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2022-04-28 13:24:41




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叶之琦,男,1938年2月生,别名朱丹,云南昆明市人。1964年毕业于云南艺术学院美术系油画专业,大学本科。曾在东川市文明 馆、峨山县文明 馆任职。曾任玉溪师范高等专科学校艺术系主任,副教授,云南省油画艺术委员会委员。现为中国美术家协会会员,云南艺术教育委员会委员。
自1979年以来,作品曾多次参加全国美展,其中油画《勤奋学习》获全省二等奖,并被中国美术馆收藏,且数次陈列展出,并刊登于《中国美术馆馆藏油画图录》。《佳节前夕》获省优秀作品奖。粉墨画《古滇风情1 求雨》获全国首届中国风俗画大奖赛佳作奖,并为长安民俗博物馆收藏。中国画《绿果》获中国新时代“巴黎铁塔艺术杯”书画大奖赛优秀作品奖,中国画《古滇流舸》被中国近古代 书画鉴定防伪研讨 中心收藏并评为优秀佳作。《金玉奴》被收入《中外书画百家精品集》并获奖。《金刚经》获“世界华人艺术大奖”的“国际荣誉金奖”。油画《勤奋学习》被中国美术馆收藏。油画有《佳节前夕》、《收获》和 中国画《古滇风情》、《古滇流舸》、《绿果》等。
此外,还有多件作品获省级以上奖励并发表于各种报刊杂志。1995年被授予“当代书画艺术名人”荣誉称号,98年获“世界杰出华人艺术家”荣誉称号,其传略被收入《中国美术年鉴》、《世界名人录》、《世界古代 美术家辞典》、《中国当代文艺名人辞典》等20余种辞书内。

Introduction to the artist

Xie Zhiqi, male, unripe in Feburary 1938, alias Zhu Dan, person of Yunnan Kunming city. Was graduated from art of Yunnan art institute to fasten canvas major 1964, university undergraduate course. Ever was in house of house of culture of Dong Chuan city, culture of county of high mountain hill to hold a post. Advanced schools art fastens normal school of Ceng Renyu brook director, associate professor, yunnan visits committee member of canvas art committee. It is Chinese artist academician now, yunnan art teachs committee committee member.
Since 1979, work ever attended countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times, among them canvas " assiduous study " capture complete province second-class award, be collected by Chinese art gallery, and display several times showpiece, publish at " graph of canvas of holding of Chinese art gallery is recorded " . " festival eve " capture a province outstanding work reward. Powdery Chinese ink is drawn " amorous feelings of ancient another name for Yunnan Province begs rain " obtain custom of first China of countrywide to draw large award to surpass award of an excellent work, collect for Chang'an folk-custom museum. China is drawn " green fruit " obtain Chinese new era " cup of art of Parisian iron tower " large award of painting and calligraphy surpasses outstanding work reward, china is drawn " Gu Dian sheds barge " by China modern appraisal of painting and calligraphy prevents bogus to the research center is collected and be judged for outstanding an excellent work. " treasures slave " by income " collect of high-quality goods of a hunderd schools of painting and calligraphy of China and foreign countries " and bear the palm. " Vajracchedika-sutra " obtain " large award of world Chinese art " " international honor gold prize " . Canvas " assiduous study " be collected by Chinese art gallery. Canvas has " festival eve " , " results " and China is drawn " Gu Dian amorous feelings " , " Gu Dian sheds barge " , " green fruit " etc.
In addition, still many work obtains provincial above to reward intercurrent watch at all sorts of newspapers and periodicals. Was awarded 1995 " celebrity of art of contemporary painting and calligraphy " honorary title, obtain 98 years " artist of world crackajack Chinese " honorary title, its biography brief by income " Chinese art almanac " , " world blue book " , " dictionary of world contemporary artist " , " China is contemporary and literary celebrity dictionary " wait for more than kinds of 20 dictionary inside.



