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2022-03-11 17:40:18




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 以其独特的书法字体自成1 派,并且在多种字体上有颇有建树的书法家,在篆体行书的中特树1 帜,独领风骚。

钦章舜的书法作品,光入视线有眼前1 亮之觉,与别人有不同的处理方式,以行为主,略带些草的流动之势,外型 之美。整幅安排,字形大小,搭配错综,气韵生动,很具美感。特别 是书写内容字数较多的,衬托黄金色背景当中 ,或反以白字黑底的烘染性格 ,由于线条清晰,结构力劲,收到极佳的视觉效果,优美的地方 不可言表,百看不厌,赏心悦目 ,如山如水,自然姿势 ,如飘似仙。钦章舜的书法表达艺术,在常见的书法作品中,如此特色鲜明、清爽俗气 ,实属罕见

零七年参加纪念邓小平书画大赛获“金”奖,授予“当代杰出书画家”称号。相继多次参加全国展,作品被国家省市级收藏入编,入选中国名家十七大献礼精粹作品展。08年7月,作品加入人民大会堂展览并被约请 作为中国名家代表出席庆祝十七大胜利召开。

Introduction in English

 With its unique calligraphy font, it has a group of calligraphers who have made great achievements in a variety of fonts, especially in seal script running script.


Qin zhangshun's calligraphy works have a bright feeling when they are in sight. They have different ways of dealing with others. They are masters of their actions, with a little grass flowing and beautiful shapes. The whole arrangement, the size of the font, the collocation is intricate, vivid and aesthetic. In particular, the number of words in the writing is large, which sets off the golden background, or contrasts with the white characters and black background. Due to the clear lines and strong structure, it has received excellent visual effect. The beauty can't be expressed. It can't be tired of seeing, relaxed and happy, like mountains and rivers, natural posture, like floating like immortals. In the common calligraphy works, the calligraphy expression art of Qin, Zhang and Shun is so distinctive, fresh and elegant, which is really rare


In 2007, he won the "gold" award and was awarded the title of "outstanding contemporary calligrapher and painter". He has participated in national exhibitions for many times, and his works have been collected and compiled by the national provincial and municipal level collections. He has been selected into the exhibition of the outstanding works presented at the 17th National Congress of Chinese famous artists. In July 2008, the work was exhibited in the Great Hall of the people and was invited to attend the celebration of the 17th National Congress of the CPC as a representative of Chinese celebrities.



