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张祖武(1912-1996),广东茂名人。1932年考入广州美术学校学习西洋绘画。1939年毕业于杭州国立艺专雕塑系。抗日和平 期间,任十三军文工团美术教员兼教员组长;1953年调东北 军区文明 部创作大型边防军兵士 雕像《警觉的哨兵》、《国防军》;1955年在总政文明 部文艺创作室任创作员;1956年为朝鲜意愿 军烈士陵园创作大型纪念碑雕塑《意愿 军无名小卒 像》;1957年加入中国美术家协会;1958年回国参加中国军事博物馆的筹备工作;1959年后不断 担任湖北艺术学院美术系雕塑教研室主任、教授;1977年调至地方 美术学院雕塑创作室,为华北革命烈士陵园创作毛泽东坐像;1982年加入湖北省艺术委员会,任湖北省城市雕塑规划领导小组副组长;1987年为高州水库承建纪念碑《夯歌》。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Zuwu (1912-1996) , guangdong luxuriant celebrity. Took an examination of Guangzhou art school to learn western brushwork 1932. Was graduated from Hangzhou to state-maintained 1939 art only sculpture is. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, 13 army teacher of art of song and dance ensemble holds teacher group leader concurrently; Creative work of department of culture of tone southwest military region is large 1953 soldier of frontier defence army is statuary " alert piquet " , " national defence army " ; Was in 1955 always politics culture department is literary the member that creation room allows to create; Created large monumental sculpture for cemetery of revolutionary martyrs of Korea people who volunteer to fight in another country 1956 " anonymous hero resembles people who volunteer to fight in another country " ; Joined Chinese artist consortium 1957; Went back to the motherland 1958 the preparatory job that enters museum of Chinese military affairs; Art of Hubei art institute is being held the position of all the time after 1959 is director of sculpture staff room, professor; Moved to room of creation of sculpture of central academy of fine arts 1977, for creation of cemetery of revolutionary martyrs of China north revolution Mao Zedong sits picture; Joined Hubei to save artistic committee 1982, sculpture of city of provincial capital of north holding the post of a lake plans to lead group assistant group leader; Was fast city reservoir 1987 bear build monument " rammers's work chant " .



