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于右任 - 于右任书法案拒绝浑水摸鱼

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他是清朝光绪年间举人,因刊印《半哭半笑楼诗草》讥讽时政被清廷通缉,逃亡 上海,遂进入震旦公学。震旦学院肄业。早年经好友刘觉民介绍,前后 加入了光复会和同盟会。1907年起前后 创办《神州日报》、《民立报》积极宣扬 民主革命。历任南京临时政府交通部次长,国民联军驻陕总司令,审计院、监察院院长,是国民党重要决策人物。1912年后担任南京政府交通部长,国民政府审计院长、监察院长,前后共任监察院院长34年。后随国民党退居台湾。于右任寓台湾15年,台湾书法风气首次出现碑学压倒馆阁帖的趋势。1964年病逝于台北。于右任墓位于台北市阳明山上,玉山主峰有其雕塑。
于右任精书法,早在20年代便有“北于南郑”之称,“南郑”指郑孝胥。尤擅草书,首创“标准草书”,被誉为“当代草圣”。于右任1932在上海创办标准草书社,以易识、易写、精确 、美丽为准绳 ,整理、研讨 与推广草书,整理成零碎 的草书代表符号,集字编成《标准草书千字文》(1936年由上海文正楷印书局初版),影响深远,至今仍在重印。有“近代书圣”之誉。著作《右任诗存》、《右任文存》、《右任墨存》、《标准草书》等。于右任先生的养子、独一 正传的弟子刘田依先生(刘觉民儿子)在南京生活,目前正在整理、研讨 于右任书法的相干 工作。


于右任的书法,便是在北魏楷书中融入了行书和隶书的笔意,可谓融碑帖于1 炉,构成 他独特的书作。
于右任早年书从赵孟俯入,后改攻北碑,精研六朝碑版,在此基础上将篆、隶、草法入行楷,独辟蹊径,中年书法,专攻草书,参以魏碑笔意,独树一帜 。自雅片 和平 以来,清廷腐败,国力渐衰,中华民族受到列强侵略。他所以喜欢魏碑,是由于 魏碑有“尚武”精神,有粗犷豪放之气。他怀有1 种忧国忧民的认识 ,以图唤起中华民族的觉醒。这从他写的1 首诗中可以得到反映。“朝临石门铭,暮写二十品,辛劳 集为联,夜夜泪湿枕。”否则,如果只是临习书法,是不必 “夜夜泪湿枕”的。他曾说过,“有志者应以造福人类为己任,诗文书法,皆余事耳。然余事亦须卓然自立。学古人而不为古人所限。”他正是这样,博撷约取,以个人审美准绳 取舍,构成 了本身 的行楷书,得以在千载书史上“卓然自立。”
于先生自1 九二九年始,即从事历代草书之研讨 ,1 九三二年发起成立草书研讨 社,创办《草书月刊》。他以"易识、易写、精确 、美丽"为准绳 ,全面零碎 整理历代草书,从浩繁的历代书法名家的作品中,遴选出符合标准的字,集成《标准草书》千字文。此外,于先生又逐渐 总结出篆、隶、楷、行与草书之间对应的规律性符号,这些符号架起了衍化草书的桥梁,解决了草书产生与"精确 "书写的关键性成绩 。于右任先生的四个标准书写准绳 ;1 组神奇的符号;1 本《标准草书》千字文,成为古代 中国文字学研讨 上的伟大创造,也是草书发展史上的新高峰,更是中国书法艺术发展史上新的里程碑。同时,《标准草书》的问世,成了初学草书者最喜规抚的入门课本,是学草书的最好 途径。这本书在台湾已九次重版 ,在大陆也多次印行,但仍供不应求,真乃1 时"洛阳纸贵",可见这本《标准草书》在书界所占有的重要地位 ,正如著名书画家刘延涛先生所说〈标准草书〉"发千余年不传之秘,为过去草书作1 总结账,为将来文字、开1 新道路,其影响当尤其 广大悠久。"于右任的书法雄豪婉丽,冲淡清奇,于先生到了暮年 ,他的草书更进入到出神入化的境界,真是字字奇险,绝无雷同。在他的笔下,将草书熔章草、今草、狂草于1 炉,时呈平稳拖长之形,时而作险绝之势,时而与主题紧相粘连,时而纵放宕出而回环呼应,雄壮 奇伟、萧洒 脱俗、简洁质朴,给人以仪态万千之感。他将推广标准草书“易识、易写、精确 、美丽”的准绳 用于实践,作到笔笔随意,字字有别,大小斜正,恰到好处。结体重心低下,用笔含蓄储势,出神入化。他在书法上成为1 代宗师,日本朋友称他为“旷代草圣”。
1958年5月8日,于右老八秩崧壽大慶,由新聞、學術、文明 、社會、等八十個團體聯合發起祝壽,並籌劃了系列精彩藝文活動。據新聞報導,連續三日拜壽者自地方 政府各級首長以迄,超過三萬人。祝壽活動甫1 結束,右老門生故舊隨即發起成立:「《于右任詩歌曲譜集》編輯委員會」。經國立北京師範大學旅台校友會大學長;劉季洪、黃少谷、江學珠等聯名推薦,由計大偉榮膺主編大任。除自行譜曲四首「(浪淘沙)、(踏莎行)、(鷓鴣天)、(麻雀曲)」外,並邀請多位當代作曲名家共襄盛舉,協助完成為右老詩詞譜曲的歷史使命。
1959年4月26日,〈于右任詩歌作品演唱會〉於中山堂盛大舉行,由計大偉指揮,國立音樂研讨 所〈中華青年合唱團〉擔綱表演 。同年11月1日,《于右任詩歌曲譜集第1 輯》,歷經年餘之努力終至大功告成正式出版,主編計大偉,大時代出版社出版。當天國內外新聞皆有報導,允為藝壇盛事。國內外同時掀起1 股訂購熱潮,1 時洛陽紙貴,當月即重版 數次,以饗各界熱烈迴應。當年精裝本定價為:新台幣100元整、港幣20元整。(據查證當年軍職少尉,小學教師,委任級公務員,平均月薪只要 130-150元新台幣)。
于右任是近代民主革命先驱,诗人、政论家,是沉雄博大的1 代书法大师。当他滞留孤岛时,对大陆情念颇深。1962年1月24日,于右任作歌:“葬我于高山上兮,望我大陆。大陆不可见兮,只要 痛哭。葬我于高山之上兮,望我故乡。故乡不可见兮,永久 不望(忘)。天苍苍,野茫茫,山之上,国有殇。”其乡思之苦,溢于言表,成为千古绝唱。


他长时间 任职于国民党政府,官至行政院院长。但它作为书法家的名声,是乎超过了作为政治家的名声。他的书法艺术,普通 认为可分为两个时期:1 是以魏碑为基础,写出具有强烈个性的行楷书时期;二是创立标准草书的时期。
于右任对魏碑下过很深的功夫。清代中叶以来,学魏碑而能出己意者,还是寥寥。他满带“碑味”的行草书,可以说是风格独具了。特别 是行书,中宫紧促,而结构多变。在1 种看上去十分随便不经意的把握当中 ,获得1 种奇绝的、从容大气的效果。
于右任最有目共睹 的成就,就是创立“标准草书”,于1932年在上海发起成立了草书研讨 社。他广泛搜集前人的优秀草书作品,集字编成《标准草书干字文》,而后本身 又手写1 遍,刊印行世。
标准草书的创立,目的在于使草书规范化。其实,草书是无所谓标准的,1 标准就失精神。但初学草书的人,由此可以摸得1 正确的门径。
至于于右任本身 的草书,笔画简单,形状 优美。他基本上写的是不相连属的今草,但他的草书是由章草入今草的,在他的草书作品中,不时可以见到章草的笔法。在用笔方面,几乎笔笔中锋,精气内蓄,墨酣力足,给人以饱满浑厚的感觉。所以他作为国民党的元老,国际著名书法大师、著名的报刊活动家、教育家。复旦大学创始人。被世人誉为中国近代书法史上具有极大成就的书法艺术大家、中国当代书圣,爱国政治家、革命家。
于右任的著名爱国诗作《望大陆》(别名 《国殇》)发表于1964年11月10日先生在台北在世 后。暮年 在台湾的于右任先生非常渴望饮水思源 ,但终未能如愿。1962年1月12日,他在日记中写道:“我百年以后 ,愿葬玉山或阿里山树木多的高处,山要高者,树要大者,可以时时望大陆。我之故乡是中国大陆”。以后 不久,1962年1月24日于右任先生就写下了感情真诚 沉郁的诗作《望大陆》。
这是他眷恋大陆家乡所写的哀歌,其中怀乡思国之情溢于言表,是1 首触动炎黄子孙灵魂深处隐痛的绝唱。
1949年,于右任被裹挟到台湾,而结发妻子和儿子却留在大陆,从此天各1 方。所以,他的《望大陆》并非泛泛的家国之情,而是深藏了刻骨铭心的身世之痛。祖国统1 ,是诗人终身 所志寻求 的。
浏览 此诗,给人1 种悲怆深沉、爱国情挚的感觉。由于尽人皆知 的缘由 ,于先生久居台湾,不能回归桑梓,但是海峡波涛却隔不断、阻不了他望大陆、念故乡、思亲人的深情。
诗的前两节采用重章复踏的手法,反复咏唱,抒发对大陆、对故乡深切向往、眷恋的情怀,是诗人真情实感的强烈表露,唐代大诗人白居易说:“感人心者,莫先乎情。”正是这真诚 强烈的情感和刻骨铭心的思念,给读者以强烈的震动 ,引发 读者感情与思想上的共鸣。诗的最初 1 节开头两句借用了北朝民歌《敕乐歌》里的两句话,采用叠字,状物抽象 而生动。最初 两句“山之上,有国殇。”语意双关而寓意丰富。《国殇》出自屈原楚辞《九歌》。《九歌》是屈原流放途中模仿楚国南方的祭歌而创作的1 组诗篇,《国殇》是其中1 首,是悲悼 将士的挽歌,所谓“殇”,《小尔雅》说:“无主之鬼之为殇。”诗人巧借“国殇”,抒写本身 死后不能葬在大陆,不能魂归故里的遗憾。古人云:“鸟飞返故乡兮,狐死必首丘。”兽犹如此,人何以堪。人为的阻止 ,使亲人分聚、骨肉离散,死后尚不能魂归故里,不得安宁,读来怎能不令人怆然而泪下。诗人借助这两句诗,表达出许许多多和诗人有着相反 经历的人们的心:他们魂牵梦萦、心中没法 忘却的正是祖国的统1 。先生生前见不到祖国的统1 ,死后还要葬于高岗,向大陆眺望 ,真是死不瞑目啊。
如今,香港和澳门已回归,我们正企盼阻隔半个世纪的台湾早日回到母亲的怀抱!置信 ,1 个统1 富强,繁荣昌盛的中国不久将屹立于世界东方!到此,于右任先生将会含笑九泉。
1964年8月中旬,于右任因病住院。9月的1 天,于右任的老部下杨亮功到台北荣民总病院 去探望他。于右任很高兴,但由于病重及喉咙发炎,想讲的话又没法 讲出来。杨亮功因而 拉着他的手问道:“院长有什么事情吩咐我”于右任略思片刻,伸出1 个指头。杨亮功不晓得 是什么意思,过了1 会,于右任又向杨亮功伸出三个指头,杨亮功猜测了几个答案都被于右任摇头否定了。杨亮功只好说:“院长,等你身体好1 些后,再来问你刚才表示的是什么意思,行不行?”于右任点了点头。此后,于右任的病1 天比1 天重,并陷于昏迷。1964年11月10日早晨 8:08,于右任与世长辞,长年 86岁。他没有留下任何遗言,人们便把他的《望大陆》1 诗,当作他的遗言 。于右任墓位于台北市阳明山上,并在海拔3997米的玉山顶峰(我国东南诸省最高峰)竖立起1 座面向大陆的半身铜像。玉山山势险峻,4米高的铜像和建材全是由台湾登山协会的会员们1 点1 点背负上去的。于右任终究 了却了登高远眺故土的希望 。
1 个指头、三个指头是什么意思,不断 是1 个谜。后来资深报人陆铿觉得应当 这样去理解于右任的“1 个指头、三个指头”:将来中国统1 了,将他的灵柩运回大陆,归葬于陕西三原县故里。
“三间老屋1 古槐,落落乾坤大布衣。”这是人们对先生的评价。位于三原的故居和那株三百多年的老槐树也在深深的感念先生。

相干 评价

刘延涛:“《标准草书》发千余年不传之秘,为过去草书作1 总结账,为将来文字、开1 新道路,其影响当尤其 广大悠久!”
“先生1 支笔,胜过十万毛瑟枪”
于右任青年时跟随 孙中山先生,为推翻满清封建统治立下出色 功勋;他积极倡导国共两党合作,创办 教育、兴建 水利,是真诚的爱国者;他是南社初期 的诗人,终身 写下诗词近900首。他的诗、词、曲均有很高的成就 ,曾写下不少寄托国家民族兴衰之情的诗篇,著有《右任文存》、《右任诗书》等,他还是著名书法家,创立了“于体”书法艺术。林语堂曾说过:“当代书法家中,当推监察院长于右任的人品、书品为最好模范,于院长获有今日的地位,也半赖于其书法的成名。”今年三月中共地方 新任总理温家宝在记者会上谈到台湾成绩 时,即兴引了1 首于右任先生《登高怀故乡》的诗,成为接待 会上最具感性的1 段。
于右任,陕西三原县人,满清末年参加国民革命,在陕西西安等地创立民吁报等刊物,鼓吹革命思想。早年加入国民党,民国成立当前 出任高职,军阀混战时期曾经襄助冯玉祥建立国民军。他是1 介儒生,雅好文词书法,在国民政府中不断 处在1 个清高闲散的地位 。
1 九四九年国民政府撤退到台湾,于右任出任“监察院”院长,不断 到他八十几岁寿终,在任上去世。于老终身 清廉,从来也不是国民党权力核心的1 份子。他身材高大,常着1 袭长衫,或罩上1 件马褂,没见他穿西式服装。从二十几岁起于右老便蓄起招牌长须,平时谨慎 呵护,暮年 逐步 转白,长可及腹,是今世的美髯公。
于老最出名 的还是他的书法,1 手豪气逼人、才华纵衡的草书,是爱好书法者的搜集对象,将来于老的墨迹会增值得更快。他早年还制定了1 套草书字体规范,归纳了许多前人的墨帖书谱,订出草书字体的标准模式,对初学者帮助很大,如今遍传海峡两岸。于老生前不吝惜本身 的笔墨,有人求字他几乎都很大方地写来,至亲好友索取墨宝则更是亲切,必先问清楚对方的姓名缘由,然后很贴切地写上几句。暮年 的字越发 洒脱,写意的神韵 更浓,进入另1 种境界。只是进八十岁当前 ,眼力衰退,很多字是由他的爱徒李超哉代笔。人到了暮年免不了思乡情切,右老曾在台北市遍寻家乡口味陜西羊肉泡馍。至今台北尚有1 家东南 餐厅,号称他们的羊肉泡馍曾得到右任公的认可。
在台湾住了几十年,年事日高,世界局势又是如此的无法 ,右老某次登山西望,感触犹深,便得了那1 首《登高望乡》的诗篇。情义真诚 ,1 时传颂很广,多少年后又被温总理援用 ,也是佳话。于老去世后,台北市政府在仁爱路圆环两头 立了1 座于右任铜像,长袍马褂手拄拐杖,企首西望,外型 不俗。据说在台湾玉山山顶也设了1 尊于老西望神州的铜像。1 九九四年陈水扁当选台北市市长,没有多久就将仁爱路上于右老的铜像搬走了,至今着落 不明。2OOO年,绿色执政以后 ,又传来音讯 说玉山顶上于老的铜像也被铲除。用心何在,令人费解。平心而论于右任这一生 真没干过什么欺侮老百姓、贪赃枉法、包工程、买军舰拿回扣等差劲的事呀。
用竖立铜像来纪念1 个人实在不很牢靠,铜像虽然坚固但是也可能叫人放进炉子里熔化掉,不忍卒赌。其实不必为右老立铜像,置信 百代当前 ,有数 书法爱好者见到于老纵横开阖的飞兴狂草,匀亭有如的行草条幅,都会不自禁地爱慕赞叹 ,脑中浮现起一名 放笔挥毫的美髯翁。


于右任故居位于三原县城西关斗口巷5号,是于右任16岁时他的父亲用多年积蓄所购置,作为他攻读诗书精研古今之地。该故居原占地2008平方米,分为中院、祠堂和磨房,后屡遭破坏,1999年7月为了使于右任故居得到妥善保护,三原县人民政府公布于右任故居为县级重点文物保护单位,成立了于右任故居文管所,并拨专款进行了全面维修。修复的面积只要 700多平方米,该故居次要 包括于先生青少年时期曾住过的“三间老屋,1 株老槐”的小院和于先生的恩伯母房太夫人曾住过的厢房。在小院内布置有于右任先生生平事迹展和卧室复原陈列展。于右任先生生平事迹展,以丰富翔实的照片和实物质 料记录了先生伟大的终身 。卧室复原陈列有先生睡过的土炕和几件简陋的桌椅,桌上摆放有于右任先生曾经用过的茶罐、食盒、镜子。
恩伯母房太夫人的厢房被称为“上房”宅院,就是说1 个家族当中辈份最高而且具有声望 的尊长 居住的房屋即为上房,共有6间,南北对称,也是全部 故居中建筑风格最为考究的房屋。
1992年,三原各界群众、单位、台湾标准草书会、日本高崎书道会等各界人士筹措集资兴修 “陕西于右任纪念馆”,1997年11月10日开馆,占地10亩,主楼三层,仿古建筑2700平方米,该馆内树建“陕西于右任纪念馆创修记”碑及六角碑亭,“于右任先生纪念碑”及六角碑亭,双亭并峙,黄瓦红柱,六角飞檐,亭子四周 建筑 于右任书法碑廊14间,砌树“千字文”、“拐子马”、“满江红”及著名书法碑石20多方。该馆次要 包括“于右任先生爱国事迹展”“于右任先生墨品展”“古代 书法展”三个展厅。
古代 书法作品展:该展厅展出全国各地包括台湾、日本、新加坡、马来西亚等著名的书法家(沈鹏、萧劳、刘艺、李普同、金泽子卿)的书法、篆刻作品130件,并开辟“茹欲立先生书法陈列室”,展出茹欲立先生的文稿、手札、书法作品60多件。
全部 展览共由四部分组成。第1 部分是“大师之路”,展出由《于右任书法全集》编委会提供、文物出版社出版的《于右任先生艺术活动年谱》;同时播放陕西安电子科技大学 视台“中国书画名家”栏目与西安交大博物馆联合制造 之《大师之路》影视专题片。《于右任书法全集》是西安交大钟明善教授携海峡两岸于右任研讨 专家和他的先生 们,历时13年编集而成,是中国书法史上最大的1 套个人书法作品集。《于右任先生书法艺术年谱》是36卷本《于右任书法全集》最初 1 卷。此次展出也是首次与读者见面。年谱记载了于右任先生1879年出生至1964年去世86年间的行迹,以图文并茂的方式钩稽史料,展示 了于右任先生波澜壮阔的人生历程和博大沉雄的书法艺术。
第二部分是“日记及生活用品展现 ”,展出日本西出义心先生收藏 的于右任先生1962年日记,包括《望大陆》手稿,同时展出的还有于右任先生生前穿过的长袍服,用过的毛笔等。
第三部分为“于右任书法精品展”,展出西出义心先生收藏 的于右任先生书法精品20余幅。囊括于右任先生以行楷、草书写就的条幅、对联、四条屏和 杜甫诗册页等书法精品。是于右任书法的代表之作,也是研讨 于右任书法艺术的宝贵材料 。这对爱好书法的各界人士来说无疑是1 场书法盛宴。
第四部分“于门诸贤作品展”,集中展现 海内外继承于右任书法衣钵的门生:周伯敏、李超哉、梁披云、刘延涛、胡公石、李普同、胡恒、霍松林、金泽子卿的书法作品20余幅。
纪念辛亥革命1 百周年于右任书法展12日在浙江丽水举行,以此缅怀革命先辈,传承辛亥精神。中国侨联主席林军出席开幕式。
此次书法展由中国侨联、全国政协书画室、中国书法家协会、于右任书法艺术研讨 院联合举办,是继9月在北京全国政协礼堂美满 展出后,首次赴地方展览。百件真迹精选自中国侨联副主席、于右任书法艺术研讨 院院长、银帝集团董事局主席朱奕龙私人收藏的400多件于右任墨宝珍品,以镜片、屏条、楹联、扇面、立轴等多种方式全面展示 于右任不同历史时期的艺术成就 。他还收藏 于右任书法碑刻原拓拓片近百种、300余件,编辑多套于右任墨宝书法集。

English Introduction

He is the Qing Dynasty Juren, because "printed half crying laugh floor Shicao" political satire by the Qing government wanted to flee to Shanghai, then enter the aurora college. From college to study. Early introduced by his friend Liu Juemin, has joined guangfuhui and alliance. In 1907 he founded the "China Daily", "people daily" to actively promote the Democratic revolution. Served as the interim government of Nanjing transportation minister, the National Coalition commander in Shaanxi Province, Dean of Academy of audit and supervision is an important decision of the Kuomintang figures. After 1912 as Minister of transportation of the Nanjing government, the national government audit president, monitor the president, before and after a total of 34 years Dean dean. After the KMT retreated to Taiwan. Yu Yu Taiwan 15 years, Taiwan calligraphy stele Pavilion for the first time an overwhelming trend of posts. 1964 died in Taipei. Yu Ming Tomb is located in Taipei city in the mountains, the main peak of Yushan sculpture.
Yu Jing calligraphy, in early 20s, "the north in Nanzheng" said, "Nanzheng" refers to Zheng Xiaoxu. Especially good at cursive, the first "Standard Cursive", known as "the sage of calligraphy". Yu Youren 1932 was founded in Shanghai, the standard cursive hand agency, to easy identification, writing easy, accurate and beautiful as the principle, arrangement, research and promotion of cursive, cursive symbols organized into the system, set the word into "Standard Cursive QianZiWen" (in 1936 by the Shanghai press, the first edition of Wen Kai) has far-reaching influence, still in the reprint. "Modern sage" reputation. "Right" as works of poems, "right", "right Ren Ren '", "Standard Cursive ink deposit" etc.. Mr. Yu Youren's son, only the true story of the disciples of Mr. Liu Tianyi (son of Liu Juemin) living in Nanjing, related work is currently collecting and studying the calligraphy of Yu Youren.

Yu Youren is in the Northern Wei Dynasty calligraphy, regular script into the script and official script conception, Rong rubbings in a furnace, forming his unique book.
Yu Youren's early book from Zhao Mengfu, after the change of Tangbei, finishing the tablet, on the basis of a fragrance, and grass in Xingkai, a middle-aged calligraphy in cursive, with reference to his style. Since the Opium War, the Qing government corruption, strength gradually decline, the Chinese nation has powers of aggression. So he love style is that the style "warrior" spirit, bold and vigorous style. He has a sense of the nation, in order to arouse the awakening of the Chinese nation. This can be reflected in a poem he wrote. "Towards the Shimen Ming, twilight write twenty products, hard set for the union, every night tears wet pillow." Otherwise, if only temporary calligraphy, is not "night wet pillow". He once said, "those who wish should take the benefit of mankind as their own responsibility, poetry calligraphy, all things more than ear. But I will also be free-standing. Learn from the ancients rather than the ancients." He is about to take on this, Bo, on the aesthetic principles of personal choice, form a script of their own, to be in the thousands of years of history "free-standing."
Mr. Yu since the beginning of 1929, is engaged in the study of ancient cursive, cursive script in 1932 initiated the establishment of research agency, founded the "monthly" cursive. He is easy to know, writing easy, accurate and beautiful "principle, comprehensive and systematic collation of cursive, from the ancient calligraphy voluminous works, selected in accordance with the standards of the word" Standard Cursive "QianZiWen integration. In addition, Mr. Yu has gradually summed up the corresponding regularity between the symbols Zhuan, Li, Kai, and cursive, these symbols bridge derived cursive cursive, solve the key problems and produce "accurate" writing. Mr. Yu Youren's four standard writing principle; a group of magical symbols; a "Standard Cursive" QianZiWen, modern philology Chinese great creation research, but also a new peak on the history of the development of cursive, is a new milepost China development history of the art of calligraphy. At the same time, the "Standard Cursive" the advent of a beginner who like cursive entry rules on textbooks, is the best way to learn cursive. This book has nine editions in Taiwan, has repeatedly published in the mainland, but still short, it was an important position that good writings make people copy them. ", the" Standard Cursive "occupies in the circle of the famous painter, as Mr. Liu Yantao said," send "Standard Cursive thousand years does not pass the secret, for all check for the past cursive, for future text, open a new road, when the majority of its influence is very long. "Yu calligraphy Xionghao Wanli, dilute Mr. Qi, to old age, his cursive entered into the realm of words is really reach the acme of perfection, odd risk, no other. In his works, the cursive, cursive, Jincao Zhangcao melting in a furnace, a smooth out of shape, and no risk of potential, and with the theme of the tight adhesion, and longitudinal and Dang loop echo, and great, elegant, simple and plain, in order to give people a sense of distinguished air of elegance and coquetry. He will promote the standard cursive writing easy, easy identification, accurate and beautiful "principle in the practice, make Bibi free, words are different, the size of cable is just perfect. With the center of gravity of the body is low, with subtle reservoir potential, reach the acme of perfection. He became a master in calligraphy, Japanese friends called him "unrivalled sage of calligraphy".
In May 8, 1958, the right song Shou Daqing Laoba rank, by the press, academic, cultural, social, and other eighty organizations jointly launched a series of wonderful birthday, and planning activities. According to news reports, after three days of celebration from central government leaders to date, more than thirty thousand people. Birthday celebrations as soon as he finished, right immediately initiated the establishment of old students and old friends: "Yu Youren" poetry for collection "editorial board". The national Beijing Normal University Alumni Association of long travel Taiwan University; Liu Jihong, Huang Shaogu and Jiang Xuezhu jointly recommended by David won the editor about meter. In addition to compose four song "(langtaosha), (treading on sedge), (partridge day), (sparrow song)", and invited a number of famous contemporary composer Gongxiangshengju, assist in the completion of the music for the right old poetry historical mission.
In April 26, 1959, the "Yu poetry concert" in Zhongshan held a grand hall, the National Music Institute of David command, "the Youth Choir featuring performances. In November 1st of the same year, "Yu Youren poetry music set the first series", after more than a year to end to be accomplished officially published, editor of meter David, Times Publishing house. When heaven is allowed inside and outside news reports, for studio event. At the same time at home and abroad set off a boom in order, a month that reprinted several times, good writings make people copy them., for the enthusiastic response from all walks of life. Hardcover this year Pricing: NT 100 yuan whole, HK $20 whole. (according to the military ensign, primary school teachers, the appointment of civil servants, the average monthly income of only 130150 NT).
Yu Youren is a pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, a poet, a political commentator and a great calligrapher. When he stranded Island, the mainland sentiment quite deep. In January 24, 1962, song made a song: "buried me in the mountains Xi, look at my mainland. Mainland is not visible Xi, only crying. Bury me above the mountain, hope my hometown. Hometown is not visible Xi, never look (forget). Gray days, the vast field, mountains, state mourning." The pain of homesickness, become a poetic masterpiece through the ages shows between the lines.

He has long served in the Kuomintang government, the chief executive yuan. But its reputation as a calligrapher is more than a reputation as a politician. His art of calligraphy, generally can be divided into two periods: one is to write the Weibei based, with a strong personality for regular period; two is to create Standard Cursive period.
Yu Youren had a deep Kung Fu style. In the middle of Qing Dynasty, learn to have the meaning of style, or a. He filled with "monument flavor" cursive, can be said to be unique. Especially in the palace. Jincu, and changeable structure. In what looks like a very casual casual grasp, a wonderful atmosphere, calm effect.
Yu Youren's most notable achievement was the creation of "Standard Cursive", in Shanghai in 1932 initiated the establishment of the society for the study of cursive. Good cursive works his extensive collection of previous, set of words into "dry" standard cursive word text itself, and then hand again, became the world.
The creation of standard cursive, cursive script to make standardization. In fact, there is no standard cursive, a standard lost spirit. But the beginner cursive people, which can have a correct way.
As for Yu his cursive, simple strokes, graceful shape. He basically write is not connected to the genus Jincao, but his cursive is composed of Zhangcao into Jincao, in his cursive works, Zhangcao calligraphy can be seen from time to time. In the pen, almost Bibi center, Qi in storage, ink intoxicated enough, give a person with full deep feeling. So he as old members of the Kuomintang, the international famous calligraphy master, a famous activist and educator. Founder of Fudan University. Is known as China modern calligraphy history has great achievements in calligraphy art, we China contemporary holy book, patriotic and revolutionary politician.
The famous Patriotic Poems "Yu Youren Wang," (also known as the "war") published in November 10, 1964 in Taipei Mr. posthumous. Later in Taiwan, Mr. Yu Youren was very eager to grow, but failed to do so. In January 12, 1962, he wrote in his diary: "I wish the high trees after death, was buried in Yushan or Ali Mountain, mountain high, big tree, you can always hope. My hometown is mainland china". Shortly after January 24, 1962, Mr. Yu Youren wrote the poem "look gloomy sincere feelings,".
This is what he wrote to the mainland home over the nostalgic feeling of the country is a touch of shows between the lines, deep soul pain farewell to all the children of the Yellow Emperor.
In 1949, Yu was taken to Taiwan, and his first wife and son had to stay in the mainland, apart from. So, his "look," is not generally national sentiment, but the hidden life The imprint is engraved on my heart. pain. The reunification of the motherland is the poet's lifelong pursuit.
Reading this poem, give a person a kind of deep sorrow, the feeling of patriotism. Because of the reason as everyone knows, Mr. long in Taiwan, can not return to their homeland, but the waves constantly, it can't prevent him into the mainland, going home, thinking family affection.
The first two chapters and the poems on complex techniques, repeatedly chanting, expressing to the mainland, the hometown of deep longing, nostalgic feelings, is strongly expressed the great poet of the Tang Dynasty poet real feelings, Bai Juyi said: "touching the heart, Mo first feeling." It is this sincere and strong emotions and thoughts to the readers to The imprint is engraved on my heart., strong shock, arouse the reader feelings and Thoughts on the resonance. The last section of the poem at the beginning of two borrowed "Songs" in the folk songs of the Northern Dynasty imperial sentences, the reduplicated word, image and vivid. The last two sentences "on top of the mountain, a memorial." Pun and rich in meaning. "War" from his songs "Nine Songs". "Nine Songs" is on the way to imitate him into exile in the South Song Chu offering Psalter and creation, "war" is one of the first, for the officers and men of the elegy, so-called "war", "Yi" said: "the ghost of mourning." The pretext of "war", the poet expresses himself after the death can not be buried in the mainland, not coming home. The ancients said: "the bird flew back to hometown of Xi, fox will die premieres Cotes de." Beast is still so, why people can. Artificial obstruction, make family segregation, after death is not seperation of the family, soul hometown, no peace, could not read a sad but tears. The poet uses this poem to express many poets and people with the same experience of the heart, the heart can not forget the dream: they are the unity of the motherland. Once to see the reunification of the motherland, but also buried after the death of Gaogang, looking to the mainland, it is wasted step ah.
Today, Hongkong and Macao have returned, we are hoping to block half a century of Taiwan as soon as possible to return to the embrace of his mother! Believe that a unified prosperous, prosperous China will soon stand in the east of the world! To this, Mr. Yu Youren will has nothing to regret in life.

Yu Youren's death mystery
In mid August 1964, Yu hospital. One day in September, the old men Yu Yang Lianggong to Taipei Veterans General Hospital to visit him. Yu Youren is very happy, but the sick and sore throat because, like to say he is unable to speak out. Yang Lianggong took his hand and asked, "what's the dean's order?" Yu Youren thought for a moment and put out a finger. Yang Lianggong do not know what it means, after a while, and three fingers to the Yang Lianggong, Yang Yang guess a few answers have been shaking his head to deny. Yang Lianggong had to say: "Dean, wait for your body better, and then ask you just said what is the meaning, OK?" Yu Youren nodded. Since then, Mr. Yu's disease every day, and in a coma. The evening of November 10, 1964, Yu 8:08, died at the age of 86. He did not leave any words, people began to make his "look," a poem, as his will. Yu Ming Tomb is located in Taipei city in the mountains, and at an altitude of 3997 meters (the highest peak of Yushan in Southeast China provinces) erected a bronze bust of the mainland. Yushan steep mountains, and building 4 meters high statue is a member of the Taiwan Mountaineering Association have a little bear. Yu Youren finally has so far his wish.
What a finger and three fingers mean is a mystery. Later, senior reporter Lu felt it should be to understand Yu Youren's "one finger, three fingers": the future China unified, his coffin shipped back to the mainland, Guizang hometown Shaanxi Sanyuan county.
"Three old houses and a Guhuai, big cloth." This is the evaluation of people. Located in the former residence of the plant and Sanyuan more than and 300 years old tree in deep gratitude to mr..

Liu Yantao: "the" Standard Cursive "issued more than a thousand years does not pass the secret, as a check for the past cursive, for future text, open a new road, when the majority of its influence is very long!"
"Mr. pen, more than one hundred thousand muskets"
Liu Yazi: "Yo" commoner"
Chen Zuhua: "fuck the wind and snow, typical in the past."
Chen Zhisui: "patriotic love, across the sea, always hope; saving the people interest, leading early in Zhongshan."
Lin Yutang: "contemporary calligrapher, when pushed to monitor the president Yu Youren's character, is the best model to shuppim, Dean won today's position, half also depends on its famous calligraphy." [4]
Young Yu Youren followed Mr. Sun Zhongshan, for the overthrow of the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty made outstanding contributions; he actively advocated the cooperation of the two parties, the establishment of education, water conservancy, is sincere patriot; he is the early poets write poems nearly 900 songs of life. His poems and music are of high attainments, wrote a lot of their nation love poems, the author of "right" and "right Ren Ren 'poetry", he is a famous calligrapher, founded "to" the art of calligraphy. Lin Yutang once said: "the contemporary calligrapher, when pushed to monitor the president Yu Youren's character, is the best model to shuppim, Dean won today's position, half also depends on its famous calligraphy." In March this year, the CPC Central Committee on the question of Taiwan's new prime minister Wen Jiabao at a press conference, Mr. Yu Youren cited a song impromptu "climb with hometown" poetry, became the conference's most sensitive period.
Yu Youren, Shaanxi Sanyuan County, Manchu Dynasty in the national revolution, people's daily and other publications was founded in Shaanxi, Xi'an and other places, advocating revolutionary ideas. Early to join the KMT, the establishment of the Republic of China after the senior warlord period had helped Feng Yuxiang establish the national army. He is a scholar, and a good word of calligraphy, in the national government has been in a high idle position.
In 1949, the national government retreated to Taiwan, Yu served as the "monitor" Dean, until his 80 year old age, died in office. In the old life and honest, one is never the power core. He was tall, often with a cheongsam, or a jacket of cover, did not see him wearing western style clothing. From the twenties in the old storage right signs shall, usually take care of, old age gradually turn white, long and abdominal, is this world meirangong.
The most famous is old in his calligraphy, a heroic hand pressing, talented balance is the cursive, calligraphy collection object, the future in the old ink will be faster. He had also developed a cursive font specification, summed up many previous posts ink book charts, set a standard model of cursive font, very helpful for beginners, now spread across the straits. In the old don't begrudge her words, people seek the word almost all of his great side to write, for calligraphy is even more intimate close relatives and good friends, must ask why the name of the other party, then it is appropriate to write a few words. His word is more clear, more concentrated flavor freehand, into another realm. Just after the eighty eye recession, a lot of words by his disciple Li Chaozai. People to old age inevitably overcomewith homesickness. Right old Taipei city had searched the home of Shaanxi West mutton paomo taste. Taipei has still a Northwest restaurant, known as their Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup had been right in any public recognition.
Lived in Taiwan for decades, he grew older, the world situation is so helpless, a right old mountain west, still feeling deep, have won the first "climb nostalgia" poem. Sincere friendship, a very wide spread, how many years later was the Premier Reference, is now. In the old died, Taipei municipal government set up a statue in the middle of Yu Ai Road circle, the long robe hand on crutches, other enterprises first look good. It is said that the top of the mountain in Taiwan Yushan also set up a statue in the old West China Bronze statue. In 1994 Chen Shuibian was elected mayor of the city of Taipei, not how long it will move to the right way of love the old statue, still missing. 2OOO, green office, came the news that on the top of the mountain to the old jade statue has also been eradicated. Intentions where, puzzling. To be honest this life really Yu did not do what bullying people, taking bribes and package engineering, to buy warships kickbacks and other bad things.
Used to erect a statue in honour of a person is not very reliable, but may also be called solid bronze while people in the oven to melt down, to bear. In fact, do not have to stand right old statue, believe that generations later, many calligraphy lovers to see old flying Xing sentential irregularity Kuangcao, even as the pavilion will cursive banners, buzijin love praise, emerge a pen brush Meiran Weng brain.

Former Residence
Yu Youren's former residence is located in Sanyuan County, West Doukou Lane No. 5, is a 16 year old Yu Youren when his father purchased the savings of many years, as he read the ancient poetry research. The original house covers an area of 2008 square meters, divided into homes, ancestral hall and mills, after repeated destruction, the former residence of Yu Youren in July 1999 in order to be properly protected, Sanyuan County People's government announced the former residence of Yu Youren for key cultural relics protection units at the county level, the establishment of the former residence of Yu Youren,, and special funds for comprehensive maintenance. The repair area of only more than and 700 square meters, the residence includes three old houses in his teenage years had lived ", an old Huai" courtyard and Mr. ember Mufang lived one lady. In the courtyard there is arranged Mr. Yu Youren's life story exhibition and bedroom restoration exhibition. Mr. Yu Youren's life story, with rich and informative photos and material records of Mr. great life. Mr. Chen slept on the bedroom restoration pit and a few pieces of simple tables and chairs, a desk with a mirror a tea pot, food box, Mr. Yu Youren used.
Enber Mufang's wing is known as the "real" house, is a family of highest seniority and prestige with elders housing is built, a total of 6, north-south symmetry most elegant houses for architectural style is the former residence.
Mr. Yu Youren had lived for 25 years in the yard, but also in the yard when living under the Empress Dowager Ci Xi denounced writing "feminism abuse Chiaki ring, should not miss powder" the poem.
In 1992, people from all walks of life, the unit, Taiwan Sanyuan, Takasaki standard cursive calligraphy will raise funds from all walks of life to build "Shaanxi Yu Youren memorial hall, opened in November 10, 1997, covers an area of 10 acres, three storey main building, the antique building of 2700 square meters, the museum built tree" Yu Youren Memorial Hall in Shaanxi to create "Monument and six corner Ting," Mr. Yu Youren monument "and six corner Pavilion, double Pavilion and Zhi, yellow tile red column, six Kok cornices, pavilion built around Yu Youren Beilang calligraphy 14, built" QianZiWen "and" tree when the horse "," Azolla "and the famous calligraphy stele 20 multi. The museum mainly includes "Mr. Yu Youren patriotic deeds Exhibition" "Mr. Yu Youren Ink Exhibition" "modern calligraphy exhibition" three exhibition hall.
Mr. Yu Youren: Ink Exhibition display each period of Mr. Yu Youren, Kai, cursive works, handwritten manuscript, published at home and abroad in poetry, calligraphy and other more than and 150 versions of Mr. Xi Zhongxun, Ma Wenrui, kit, Qu Wu, Zhao Puchu, Zhang Aiping and Chen Lifu in Taiwan, Jiang Weiguo, Lin Yang Kang, Kong Decheng, and other celebrities Standard Cursive members we wrote more than 30 pieces of calligraphy.
Modern calligraphy exhibition: the exhibition halls across the country including Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and other famous calligrapher (Shen Peng, Liu Yi, Li Putong, Xiao Lao, Zezi Jin Qing) of calligraphy and seal cutting works 130, and opened the "Ru Yuli calligraphy of Mr. showroom, exhibition presentation, letters, more than and 60 works of calligraphy Mr. Yuli ru.
"Hope mainland" diary and calligraphy boutique home special exhibition
October 4, 2014 to 13, the vice chairman, former curator of the Museum of Xi'an Jiao Tong University Chinese Calligraphers Association professor Zhong Mingshan and the tireless efforts of the organization, "Mr. Yu Youren", "the diary and calligraphy at home exhibition" was held in the Museum of Xi'an Jiao Tong University. Mr. Yu Youren's son at the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. The exhibition is the first time the poem manuscript returned to Mr. Yu Youren hometown, is also the first time to meet with the public. The Xinhua News Agency published reports of "Yu Youren" at the "original poem manuscript trace in the mainland for the first time on display". Associate professor of Xi'an Jiao Tong University professor Wang Zhongmin and Fang Xiaodi "look," poetry music, exhibition organizers were selected as the theme song.
The whole exhibition consists of four parts. The first part is the "master of the road", "Yu Youren" the complete works of calligraphy exhibition by the editorial board, Cultural Relics Publishing House "Yu Youren's Chronicle" art activities; while playing the Shaanxi television station "China famous painting" column Museum and Xi'an Jiaotong University jointly produced the "master road" documentary film. "Yu Youren calligraphy collection" is the Xi'an Jiaotong University professor Zhong Mingshan articles on both sides of the Strait expert on Yu Youren and his students, which lasted for 13 years and the compilation of the history of calligraphy, Chinese is the largest set of personal calligraphy works. "Mr. Yu Youren's calligraphy art Chronicle" is the 36 volume of the "Yu Youren calligraphy collection" the last volume. The exhibition is also the first meeting with readers. The chronicle records of Mr. Yu Youren was born in 1879 and died in 1964 86 years whereabouts, illustrated the way to study historical data, show Mr. Yu Youren's life and the great surge high and sweep forward good calligraphy art.
The second part is "the diary and daily show", displaying the Japanese West meaning heart collection of Mr. Yu Youren Mr. 1962 diary, including "look," manuscript, also featured are Mr Yu Youren's robes through the clothes, use brush etc..

The third part is "Yu Youren calligraphy boutique Exhibition", the exhibition of Mr. Xi Xin Mr. Yu collection of Mr. Yu Youren calligraphy boutique more than 20. Include Mr. Yu Youren to Xingkai, cursive written scrolls, the antithetical couplet, four screen and Du Fu's poetry calligraphy album etc.. It is the representative work of Yu Youren's calligraphy and the valuable material of studying the calligraphy art of Yu Youren. This is a calligraphy feast for all walks of life who love calligraphy.
The fourth part "in Zhu Xian exhibition, showcasing the overseas students inherit the calligraphy of Yu Youren legacy: Zhou Bomin, Li Chaozai, Liang Piyun, Liu Yantao, Hu Gongshi, Li Putong, Hu Heng, Huo Songlin, Jin Zezi Qing calligraphy works more than 20 pieces.
Hundred years of 1911
Commemorate the one hundred anniversary of the revolution of 1911 Yu Youren calligraphy exhibition held in Zhejiang, Lishui, in order to cherish the memory of the revolutionary ancestors, heritage of the spirit of the revolution of. China Federation Chairman Lin Jun attended the opening ceremony.
The calligraphy exhibition jointly organized by the Federation of the CPPCC National Committee, China book Chinese Calligraphers Association, Yu Youren studio, calligraphy art academy, following the September successful exhibition in Beijing CPPCC auditorium, for the first time to go to the local exhibition. One hundred artworks selected from the vice president, Chinese Federation Yu Youren Calligraphy Art Research Institute Dean, Yindi group chairman of the board of directors of Zhu Yilong's personal collection of more than and 400 pieces of Yu Youren calligraphy treasures, full of different historical periods of Yu Youren's artistic attainments in lens, a set of hanging scrolls and couplets, fan, vertical etc.. He also treasures Yu Youren calligraphy inscriptions original rubbings nearly 100 kinds of extension, more than 300 pieces, many sets of Yu Youren Mo Bao's calligraphy collection editor.



