广东罗定人。擅长油画,中国美术家协会会员;广东美术家协会水彩画艺委会委员;广州画院专业画家,国家1 级美术师;广东水彩画研讨 会副会长。小榄美术协会艺术指点 。
黄堃源早年从事工艺美术设计工作,曾在广州工艺美术研讨 所、广州二轻美术设计公司担任设计工作。七十年代初,从事招贴画创作为主,代表作有连续三届入选全国运动会的宣扬 画《祖国春常在》、《腾飞吧中华儿女》等,为繁荣南方的招贴画艺术作出过出色贡献。1974年以来,则以油画创作为主,当年以《花山处处是故乡》等六幅作品同时入选省美展而奠定了其在广东美术界的历史地位,继而,油画《亲情》、《血沃芳草》和中国画《神女应无恙》(合作)等入选全国美展。1981年,成为广东画家当中 较年轻当中 国美术家协会会员。
黄堃源不但是一名 出色的油画家、宣扬 画家、水彩画家、理论家和专业 教育家,还是一名 热心的社会活动家。八十年代,前后 创立了“广州青年美术家协会”、“广州水彩画研讨 会”,并策划创建了“广东建筑艺术设计事务所”和“广州画院”,九十年代又策划“广州教育基金少儿美术教育促进会”,曾任广州市青年联合会第六届委员、广东省青年联合会第5 、六届委员,为广东省和广州市的美术、教育作出了和正在作出应有的贡献。
黄堃源的油画,以高超的写实能力描述了美丽的大自然,诉说着本身 深深的乡情,及其独特的艺术完善 吸引许多观众及藏家。1995年,黄堃源的油画《花山何处是故乡》等30多幅被马来西亚、新加坡等地收藏。1998年,油画《草暖》等20幅作品由台湾收藏家收藏。2000年至2005年,油画《凤凰花开》等近百幅作品由省内外收藏家收藏。2003年,油画《斗争》由广州艺术博物馆收藏。2005年,油画《堤上》由广州艺术博物馆收藏。近年,黄堃源的超大幅油画《凤凰花开》、《小鸟天堂》、《八骏》、《胡杨树》、《源远流长》等均受著名收藏家爱好 。
1979年,举办第1 次个人展览(广州)
2004年,举办第5 次个人展览(广州)出版有《黄堃源油画选》、《黄堃源画集(水彩)》等。
Guangdong collect decides a person. Be good at canvas, chinese artist academician; Aquarelle of Guangdong artist association art appoint conference committee member; Painter of major of Guangzhou imperial art academy, country division of one class art; Vice-chairman of Guangdong aquarelle seminar. Art director of association of small Lan art.
One's early years of yellow Kun source is engaged in arts and crafts designing the job, ever was in companies of 2 light artistic design to hold the position of a design to work. At the beginning of seventies, be engaged in poster creation giving priority to, masterpiece has successive the poster of games of 3 selected whole nations " motherland spring often is in " , " fly China children " etc, for prosperity southern poster art has made outstanding contribution. Since 1974, give priority to with canvas creation, in those days with " beautiful hill is birthplace everywhere " waited for 6 work to at the same time selected province beauty is exhibited and establish its to be in Guangdong the historical status of art group, then, canvas " close affection " , " hematic Wo Fang is careless " the traditional Chinese painting in mixing " goddess should in good health " (collaboration) wait for beauty of selected whole nation to exhibit. 1981, become Guangdong artist in younger Chinese artist academician.
Yellow Kun source not only it is an outstanding oily painter, poster home, aquarelle home, egghead and spare educationist, still be activist of an enthusiastic society. 80 time, founded early or late " association of Guangzhou youth artist " , " Guangzhou aquarelle seminar " , engineer founded " Guangdong building art designs an office " and " Guangzhou imperial art academy " , 90 time are engineered again " Guangzhou education fund is little art teachs stimulative meeting " , the 6th committee member, Guangdong saves federation of youth of city of Ceng Ren Guangzhou young federation the 5th, 6 committee members, for Guangdong the art of province and Guangzhou city, education was made and making due contribution.
The canvas of yellow Kun source, with excellent realistically the nature that ability described beauty, recounting oneself deep countryside love, reach its distinctive art is perfect attract a lot of audiences and Tibetan home. 1995, the canvas of yellow Kun source " countryside of hereat of beautiful hill where " wait to be collected many times 30 by and other places of Malaysia, Singapore. 1998, canvas " grass is warm " wait for 20 work to be collected by Taiwan collector. Came 2000 2005, canvas " phoenix is spent " wait for nearly 100 work to be collected by collector of province inside and outside. 2003, canvas " fight " by Guangzhou art museum is collected. 2005, canvas " on the bank " by Guangzhou art museum is collected. In recent years, of yellow Kun source super- considerably canvas " phoenix is spent " , " birdie heaven " , " 8 fine horse " , " introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad poplar " , " of long standing and well established " wait to all bear famous collector love.
Art exhibition activity
1979, hold first time individual to exhibit (Guangzhou)
1989, hold an individual the 2nd times to exhibit (Guangzhou)
1996, hold an individual the 3rd times to exhibit (Malaysia)
1998, hold an individual the 4th times to exhibit (Taiwan)
2004, hold an individual the 5th times to exhibit (Guangzhou) publish have " source canvas chooses Huang Kun " , " Huang Kun source draws volume (watercolour) " etc.