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杜晓平:知名山水画家。本籍 河北故城,1955年10月出生于武汉。毕业于湖北美术学院。中国美术家协会会员,国家二级美术师,现为职业画家。1997年3月作品入选“全国中国人物画展览”。1997年10月获“第三届当代中国山水画展”银奖。1998年11月入选“当代中国山水画、油画风景展”。1999年5月获“当代中国青年书画展”金奖。1999年9月获“跨世纪暨建国5 十周年全国山水画大展”银奖。1999年12月入选“中国画三百家”画展。2001年4月参加“新世纪中国画名家精品展”。2001年9月获“2001年全国中国画展”银奖。2002年6月参加“浦江国际水墨画学术约请 展”。2003年9月参加“吴越风情全国书画作品约请 展”。2004年8月作品入选“首届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展”,2010年12月参加“回顾与瞻望 ?湖北中国画艺术展”。有作品在《国画家》,《美术报》,《书与画》,《美术界》发表登载。

Introduction to the artist

Du Xiaoping: Famous landscape artist. City of reason of ancestral home Heibei, was born in Wuhan in October 1955. Be graduated from Hubei academy of fine arts. Chinese artist academician, country division of 2 class art, it is professional painter now. Work is selected in March 1997 " art exhibition of countrywide China character is seen " . Obtained in October 1997 " Chinese landscape painting is exhibited the 3rd now " silver-colored award. Selected in November 1998 " scenery of contemporary China landscape painting, canvas is exhibited " . Obtained in May 1999 " art exhibition of book of contemporary China youth " gold prize. Obtained in September 1999 " cross century and found a state 50 years countrywide landscape painting is exhibited greatly " silver-colored award. Selected in December 1999 " China draws 300 " art exhibition. Attended in April 2001 " high-quality goods of a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in new century is exhibited " . Obtained in September 2001 " the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2001 " silver-colored award. Attended in June 2002 " learning of wash of riverside river international invites exhibit " . Attended in September 2003 " work of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of Wu Yue amorous feelings invites exhibit " . Work is selected in August 2004 " high-quality goods of the traditional Chinese painting in academician of first China artist is exhibited " , attended in December 2010 " review with look into? Art of the traditional Chinese painting in Hubei is exhibited " . Work is in " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " art signs up for " , " book and picture " , " art group " publish publish.



