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吴秀生,中国当代彩墨画家。1970年出生,地方 美院毕业,作品借鉴东方 印象派、野兽派的色彩经验,并充分发挥中国传统材料的的特点,以中西结合的绘画言语 反映当代人文风貌,构成 了当代水墨的独立言语 。现为中国对外敌对 协会艺术创作院专业画家,多幅作品被美、法、比利时、新加坡等国际友人收藏。
吴秀生先生的彩墨作品相对 传统水墨而言,更多地使用了色彩言语 来构架作品内容,较之于传统水墨画更易于制造气氛,这大大拓展了中国画的表现手法,开阔了我们的视野。同时彩墨画在构图上吸收了东方 古代 绘画中的构成法则,打破常规的时空概念,更着力于画面的情趣意味。吴秀生先生的彩墨画如印象派的强烈而灵动的色

彩让画面传达出1 种跳动的青春韵律,如1 杯滋味 醇厚的咖啡,1 杯清香的浓茶,给古代 都市紧张而繁忙的快节奏生活注入1 股清新、柔和、恬适的气氛。

色彩是血脉,思想是灵魂,艺术家用本身 对生活的切身感受和艺术言语 挥洒着着生命和生活的热爱。

English Introduction

Wu Xiusheng, Chinese contemporary ink painter. Born in 1970, graduated from the Central Academy of fine arts, works from the western impressionism, Fauvism color experience, and give full play to the characteristics of traditional China materials, with the combination of Chinese and Western painting language reflects contemporary humanities style, the formation of an independent language of contemporary Chinese painting. He is now a professional painter of the Art Association of China Association for friendship with foreign countries. Many works have been collected by American, French, Belgian, Singaporean and other international friends.
Mr. Wu Xiusheng's works compared with the traditional ink and color ink, use more color language to frame the content of the works, compared with the traditional ink painting to create atmosphere, which greatly expanded the Chinese painting methods, broaden our view. At the same time to absorb ink and color painting composition of law in western modern painting in the composition, the concept of paying more attention to break the normal procedure, the taste of that picture. Mr Wu Xiusheng's strong and Impressionist color painting as vivid color
Let the color picture conveys a beating youth rhythm, like a cup of mellow taste of coffee, a cup of fragrant tea into a fresh, soft, pleasant to the modern city tense and busy fast-paced life atmosphere.
The color is the blood, thought is the soul, love artists with own life experience and artistic language with artificial life and life.



