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广廷渤,1938年生于辽宁大连,满族,别号渤海人。1964年毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系,曾任中国美协辽宁分会创作员。1980年调辽宁画院负责创作部工作。1986年应邀去澳大利亚进行美术考察。1988年参加鲁迅美院举办的法国油画家克劳德·伊维尔古典油画技法研讨 班。1993年旅居美国十年。
现任美国油画家协会会员,1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,辽宁美术家协会副主席、辽宁画院副院长,辽宁油画艺术研讨 会会长,辽宁省政协委员。国务院永世 津贴获得者。

其油画作品在海外举办30余次展览,油画《钢水·汗水》、《和平 年代》为中国美术馆收藏,《梦之森林》获澳大利亚太平洋绘画研讨 会画展优秀作品奖,《轻舟》获18届世界海景画展杰出技巧奖,并藏于波士顿美术馆,《苗家新娘》获环太平洋绘画铜牌奖。出版有《广廷渤海景油画选》《广廷渤画集》。
1938年生于大连,满族,别名 乌里布。斋名:渤海真人。
1959年《渤海渔汛 》参展并发表于辽宁日报。
1964年以优良 的成绩毕业并任辽宁美术家协会创作室专职画家。
1977年《万里长征走完第1 步》参加全国画展并发表于人民日报
1979年加入中国美协,第四届全国代表大会代表,辽宁紫罗兰油画研讨 会会长。
1981年《钢水·汗水》轰动国内外画坛,一鸣惊人 ,成为中国超级理想 主义代表画家之1 。
1983年《和平 年代》《蓝色海湾》等作品被选送俄罗斯等国参加巡回展出。
1989年当选为辽宁美术家协会副主席,辽宁省第一名 国家1 级画师。

Introduction to the artist

An Tingbo, was born at Liaoning Dalian 1938, manchu, person of alias Bohai Sea. Was graduated from department of canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1964, ever held the post of Chinese beauty assist the member that Liaoning branch is created. Tone Liaoning imperial art academy was in charge of creating a job 1980. Went on invitation 1986 Australia undertakes art makes an on-the-spot investigation. Law of classic canvas ability studies the Claud Yiweier of French canvas home that attended Lu Xun beautiful courtyard to hold 1988 class. 1993 reside abroad United States 10 years.
Currently hold the post ofacademician of American oily painter, division of one class art, chinese artist academician, assistant dean of imperial art academy of vice-chairman of Liaoning artist association, Liaoning, chairman of seminar of Liaoning canvas art, liaoning visits committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The State Council is permanent and subsidiary gainer.

Work reachs achievement
Overseas of its canvas work holds an exhibition more than times 30, canvas " sweat of molten steel · " , " warlike time " collect for Chinese art gallery, " the forest of the dream " obtain art exhibition of seminar of brushwork of Australian Pacific Ocean outstanding work reward, " canoe " obtain 18 worlds seapiece to exhibit crackajack skill award, hide at Bostonian art gallery, " seedling home bride " award of bronze medal of brushwork of the Pacific Ocean that catch link. Publish have " seascape canvas chooses An Tingbo " " An Tingbo draws volume " .
Artistic course
Was born at Dalian 1938, manchu, the cloth in renown black. Fast name: Bohai Sea true person.
Took an examination of Lu Xun academy of fine arts to learn canvas 1958.
1959 " Bohai Sea fishing season " ginseng exhibit and publish at Liaoning daily.
Graduated with outstanding achievement 1964 and hold the post of Liaoning artist association to create room full-time painter.
Attended 1968 giant canvas group is drawn " distant Shenyang battle " creation advocate drew " battle of tower hill nick " " forest front of Biao Zaijin city " etc.
Was chosen to be Liaoning to visit committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 1974.
1974 canvas " I put courser for the motherland " duplicate picture is collected be stationed in French embassy at China.
1974 " secretary of county Party committee " attend countrywide art exhibition to obtain highest honor to commend (Culture Revolution period does not establish award, give honor to commend only etc) .
1977 " secretary of county Party committee " , " sleep " enter countrywide art exhibition, " sleep " win second-class award
1977 " a long march of ten thousand lie takes the first step " enter countrywide art exhibition and publish at the People's Daily
Joined Chinese beauty 1979 assist, congress of the 4th whole nation is represented, chairman of seminar of Liaoning violet canvas.
1981 canvas " ancient bronze mirror is true " enter art exhibition of the 2nd Asia.
1981 " sweat of molten steel · " sensation draws altar domestic and internationally, become famous overnight achieve instant fame, become China one of painters of super realistic delegate.
Held the post of Liaoning imperial art academy to create ministry head of a department 1982, the organization was participated in east 3 provinces first scenery art exhibition.
1983 " warlike time " " blue is thalassic " wait for work to be chosen to send the country such as Russia to attend itinerate to exhibit.
Was elected 1989 for vice-chairman of Liaoning artist association, liaoning saves the first country one class painter.
1990 " collect of An Tingbo work " publish in Japan.
1997 " spring tide " " fisherman's song " " canoe " be chosen into the 18th Masidi international ocean art is exhibited greatly, " canoe " have the honor to win crackajack skill award. " spring tide " be transcribed to be in the cover that exhibits an album of paintings greatly.
1998 " tide " aquarelle obtains British aquarelle to exhibit outstanding work reward.
1999 canvas " bride " obtain Asia-Pacific to draw large award surpasses bronze medal award, " clean out sand " selected international ocean art exhibits the 20th Masidi greatly.
2000 " An Tingbo seapiece " publish.
2005 " a debt of blood " (collaboration) obtain turn over fascist to win 60 years international art exhibition is outstanding work reward.  
2007 " veteran pass newly " treat) obtain found an army 8 years countrywide beauty exhibits second-class award.   
2008 " time · life -- on May 12, 2008 hold a memorial ceremony for of plain of short of Wenshui River " (collaboration) giant canvas attends work of art of aseismatic whole nation providing disaster relief to be exhibited especially. " passion is cross-country " treat) attend international Olympic committee to hold whole nation of Beijing Olympic Games was exhibited greatly 2008.



