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宗其香 (1917.11—1999.12)江苏南京人。二十世纪杰出的绘画大师、美术教育家,1933年首次入选南京全国美术作品展,加入中华全国美术协会,1937年入选南京政府第二届全国美术作品展。1942年独创中国夜景山水画,打破传统山水画不能表现光的限制,开创了中国传统山水画向古代 转型新风。
      1944年毕业于重庆地方 大学艺术系,任中国美术学院助理研讨 员。1946年任北平国立艺专讲师、中国美术学院研讨 员。1952年首任地方 美术学院绘画系水彩科主任,1961年首任地方 美术学院国画系山水科主任、教授等。1974年被“四人帮”批判成为头号反革命黑画家,1978年平反,1980重病后离休隐居桂林漓江边。擅中国画人物、山水画、花鸟画,版画、油画、水彩画,是一名 有深厚传统功力融汇贯通的艺术大师。
      作品有1942年《秋风里》、《嘉陵江上纤夫》、《重庆夜景》等,新中国成立后创作《到天安门去》、《巧渡金沙江》、《强渡大渡河》、《长江三峽》、《艺君像》、《边寨公路》、《漓江夜曲》、《美丽的西双版纳》等传世名作。作品曾参加民国政府第二、第三届全国美展,新中国第1 、二、三届全国美展中获奖。1952年创作的《不朽的英雄杨根思》获第1 届全军美展1 等奖。1943年在重庆成功举办中国第1 个山水画写生作品“重庆夜景”个人画展;1956年集历年写生作品在国内5 省巡展1 年,上海美术出版社为画展印行画集。1985年南京江苏美术馆,1987年在中国美术馆举办个展;后赴日本举办个展。1958年创制水彩袖珍画具,获文明 部创作发明奖。有人民美术出版社《中国近古代 名家·宗其香》画集行世。


暮年 时期
1985年在桂林与宗其香先生同住1 个饭店,因而 几乎每天在一同 ,宗老有个习气 ,只需 天气好,他就会在院子里慢慢的散步,经常和他朝夕相处,他为人随和并且有些寡言,夫人也常常伴随摆布 ,在
这最初 的二十年中,空闲 之余经常陪伴他散步、聊天,宗其香在桂林为各宾馆创作了近百幅丈二巨作,他的暮年 是幸福的、平和 的,他从不吝啬本身 的作品,经常把他的画作送给刚认识喜欢美术的小朋友和饭店服务员,鼓励他们学习,当别人问他是哪来的画家,他会慢慢的谦逊地告诉别人:“我是1 个退休教师”, 当别人称他为“大师”时候,他总会认真地告诉你:“我不是大师只是一名 大学教师”。 1989年,李可染去世后,地方 美术学院多次到广西桂林请他回北京,但都被逐一 谢绝了,或许 是文革留下太多的伤痛。
关于宗其香“三虎图”反革命事件,40几年前的宗其香是“文明 大革命”受冲击最严重的老画家之1 ,1974年为北京饭店等外交场所画画,本来可以缓口气,终究 有时间能画画了,当时他画了几十幅作品,单单有1 幅“三虎图”惹了天大的麻烦这幅“三虎图”实际是1 幅很普通的水墨画,结果,这幅画被扣上了三虎既彪,“为林彪翻案”的黑帽子,被隔离审查,反复做检讨,被拉到四处批斗。  由于“文明 大革命”期间宗老受到的冲击最严重,他的先生 动手打他,熬煎 他。宗其香详细叙说 了这些事的经过,这是四十多年前的事了,宗老最伤心的就是他的先生 打他,他被熬煎 的死去活来,到最初 不能提起这些事。
最初 创作
在宗老人生的最初 20年,他几乎没画出新东西,他是新中国中国画改革的四大旗手,李可染李斛蒋兆和、宗其香之1 ,宗其香1999年去世,他与李可染1 样活到82岁去世,在人生的最初 20年隐居的日子里,创作了数不尽的桂林山水,与李可染白雪石共同创立了桂林山水画新风。
宗其香是中国画改革的开拓者之1 ,是新中国成立后中国画改革派的1 面旗手,直到打倒“四人帮”平反以后 ,1980年宗其香离开了多事的北京城,在桂林山水间过起了隐居的平民生活直到去世。人们从此渐渐地把他遗忘,而与他齐名的画家同事们成为了“大师”,他阔别 了中国的政治中心,阔别 了美术界和旧事 界,以致 很多美术界的人士误认为他早已不在人世间,他放弃了留在北京城,放弃了地方 美院教学工作,放弃了给予过他荣誉给予过他磨难的北京城,而遨游在桂林小镇的真山真水之间,享用 着暮年 天伦之乐。


1947年随徐悲鸿北上,历任国立北平艺术专科学校讲师,地方 美术学院教授、水彩教研室主任、中国画系山水科主任。1982年离休。中国美术家协会会员。擅人物、山水画,尤永夜 景。作品有《艺君像》《漓江夜》《寺前小集》等。1952年创作的《不朽的英雄杨根思》曾获全军美展1 等奖。1943年曾在重庆举办“重庆夜景”个人画展;1956年其长江写生在国内数地巡展;1985年南京江苏美术馆,1987年在中国美术馆举办个展;后赴日本举办个展。1958年创制水彩袖珍画具,获文明 部创作发明奖。有《宗其香画集》行世。
他是一名 杰出的画家。从他众多的作品中,我们看到的是多样的题材,浓郁的生活气息,不拘1 格的表现情势 。他是一名 出色 的美术教育家。他的先生 遍及海内外,许多人已经是 著名的画家、教授或高级编辑。他是一名 勤奋的垦荒者。上世纪5 六十年代,他创作颇丰,是发表作品最频繁的画家之1 ;他是一名 经历丰富的老者。
老友黄苗子先生说:“朋友当中,宗其香是最有艺术家脾气的艺术家之1 ,他‘言听计从 ’,爱画什么就画什么。爱怎样 画就怎样 画。他是徐悲鸿先生的先生 ,有精湛的基本功,可是他并不原封不动 地走老师的道路,‘我自用我法’(石涛语)”。正是由于这类 个性,宗其香视艺术为生命。面对奔腾而至的市场经济大潮,他十分不适应;而面对繁杂多变的社会人际关系,他更是无所措手足,以致 于避开众人向往的大都市,遨游真山真水二十余年,直至骨灰都抛撒在他热爱的漓江山水之间……
尽管这其中有激情,有灵感,有寻求 ,也有没有 奈,但正像他本身 说过的那样:“我是个美术工作者,我喜欢大自然,喜欢山,喜欢水,有时候在这山水里面,我想变成1 块石头,把本身 融化到大自然里去。”
1 个人怀念1 座城市,多半是怀念那里的人。就像国画《黎明》所表现的那样:晨曦中的江面上,透过花丛树影,几只错落有致的泊船和高低不同的远山,静静地躺在如镜的水面上。渔火中,三两个人影在船舱里劳作着,像是在梳洗,亦像是早炊。和风 中,不时飘过来几声细语,夹带着欢笑和动听 的婴啼。心像山1 样静,情如水1 样深。他的作品是在表现昼夜的交替,还是在借喻生命的轮回?
情因人而异,景伴情而生。天人合1 ,情景交融,宗其香寄情书画,可谓达到了极至。
他把本身 融进了大自然。

English Introduction

Zong Qixiang (1917.11 - 1999.12) Jiangsu Nanjing. Twentieth Century outstanding painting master, art educator, in 1933 was selected for the first time in Nanjing national art exhibition, joined the National Fine Arts Association, in 1937 was selected by the Nanjing government's second national art exhibition. 1942 original Chinese landscape painting at night, breaking the traditional landscape painting can not show the limitations of light, creating a new landscape of traditional Chinese landscape transformation of the new wind.
1944 graduated from the Department of art, Centre College, Chongqing, assistant researcher at The China Academy of Art. In 1946, Beijing national art college lecturer and researcher at the The China Academy of Art. The first director of Watercolor Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1952, 1961, the first professor of Chinese Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of Department of landscape etc.. 1974 was the "Gang of four" counter revolutionary criticism has become the number one black painter, 1978 vindicated, 1980 seriously ill retired after seclusion Guilin Lijiang edge. Good at landscape painting, bird figures Chinese, painting, printmaking, oil painting, watercolor painting, is a profound traditional skill mastered the art master.
Works of "autumn" in 1942, "the Jialing River", "Chongqing night" trackers, after the establishment of new Chinese creation "go to Tiananmen", "Jinsha River", "Du Qiao Dadu", "", "the Yangtze River Three Gorges Yi Jun, like" road "," reaches the border "Lijiang night", "beautiful Xishuangbanna" and other masterpieces. The government of the Republic of China, second works were selected to attend the third national art exhibition, winning new China first, the two or three national art exhibition. In 1952 the creation of "immortal hero Yang Gensi" won the first prize of the art exhibition. In 1943 successfully held the first Chinese landscape painting works "Chongqing night" solo exhibition in Chongqing; over 1956 Chi sketch works in the domestic five province tour a year, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishing House published for the exhibition of paintings. 1985 Nanjing Jiangsu Art Museum, held a solo exhibition at the China Art Museum in 1987. In 1958 the creation of watercolor painting pocket, by the Ministry of culture creative invention award. There are modern people's Fine Arts Publishing House "China Masters - Zong Qixiang" of the world bank.

Old age
Guilin in 1985 and in Qixiang Mr. living in a hotel, so almost every day together, the old cases have a habit, as long as the weather is good, he will slowly walk in the yard, and he often stay together morning and night, he is easy-going and somewhat reticent, lady often accompanied by around in
The last twenty years, leisure often accompany him walking and talking, Zong Qixiang in Guilin created hundreds of pieces of Zhang two masterpiece to the hotel, his life is happy and peaceful, he would often put his own work, just know love art paintings for kids and the waiter and encourage them to learn, when someone asked him what the painter, he will slowly humbly tell others: "I am a retired teacher, when someone called him" master ", he will always tell you seriously:" I am not the master only a university teacher". 1989, after the death of Li Keran, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, many times to Guangxi Guilin invited him back to Beijing, but were 11 declined, perhaps the cultural revolution left too much pain.
Three tiger figure"
On the case of Qixiang "three tiger" counter revolutionary event, 40 years ago in Qixiang is "one of the painters of the Cultural Revolution" hit hardest by the old, 1974 Beijing Hotel and other foreign places to draw, could break, finally have time to paint, then he drew dozens of paintings, only have a the "three tiger" into big trouble this piece of "three tiger" is actually a very ordinary ink painting, results, this picture taken on the three tiger is Biao, "Lin Biao case" black hat, was examined in isolation, repeated review, pulled around criticism. Zong Lao suffered most during the cultural revolution, and his students beat him and tortured him. Zong Qixiang recounts the story, this is more than and 40 years ago, the old cases the most sad is that his students call him, he was tortured to the last half alive can not bring these things.
Last creation
In the last 20 years in the old life, he almost didn't draw anything new, he is the four new Chinese China painting reform bearer, Li Keran, Li Hu, Jiang Zhaohe, Zong Qixiang, Zong Qixiang died in 1999, he and Li Keran lived to be 82 years old died, in the last 20 years of his life in the hidden days creation, countless Guilin Scenery, stone and Li Keran, co founded the Guilin Scenery to draw fresh air.
Died in seclusion
Zong Qixiang is one of the pioneers of the reform Chinese painting, is a new Chinese reform after the establishment of China school side bearer, until after the overthrow of the gang of four in 1980 Qixiang rehabilitated, left much of Beijing City, in the Guilin Scenery between reclusively civilian life until his death. People gradually forget him, and with his famous painter colleagues became the "master", he China away from the political center, away from the art circle and the press, and many of the people in art circles believe that he is not in the world, he gave up in the city of Beijing, gave up the central Academy of fine arts the teaching work, to give up to give him the honor to give him the city of Beijing, and travel between the true mountain water town of Guilin, enjoying the happiness of a family union of old age.

In 1947 with Xu Beihong north, served as the national Beiping art school lecturer, Professor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of the Department of China, watercolor painting department of Landscape Department director. She retired in 1982. Member of China Artists association. Good character, landscape painting, especially long night. Works have "art Jun like" "Lijiang night" "temple before small collection", etc.. In 1952 the creation of "immortal hero Yang Gensi" won the first prize of PLA Art exhibition. Was held in 1943 "Chongqing night" solo exhibition in Chongqing; in 1956 the number of domestic tour in Yangtze River from Nanjing in 1985; Jiangsu Museum of art, 1987 exhibition held in Chinese Museum of art exhibition held in Japan after. In 1958 the creation of watercolor painting pocket, by the Ministry of culture creative invention award. A "Zong Qixiang album" the world bank.
He is an outstanding painter. From his works, we can see a variety of themes, rich flavor of life forms, not sticking to formalities. He is a brilliant art educator. His students all over the world, many people are famous painters, professors or senior editors. He is a diligent reclamation. In the 50s and 60s of last century, he created quite well, is one of the most frequently published painter; he is a rich old man.
This is the case. 82 years of his life course, such as writing scenery, and rich.
Old Mr Huang Miaozi said: "friend, Zong Qixiang is one of the most artistic temperament of the artist, he 'go', what is what love painting painting. Love how to draw on how to draw. He is a student of Mr. Xu Beihong, with superb basic skills, but he does not follow the teacher's path, I use my own law (Shi Tao)". It is because of this character, Zong Qixiang as the art of life. In the face of the Pentium and tide of market economy, he is very uncomfortable; but in the face of social interpersonal relationship is complicated and changeable, he is not knowing what to do, so avoid the Mecca of metropolis travel true mountain water for more than twenty years, until the ashes are thrown in between his love Jiangshan Li water......
Although there is passion, inspiration, pursuit, is also helpless, but as he said: "I am an artist, I love nature, love, love the water, sometimes in the landscape, I want to become a stone, his nature to melt into the."
A person miss a city, mostly miss the people there. Like the Chinese painting "dawn" done: in the morning on the river, only a few flowers through the trees, the boat and well-proportioned different mountains, lying quietly in the water as a mirror. Yuhuo, 32 people work in the cabin, like grooming, also like early cooking. The breeze wafted up from time to time, a few voices, with laughter and sweet baby. Heart as quiet as mountain, love as deep as water. His work is in the performance of alternating day and night, or in the life cycle of metaphor?
Love varies from person to person, scenery with emotion. The harmony between man and nature, which, in Qixiang on painting and calligraphy, have taken to the extreme.
He melted himself into nature.



