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季宏敏,1959年9月生于上海,毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系油画专业;中国人民解放军第二炮兵政治部专业美术设计师;中国美术家协会会员;中国油画艺术研讨 中心常务副主席兼秘书长;北京油画雕塑促进会副会长;世纪美术馆馆长;曾为国家设计《中国人民解放军建军七十周年》、《解放和平 三大战役》、《方志敏同志诞辰1 百周年》、《中国共产党建党80周年》等纪念邮票及小型张。
曾参加第六、七、八、九、十、十1 届全国美展;第二届、第三届中国油画展;“与写实对话”——季宏敏意象油画展;“自然与再造”——季宏敏油画展;“自然与再造·对话公元3000年”——季宏敏超理想 主义油画巡回展。

Introduction to the artist

Was born at Shanghai in September 1959
Be graduated from art of institute of liberation army art is canvas major; The Chinese People's Liberation Army division of artistic design of major of ministry of politics of the 2nd artillerist; Chinese artist academician; Research center of Chinese canvas art is standing the vice-chairman holds secretary-general concurrently; Beijing canvas sculpture promotes meeting vice-chairman; Curator of century art gallery; Home Ceng Weiguo is designed " the the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 70 years " , " war of liberation 3 big battle " , " birthday of comrade of local records quick 100 years " , " Chinese Communist found a party 80 years " wait for a commemorative stamp to reach small-sized piece.
Ceng Can is added the 6th, 7, 8, 9, 10, beauty of 11 whole nations is exhibited; The 2nd, canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited; "With speak realistically " -- oily art exhibition of Ji Hongmin image; "Nature and give somebody a new lease on life " -- canvas exhibits Ji Hongmin; "Nature and the Christian era of dialog of · of give somebody a new lease on life 3000 " -- itinerate of canvas of Ji Hongmin surrealism is exhibited.
Work ever entered all sorts of exhibitions in and other places of the United States, France, Germany, Korea, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Chinese Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai for many times, partial work attends Beijing to protect benefit, writing the sea, Rong Bao, medium vessel international, medium pat international, Oriental nature science to wait for auction activity. Work is reached by domestic and international artistic orgnaization private collect.



