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福建长乐县人。擅长油画。1965年毕业于福建艺术学院舞台美术系。福建省画院专业画家,中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,福建省画院副院长。磨漆画《镇邪女神》入选中国漆画艺术展览;油国《有缘千里来相会》获中国美协和煤炭基金会联办的美展三等奖,《正月家记者》入选第六届全国美展;白描插图《荒书》入选第八届全国美展;文学作品插图《海湾上的酒吧》获闽版优秀插图奖,《巴里加斯的困惑》获装帧艺术作品优秀插图奖。出版有《郑征泉油画、中国画画集》。

Introduction to the artist

Fujian grows happy county person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from faculty of art of arena of Fujian art institute 1965. Painter of major of Fujian Province imperial art academy, chinese artist academician, country division of one class art, assistant dean of Fujian Province imperial art academy. Grind lacquer painting " the goddess that press down unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease " art of selected China lacquer painting is exhibited; Oily country " a thousand li having a reason will encounter " obtain Chinese beauty assist the beauty that with coal foundation couplet does exhibits third class award, " reporter of home of the first month of the lunar year " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited; Line drawing illustration " barren book " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited; Literary work illustration " the bar on bay " the edition that obtain Fujian is outstanding illustration award, " Balijiasi's bewilderment " obtain work of art of binding and layout outstanding illustration award. Publish have " picture of Zheng Zhengquan canvas, China draws volume " .
1981 canvas " maritime send medical service " attend countrywide wholesome beauty to exhibit. 1982 canvas " a thousand li having a reason will encounter " attend Chinese beauty assist the beauty that with coal foundation couplet does is exhibited, win third class award. 1983 canvas " the girl of the desolate that take a hole " attend scene of country of countrywide live abroad to exhibit. 1984 canvas " reporter of home town of · of the first month of the lunar year " attend the 6th beauty of countrywide to exhibit. Created large mural for hotel of center of Fujian Province foreign trade 1985 " Hua Sha's light " . 1986 literary work illustration " the wine on bay cling to " the edition that obtain Fujian is outstanding illustration award. Two landscape paintings attended 1988 " an album of paintings or calligraphy of covering of the fan of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese the eastpart part is exhibited " , 1989 literary work illustration " Balijiasi's bewilderment " obtain work of art of binding and layout outstanding illustration award. Published 1991 " Zheng Zhengquan canvas, China is drawn " picture collect. Chinese line drawing drew illustration 1994 " barren book " attend beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit. Attended with Chinese landscape painting in September 1996 " Chen Fenwu, Zheng Zhengquan, Guo Dong is built " exhibition of work of 3 people painting and calligraphy.



