黄霭云,1971年出生,广东新会人。广东省美术家协会会员。毕业于广州美术学院,前后 结业于意大利罗马美术学院毕生 教授特劳蒂油画艺术班、作品入选第十1 届全国美术作品展览和获厦门2007中国漆画优秀作品奖,并被厦门市人民政府和上海大东方当代艺术中心等团体与个人收藏。
Was born 1971, guangdong meets a person newly. Guangdong saves artist academician. Be graduated from Guangzhou academy of fine arts, early or late complete a course teachs Telaodi personally eventually at Italian Rome academy of fine arts canvas art class, work is selected eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited and obtain Xiamen 2007 China lacquer painting is fine work reward, be mixed by government of Xiamen city people organization and the individual such as contemporary and artistic center collect Shanghai big east.