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党天才,1952年生,陕西扶风人。西安美术学院毕业,广州美术学院硕士研讨 生课程班结业。宝鸡文理学院美术系教授,学院学术委员会委员,宝鸡文理学院美术专业学科带头人。系中国美协会员,中国美术教育研讨 会会员,文明 部中外文明 交流中心国韵文华书画院首任水彩画艺委会副主任,陕西省美协理事,陕西省水彩画学会常务理事兼秘书长,宝鸡市美协副主席。历任宝鸡文理学院艺术系副主任和美术系主任。
掌管 了省、厅帮助 的科研项目三项;主编并公开出版了21世纪高等教育美术专业规划教材《色彩教程》和《艺术欣赏》,其中《色彩教程》获2009年陕西省普通高校优秀教材二等奖。前后 在《中国水彩》、《人文杂志》和《中国美术教育》等专业杂志发表学术论文20余篇,其中多篇被人大复印材料 《外型 艺术》索引;在国家和省级专业报刊发表水彩作品200余幅。2010年6月陕西人民美术出版社出版了《党天才水彩画集》。
水彩画作品12次入选了由文明 部或中国美协主办的国家级美展,次要 是“中国百年水彩画展”,“第九、第十1 届全国美术作品展览”和“第5 、六、七、八届全国水彩画、粉画作品展”等,并获奖。2010年11月30日西安美术学院成功举办了“党天才水彩画约请 展”和“党天才水彩画学术研讨会”,好评如潮。有多幅美术作品被美、日、新、港、台等国家和地区的机构或美术收藏家所购藏。曾分别获宝鸡文理学院教学和科研成果1 等奖。连续5 次获中共宝鸡市委、宝鸡市人民政府的文艺创作三年规划“优秀文艺工作者”、“优秀作品1 等奖”、“文艺创作贡献奖”和“有突出成绩的文学艺术家”的称号。2009年获陕西省人民政府“普通高等学校优秀教学成果二等奖”。2010年获“首届陕西美术奖(创作奖)三等奖”,2001年以来,连年被西安美术学院聘请为硕士研讨 生水彩画专业毕业论文答辩评委会评委。艺术事迹 被收入《中国水彩画图史》、《中国百年水彩画集》、《2010年中国文明 年鉴》等大型美术辞书和全国有关美展的水彩画作品集及《当代陕西水彩画作品精选》等。
中国教育报、香港大公报、香港文汇报、美术报、陕西日报(美术版)、教师报、阳光报、文明 艺术报、《中国水彩》、《水彩艺术》、《水彩》、《美术大观》、《水彩画家》、《艺术与价值》《陕西美术》、《陕西画报》、《延河》(文明 版)、西安电视台、西安教育电视台、宝鸡日报、宝鸡电视台、宝鸡电台等多家报刊和旧事 媒体曾多次专题报道。

Introduction to the artist

Party talent, unripe 1952, shaanxi helps wind person. Xi'an academy of fine arts graduates, complete a course of class of course of graduate student of Master of Guangzhou academy of fine arts. Art of institute of treasure chicken unity and coherence in writing fastens a professor, committee member of academic learning committee, treasure chicken unity and coherence in writing learns leader of course of courtyard art major. The member that fasten Chinese beautiful association, chinese art teachs seminar member, culture of culture ministry China and foreign countries communicates central state aquarelle of the first to be appointed to an office of courtyard of poesy China painting and calligraphy art appoint conference vice director, shaanxi saves job of beautiful assistant manager, shaanxi saves aquarelle to learn standing director to hold secretary-general concurrently, treasure chicken city is beautiful assist vice-chairman. Having successively held the posts of art of institute of treasure chicken unity and coherence in writing is vice director and art department head.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? The scientific research project that managed province, hall to aid financially 3; Chief editor published teaching material of program of major of art of 21 centuries higher education publicly " colour tutorial " and " artistic appreciation " , among them " colour tutorial " obtain Shaanxi saved average college 2009 outstanding teaching material is second-class award. Be in early or late " Chinese watercolour " , " humanitarian magazine " and " Chinese art is taught " wait for professional magazine to publish paper more than 20, among them many are copied by National People's Congress data " plastic arts " index; Watercolour work is published in country and provincial and professional the press more than 200. Publishing house of Shaanxi people art was published in June 2010 " party talent aquarelle collect " .
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Aquarelle work 12 selected by culture ministry or Chinese beauty assist sponsorred national level beauty is exhibited, basically be " hundred years aquarelle of Chinese is exhibited " , "The 9th, eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " and " the 5th, 6, 7, work of picture of aquarelle of 8 whole nations, pink is exhibited " etc, and bear the palm. Xi'an academy of fine arts was held successfully on November 30, 2010 " party talent aquarelle invites exhibit " and " seminar of learning of party talent aquarelle " , be like tide reputably. Many art work is waited for by beautiful, day, new, harbor, stage what the orgnaization of country and area or art collector buy Tibet. Ever won education of college of treasure chicken unity and coherence in writing and first prize of scientific research achievement respectively. The literary creative work that wins government of people of city of chicken of municipal Party committee of chicken of treasure of the Communist Party of China, treasure 5 times continuously plans 3 years " outstanding artist " , " outstanding work first prize " , " literary creation dedicates award " and " the literary artist that has outstanding result " title. Obtained Shaanxi to save people government 2009 " common colleges and universities is outstanding education achievement is second-class award " . Obtained 2010 " award of first Shaanxi art (creation award) third class award " , since 2001, in successive years is invited to be project of major of aquarelle of Master graduate student to rejoin by Xi'an academy of fine arts the commissioner meets a commissioner. Artistic outstanding achievement by income " Chinese aquarelle pursues history " , " hundred years aquarelle collect of Chinese " , " 2010 Chinese culture almanac " the aquarelle work collect that waits for large painting lexicographic work and whole nation to be exhibited about the United States and " work of contemporary Shaanxi aquarelle is handpick " etc. ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Daily of newspaper of report of article of big bulletin of Chinese education newspaper, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, art, Shaanxi (art edition) , art of pedagogic newspaper, sunshine newspaper, culture signs up for, " Chinese watercolour " , " watercolour art " , " watercolour " , " art grand sight.



