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1934年“艺风社”在上海举行第1 届全国性美展,展出作品《灰的城市》及《故乡春色》。1956年作品《5 老峰》参加湖北省美展获奖。1987年作品《盼春回》参加纽约举行的中国当代油画展。抗战期间任新湖北文艺委员会创作组长,解放前後历任於武昌艺专、中原大学文艺学院、中南文艺学院、中南美专、广州美术学院教授兼教研组长。退休後创建岭南美术专科学院并任院长,1999年因病逝世。
周大集生于湖北沔阳,1931年毕业于武昌艺专。1934年在上海举行第1 届全国性美展,展出颇受好评。1984年创作的参展于广东省建国35周年美展。1987年参加纽约举行的。退休后创建岭南美术专科学院并任院长。1996年在台北、台中敦煌艺术中心举办『记忆中复苏的容颜—周大集油画个展』。

Introduction to the artist

Zhou Daji (1914.4, 1998.12) alias is comprehensive, hubei Mian in relief person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from China north university 1934 the picture is on the west. Have successively held the posts of Wu Changyi only, literary institute art is Central Plains university instructor, associate professor, in South America only associate professor, director of staff room of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, professor. Have on behalf of work " the trilogy that fight day " , " general and fair maiden " , " go up in the field of the hope " etc.
1934 " art wind company " the first national beauty is held to exhibit in Shanghai, showpiece work " grey city " reach " birthplace spring scenery " . 1956 work " 5 old peaks " attend Hubei to save the United States to exhibit bear the palm. 1987 work " long for spring time " the Chinese contemporary canvas that attends new York to hold is exhibited. Ren Xinhu north is literary during war of resistance against aggression committee writes a group leader, the after before liberating has successively held the posts of Wu Wuchang art only, Central Plains university is literary institute, medium south literary institute, medium South America only, professor of Guangzhou academy of fine arts holds teaching and research group concurrently to grow. Emeritus after founds academy of the art austral mountain to hold the post of a dean, died due to illness 1999.
Zhou Daji is born at Hubei Mian this world, was graduated from Wu Changyi 1931 only. The first national beauty was held to exhibit in Shanghai 1934, suffer quite showpiece reputably. The ginseng that created 1984 exhibits Yu Andong province to found a state 35 years the United States is exhibited. Attended new York to hold 1987. Academy of the art austral mountain is founded to hold the post of a dean after retiring. In art of Dunhuang of Taipei, Taichun the center was held 1996 " the appearance that anabiosises in memory, Zhou Daji canvas exhibit " .



