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王欣 - “无关现实—2004中国当代艺术展”

2022-03-11 17:35:01




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王欣(1960.2-)辽宁鞍山人.现为中国美术家协会会员。辽宁省青年美术家协会副主席。油画《收获在这片土地》入选“中国第八届全国美术作品展”,同时被辽宁省美术馆收藏。油画《夏日》入选“中国第九届全国美术作品展览”。(中国·上海)油画《那时我们正年轻》入选“中国第十届全国美术作品展”。(广东美术馆)《老区》,入选“首届中国油画静物展”。(北京·中国美术馆)《旭日 》入选“中国东北油画大展”。(香港)油画《和声》参加《名家名作展》。(马来西亚)《金风十月》入选“中国风景油画展”,(北京·中国美术馆)《花》参加“第二届中国静物油画展”。(北京·中国美术馆)中国当代美术家精品集,《王欣油画专集》。由辽宁省美术出版社出版。《岁月》参加由中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会举办的,“纪念中国共产党建党80周年全国美术作品展”荣获优秀作品奖。(北京·中国美术馆)被评为“辽宁省社会文明 优秀人才”。(辽宁省文明 厅)油画《那时我们正年轻》参加“全国第12届群星奖”(美术)荣获中华人民共和国文明 部颁发的银牌奖。(中国青岛美术馆)2004年出版《21世纪中国实力派油画家王欣油画专集》被编入中国美术家协会会员词典,由人民美术出版社出版发行。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Xin (1960.2 - ) person of Liaoning saddle hill. It is Chinese artist academician now. Liaoning saves vice-chairman of young artist association. Canvas " results is in this land " selected " work of art of the 8th whole nation of Chinese is exhibited " , be collected by Liaoning province art gallery at the same time. Canvas " summer " selected " work of art of the 9th whole nation of Chinese is exhibited " . (Chinese · Shanghai) canvas " in those days we young " selected " work of art of the 10th whole nation of Chinese is exhibited " . (Guangdong art gallery) " old quarter " , selected " still life of first China canvas is exhibited " . (Art gallery of Beijing · China) " the setting sun " selected " Chinese northeast canvas is exhibited greatly " . (Hong Kong) canvas " harmonic " attend " master of a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited " . (Malaysia) " Jin Feng October " selected " Chinese scenery canvas is exhibited " , (Art gallery of Beijing · China) " flower " attend " canvas of still life of the 2nd China is exhibited " . (Art gallery of Beijing · China) collect of high-quality goods of Chinese contemporary artist, " king glad canvas only collect " . By Liaoning province art publishing house is published. " years " attend to be held by association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China, "Work of art of 80 years of whole nations exhibits found a party of commemorative Chinese Communist " have the honor to win outstanding work reward. (Art gallery of Beijing · China) be judged to be " culture of Liaoning province society is outstanding talent " . (Hall of Liaoning province culture) canvas " in those days we young " attend " award of the 12nd galaxy of countrywide " (art) the silver medal award that has the honor to win ministry of culture of People's Republic of China to issue. (Chinese Qingdao art gallery) published 2004 " canvas of Wang Xin of home of canvas of clique of actual strength of 21 centuries China only collect " by dictionary of academician of artist of be classified China, publish by people art publishing house.



