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刘永刚 - 在文字雕塑的深处——刘永刚作品读

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1964年出生于内蒙古根河市,1986年毕业于地方 美术学院。1997年毕业于德国纽伦堡美术学院。2012年为中国美术学院客座教授。现工作、生活在北京、惠州、杭州、柏林。
从1999年开始,应用 甲骨文、八思巴文、金文等多种文字的外型 ,创作组雕《站立的文字》,历经10年的时间至2009年将这组共102件雕塑制造 完成。
他的作品表明了他的艺术和中国人文传统和 古典艺术的内在联系。他发掘出了中国传统文明 所代表的古典人文主义的尊严,以汉蒙等不同文字的另类表达方式,展示 了1 个多民族大国曾经有过的辉煌文明和将来 理想。
刘永刚又以“线相”这1 概念取代了来自东方 的“抽象”概念,为刘永刚的理论贡献,他的“线相生肖”作品就艺术而言,生肖是解读“线相”的入口,而“线相”又是借助生肖的不同抽象 而生成,是1 种相反相成 的关系。
在短短几年中,刘永刚经历了媒介材质和表现手段的多次转换,从石雕到油彩,又从油彩到水墨。但他在多个领域的尝试终究 都连接着传统文脉的精髓——线相,而“线相生肖”正是刘永刚在“线相”这1 学术航道上不懈努力的最新成果。
2014年50岁创作《生肖线相》;《野性温情——刘永刚的表现主义》北京锦都艺术中心;受聘清华大学美术学院高研班导师;与根河市领导座谈,关于“六个文明 ”、“四馆1 园”建设;为家乡根河创作《林区工人》、《根河温度》、《森林动物》雕塑;《蓝标人》在北京蓝色光标集团总部门旁落地揭幕;为佛山市人民广场创作雕塑《天地人和》;参加中瑞文明 艺术节;《共振——有形 之形中国当代艺术展》瑞士卢塞恩圣-乌尔班当代艺术博物馆;筹备明年在美国、瑞士、德国的展览;筹备在惠州博物馆七月三十日举办的《笔墨生肖》展;考察根河、惠州、佛山、瑞士、意大利等地;
2013年49岁中国美术学院客座教授;完成雕塑系第三工作室教案《品物》,并由中国美术学院出版社出版发行;参加《有形 之形——中国当代艺术展》(湖北省美术馆);为深圳福田区创作《5 福》、《天地人和》;作品《双升》参加澳大利亚布里斯班黄金海岸国际约请 展;《共振——刘永刚作品展》(北京四季酒店);雕塑作品《站立的文字——悦佛》(高六米)落户美国达拉斯亚洲艺术博物馆;呼伦贝尔盟根河市《文明 大讲堂》讲座;参加《邂逅——中国当代雕塑展》沈阳;水墨作品《5 福》参加香港艺缘会展;参加《首届中国安装 艺术双年展》北京当代艺术馆天津美术馆;考察澳大利亚、美国、呼伦贝尔、上海、杭州、沈阳、香港等地;
2012年48岁参加峰会国际典藏——首届多国艺术家约请 展《美丽的地平线》(北京峰会艺术中心);参加《2012东东方 对话》(德国波茨坦无忧宫公园);参加“共振汉堡-中国当代雕塑展”(德国汉堡市Gro?enBleichen大街);参加《中德文明 艺术交流展》(德国伦茨堡布德尔斯多尔夫市卡尔舒特艺术中心);在北京今日美术馆举办个展《线相——刘永刚绘画展》;作品《合心》参加中国百年雕塑展(中国国家博物馆);在杭州浙江美术馆举办个展《尚立——刘永刚作品展》;在浙江嘉兴大学艺术学院演讲;参加《他山绘事》—中国当代绘画名家原创作品展(山东省美术馆);创作并制造 (美国达拉斯亚洲艺术博物馆门前5.62高雕塑作品);到日本东京访问;到香港视觉艺术中心讲学;在中国美术学院雕塑系任教;公共雕塑作品《欣合》由今日美术馆收藏;公共雕塑《站立的生命》、雕塑作品《和欣》、《呈祥》由浙江美术馆收藏;在杭州、嘉兴、上海、鄂尔多斯、德国等地考察;
2011年47岁参加大同市和阳美术馆《开悟:首届大同国际雕塑双年展》,并被大同市政府收藏七件;参加第二届两岸汉字艺术节当代艺术展(台北文明 展览中心);参加中国·芜湖首届“刘开渠奖”国际雕塑大展,并被芜湖市政府收藏;参加中国姿势 ·第二届中国雕大展(温州);到布达佩斯、波斯坦、德国北部考察;为鄂尔多斯市创作《中国国家民族园》和《东胜城标》;
2009年45岁在北京国家大剧院参加《中华人民共和国60周年当代艺术成果展》;参加《当代雕塑及安装 艺术联展》(北京苹果社区二十二院街开街展);参加美国纽约日新月艺画廊《安定 与庄严》展;参加北京市规划展览馆《2009奥运工程建设展》;参加《家风即国风》招商银行私人银行艺术展;参加《来自东方的冥想—中国当代艺术家联展》(德国弗洛伊登艺术中心);参加《非常形态 》展(北京墙美术馆);十二米高雕塑作品《天降大杭》在杭州市解放东路揭幕并被杭州市政府收藏;组雕《站立的文字——爱拥》100件参加亚洲艺术节并被鄂尔多斯市政府收藏,落户在鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区《爱拥公园》;在上海美术馆举办个展《乾元——刘永刚个人油画作品展》;到鄂尔多斯、康巴什、东胜实地考察;
2008年44岁参加澳门艺术博物馆《中国抽象艺术展》;参加《2008年中国当代艺术文献展》(北京墙美术馆、歌华艺术中心);在美国画廊PREVIEWS画廊举办《刘永刚作品展》;参加《“活着的中国园林”中德文明 交流展》(德国德里斯顿美术馆);参加《中国首届雕塑展》(厦门园博园);参加第三届杭州国际雕塑《生活品质》约请 展;参加《意大利威尼斯第十1 届国际雕塑艺术开放展》;参加《第四届宋庄艺术节——“众声喧哗”公共雕塑展》;参加中国油画学会举办《开拓与融合——中国油画展》(中国美术馆);参加《金属声音——中国雕塑学会第1 届学术约请 展》(798艺术区文明 创意广场);在北京798雕塑学会举办个人作品展《破立之道——刘永刚作品展》;在北京世纪坛举办个人作品展《站立——刘永刚雕塑作品展》;在北京朝阳公园举办个人作品展《站立——刘永刚雕塑公共空间展》;出版《刘永刚?雕塑》画集;到山东、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、福建、广东、内蒙古实地考察;前往美国纽约、华盛顿、拉斯维加斯等地访问;
2007年43岁在中国美术馆举办以“站立的文字”为主题的雕塑绘画作品展出并出版画集;在德国柏林夏达姆画廊举办个展;参加北京当代艺术馆《连?接》展;到香港、澳门、台湾参观古代 艺术展;作品《站立的文字——爱拥》被中国驻柏林大使馆矗立在柏林克林格惠夫大街(Klinghoferstr.)中国文明 中心门前;100件《爱拥》系列作品由鄂尔多斯市政府收藏,落户鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区《爱拥公园》;《爱拥》油画、《观海》雕塑、《站立的文字》雕塑三件作品由中国美术馆收藏;《站立的文字》雕塑,墨玉石制造 ,高3.4米座落 在中国美术馆院内;
2006年42岁被内蒙古书法家协会聘为视觉艺术顾问;在家乡根河市举行个人大型雕塑作品《爱拥》捐赠典礼 ;出版《刘永刚艺术——爱拥》作品集;在德国柏林德意志联邦银行举办《爱拥——刘永刚雕塑绘画作品展》;分别到新加波、泰国实地考察;
2005年41岁制造 大型组雕作品《站立的文字——爱拥》102件,到柏林参观古代 艺术展;在景德镇陶瓷艺术博物馆与范敏琪先生举办陶瓷艺术展;作品《北萨拉的牧羊女》参加《大河上下1976—2005油画回顾展》在北京中国美术馆展出;被景德镇陶瓷艺术研讨 所聘为艺术顾问;分别到陕西、四川、云南考察;
2003年39岁回中国寻觅 石材,制造 《爱拥》作品;
1997年33岁毕业于德国纽伦堡美术学院,获硕士学位,师从考迪茨教授;参加德国纽伦堡美术学院1 年1 度展,作品《十字》获得“达纳1 等奖”,并获大师生称号;
1996年32岁在德国昆斯堡博物馆举办个展,到柏林参观古代 艺术展;
1995年31岁在德国英格斯达特讲学并举办个展,到奥地利参观古代 艺术展;
1994年30岁分别在德国维特-维登和巴登-巴登举办个展,到法兰克福古代 艺术展;
1993年29岁德国特立尔市艺术画廊举办个展,到慕尼黑参观古代 艺术展;
1992年28岁考入德国纽伦堡美术学院学习;在德国特立尔市富通画廊举办个展,到科隆参观古代 艺术展;在香港美术馆参加《古代 油画》展;
1991年27岁《北萨拉的牧羊女》、《北萨拉的牧羊女白月》、《鄂尔多斯新娘》等诸多作品在北京中国美术馆、上海美术馆、南京美术馆、香港美术馆等展出,同时在日本、德国、法国、意大利等国展出;在歌德言语 学院学习;
1989年25岁作品《漂泊的生灵》在中国美术馆参加《中国古代 艺术展》;作品《北萨拉的白月》、《神马》、《鄂尔多斯新娘》入选油画、壁画、粉画类参加《第七届全国美展》;
1987年23岁任内蒙古师范大学美术系教师;任内蒙古美协理事、油画艺委会秘书长;作品《北萨拉的牧羊女》参加《中国首届油画展》并获优等奖;发表论文《视觉艺术的普通 见解》等;
1986年22岁结识陈余生先生,得到他的指点 ,受益良多;与易建湘、袁加、李迪在民族文明 宫举办《4人画展》;毕业于地方 美术学院油画系,获学士学位;
1985年21岁与孟加拉艺术家法吕克在北京建国饭店举办联展;与李迪前往敦煌、青海、西藏实习写生;作品《鄂拉山的六月》在地方 美术学院陈列馆展出并被收藏;创作《飞天》组画;
1984年20岁到山东青岛、烟台、崆峒岛写生考察;作品《崆峒岛》系列在地方 美术学院陈列馆展出;
1983年19岁作品《岩石的记忆》在地方 美术学院陈列馆展出;
1982年18岁考入地方 美术学院油画系第1 工作室,师从靳尚谊教授;跟从吴小昌老师和同学们到山西云冈石窟、大同煤矿实习、写生;
1980年16岁到敖鲁古雅乡创办文明 站,结识侯刚老师;
1979年15岁上高中,并在根河文明 馆帮助做宣扬 工作;
1977年13岁前后 结识涂蒙巴图和叶立夫先生;
1976年12岁上初中,在根河林业第1 中学读书,画石膏像,画学校板报《粉碎四人帮》;
1975年11岁根河大火烧掉“宝物箱”和基本临摹的“君子 书”和 收藏的毛泽东主席记念章;
1972年8岁画《天安门》并获学校比赛1 等奖;
1971年7岁在根河林业第1 小学读书;

Introduction to the artist

Liu Yonggang: Home of famous oil painting, sculptor. Visiting professor of Chinese academy of fine arts. Tsinghua academy of fine arts grinds high class adviser. Chinese artist academician, chinese sculpture academician.
Was born in city of river of Inner Mongolia root 1964, was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1986. Was graduated from German Nuremberg academy of fine arts 1997. Was visiting professor of Chinese academy of fine arts 2012. Show the job, life to be in city of Beijing, benefit, Hangzhou, Berlin.
Begin from 1999, use the model of a variety of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, characters such as 8 Sai Bawen, inscriptions on bronze, creation group carve " standing character " , all previous comes via time of 10 years 2009 will this group in all 102 sculpture are made finish.
His work made clear the immanent connection of his art and Chinese article tradition and classic art. He disentombs the dignity of the classic humanism that gave representing of place of Chinese traditional culture, what wait for different written language with Han Meng is additional kind of expression means, showed the brilliant civilization that a multiracial big country once had had and prospective ideal.
Liu Yonggang with " line photograph " this one concept replaced those who come from the west " abstract " concept, for academic contribution of Liu Yonggang, his " line photograph any of the twelve animals " work is artistic, the any of the twelve animals is to unscramble " line photograph " the entrance, and " line photograph " the different form that is any of the twelve animals of have the aid of resemble and generate, it is a kind of relation that supplement each other.
Be in a few years short in, liu Yonggang experienced what agency ability pledges and behave a method to be changed for many times, arrive from stone carving greasepaint, arrive from greasepaint again water Chinese ink. But his attempt in many domains is final the marrow of arteries and veins of connective tradition article -- line photograph, and " line photograph any of the twelve animals " be Liu Yonggang is in " line photograph " the newest achievement of indefatigable effort on course of this one science.
50 years old are created 2014 " any of the twelve animals line photograph " ; " haggard warmth -- of Liu Yonggang expressionist " Beijing bright and beautiful is artistic center; Suffer hire Tsinghua university academy of fine arts to grind high class adviser; Lead have an informal discussion with root river city, about " 6 culture " , " 4 houses one garden " construction; Create for river of home town root " forest zone worker " , " root river temperature " , " silvan creature " sculpture; " blue mark person " beside door of headquarters of group of Beijing blue cursor be born begins; Create sculpture for square of Fosan city people " world support of the people " ; Attend Zhong Ruiwen to spend artistic red-letter day; " resonance -- aeriform form China contemporary art is exhibited " emperor of favour of Swiss Lu a place of strategic importance - Wu Er class is artistic now museum; Prepare the exhibition that is in the United States, Switzerland, Germany next year; Prepare what held on July 30 in benefit city museum " writing any of the twelve animals " exhibit; Inspect and other places of city of a river, benefit, Fosan, Switzerland, Italy;
2013 visiting professor of academy of fine arts of 49 years old of China; The sculpture that finish is teaching plan of the 3rd atelier " taste content " , publish by press of Chinese academy of fine arts; Attend " aeriform form -- Chinese contemporary art is exhibited " (Hubei saves art gallery) ; Create for area of Shenzhen blessing cropland " 5 blessing " , " world support of the people " ; Work " double litre " attend Australia international of class gold coast invites Bulisi exhibit; " resonance -- Liu Yonggang work is exhibited " (hotel of Beijing the four seasons) ; Sculpture work " standing character -- Yue Buddha " (6 meters tall) settle United States is amounted to help museum of Si Yazhou art; City of river of root of alliance of Hu Lunbei Er " culture big lecture room " lecture; Attend " encounter -- Chinese contemporary sculpture is exhibited " Shenyang; Work of water Chinese ink " 5 blessing " attend predestined relationship of Hong Kong art to be able to be exhibited; Attend " first China device is artistic double year exhibit " art gallery of Tianjin of house of Beijing contemporary art; Inspect and other places of Australia, United States, Hu Lunbei Er, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Hong Kong;
48 years old attended a summit 2012 meeting international allusion hides -- first multilateral artist invites exhibit " beautiful horizon " (Beijing peak will be artistic center) ; Attend " 2012 things just speak " (German wave Ci Tan does not have care palace park) ; Attend " resonance hamburger - is Chinese contemporary sculpture exhibited " (Gro of German hamburger city? EnBleichen ave) ; Attend " Zhong Dewen changes art communication to exhibit " (German Lun Cibao Budeersiduoerfu city Ka Ershu is special artistic center; In Beijing art gallery is held now exhibit " line photograph -- art exhibition of Liu Yonggang draw " ; Work " add up to a heart " attend hundred years sculpture of Chinese to exhibit (Chinese country museum) ; Hold in Hangzhou Zhejiang art gallery exhibit " Shang Li -- Liu Yonggang work is exhibited " ; In Zhejiang fine begin speech of university art institute; Attend " job of his hill paint " , China draws a person of academic or artistic distinction achieves work to exhibit formerly now (Shandong saves art gallery) ; Create and make (the United States is amounted to pull Si Yazhou craft work of before museum door 5.62 tall sculpture) ; To Japanese Tokyo visit; To art of Hong Kong vision the center discourses on an academic subject; In sculpture of Chinese academy of fine arts the department teachs; Communal sculpture work " glad closes " by art gallery is collected now; Communal sculpture " standing life " , sculpture work " He Xin " , " show auspicious " collect by Zhejiang art gallery; In Hangzhou, fine promote, Shanghai, E Er is much this, German and other places makes an on-the-spot investigation;
47 years old entered Great Harmony city and in relief art gallery 2011 " realize: Sculpture of international of first Great Harmony double year exhibit " , be collected 7 by Great Harmony municipal government; Attend art of Chinese character of the 2nd two sides contemporary art postpones the red-letter day (Taipei culture exhibits a center) ; Attend lake of Chinese · overgrown with weeds first " Liu Kaiqu award " international sculpture is exhibited greatly, be collected by municipal government of lake of overgrown with weeds; Attend Chinese attitude · carve of the 2nd China is exhibited greatly (Wen Zhou) ; Make an on-the-spot investigation to north of calm of Budapest, Persia, Germany; The Er that it is another name for Hubei province is much this city is created " garden of Chinese country people " and " Dong Shengcheng mark " ;
46 years old played 2010 Beijing artistic fair in Beijing agriculture exhibition 2010; Attend " meeting sculpture extends Shanghai world gain " ; Attend " heavy model -- artist couplet exhibits China now " (gallery of Mu of German Berlin Xia Da) ; In Beijing 798 too hold with artistic space exhibit " female yuan -- Liu Yonggang art is exhibited " ; Hold in Beijing times art gallery exhibit " male yuan -- Liu Yonggang abstract art is exhibited " ; Creation group is drawn " line photograph " ; Father to grotto of ridge of Great Harmony cloud, fluctuation China city of lake of temple, overgrown with weeds, new moon, Hefei, Hangzhou makes an on-the-spot investigation on the spot;
In Beijing country great theater attended 45 years old 2009 " artistic 60 years now achievement exhibits People's Republic of China " ; Attend " contemporary sculpture and device art couplet are exhibited " (22 courtyards market opens Beijing apple community the street is exhibited) ; Enter day of American new York gallery of new moon art " firm with majestic " exhibit; Enter Beijing program exhibition " project of 2009 Olympic Gameses is exhibited " ; Attend " domestic wind namely country wind " private bank art exhibits the bank that enrol business; Attend " those who come from east is contemplative, artist couplet exhibits China now " (Germany nots Loewe enters artistic center) ; Attend " special status " exhibit (Beijing wall art gallery) ; Work of 12 meters tall sculpture " the sky falls big Hangzhou " liberate in Hangzhou city east the road begins and be collected by Hangzhou municipal government; Group carve " standing character -- love is embraced " play Asian artistic part 100 times and by E Er much this municipal government is collected, settle is in E Er is much this new developed area of city Kang Ba assorted " love supports a park " ; Hold in Shanghai art gallery exhibit " male yuan -- work of canvas of Liu Yonggang's individual is exhibited " ; To E Er much this, Kangbashen, Dongsheng makes an on-the-spot investigation on the spot;
44 years old attended Macao art museum 2008 " Chinese abstract art is exhibited " ; Attend " artistic now document exhibited China 2008 " (center of art of Beijing wall art gallery, song China) ; Hold in gallery of American gallery PREVIEWS " Liu Yonggang work is exhibited " ; Attend " " living Chinese gardens " Zhong Dewen changes communication to exhibit " (the Sidumei in German heart art house) ; Attend " first sculpture of Chinese is exhibited " (garden of Xiamen garden rich) ; Attend sculpture of international of the 3rd Hangzhou " life character " invite exhibit; Attend " Italian Venice eleventh international sculptural is open exhibit " ; Attend " section of art of village of the 4th the Song Dynasty -- " numerous sound is roaring " communal sculpture is exhibited " ; Attend Chinese canvas to learn to hold " develop with confluence -- Chinese canvas is exhibited " (Chinese art gallery) ; Attend " metallic sound -- Chinese sculpture learns the first learning to invite exhibit " (square of originality of culture of 798 artistic areas) ; In Beijing 798 sculptor can hold individual work to exhibit " break the talk that stand -- Liu Yonggang work is exhibited " ; Individual work is held to exhibit in Beijing century altar " stand -- sculpture work exhibits Liu Yonggang " ; In Beijing sunny park holds individual work to exhibit " stand -- communal space exhibits Liu Yonggang sculpture " ; Publish " Liu Yonggang? Sculpture " picture collect; Make an on-the-spot investigation on the spot to Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia; Head for American new York, Washington, Las Vegas visit of and other places;
43 years old are held in Chinese art gallery 2007 with " standing character " the sculpture paint that gives priority to a problem exhibits and give woodcut market; In German Berlin gallery of Xia Da Mu is held exhibit; Enter house of Beijing contemporary art " even? Receive " exhibit; Visit modern art to exhibit to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan; Work " standing character -- love is embraced " embassy of the Berlin that be stationed in by China stands tall and upright in Berlin Cline Ge Huifu ave (Klinghoferstr. ) before door of Chinese culture center; 100 " love is embraced " series work by E Er much this municipal government is collected, er of settle another name for Hubei province is much this new developed area of city Kang Ba assorted " love supports a park " ; " love is embraced " canvas, " view sea " sculpture, " standing character " sculpture 3 work are collected by Chinese art gallery; " standing character " sculpture, mo Yushi is made, be located 3.4 meters high inside Chinese art gallery courtyard;
42 years old are hired to be visual art adviser by association of Inner Mongolia calligrapher 2006; A work of National People's Congress sculpture is held in city of river of home town root " love is embraced " donate a ceremony; Publish " Liu Yonggang is artistic -- love is embraced " work collect; In federal of volition of German Berlin heart the bank is held " love is embraced -- paint of Liu Yonggang sculpture is exhibited " ; Make an on-the-spot investigation on the spot to Xin Jiabo, Thailand respectively;
41 years old made work of large group carve 2005 " standing character -- love is embraced " 102, visit modern art to exhibit to Berlin; In art of Jingdezhen pottery and porcelain museum and Mr Fan Minqi hold art of pottery and porcelain to exhibit; Work " the shepherdess that boreal Sa pulls " attend " the great river fluctuates 1976, 2005 canvas review exhibit " exhibit in Beijing China art gallery; Be hired to be artistic adviser by institute of art of Jingdezhen pottery and porcelain; Make an on-the-spot investigation to Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan respectively;
40 years old are hired to be a visiting professor by academy of fine arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University 2004, make an on-the-spot investigation to Hangzhou;
39 years old answered China to seek stone capable person 2003, make " love is embraced " work;
38 years old created literal work 2002, before parting, toward north Ou Hena Europe makes an on-the-spot investigation;
37 years old created literal work 2001;
36 years old created literal work 2000, in Germany Bach holds Weigensi exhibit;
35 years old wrote stereo script 1999, visit museum to European each country;
The past France, Italy, Austria country 34 years old ago made an on-the-spot investigation 1998, hold in gallery of husband of German a person of extraordinary powers exhibit;
33 years old are graduated from German Nuremberg academy of fine arts 1997, obtain master's degree, master from take an examination of enlighten Professor Ci; Attend German Nuremberg academy of fine arts annual exhibit, work " crossed " obtain " the first prize that amount to accept " , win title of big teachers and students;
In Germany museum held Kun Sibao 32 years old 1996 exhibit, visit modern art to exhibit to Berlin;
Yinggesidate discourses on an academic subject and 31 years old are held in Germany 1995 exhibit, visit modern art to exhibit to Austria;
30 years old are in Germany respectively 1994 dimension is special - dimension is ascended and cling to ascend - Ba Dengju does exhibit, to Frankfurt modern art is exhibited;
29 years old of Germany established Er city artistic gallery to hold especially 1993 exhibit, visit modern art to exhibit to Munich;
28 years old took an examination of study of German Nuremberg academy of fine arts 1992; Establish Er town especially in Germany rich connect gallery to hold exhibit, visit modern art to exhibit to division grand; Attend in Hong Kong art gallery " contemporary canvas " exhibit;
1991 27 years old " the shepherdess that boreal Sa pulls " , " the shepherdess Bai Yue that boreal Sa pulls " , " E Er is much this bride " wait for a lot of work to be in Beijing China art gallery, Shanghai art gallery, Nanjing art gallery, Hong Kong art gallery showpiece, exhibit in the country such as Japan, Germany, France, Italy at the same time; Learn in institute of song German character;
Toward heart volition federal the republic studied abroad 26 years old ago 1990;
1989 25 years old of work " adrift the people " attend in Chinese art gallery " Chinese modern art is exhibited " ; Work " the Bai Yue that boreal Sa pulls " , " divine horse " , " E Er is much this bride " selected canvas, mural, pink is drawn kind attend " beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " ;
24 years old held individual art exhibition in Inner Mongolia art gallery 1988;
23 years old held the post of art of Inner Mongolia Normal University to fasten a teacher 1987; Hold the post of thing of Inner Mongolia beautiful assistant manager, canvas art appoint meeting secretary-general; Work " the shepherdess that boreal Sa pulls " attend " first oily art exhibition of Chinese " win classy award; Publish a paper " the prevailing view of visual art " etc;
22 years old got acquainted with Chen Yu to give birth to a gentleman 1986, get his guidance, be benefited fine is much; Hold in the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities with Yi Jianxiang, Yuan Jia, Li Di " 4 people art exhibition " ; Be graduated from canvas of central academy of fine arts is, obtain bachelor's degree;
With Bengal artist Falvke was in Beijing 21 years old to found a state 1985 restaurant holds couplet to exhibit; Head for paint from life of exercitation of Dunhuang, Qinghai, Tibet with Li Di; Work " of E Lashan in June " centrally academy of fine arts displays a house to exhibit and be collected; Create " flying Apsaras " group picture;
20 years old went to Shandong 1984 paint from life of island of cave of Qingdao, Yantai, Kong makes an on-the-spot investigation; Work " Kong cave island " series centrally academy of fine arts displays a house to exhibit;
1983 19 years old of work " petrosal is remembered " centrally academy of fine arts displays a house to exhibit;
18 years old took an examination of canvas of central academy of fine arts to fasten the first atelier 1982, division is taught from Jin Shangyi; Follow to arrive from Mr. Wu Xiaochang and classmates exercitation of colliery of grotto of Shanxi cloud ridge, Great Harmony, sketchy;
17 years old learned cure to draw to Lu Xun academy of fine arts with Mr. Cong Hougang 1981;
To Ao Lu Guya countryside established 16 years old 1980 culture stands, get acquainted with Mr. Hou Gang;
15 years old went up 1979 high school, do propagandist work in help of house of root river culture;
14 years old followed to learn brushwork from Mr Xie Lifu to Hailaer with Yi Jianxiang 1978;
13 years old knew graph of besmear Meng Ba and Mr Xie Lifu early or late 1977;
12 years old went up 1976 junior high school, in root river forestry the first middle school reads, draw gesso resembling, draw school board to declare " smash 4 people are helped " ;
Big baked wheaten cake of river of 11 years old of roots was dropped 1975 " treasure chest " with basic copy " Lilliputian book " and Chairman Mao Zedong that collect is written down read aloud a chapter;
1974 comic of 10 years old of copy " hill of tiger of power of take by strategy " wait;
9 years old got acquainted with Yi Jianxiang 1973;
8 years old are drawn 1972 " Tian An Men " win school tournament first prize;
In root river forestry the first elementary school read 7 years old 1971;
6 years old are drawn 1970 " father sits picture " ;
5 years old are drawn 1969 " mom effigies " ;
Was born at Er of Inner Mongolia forehead 1964 river of root of ancient accept different standard;



