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钟定强,1939年12月生,四川资阳人,汉族。1960年3月提前毕业于东北 师范学院(现为东北 大学)图画科,1962年7月结业于四川美术学院绘画系,从事油画·水彩·创作教学。
东北 大学美术学院教授,硕士生导师,享用 国务院特殊津贴.中国美术家协会会员重庆美术家协会理事。画作多次参加全国.省.市美展,并被海内外人士收藏。
作品《乌江滚滚》入选全国第5 届美展.《磐石》入选全国第六届美展.《梦》入选全国第1 届水彩画展.《黄昏》入选全国第1 届油画展.《白桦林》入选全国第二届水彩.水粉画展,《金秋》入选全国第八届美展.《半个月亮》入选全国首届水彩画展.《秋韵》入选全国纪念延进5 十周年美展.《阳台》入选全国第三届油画展。其油画技法以刀画为主。出版有《钟定强油画集》《当代美术教学范画集—当代花鸟》。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe in December 1939, in relief person of four travelling expenses, the Han nationality. Was graduated from institute of southwest normal school ahead of schedule in March 1960 (it is southwest university now) picture division, complete a course was fastened at brushwork of Sichuan academy of fine arts in July 1962, be engaged in · of canvas · watercolour producing teacher and student.
Southwest university academy of fine arts is taught, the Master lays a teacher, enjoy the State Council special allowance. Director of association of artist of Chongqing of Chinese artist academician. The picture is made for many times enter the throughout the country. Province. City beauty is exhibited, be collected by global personage.
Individual work " black river billow " , " huge rock " , " dream " , . " crepuscular " , . " Bai Hua forest " , " fall " , " half moon " wait.
Work " Wu Jiang billow " the 5th beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. " huge rock " the 6th beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. " dream " art exhibition of the first watercolour of selected whole nation. " crepuscular " the first oily art exhibition of selected whole nation. " Bai Hua forest " the 2nd watercolour of selected whole nation. Gouache is exhibited, " fall " the 8th beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. " half moon " art exhibition of first watercolour of selected whole nation. " Qiu Yun " souvenir of selected whole nation is delayed into 50 years of beauty to exhibit. " the balcony " the 3rd oily art exhibition of selected whole nation. Law of its canvas ability is given priority to with knife picture. Publish have " collect of Zhong Dingjiang canvas " " collect of Fan Hua of contemporary art education, contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " .



