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王小丫 - 王小丫的画竟卖4千万天价,割了谁的

2022-03-11 17:40:26 3477




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王小丫,1968年1月22日出生在四川凉山。其父亲是《凉山日报》的编辑,在给她起名时,认为“大俗即是大雅”,因而 取名“小丫”。
1986年9月——1990年7月,四川大学学习经济。爱好写作,在校期间曾获中国当代大先生 优秀散文奖。
1990年9月——1996年7月,四川《改革时报》工作,后改成《新经济时报》,后又变成如今 的《城市购物导报》。
1997年7月,到地方 电视台经济部工作。
王小丫曾前后 掌管 过《商务电视》、《供求热线》、《金土地》、《经济半小时》、《开心辞典》等栏目,还客串掌管 了《对话》等栏目。掌管 过“3•15”消费者权益日直播晚会。
1999年、2000年王小丫掌管 过上海财富论坛;科技下乡;“6•5”环境日特别节目;《证券法》实施特别节目。
2000年至2008年,CCTV2000-2007经济年度人物颁奖庆典等大型节目,王小丫掌管 的经济频道的晚会节目还有《CCTV年度汽车颁奖》,《春暖2007大型直播》,《全民节约,共同行动》、《节能减排,共同行动》启动典礼 等,央视其他频道的节目还有《2001意愿 者年晚会》;
《掌管 人抽象 设计大赛》、《2004海峡两岸知识大赛》、《2001年体坛龙之队颁奖典礼》、《2003站在第三极》、《雅典奥运会观众互动节目》《北京奥运会吉祥物发布会晚会》,《电影颁奖典礼》,《2001全国律师辩论大赛》,《2004十大杰出青年颁奖》、《2007平安中国》等等,还曾经在《2002地方 电视台春节联欢晚会》和《2002年元宵晚会》的担任掌管 与小品表演 工作。


2000年,吕成功终究 把本身 的公司发展成了1 个集团,在预备 庆贺开张的日子,吕成功给王小丫打电话,让她回成都1 趟,以夫人的身份出席这1 庆典。然而由于王小丫急着去外地采访,因而 挂掉电话,也并未回成都,2001年吕成功来到北京参加1 个商贸活动,他特地找到王小丫,两人在京城美丽的夜色中漫步,谁也说不出1 句话。最初 ,吕成功艰难地对王小丫提出了分手的要求。


王小丫是央视最具影响力的掌管 人之1 ,只需 在网上点击王小丫就能搜出几十万条和她相干 的信息,王小丫做好本职工作的同时,也热心社会公益事业,担任了中国青年意愿 者抽象 大使,全国青联委员和 地方 直属机关青联常委,视协副会长,还担任了全国爱护母亲河抽象 大使,和 全国推广普通话毕生 抽象 大使,同时还是中国红十字会捐献造血干细胞宣扬 员。


王小丫为了圆梦抛弃了金光大道,步入了记者之路。王小丫由于总有危机感的原因 ,总是不停地给本身 制造机会。她用行动向四周 传达着1 个信息:无机 会就上,没无机 会就算制造机会也要上。
王小丫在做好本职工作的同时,也热心社会公益事业,担任了全国推广普通话毕生 抽象 大使、全国爱护母亲河抽象 大使、中国青年意愿 者抽象 大使等。

English Introduction

Wang Xiaoya, born in Sichuan, January 22, 1968, Liangshan. The father is the editor of "Liangshan daily", in her name, "think vulgar is easy", so named "xiaoya".
September 1986 - learning economy, Sichuan University. Love writing, during the school won the Chinese contemporary college students outstanding prose award.
September 1990 - July 1996, "Sichuan times" reform work into "new economic times", and now become the "city shopping guide".
1996, entered the Beijing Broadcasting Institute radio and television literature research television literature.
July 1997, to the Ministry of economic work CCTV.
In 1998, Wang Xiaoya came to prominence in the "Eco-ego Cup" national excellent economic program contest. Subsequently, the CCTV economic program revision, Xiaoya was transferred to the "economic half-hour" from the column.
Wang Xiaoya has presided over the "business", "TV supply hotline", "golden land", "economic half-hour", "Happy Dictionary" and other columns, also guest hosted the "dialogue" column. Presided over the 3 • 15 consumer rights day Gala evening.
In 1999, Wang Xiaoya hosted the Shanghai wealth Forum; science and technology go to the countryside; "6 • 5" environmental day special program; "Securities Law" to implement special programs.
From 2000 to 2008, CCTV2000-2007 economic person of the year awards ceremony program, Wang Xiaoya presided over the economic channel program and the "CCTV" car of the year award, "Spring 2007 large live", "national action", "common saving, energy saving and emission reduction, joint action" ceremony, CCTV channel 2001 and other "volunteer of the year party";
"The host", "image design contest 2004", "cross strait Knowledge Contest 2001 sports dragon team awards", "2003", "standing on the third pole of the Athens Olympic Games audience interaction program" "Beijing Olympic mascot party", "movie awards", "2001 National Lawyers debate contest". "20 thousand and 40 Outstanding Youth Award", "2007" China peace and so on, also was in the "2002 CCTV Spring Festival Gala" and "2002" Lantern Festival hosted performances and work pieces.

1992, Wang Xiaoya and Lu successful acquaintance; in 1996, Wang Xiaoya and Lu successful marriage.
2000, LV success finally put his company developed into a group, ready to celebrate the opening of the day, LV successful call to Wang Xiaoya, let her go back to Chengdu, a lady to attend the celebration. However, Wang Xiaoya rush to the field interviews, then hang up the phone, did not return to Chengdu in 2001, Lu successfully came to Beijing to attend a business that he came to find Wang Xiaoya, two people walk in the beautiful city of darkness, who also could not say a word. Finally, Lu successfully difficult to Wang Xiaoya put forward the requirements of breaking up.
2009, Wang Xiaoya and Cao Jianming low-key remarriage.
Wang Xiaoya is one of the most influential host of CCTV, as long as she found hundreds of thousands and related information on the Internet will be able to click on Wang Xiaoya, Wang Xiaoya completes the work at the same time, enthusiastic social welfare, youth volunteers served as ambassador China image, National Youth Federation members and organs directly under the Central Youth Committee, as vice president of the association, also served as the care of the mother river ambassador, and the National Putonghua lifelong ambassador, is also Chinese Red Cross donated blood stem cell advocates.
In order to realize their dreams of Wang Xiaoya abandoned the Golden Road, the reporter entered the road. Wang Xiaoya always creates opportunities for himself because of a sense of crisis. She uses the action to convey a message to the surrounding: there is a chance, no chance even if the opportunity to manufacture.
Wang Xiaoya doing his job at the same time, but also enthusiastic social welfare undertakings, served as the national promotion of Mandarin ambassador for life, the national love mother river ambassador, China Youth Volunteer Ambassador, etc..



