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1959年参加工作;1970年到武昌区文明 馆任美术摄影部主任;1986年结业于地方 美术学院。现任湖北省美术家协会秘书长、1 级美术师。


1 级美术师

吴汉东 (1941.9—)江西人。


1959年参加工作; 1970年到武昌区文明 馆任美术摄影部主任;1986年结业于地方 美术学院。

现任湖北省美术家 协会秘书长、1 级美术师。

作品组画《材料科学》获全国首届科普美展二等奖,连环画《世 界空战故事——击沉俾斯麦号》入选第八届全国美展。



那祖辈传下的古香古色的民间瓷坛、蓝印花布与新颖 水果的组合,凝缩着不同的时代生活的气息;那天光水色映照下古老小镇的屋舍,那石桥古道,小舟倒影,莓苔履痕,是1 组散文诗般的水乡风情画;那村舍前闲话家常的农妇脸上的皱纹和憨笑,那碾边阶畔悠闲的鸡犬、稼声水际闲适的牛羊,那绿荫中正做好梦的猫咪,恰便是1 首首田园牧歌;还有那晨曦初照下活泼奔涌的山泉,富于音乐感的桦树林,和 那野草闲花、晴空白云,使你感受到大自然的脉搏和呼吸;甚至农家后院那石台土瓦间破瓷盆中的几叶幽兰,花圃1 隅烂熳开谢的杂花丛卉,俱都充满了勃勃生机,显示出生命之美。


汉东水彩画的特点之1 ,是善于对不同对象的不同质感的表现。质感是1 种富于感染力的艺术言语 ,是1 种充实之美。质,属于对象的深层结构和内在特质,决定着对象的特殊的生命情势 。而画笔所能触摸到的,只是它在对象表层的显现,也就是质感。汉东善于以多种技法和笔触来表现不同对象的质感和肌理,像他笔下那粗糙的蓝印花布、破旧的牛皮箱、动物的毛羽、光怪陆离的瓷器窑变,和 水果花草、云天水石等等,俱都达到了如清代美术理论家笪重光所说:“实景清而空境现”,“真境逼而神境生”的艺术效果,把观者引进到某种特定的情境当中 。

汉东有油画的根基和精确 把握对象的多种技巧。用笔能粗能细,能放能收,服从于表现的需求 ,用色首先,首眼于全体 调子的把握和冷暖关系的处理,善于应用 色彩营建 感情的氛围,从而使色调上升为情调。他的笔触和色彩都是作品生命肌体中充满活力的细胞。精确 无力 的笔触,明快和谐的色彩与充分的质感表现是作者构筑其艺术大厦的牢固基石。

汉东水彩画的另1 特点,是对生活情趣的捕捉。作者对质感的寻求 ,没有停留在客观真实这1 层面上,而是把质感作为1 种艺术言语 去细心 地品味生活、表现生活,把本身 对生活的真情挚爱,对人生和生命的感悟,通过质感的真实表现,深深地渗入到抽象 当中 ,从而加强其艺术的感染力。像开始提到的那只民间瓷坛,它那微暗的底色,流畅的线条和那坛口的黄渍,不仅令人佩服 地显示出时间的推移,同时也纪录着生活,留存着几代人的手泽和这家人家的生活映象。又如《阳光里》的石墙、木门和门前的鸡犬,以其质感的真实而营建 成1 种种和平宁静的氛围。尽管人们的劳动还很繁重,日子并不富裕,但从这些鸡犬们的恬适自安、生机活泼中,不难使人联想到:农民世代企盼的没有和平 、没有苛政、没有灾祸 ,得以温饱的日子正在临近。再如那山坡上散漫的羊群,树荫下歇凉的小牛,无人自横的小舟,正在融化 的残雪,这些都不是孤立的抽象 和单纯的质感表现,而是通过它们展示 出某种生活,酿造出某种诗意,同时也透露着作者对人、对物、对大自然的深情关爱。

汉东以其深厚的功力,挚着的寻求 和几十年艺术实践的经验,年逾花甲犹奋力拼搏,走出1 条本身 的艺术

道路。他所创作的大量的艺术精品,无疑会给观赏者以无益 的陶冶和启迪。

English Introduction

 Wu Handong (1941.9 -), from Jiangxi Province. Good at gouache, comic strips.

In 1959, he took part in the work; in 1970, he became director of the Art Photography Department of Wuchang Cultural Museum; and graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1986. He is currently Secretary-General and First-Class Artist of Hubei Artists Association.

Material Science won the second prize in the first national popular science art exhibition. The comic book "World Air War Story - Sinking Bismarck" was selected in the Eighth National Art exhibition.

First Class Artist

Wu Handong (1941.9 -) from Jiangxi.

Good at gouache, comic strips.

In 1959, he took part in the work; in 1970, he became director of the Art Photography Department of Wuchang Cultural Museum; and graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1986.

He is currently Secretary-General and First-Class Artist of Hubei Artists Association.

Material Science won the second prize in the first national popular science art exhibition. The comic book "World Air War Story - Sinking Bismarck" was selected in the Eighth National Art exhibition.

Enjoy life and realize life

Looking at Wu Handong's watercolor paintings is like talking to old friends on one's knees, like listening to the stories of native people. It is simple, plain, substantial, yet tasteful and fascinating.

The combination of ancient folk pottery altar, blue print cloth and fresh fruit inherited from the ancestors condenses the flavor of life in different times; the light and water color of that day reflects the house of the old town, the stone bridge road, the reflection of the boat and the traces of raspberry moss, which are a group of prose poetry style paintings of the water village; the peasants who often gossip in front of the village house. The wrinkles and silly laughter on the woman's face, the idle chickens and dogs on the edge of the steps, the idle cattle and sheep in the sound of crops and water, the cat dreaming in the shade, are just idyllic pastoral songs; and the lively springs in the early morning, the birch trees full of music, the idle flowers and clear clouds of weeds, which make you feel great. Natural pulse and breathing; even the leaves of Youlan in the broken pot between the stone tables and earthen tiles in the backyard of the farm, and the miscellaneous flowers and bushes in the garden are full of vigor and vitality, showing the beauty of life.

My scattered feelings as I read and write down are not romantic fantasies, but come from the author's elaborate expression of the object and solid and lively strokes of color.

One of the characteristics of watercolor painting in Eastern Han Dynasty is that it is good at expressing different textures of different objects. Texture is an infectious artistic language and a substantial beauty. Quality, which belongs to the deep structure and intrinsic characteristics of the object, determines the special life form of the object. What the brush can touch is only its appearance on the surface of the object, that is, its texture. Handong is good at expressing the texture and texture of different objects with various techniques and strokes, such as his rough blue print cloth, dilapidated cow suitcase, animal feathers, weird porcelain kiln changes, fruits, flowers, clouds, clouds, water and stones, and so on. All of them have reached the point of view of Qing Dynasty art theorist Duan Chongguang. The artistic effect of "the real situation is vivid but the miraculous situation" brings the viewer into a specific situation.

Handong has the foundation of oil painting and a variety of skills to accurately grasp the object. The pen can be thick and fine, can release and receive, and obey the needs of performance. First of all, the use of color focuses on the overall tone and the handling of the relationship between cold and warm. It is good at using color to create an emotional atmosphere, so as to make the tone rise to mood. His brush strokes and colours are full of vigorous cells in the life of his works. Accurate and powerful strokes, bright and harmonious colors and full texture are the solid cornerstones of the author's art building.

Another feature of Handong watercolor painting is to capture the interest of life. The author's pursuit of texture does not stop at the level of objective reality, but regards texture as an artistic language to carefully taste and express life, to deeply penetrate into the image through the real expression of texture, so as to strengthen it. The appeal of art. Like the folk pottery altar mentioned at the beginning, its dark background, smooth lines and yellow stains at the entrance of the altar not only convincingly show the passage of time, but also record life, retaining the hand of generations and the image of the family's life. Another example is the stone walls, wooden doors and chickens and dogs in front of the door in The Sunshine, which create a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere with their true texture. Although people's labor is still heavy and their days are not rich, it is not difficult to imagine from the comfort and liveliness of these dogs and chickens that the days of food and clothing that peasants have been longing for for for generations are approaching without war, harsh government and disasters. The scattered flocks of sheep on the hillside, the calves resting in the shade, the boats that no one is bossy about, and the snow that is melting are not isolated images and simple texture expressions, but show some kind of life through them, brew some kind of poetry, and also reveal the author's deep affection for people, things and nature. Care for.

Handong, with his deep strength, sincere pursuit and decades of experience in artistic practice, struggled hard over the age of Huajia and stepped out of an art of his own.

Road. His creation of a large number of fine arts will undoubtedly give the viewer useful edification and enlightenment.



