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田伯平 - 书协理事田伯平:书坛才俊的艺术人

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1952年8月出生,苏州大学毕业。现任江苏省社会科学院世界经济研讨 所所长,研讨 员。

江苏省城市经济学会副会长、南京市人民政府决策征询 委员、江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家。


研讨 特长



研讨 成果

前后 掌管 或作为次要 参与者完成国家、省部级重点课题10余项,出版合著、编著7本,发表论文140多篇;承担省发展计划委员会、省外经贸厅、省交通厅、省水利厅、省工商局和 市、县政府等征询 拜托 研讨 项目10多项;为江苏舜天国际集团、南京跃进汽车集团、江苏海外企业集团等近20家大中企业提供专题研讨 和特别策划。



1993年获中国人民大学"吴玉章奖"(《亚太经济环境与中国东部地区的开发》国家社科研讨 七5 项目 课题负责人之1 次要 执笔者 1990年出版) 

1994年获江苏省第四届社科优秀成果1 等奖(《发展经济学与中国经济的发展》江苏省社科研讨 七5 重点项目 课题负责人之1 、副主编 1991年出版)

1994年获江苏省第四届社科优秀成果二等奖 (《亚太经济环境与中国东部地区的开发》)

1996年获江苏省第5 届社科优秀成果二等奖(《东亚经济与江苏经济比较研讨 》江苏省社科研讨 八5 重点项目 次要 执笔者 1996年出版)

1999年获江苏省1997-1998年度社科优秀成果三等奖(《建设江苏古代 化交通的必由之路》 交通部重点调研项目 副主编 次要 执笔者 1998年出版)

2001年获江苏省科技进步二等奖(《面向新世纪的江苏经济发展新对策》 江苏省科学技术委员会2000年软科学研讨 项目 次要 执笔者 2001年出版) 





田伯平1958年出生于书香门笫,由于父母工作忙碌,常常转战南北,三岁时就来到北京跟随外祖父、外祖母生活。外祖父曾是荫蔽 阵线 的老革命,同时也是颇具盛名的书法家和教育家。田伯平三岁时即在外祖父的监督下开始“研墨”。随着田伯平年龄的不断成长,学习的负担也在不断的加重,除了完成每天规定的写好多少字之外 ,又添加 了文明 课的内容,还请了音乐老师教授各种乐器和音乐舞蹈。

1978年,在全国范围内迅速掀起了“求知”热潮,此时的田伯平二十岁,没有进过1 天学校大门的田伯平为了弥补这类 缺憾,报了各种补习班和夜校,利用上班 后、休息日和早晨 的时间学习,加入了自学考试的行列。但这些似乎还不能满足田先生要真正跨进大学校门的要求,这个欲望 不断 埋在心底,终究 在二十年后如愿以偿地进入了中国传媒大学,经过几年的刻苦学习,顺利毕业,获得学士学位,此时田伯平已过不惑之年。



为了把书法继承的更加完善 ,田伯平前后 拜多位名家为师,博采众长,补己之短。为构成 自已的书道风格做足了功夫。在名家的指导 下,田先生凭借十四年的欧体楷书基础,又学习了王羲之、赵孟頫、唐伯虎等名家行书。在巩固行书的基础上,复由行入草,对黄庭坚张旭怀素诸家草书皆悉心研究 ,认真临摹。由入帖到出帖,反复学习,反复创作,反复与名家求教。终究 构成 了飘逸隽秀,天然醇雅的田氏艺术风格。

1982年在首都博物馆、二十1 世纪中日青年敌对 中心举办个人书法展;1992在新加坡举办个人书法展;1993年开始在日本连续5 次举办个人展,深得日本各界人士盛赞;1994年前往中国台湾地区进行书法交流。

田伯平对民族舞蹈、器乐等相干 艺术也有必然 的成就 。地方 电视台戏曲节目由他改编吹奏的葫芦丝独奏“谁说女子不如男”播出后受到好评。此外,其还参与了电影《吴道子》、电视剧《恒山的月光》的拍摄。



1982年在北京市举办的个人书法比赛中,田伯平以1 幅“鸿皓游天”笔力遒劲的行书作品折桂摘金。在田伯平获得书法金奖的第二年,调入北京广播电视局工作,任《北京广播电视报》美术编辑和记者。2001年 ,田伯平在参加北京市文联面向全市竟聘北京书法家协会秘书长时以成绩第1 走上书协的领导岗位。第四届理事会上以全票当选为北京书协驻会副主席,自此走上了职业书法家的道路。

任之后,田伯平策划、实施举办了三届国际书法双年展、5 届北京BTV 电视书法大赛、开创的“北京书法学校”培养了书法本科生近千名,为北京的书法普及提高起到了积极作用。

田伯平掌管 了三次中国书法界在人民大会堂的新春大联欢、第八届国际书法交流大展文艺晚会、全国艺术家午门金秋赏月、中国书画界十大影响力人物揭晓典礼 、三届北京国际书法双年展和 第5 届、第六届北京电视书法大赛,创作并与著名相声表演艺术家崔琦合说了相声“我是书法家”;在“月光下的诗会”朗诵了配乐长诗《我的南方和北方》;在北京音乐厅诗歌朗诵会上朗诵了《再别康桥》;在北京市群众文明 节上朗诵了配乐长诗《我回来了梦中的故乡》。


1989年,为救助贫困山区的失学儿童,田伯平在中国美术馆发起了1 次公益展览活动,把参展的作品全部捐献给宋庆龄基金会。为表彰他的义举,政府有关部门为他颁发了由邓小平、康克清签名的荣誉证书。

帮助 6名张家口山区的失学儿童重返课堂,直到全部完成学业。第十1 届亚运会召开前,田伯平用了将近1 年的专业 时间,创作了八十余幅作品,担任第二十九届奥运会了文明 意愿 者。

田伯平的善举受到了社会各界人士的赞誉,原全国人大常委会副委员长王任重为他题写了“挥毫泼墨,陶冶情操”,刘澜涛先生题写了“精益求精,繁荣祖国传统文明 ”,杨静仁先生为他题写了“有容乃大,无欲则刚”,原中国书协主席启功先生题写了“中华儿女多奇志”,欧阳中石先生题写了“天开云雾东南碧,日射波涛上下红”以示庆祝 。

2014年4月27日在国家会议中心三楼礼堂举办的《绿画中国》公益书拍卖中田伯平四幅书法作品拍得人民币二百万元。据悉此次公益拍卖所得资金完全用于绿化,改变生态环境。田伯平四幅作品分别为纸本横幅1 米八长、5 十宽、内容分别为《鸿运天成》、《泽被阳春》、《 皓月禅心》 、《厚德载物》。


Introduction in English

 Tian Boping, Director and Researcher of Institute of World Economy, Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences; Vice President and Secretary-General of Beijing Calligrapher Association; Master of Traditional Chinese Painting.


Personal Profile


Born in August 1952, he graduated from Suzhou University. He is currently the director and researcher of the Institute of World Economy, Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences.


Vice President of Jiangsu Urban Economics Association, member of decision-making consultation of Nanjing Municipal People's Government, and young and middle-aged experts of Jiangsu Province have made outstanding contributions.


Research expertise


Jiangsu's Regional Economic Development and Opening-up, Enterprise Development Strategy and Planning


Research findings


He has presided over or participated as a major participant in more than 10 key national and provincial-ministerial-level topics, published 7 co-authorships and compiled more than 140 papers, undertook more than 10 research projects commissioned by the Provincial Development Planning Commission, the Provincial Foreign Trade and Economic Department, the Provincial Communications Department, the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, the Provincial Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and the municipal and county governments. Nearly 20 large and medium-sized enterprises, such as Tian International Group, Nanjing Yuejin Automobile Group and Jiangsu Overseas Enterprise Group, provide special research and special planning.


Award-winning projects


In 1993, he was awarded "Wu Yuzhang Award" by Renmin University of China ("Asia-Pacific Economic Environment and the Development of Eastern China" published in 1990 by one of the leading authors of the seventh five-year project of the National Social Science Research Institute).


In 1994, he was awarded the first prize for outstanding achievements in Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province in the 4th session (published in 1991 by one of the leaders and Deputy editors of the seventh five-year key projects of social sciences research in Jiangsu Province, Development Economics and China's Economic Development).


In 1994, he was awarded the Second Prize for Excellent Achievements in Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province (Asia-Pacific Economic Environment and the Development of Eastern China)


In 1996, he was awarded the Second Prize for Excellent Achievements in Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province (Comparative Study of East Asian Economy and Jiangsu Economy), published in 1996 by the principal author of the eighth five-year key project of Jiangsu Social Sciences Research.


In 1999, he was awarded the third prize for outstanding achievements in Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province in 1997-1998 (The Only Way to Construct Jiangsu's Modernized Transport), published in 1998 by the chief executive of the deputy editor of the Ministry of Communications'key research project.


In 2001, he won the second prize for scientific and technological progress in Jiangsu Province ("New Measures for Jiangsu's Economic Development in the New Century"), published by the chief executive author of the Soft Science Research Project of Jiangsu Science and Technology Commission in 2000, in 2001).


In 2004, he was awarded the title of young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution in Jiangsu Province.


In 2005, he was awarded Excellent Social Sciences Worker in Jiangsu Province

Paul Mauriat's History


Learning Experience


Tian Boping was born in 1958 in Shuxiangmenjiao. Because his parents were busy working, he often went to the north and south. When he was three years old, he came to Beijing to follow his grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather used to be an old revolution on the concealed front. He was also a famous calligrapher and educator. When Tian Boping was three years old, he began to study ink under the supervision of his grandfather. With Tian Boping's growing age, the burden of learning is also increasing. In addition to completing the daily rules of writing a lot of words, the content of cultural courses has been added, and music teachers have been invited to teach various musical instruments and music and dance.


In 1978, a nationwide upsurge of "seeking knowledge" was set off rapidly. At this time, Tian Boping was 20 years old. In order to make up for this shortcoming, Tian Boping, who had not entered the school gate for one day, reported to various remedial classes and evening schools. He took advantage of the time spent after work, rest days and evenings to study and joined the ranks of self-taught examinations. But it seems that these can not satisfy Mr. Tian's requirement to really step into the University gate. This wish has been buried in his heart. Finally, after 20 years of hard study, he successfully graduated and obtained his bachelor's degree. At this time, Tian Boping has passed a puzzling year.


Artistic attainments


In order to inherit the calligraphy more perfectly, Tian Boping successively worshiped many famous masters as teachers, learned from many strong points and made up for his shortcomings. In order to form their own style of calligraphy has done a lot of work. Under the guidance of famous writers, Mr. Tian learned from Wang Xizhi, Zhao Mengfu, Tang Bohu and other famous writings on the basis of 14 years of regular scripts in European style. On the basis of consolidating the cursive scripts, the cursive scripts of Huang Tingjian, Zhang Xu and Huai Su were carefully studied and copied. From the entry to the exit, repeated learning, repeated creation, repeated consultation with famous experts. Finally formed elegant meaningful, natural mellow Tian's artistic style.


In 1982, a personal calligraphy exhibition was held at the Capital Museum and the Center for Youth Friendship between China and Japan in the 21st Century; in 1992, a personal calligraphy exhibition was held in Singapore; in 1993, five consecutive personal exhibitions were held in Japan, which were highly praised by people from all walks of life in Japan; and in 1994, a calligraphy exchange was held in Taiwan, China.


Tian Boping also has certain attainments in the related arts of national dance, instrumental music and so on. He adapted and played the Hulusi solo "Who says that women are inferior to men" on CCTV opera program, which was well received after it was broadcast. In addition, he also participated in the filming of Wu Daozi and Hengshan Moonlight.


Career Path


In the personal calligraphy competition held in Beijing in 1982, Tian Boping drew gold from a powerful calligraphic work of "Honghao You Tian". In Tian Boping's second year of winning the Golden Prize for Calligraphy, he was transferred to Beijing Radio and Television Bureau as an art editor and journalist of Beijing Radio and Television Newspaper. In 2001, Tian Boping took the lead of Beijing Calligrapher's Association when he joined the Beijing Municipal Literature Federation in recruiting the Secretary-General of Beijing Calligrapher's Association. At the fourth session of the Council, he was elected vice-chairman of Beijing Calligraphy Association by a full vote, and has since embarked on the path of professional calligraphers.


After taking office, Tian Boping planned and implemented three International Calligraphy Biennales, five BTV TV Calligraphy Competitions in Beijing, and created the Beijing Calligraphy School, which trained nearly 1000 undergraduate calligraphy students, which played a positive role in the popularization and improvement of Beijing's calligraphy.


Tian Boping presided over three Spring Festivals in the Great Hall of the People, the Eighth International Calligraphy Exchange Gala, the Golden Autumn Festival of the National Artist at the Midday Gate, the ceremony for the announcement of ten influential figures in the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Industry, the three Beijing International Calligraphy Biennale, and the fifth and sixth Beijing Television Calligraphy Competition. Cui Qi, a famous cross talk artist, wrote and spoke crosstalk "I am a calligrapher"; recited the long poem "My South and North" at the "Poetry Club in the Moonlight"; recited "Farewell to Cambridge" at the poetry recitation at the Beijing Concert Hall; and recited the long poem "I'm Back" at the Beijing Mass Culture Festival. Hometown in Dream.


1989年,为救助贫困山区的失学儿童,田伯平在中国美术馆发起了1 次公益展览活动,把参展的作品全部捐献给宋庆龄基金会。为表彰他的义举,政府有关部门为他颁发了由邓小平、康克清签名的荣誉证书。

帮助 6名张家口山区的失学儿童重返课堂,直到全部完成学业。第十1 届亚运会召开前,田伯平用了将近1 年的专业 时间,创作了八十余幅作品,担任第二十九届奥运会了文明 意愿 者。

田伯平的善举受到了社会各界人士的赞誉,原全国人大常委会副委员长王任重为他题写了“挥毫泼墨,陶冶情操”,刘澜涛先生题写了“精益求精,繁荣祖国传统文明 ”,杨静仁先生为他题写了“有容乃大,无欲则刚”,原中国书协主席启功先生题写了“中华儿女多奇志”,欧阳中石先生题写了“天开云雾东南碧,日射波涛上下红”以示庆祝 。

2014年4月27日在国家会议中心三楼礼堂举办的《绿画中国》公益书拍卖中田伯平四幅书法作品拍得人民币二百万元。据悉此次公益拍卖所得资金完全用于绿化,改变生态环境。田伯平四幅作品分别为纸本横幅1 米八长、5 十宽、内容分别为《鸿运天成》、《泽被阳春》、《 皓月禅心》 、《厚德载物》。



