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2022-03-11 17:17:29




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四川大竹县人,1917年生,1937年四川艺专毕业后,不断 从事美术教育和美术编辑工作,抗日和平 时期,创作了大量反映时事的漫画和版画,在群众中有良好的影响,解放和平 时期,创作了反映当时统治阶级政治腐败,民间疾苦的漫画《升官图》、《升官图续集》、《如此江山》,前后 在蓉展览,颇受群众欢迎,被誉为画坛的耀眼明珠。抗日和平 时期,海萍结识了不少流亡来四川避难的书画名家,如关山月赵少昂黎雄才陆俨少等人。特别是海萍与陆俨少同时在宜宾办画展,海萍的作品颇受爱家收藏,1 幅和平鸽,竟有九人重订。
海萍的作品,多次在国内外展出并获奖,为文博单位和个人收藏,作品和传略载入《中国当代美术家人名辞典》、《中国古代 美术家人名录》等数十部美术辞典。国内外报刊和电视台多次对海萍的绘画成就专题报导,四川美术出版社曾出版《陈海萍国画集》和《陈海萍画选》。现为中国美术家协会会员,中国人事部人才研讨 会艺术家学部委员会ISQ900A资质认证功勋国画艺术家。

Introduction to the artist

Person of county of Sichuan big bamboo, unripe 1917, after Sichuan art graduated only 1937, pursue art education and art editor job all the time, period of War of Resistance Against Japan, produced the caricature that mirrors current affairs in great quantities and a picture printed from an engraved or etched plate, there is favorable effect in masses, period of war of liberation, wrote report regime politics is corrupt at that time, the caricature of civilian sufferings " be promoted graph " , " be promoted graph continuation " , " such state power " , exhibit in Chengdu early or late, get masses reception quite, be known as the dazzling bright phearl that draws altar. Period of War of Resistance Against Japan, hai Ping got acquainted with many is forced to leave one's native land to come a person of academic or artistic distinction of painting and calligraphy that Sichuan takes refugee, if close hill month, Zhao Shaoang, li Xiong ability, land majestics to wait for a person less. Especially Hai Ping and Liu Yan are in less at the same time appropriate guest does art exhibition, hai Ping's work suffers love home to collect quite, a peace is columbine, unexpectedly 9 people are ordered again.
Hai Ping's work, exhibiting domestic and internationally for many times and bear the palm, for Wen Bo the unit is collected with the individual, work and biography brief load " name of family of Chinese contemporary art dictionary " , " directory of family of Chinese modern art " wait for tens of ministry art dictionaries. Domestic and international the press and TV station accomplish special subject to cover to Hai Ping's brushwork for many times, sichuan art publishing house ever was published " collect of Chen Haiping traditional Chinese painting " and " the picture chooses Chen Haiping " . It is Chinese artist academician now, artist of seminar of talent of Chinese thing ministry learns artist of traditional Chinese painting of meritorious service of authentication of aptitude of ministry committee ISQ900A.



