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朱关田 - 中国书法家协会副主席朱关田纵谈书

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1987年9月入党,l 961年7月参加工作,浙江美术学院书法专业毕业,研讨 生学历,1 级美术师。
l961年7月在浙江省绍兴鲁迅图书馆工作,1962年9月在浙江省绍兴坡塘工家村小学工作,1964年8月就读于浙江美术学院巾国画系书法篆刻专业,1970年4月在空军第5 军5 ·七干校劳动锻炼,1972年1月在浙江省杭卅书画社(两泠印社)工作,1979年8月就读于浙江省美术学院书法专业研讨 生,1981年12月任浙江省书协副秘书长,1988年9月任浙江省书协副主席兼秘书长,1994年6月任浙江省书协主席,2000年至今任浙江省书协主席、中国书协第四、5 届副主席。


朱关田自幼受乡风陶冶 ,每每挑灯夜读,不能自止。为学书法,以瓦钵当砚,清水为墨,方砖代纸,棕帚作笔,废寝忘食,三十余年如1 日。
1960年,朱关田先生跨进了绍兴师范专科学校的大门。他把大量的精力投入到习字上。在班上,朱关田找到了不少情投意合 的书法爱好者,和大家一同 练字,令他深感愉悦。
由于 种种缘由 ,仅学习1 年后,他就离开了学校,走上社会,在绍兴鲁迅图书馆当起了普通的工作人员,然后又担任郊区小学教师。但朱关田先生仍旧天天练字不缀。
1964年至1971年在学习。1964年,朱关田凭着深厚的功底,考入浙江美术学院(现为中国美术学院)中国画系书法篆刻专业(本科)。得著名书画篆刻大师潘天寿陆维钊沙孟海诸乐三朱家济等亲授。又博涉唐楷,后改师北魏,而后又努力 于章草。1971年朱关田被分配到了浙江省杭州书画社(即后来的西泠印社)工作。“文明 大革命”并没有消磨朱关田的意志,他求知若渴,亟待奋发的他在恢复高考后的第1 年,考上了浙江美术学院书法篆刻专业研讨 生,成为新中国第1 届书法专业的研讨 生,这也为他今后的学习研究 奠定了更为厚实的基础。朱关田师从陆维钊沙孟海诸乐三等书法界泰斗。在学习阶段,朱关田时刻谨记着踏踏实实的风格 。书法上,1 丝不苟地练习;学术上,扎扎实实地研究 。


朱关田学书从秦篆、汉隶入手,得中国书法的源头正脉。清代包慎伯以为:“夫作点势,在篆皆圆笔。”从朱氏的草书作品来看,其点势之优,应得益其初学书法之际从篆入手的良好基础。其后,朱关田主攻章草。章草点画线条粗细多样而和谐的情调,可以曲尽物象;章草运笔,不是平拖涂抹,模糊 如先贤所言:“戈戟锐可畏,物象生动可奇。”笔意生动,笔道外型 古拙,肌肤之丽,力在字中,可谓“势来不可止,势去不可遏”。
朱关田在写章草的同时,留意 吸收大篆笔法及魏碑笔意,从而添加 了朱氏书法的厚重感、慎重 感。朱氏运笔不浮,点画饱满,章法似星斗落银河,天真可爱,落笔结字,上皆覆下,下以承上。考究其作品全局的气势,递相映带,转笔处亦藏头,令笔心常在点画中行。收笔处偶露飞白,坚正匀静,伸缩异度,变化多端,在清雄的外表当中 ,灵秀洒脱之态隐而又现,充分显示了这样改革开放后中国第1 届书法研讨 生笃志砚田、寄情笔墨的个人风采。
“曼倬”,这是沙孟海先生在他40岁的时候,送给他的字。意图 是希望他目标要大,目标要远,做人要懂大节 ,做学问要知细节。从此,朱关田先生牢记沙老的教诲,将身心全部投入到艺术上。
了解了朱关田先生的人生经历和学术研讨 ,我们再来审视朱关田先生的书法作品,你便会深深感到,这是一名 努力将理论付诸实践、寻求 高品味的、在书法创作已取得出色 成绩并构成 独特风格的书法家。朱关田先生从传统入手,循着前人的脚印 ,力图等上传统的顶峰。他的确是中国书坛一名 对古代传统研讨 得很透的令人敬佩的艺术家。他的全部创作,如同他的艺术观,独特而有见地。
朱关田,这位中国书坛不可多得的艺术家,以其深厚的笔墨功力,博学的才识,非凡的创造力,脚踏实地的遵守 着传统的轨迹,开创了中国书法独树1 帜的艺术风貌。作品中或雅逸或灵动的意趣,弥漫 着他丰富的精神世界和人格内核的光芒。
审视朱关田先生的作品,感觉是那么俗气 ,他的书法创作强调参差中求平奇,于险绝中寓平正,寓多样于统1 。把古拙的意趣与美的风致统一同 来,于雄壮 高古中求奇肆天真。
朱关田先生的作品非常重视 书法艺术的情势 美的创造。对比统1 是情势 美的次要 法则,1 个书家的笔墨技巧和艺术功力常常 在情势 美中体现出来。
用笔是书法中最为关键的地方,朱关田的作品中,用笔富有活趣,具有1 种立体感和质地感。其笔墨运转 酣畅淋漓,字形雍容宽博,在点线的互衬中巧拙相映,涵奇于凡,给人以中和之美。其结构强调中宫紧收,内涵 扩张,左旁右骛,妙合自然。他善用圆笔入书,体现出朴茂、含蓄、遒劲、持重的风格。那是1 种“藏骨抱筋,含文包质”之美。
朱关田先生作品中的力度美可以概括为以笔力为基础的钢劲果敢之力,富阳刚之美。从作品中我们可以看出其为善用力者,含沉着于痛快当中 ,寓沉雄于静穆当中 。这需求 1 个书家具备十分纯熟 的驾驭笔墨的能力,而朱关田先生明显 是得心应手。
在章法布局上,其作品通幅字势,1 气贯注,精神团聚。他习气 行距拉开,使字的长扁、大小错落有致,弥漫 高古气韵。转机 笔断意连,气势贯通,极富金石意味。并始终体现着丰富的内涵美。
最使 我欣赏流连的还是朱关田先生作品中的独特的风格美。那体现了他的全部的精神,是其艺术个性、气质、意韵、情感在作品中的自然流露,是贯穿在整幅作品中的1 种精神境界。是法与意、形与神、理与趣、个性与面目的完善 统1 。
总而概之,构成 朱关田先生的书法创作独特美感的根源,寻规起来,次要 有两方面的渊源与轨迹。1 是潜心章草,二是寻求 简逸。
朱关田先生书法中的简,突出表如今 对章草本身之简的再次简化,这类 简化既有结体上的,也有笔法上的。
或许,当年他以章草为主攻目标,既有心仪其师沙孟海先生的1 面,也有心契章草高古雄强之气韵的1 面。
而且,章草本身的艺术程式不尽完善,正好给后世有了发展的多种可能。朱关田先生敏锐的意想到 并在章草1 脉中吸收了适合本身 精神特质、学养胸怀 和审美情趣的笔墨情势 ,从而构成 了本身 的艺术特色:“结体奇而不怪,用笔重而不滞,气机流畅,松而不懈。”
朱关田先生在求简的同时还追逸,当代书作中表现地愈来愈 强烈。朱关田先生崇尚“和为贵”,在其作品中亦可见1 斑。按他本身 的话来说是在“复归平正”。事实上,朱关田先生是在凭他深厚的学养和笃实的篆隶根底,走碑学的静穆和二王清雅相兼的道路。因而 ,朱关田先生的笔墨在寻求 高逸的同时,更蕴涵着清逸之气。朱关田先生亦善治印,身为西冷印社副社长,不忘潘天寿先生倡导的“艺术不在绝,而在通,不限书、画、诗三绝,应加金石为四通”之论。

English Introduction

Zhu Guantian, male, Han nationality, word Manchester Cho was born in March 1944, Zhejiang, Shaoxing, Lu Weizhao, Sha Menghai, the guru Zhulesan morohito. Served as vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association, director of the academic committee Chinese Calligraphers Association accreditation, Chinese Calligraphers Association Zhejiang branch president and secretary general, vice president of Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society.
To join the party in September 1987, July l 961 years to participate in the work of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts calligraphy graduate, postgraduate degree, first class artist.
L961 in July in Zhejiang province Lu Xun Library in Shaoxing, September 1962 in Zhejiang province Shaoxing Po Tong Village Primary School at Academy of Fine Arts in Zhejiang in August 1964, the Department of traditional Chinese painting calligraphy professional towel, in April 1970 Fifth Army Air Force five - seven cadre labor training in Zhejiang province in January 1972, Hangzhou 30 Calligraphy Club (two Ling India Society). In August 1979 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zhejiang province calligraphy postgraduates, December 1981 Deputy Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Association, September 1988, Zhejiang province Calligraphers Association vice president and secretary general, June 1994 chairman of Zhejiang calligrapher 's Association, 2000 has served as chairman of Zhejiang Province, fourth, five China Calligraphers Association vice chairman of the association.
Zhu Guantian childhood by rural wind influence, often burn the midnight oil, can not stop. To learn calligraphy, in watts bowl when water ink, ink, paper brick generation broom, brown as pen, and in thirty years as one day.
In 1960, Mr. Zhu Guantian stepped into the Shaoxing normal school gate. He put a lot of effort into writing. In the class, Zhu Guantian found a few like-minded calligraphy calligraphy lovers, together with everyone, so he felt happy.
For various reasons, after only one year of study, he left the school, embarked on the community, in Shaoxing Lu Xun library as ordinary staff, and then served as suburban primary school teachers. But Mr Zhu Guantian is still not with every word.
Study from 1964 to 1971. In 1964, Zhu Guantian with a deep foundation, was admitted to the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now The China Academy of Art) China painting calligraphy professional (undergraduate). Famous painting and calligraphy carving masters Pan Tianshou, Lu Weizhao, Sha Menghai, Zhu Lesan, Zhu Jiaji and other qinshou. And after the change involving Bo Tang Kai, division of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and then committed to zhangcao. In 1971, Zhu Guantian was assigned to the Zhejiang province Hangzhou Calligraphy Club (later Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society) work. The "Cultural Revolution" did not kill Zhu Guantian's will, he needs to exert his hungry for knowledge, in the first year after the resumption of college entrance examination, admitted to the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts students professional study calligraphy, calligraphy becomes the study of the first professional new China, this also for his future study laid a more solid foundation. Lu Weizhao, Sha Menghai, Zhu Guantian studied calligraphy circles all happy third class. In the learning phase, Zhu Sekida always remember with a sense of style. On the practice of calligraphy, strict in demands on academic, down-to-earth study.

Zhu Guantian book starting from the source to seal the Qin, Han Li, China calligraphy is the pulse. The Qing Dynasty Shen Bo package thought: "the husband as potential in all round seal." From Zhu's cursive works, its potential advantages, should benefit the good foundation of learning calligraphy as starting from seal. Subsequently, Zhu Guantian main zhangcao. The dotted line thickness is diverse and harmonious atmosphere, can best song image; Zhangcao pen, not dragging daub, vaguely like sages said: "Ge Ji Rui" awesome, vivid images." With the vivid pen, modeling simple, skin beauty, in words, can be described as "potential can not stop, can not stop to potential".
Zhu Guantian wrote in Zhangcao at the same time, pay attention to absorb the seal brush strokes and style so as to increase the steady, heavy feeling, a sense of his calligraphy. His pen does not float, full of tricks like the stars falling point, the Milky Way, innocent and lovely, to end word, are covered, with the. Elegant works of global momentum, successive video pen also Cangtou, so often in the Bank of China for drawing. Collect pen at accidentally feibai, Kennedy is quiet, the expansion degree, be the most changeful, clear male appearance, elegant and free state hidden and now, fully demonstrated that after the reform and opening up the first China graduate calligraphy inkstone, ink and Duzhi personal style.
"Manchester Zhuo", this is Mr. Sha Menghai when he was 40 years old, gave his word. Intention is to hope that his goal to be large, the goal is far, to understand the section man, learning to know the details. Since then, Mr. Zhu Guantian remember the teachings of the old sand, will be physically and mentally devoted to the arts.
To understand the life of Mr. Zhu Guantian and academic research, we come look at Mr. Zhu Guantian's calligraphy works, you will feel deeply, this is an effort to put theory into practice, the pursuit of high taste, has made outstanding achievements in calligraphy creation and the formation of the unique style of calligrapher. Mr. Zhu Guantian, starting from the traditional, retracing his steps to the traditional peak. He is one of the ancient traditional China calligraphy study well and admirable artist. All his creations, as his artistic view, are unique and insightful.
Zhu Guantian, the Chinese rare calligraphy artist, with his profound writing skill, knowledgeable talent, extraordinary creativity, down-to-earth followed the traditional path, pioneered the artistic style of calligraphy China become an independent school. Works or elegant or vivid charm, permeated with the spirit world and the core of his rich light personality.
Look at Mr. Zhu Guantian's works, the feeling is so elegant, his calligraphy emphasizes Pinchi stagger, Pingzheng to no risk in the apartment, apartment diversity in unity. The antique charm and beauty of the unified character, to seek male muddy ancient odd wantonly innocent.
Mr. Zhu Guantian's works pay much attention to the creation of formal beauty of calligraphy art. Contrast and unity is the main principle of form beauty, often a calligraphy pen and ink techniques and artistic skill embodied in the form of the United states.
The pen is the most important place in calligraphy, Zhu Guantian's works, with rich living fun, with a sense of three-dimensional and texture. The ink run fully and delightfully broad, graceful shape, in point line mutual contrast in clever clumsy matched, hiqueen to all, to give people the beauty of neutralization. The structure of that palace in the tight, extension, left right beside the greedy, wonderful nature. He uses the round pen into the book, reflecting the luxuriant, subtle, elegant and dignified style. It is a kind of "possession of bone holding tendons, including text package quality" of the United states.
Mr. Zhu Guantian works in the intensity of the United States can be summed up with pen based steel strength resolute force, Fuyang just beauty. We can see from the works of the good hard, with composure on the good, good to put in quiet. This requires a very skilled calligraphers have the ability to control the ink, and Mr Zhu Guantian is obviously.
In the layout, it works through a word, a spiritual reunion on. He is used to make the word spaced apart, long flat, the size of well-proportioned, with high ancient charm. Turning pen breaking, a stone that momentum through. And always embodies the rich connotation of beauty.
My favorite linger or MR Zhu Guantian works in the unique style of beauty. It embodies all of his spirit, his artistic personality, temperament, mood, emotion in the works of nature, through a spiritual realm in the work of the. Is the perfect unity of law and meaning, form and God, reason and interest, personality and appearance.
In general, the formation of Mr. Zhu Guantian's unique aesthetic roots of calligraphy creation, seeking regulation, there are two main sources and trajectories. A painstaking Zhangcao, two is the pursuit of simple.
Mr. Zhu Guantian calligraphy Jane, outstanding performance in again to simplify the body of the chapter herbs Jane, such a simplified node on the body, also have strokes on.
Perhaps, when he was in Zhangcao as the main target, the instrument has the intention to division Mr. Sha Menghai's side, but also has high flavor of strong Qi Zhangcao ancient hsiung.
Moreover, Zhangcao art program itself is not perfect, just to have the development of a variety of possible future generations. Mr. Zhu Guantian is keenly aware of and in a Zhangcao absorbed for their own spiritual qualities and self-cultivation of mind and aesthetic taste of ink form, and thus formed his own artistic features: "Jieti strange but not strange, pen without delay, air flow, loose and persistent."

Mr Zhu Guantian, while seeking Jane, was also more and more strong in contemporary book making. Mr. Zhu Guantian advocates "harmony", is also remarkable in his works. According to his own words in the "return fair". In fact, Mr. Zhu Guantian is in his profound knowledge and probity zhuanli foundation, go stele theory of serenity and elegant and kings road. So, Mr. Zhu Guantian's words in the pursuit of beauty at the same time, the gas contains more seiitsu. Mr. Zhu Guantian also good India, as vice president of Xiling Seal society, do not forget Mr. Pan Tianshou advocated "art in the vast, and in general, not limited to books, paintings, poetry skills, should be added for the four links on the stone".



