全国政协中协中心和全国书画院协会的约请 ,参加“第二届全国百名优秀中青年书画家进京约请 展;
2006作品《岁月》应中国美协约请 入展“远大杯”第三届北京双年展备选资历 展;
2009作品《5 月中原》入选全国第十1 届美展并在河南省获金奖;
2009作品《5 月》应邀入展第七届东方美术家交流展;
2009作品《1 家人》入选中国美术世界行展览;
2011作品《5 月》入选首届“艺术凤凰”当代青年油画作品展;
2011作品《晨曲》在首届“和美西藏”美术作品大赛中获金奖;2012作品《洹上女子》应邀入展“中原行”全国著名画家约请 展;
2013作品《巴蜀父老》应中国美协约请 参加《大美四川----全国美术作品约请 展》;
2013作品在中国艺术研讨 院中国油画院主办的第三届“挖掘发现——中国油画新人展”中获二等奖;
2014作品《阳光下》应中国美协约请 参加“七彩云南,多彩贵州”全国美术作品展;
2014作品《5 月中原》入选中国美协沃土中原---吾土吾民油画约请 展;
2017作品《藏族小女孩》入展中国艺术研讨 院中国油画院建院十周年庆典暨建院十周年特别展
2018作品《红肚兜》入选中原画风——新疆、青海、甘肃、宁夏东南 四省巡展
2018作品《远方》入展2018全国中青年写实绘画约请 展




由中国艺术研讨 院中国油画院举办的第三届“探索-发现”中国油画新人展中获二等奖;
十1 届美展河南省金奖;

Introduction to the artist

Guo Hua was born in Linzhou City, Henan Province in 1969. He is a member of China Artists Association, a young artist specially invited by China Academy of oil painting, and a visiting scholar of Academy of fine arts, Tsinghua University. Now he works in the school of art and design, Zhengzhou Institute of engineering and technology, Henan Province. Oil paintings have been selected into international, national and provincial exhibitions for many times. It has also won many awards in national and provincial exhibitions and has been collected by art galleries and private collectors at all levels. He has been selected into the 11th and 12th national art exhibitions, the 2nd and 4th Beijing International Art Biennale, the 4th National Youth Art Exhibition and won the highest award, 100 Jinling national oil painting exhibitions, national exhibitions of art Phoenix, our country and people, Chinese spirit, China art world tour, oil painting and Contemporary society, etc., and participated in Colorful Yunnan, colorful Guizhou and great beauty at the invitation of China Art Association Sichuan and other authoritative national exhibitions organized by the Ministry of culture of China, China Federation of literary and art circles and China Association of the United States. And dozens of other exhibitions at all levels.


In 2004, his work "the charm of spring" won the silver medal in Henan competition area of the 10th National Art Exhibition;


The 2005 work family was selected into the second Beijing International Art Biennale and collected by the Organizing Committee of the Biennale;


At the invitation of the CPPCC Central Committee and the National Association of calligraphy and painting academies, the 2005 work still life participated in the second national 100 outstanding young and middle-aged calligraphers and painters' invitation exhibition to Beijing;


Years, a 2006 work, was invited by the China Artists Association to participate in the third Beijing Biennale of Yuanda cup;


His 2009 work Central Plains in May was selected into the 11th National Art Exhibition and won the gold medal in Henan Province;


May 2009 was invited to the 7th Oriental Artists Exchange Exhibition;


2009 work "one family" was selected into the exhibition of China Art World Bank;


The 2010 work "Red Mountain" was invited to the joint exhibition of Henan Guangxi art works;


Home, a 2010 work, was selected into the 4th Beijing International Art Biennale;


2010 work "by the Qinghai Lake" was selected into "oil painting art and contemporary society - Chinese oil painting exhibition";


Home, a 2011 work, won the best award in the 4th National Youth Art Exhibition;


2011 work may was selected into the first "phoenix of art" contemporary youth oil painting exhibition;


The 2011 work "morning song" won the gold medal in the first "He Mei Tibet" art competition; the 2012 work "Huan Shang woman" was invited to the exhibition "Central China Travel" national famous painter invitation exhibition;


The 2013 work "father of Bashu" was invited by the China Art Association to participate in the "great beauty of Sichuan - national art works Invitation Exhibition";


In 2013, his works won the second prize in the third "excavation and discovery - New Chinese oil painting exhibition" sponsored by the Chinese Academy of art, China Academy of oil painting;


In 2013, he was invited to participate in the "thinking and expanding" realistic oil painting exhibition held by Henan Art Association and Zhengzhou University;


The 2014 work "under the sun" was invited by China Art Association to participate in the national art exhibition of "Colorful Yunnan and colorful Guizhou";


May Central Plains, a 2014 work, was selected into the China Artists Association's fertile Central Plains - our country and our people Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition;


Home, a 2014 work, was selected into the 12th National Art Exhibition.


Black land, a 2015 work, has been exhibited in 100 Jinling exhibitions.


The 2016 work "thick soil" entered the exhibition of Chinese spiritual realistic oil painting.


2017 work "thick soil" entered the 4th China oil painting exhibition of Chinese spirit


2017 work "Tibetan little girl" was exhibited in the 10th anniversary celebration and special exhibition of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Academy of oil painting of the Chinese Academy of Art


The 2018 work "red belly bag" was selected into the painting style of Central Plains -- Tour Exhibition of Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and northwest Ningxia


2018 work "far away" entered 2018 National Youth Realistic Painting Invitation Exhibition


The 2018 work "thick soil" entered the exhibition of Chinese spirit - the fourth Chinese oil painting exhibition in Beijing.



