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2022-03-11 17:36:28




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吕建军生于杭州,本籍 山东。擅长油画。毕业于地方 美术学院油画系第八届研修班。中国美术家协会会员,山东省美术馆美术创作员。现旅居美国。
次要 作品
·2005作品《拿扇子的女人》参加美国旧金山“世界艺术理事会第二届双年评比大赛”,获得“最好 作品奖”.

作品《西安小娥》发表于美国《艺术旧事 》
作品《潮湿》参加在香港举办的“中国当代油画展”,并收录于香港画展画册、广西美术出版社《古代 艺术品评论丛书---吕建军》专集.作品由香港私人收藏.

作品《玄色》、《中国大京剧》参加中国美术馆举办的“地方 美术学院第八届油画研修班毕业作品展”,获“毕业优秀作品奖”.
《玄色》发表在《世界美术工作室地方 美院研修工作室》画集,并受邀参加英国名车“劳斯来斯---宾利”顶级车展.

作品《大红袍》、《婉容》参加由中国文明 部组织的中国油画家代表团赴美国纽约库柏艺术中心,落杉矶时报美术馆举办的“中国当代油画展”,作品发表于《中国当代油画十二人作品展》及被选为《美术界》封面.作品由私人收藏.


中国油画肖像艺术百年》及《中国油画》、《中国艺术》、《美术》,美国《艺术旧事 》等刊物.作品由海外私人博物馆收藏.
作品《银簪》参加中国美术馆举办的“第八届全国美展优秀作品展”,并赴日本参加在国立美术馆、长崎县立博物馆、福冈市美术馆,财团法人日中敌对 会馆举办的“中国古代 的美术”大型巡回展.作品由日本印成宣扬 海报、门票及收录展览画册.作品亦发表于台湾《艺术家》杂志、《当代油画精品集》.作品由日本博物馆收藏.

Introduction to the artist

Lv Jianjun is born at Hangzhou, ancestral home Shandong. Be good at canvas. Be graduated from canvas of central academy of fine arts to fasten the 8th to grind long class. Chinese artist academician, shandong saves the member that art gallery art is created. Show reside abroad United States.
Main work
·2008 complete serious work " GrandFacade " series the 11st
·2007 complete serious work " GrandFacade " series the 1st
·2006 work suffer invite attend " Wei En Si Tan gallery " art exhibition of EnricoDonati of world-renowned Great Master. Work buys Tibet by American private group.
·2005 work " the wife that takes fan " attend American san Francisco " world artistic board the 2nd double contest of year of appraise through comparison " , obtain " optimal work reward " .
Work " the skirt of blackish green " publish businessman a group of things with common features to collect for indiana city.
·2004 hold couplet in American san Francisco with OddNerdrum of artistic now Great Master on invitation, " violet gown " wait for 4 work all by the United States private buy Tibet, include American Microsoft vice-president and san Francisco area among them famous estate business.
·2003 work " Italian girl " by American Hollywood NickNolte of famed male star is collected.
·2002 work " old guitar " , " Xi'an small E " , " towards evening " wait for 16 work, hold the 2nd times when be in the United States exhibit. The full page such as edition of California of astral island daily, new York edition, Canada edition reports. Work is complete by the United States private collect.

Work " Xi'an small E " publish at the United States " artistic news "
Work " yellow gown " , " Facade " attend couplet of American painter gallery to exhibit. Work by the United States private collect.
·2001 work " old night clothes " , " GrandFacade " etc attend gallery couplet to exhibit. Work is complete by the United States private collect.
·2000 autographs make an appointment with the United States on the west the coast is the biggest " Wei En Si Tan gallery " , and with hold in those days exhibit. Work by the United States private collect. Include noted surgeon and lawyer.
Work " blank " by businessman of Indonesian and notable mineral products a group of things with common features collect. Work " Shanghai woman " , " white skirt " suffer invite attend " Dali, rice collect, Xiajiaer " couplet of gallery original work is exhibited, work by the United States private collect.
·1999 work " double ended radius sleeker " , " circular fan " those who attend to be held in the beauty " Chinese canvas character is exhibited " . Work by the United States private collect.
Work " damp " attend to be held in Hong Kong " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " , collect at publishing house of art of an album of paintings of Hong Kong art exhibition, Guangxi " contemporary artwork comments on a series of books---Lv Jianjun " only collect. Work by Hong Kong private collect.
·1998 work " the girl " attend Hong Kong " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " , collect at Hong Kong " collect of contemporary canvas high-quality goods---Lv Jianjun only collect " . Work by Hong Kong private collect.
·1997 work " grandmother " , " old cabinet " attend American California gallery to exhibit. Publish at American edition " astral island daily " . Work by the United States private collect.
·1996 complete serious work " dark look "

Work " dark look " , " Chinese big Beijing opera " attend Chinese art gallery to hold " central academy of fine arts the 8th canvas grinds work of the graduate that repair a class is exhibited " , obtain " graduation is outstanding work reward " .
" dark look " publish in " beautiful courtyard grinds in the center of world art atelier build studio " picture collect, suffer invite enter British name car " Laosilaisi---Guest benefit " top class car is exhibited.
·1995 complete serious work " bright red gown "

Work " bright red gown " , " beautiful look " the delegation of Chinese canvas home that joins to be organized by Chinese culture ministry attends center of art of Cooper of American new York, fall art gallery of fir Ji times holds " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " , work is published at " 12 people work exhibits Chinese contemporary oil painting " reach be chosen to be " art group " cover. Work by private collect.
·1994 complete serious work " lonely " , " silver-colored

Hairpin " work " lonely " attend Chinese art gallery to hold " canvas of the 2nd China is exhibited greatly " , obtain " award of Chinese canvas art " .
Work is published at "

Chinese canvas effigies is artistic hundred years " reach " Chinese canvas " , " China is artistic " , " art " , the United States " artistic news " wait for a journal. Work is collected by abroad and private museum.
Work " silver-colored hairpin " those who attend Chinese art gallery to hold " beauty of the 8th whole nation exhibits outstanding work " , go to Japan to attend to establish art gallery of city of ridge of museum, blessing in county of national art gallery, Nagasaki, meridian and friendly guild hall holds financial group legal person " China's modern art " large round is exhibited. Work is imprinted into propagandist placard, entrance ticket to reach by Japan collect exhibition an album of paintings. Work also is published at Taiwan " artist " magazine, " collect of contemporary canvas high-quality goods " . Work is collected by Japanese museum.
Work " wake first " , " empty bottle " attend Hong Kong to hold " exposition of art of Asia-Pacific area international " . " wake first " by Hong Kong private collect. " empty bottle " by Canada private collect.
·1993 work " memory " attend Chinese art gallery to hold " canvas of the 2nd China is exhibited " ; attends Hong Kong to hold " Chinese canvas is exhibited " . Collect at year an album of paintings that exhibit oil. Work by Hong Kong private collect.
·1992 work " girl " attend canvas of art gallery of Beijing international art and literary circles to exhibit; to attend Singapore to hold " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " . Work by Singapore private collect.
·1991 work " monument " obtain Chinese found a party 70 years countrywide beauty is exhibited " silver-colored award " , by Chinese beauty assist collect. Collect what publish at Chinese the State Council " in Nanhai violet Guang Ge hides a picture " large nation an album of paintings. It is " art " , " Chinese canvas " cover, reach by " People's Daily " use. Show the Nanhai in old rank Beijing.
Work " young married woman " win award of Japanese artist association



