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陈克 - 曾经沧海——访谈雕塑家陈克

2022-03-11 17:17:07




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本籍 河北唐山。曾就读于广州美术学院雕塑系、北京地方 美术学院教师研讨 生班、法国巴黎高等美术学院观念艺术和多媒体艺术培训班;1992-2001年任教于广州美术学院油画系,2002年至今任教于雕塑系。现为广州美术学院教授、硕士研讨 生导师、实验雕塑工作室负责人、雕塑系教授委员会副主任、中国雕塑学会理事、广东省美协雕塑艺委会委员。
作品获国家级奖项6次、省部级奖项14次;教学和科研项目获国家级奖励1项、省部级奖励7项;出版专著3部;发表论文16篇。代表作品有后文艺复兴系列、光影安装 系列、虎兔系列;创作内容以关注个体与集体的关联和相干 社会景象 的变化为主;艺术情势 涵盖雕塑、安装 、影象 等。有160余件作品被政府、企业、个人和艺术机构收藏;公共雕塑曾3次获得“全国优秀城市雕塑建设项目评选优秀奖”并荣获“中国公共艺术学术奖”。
生于河南省三门峡市、本籍 河北唐山;
就职于河南省三门峡市中原量仪厂研讨 所;
任职于广州城建开发研讨 中心;
广东省委宣扬 部、广东省美术家协会颁发“铜奖”?(广东省广州市、广东省美术馆)?;
设计制造 包括《海底世界》《欢乐的海洋》等四件浮雕和《戏水》广场主雕塑等7尊圆雕(广东省广州市、广州海洋馆);
雕塑《唢呐情》入选“第九届全国美术作品展览”荣获中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会颁发“优秀奖?”(北京市、中国美术馆)?;

考入地方 美术学院雕塑系(全脱产两年)“研讨 生毕业同等学力申请硕士学位教师进修班”?;
作品《祝愿 奥运》荣获“新奥运、新北京——地方 美术学院体育雕塑设计方案展”三等奖;
作品《沉浮》参加“熔接——金属雕塑展”(北京市、地方 美术学院通道画廊);
作品《沉浮》《平衡》发表于《美术研讨 》2001第1 期;
作品《电视人》参加“钟表、可乐、电视”观念课程汇报展(北京市、地方 美术学院通道画廊);
作品《祝愿 奥运》入选“新北京?新奥运?体育雕塑展”荣获“评委会1 等奖”及“群众艺术奖”(北京市、王府井步行街);
作品《祝愿 奥运》《你动?我动?齐运动》发表在《新北京,?新奥运,体育雕塑展》画册?(ISBN7-5032-1866-5);
雕塑《唢呐情》被广东省美术馆收藏;作品《祝愿 奥运》入选第5 届“广东省体育美术作品展览”荣获优秀奖(广东省广州市、广东省美术馆)?;
作品《祝愿 奥运》《你动?我动?齐运动》发表在《雕塑》2001第3期(中国工艺美术?学会ISSN1007-2144?CN11-3579/J);
参加中国、地方 美术学院,法国、巴黎高等美术学院的中法国际学术交流项目“雕塑短训班”学习;参与公共雕塑《胜利之神》设计制造 (北京市、珠江帝景入口广场);
雕塑《祝愿 奥运》参加“新北京、新奥运——体育雕塑艺术作品展”(山东省大连市、大连劳动公园);
作品《逝者如斯NO.2》入选“岁月如歌——西湖国际雕塑约请 展”,作品被青岛雕塑艺术馆收藏(浙江省杭州市、杭州西湖孤山);
雕塑《祝愿 奥运》入选“第5 届全国体育美术作品展”荣获广东省体育局、广东省美术家协会颁发“三等奖?”(广东省广州市、广东省美术馆)?;
浮雕《中原魂》《虢国春秋》设计制造 (河南省三门峡市、火车站广场);

影象 作品《拆》参加“超越之道--地方 美术学院雕塑与多媒体创作短训班结业作品展”(北京市、地方 美术学院美术馆);
《祝愿 奥运》发表在《广州美术学院作品集》?画册(ISBN7-80690-304-6/J.1123岭南美术出版社)?;
作品《红痕NO.1》参加“陌生与浅笑 ”(北京市、BS艺术车间?现芳草地艺术区);
作品《祝愿 奥运》发表在《美术学报》2000.1?(广州美术学院?CN44-1135/J);
作品《逝者如斯》发表在《美术研讨 》2001第1期(刊号CN11-1190/J);
作品《角落》《上下摆布 前后》《看》《管道间》《电视人》《别离我太近,别离我太远》发表在《1 面??另1 面20个人的立场?》画册(ISBN7-5362-2953-6岭南美术出版社);
雕塑作品《生命新态》入选“蓝色空间——北京海洋馆主题雕塑约请 展”(北京市、北京海洋馆);
毕业创作《红痕》《眼——脚》参加“地方 美术学院雕塑系毕业生作品展”,《眼——脚》被地方 美术学院美术馆收藏(北京市、地方 美术学院美术馆);
作品《上下摆布 前后》《藏匿 》发表在《中国当代艺术》?画册(中国工人出版社ISBN7-5008-3875-3/1.758);
影象 安装 作品《别离我太近、别离我太远》《看》《红痕》参加“看——当代艺术展”(广东省广州、广州市文联美术馆);

安装 作品《管道间》参加“交融——当代艺术展”?(北京市、季节画廊);

雕塑《无穷 》和《秋实》设计制造 (广东省广州市、朗晴居住宅小区);
《海之韵》雕塑设计制造 (广东省广州市、广州海洋馆景区);
《身份NO.2》参加“1 面?另1 面”广州美术学院油画系双年展(广东省广州市、广州美术学院美术馆);
作品《上下摆布 前后》《看》发表在《中国当代艺术》画册(中国世界美术出版社);
《降幅》活动金属雕塑设计制造 (广东省广州市、白云国际机场贵宾楼);
光影安装 作品《红痕NO.2》参加“没大没小”艺术群展(广东省广州市、废墟艺术区);
光影安装 《藏匿 NO.1》参加“埋堆”艺术群展(广东省广州市、杨之光艺术中心);

艺术长廊景观配置;设计制造 浮雕、圆雕、景观墙等(广州市白云区第65中学校区);
“2005届毕业生自在 创作随想”发表在《雕塑》(刊号ISSN1007-2144CN11-3579J中国工艺美术学会);
作品《欢庆》入选“和平?繁荣”纪念二克服 利60周年雕塑巡展,被收藏(长春、南京、郑州、重庆、厦门、上海、北京市中国美术馆等8城市巡展);
光影安装 作品《藏匿 NO.1》《藏匿 NO.2》发表在《中国当代艺术》(中国世界美术出版社);

安装 作品《1 次幸福的梦游》参加“绘画的当代性情 ——广州美术学院青年教师作品约请 展”?(广东省广州市、广州美术学院美术馆)?;
作品《生生不息》《旋律》《传承》荣获“2006年广州城市公共艺术—城市雕塑论坛”珠江新城金穗路节点约请 方案;
作品《藏匿 》《别离我太近、别离我太远》《身份》发表在《美术学报》;
安装 《身份NO.3》参加“来点真的?来点虚的”当代艺术展览?(上海市)?;
论文《疯癫的审视—贾科梅蒂创作心思 探视》发表在《艺术界》?(安徽省文学艺术界联合会?ISSN1003-6865CN?34-1002J);
(论文)《当代中国城市雕塑之文明 生态的思考》发表于《雕塑》(中国工艺美术学会?ISSN1007-2144CN11-3579J?)?;
设计制造 火炬主雕《合?金》和配套场馆《水》《征》《竞》雕塑(湖南省株洲市、体育中心);
《广东青年》参加“河南省第三届学术约请 展”(河南省美术馆);

作品《根》发表在《外型 与新视觉时代》(978-7-5362-3631-8岭南美术出版社);
雕塑作品《双子星》入选“梦想南方.第1 季”(深圳市、保安区22艺术区)?;
作品《祝愿 奥运》《看》等作品共14件发表在《雕塑》杂志(1007-2144中国工艺美术学会);
“艺术成绩 调查——广州美术学院青年教师艺术文献展”(上海市、多伦古代 美术馆?)?;
作品《消弭 》等12件发表在?《人文艺术》1 书,查常平博士为作品撰写评论文章(978-7-221-08457-6?贵州人民出版社);
《后文艺复兴——大卫》参加“时代?印象——中国当代雕塑交流约请 展”?(深圳市22艺术区)?;
由广东省文学艺术联合会与广东省美术家协会共同举办“里外——陈克雕塑作品展”,展览包括雕塑、安装 艺术、VIDEO作品三个部分共42件作品?。(广东省广州市、广东省省文联展厅“南星阁”);

《消弭 》等共22件作品发表于“中国雕塑”(978-7-5310-3339-4?河北美术出版社);
发表作品《沉浮》《1 次幸福的梦游》等24件和隋建国先生为作品撰写的评论文章在《雕塑》杂志(1007-2144)?中国工艺美术学会;
《欢庆》《藏匿 》等作品共38件,同时刊登创作心得和孙振华隋建国、陈桐关于作品的评论文章于《艺术界》(1003-6865?安徽省美术家协会)?;
《虎兔NO.1》入选“源——第1 届月亮河雕塑艺术节”,作品被月亮河当代艺术馆收藏?(北京市、月亮河当代艺术馆)?;
《后文艺复兴——自在 女神》《双子星——被缚的奴隶》入选“探索?创新——中国中青年雕塑家约请 展”荣获河南省美术家协会、河南省教育厅颁发“1 等奖”?(河南省郑州市、河南大学)?;
作品《后文艺复兴——青铜时代》发表于《中国当代艺术》1 书(962-8056-01-4?中国世界美术出版社);
《后文艺复兴——大卫》入选?“中国姿势 ?海峡风——首届中国雕塑大展”荣获中国雕塑学会颁发“中国雕塑艺术大奖”(福建省厦门市、北京市、广州市等七城市巡展);
《后文艺复兴——大卫》入选“回复亚洲—当代艺术中部约请 展”,被河南省美术馆收藏(河南郑州市、河南省美术馆);
《后文艺复兴——大卫》入选“艺术慈善中国—当代艺术国际巡回展”,?(北京地方 美术学院美术馆、日本伊斯特艺术馆、香港香港展览中心)?;
作品《虎兔NO.1》发表在《宋庄进行时》1 书(公元出版社978-988-17926-5-5);
雕塑作品《虎兔NO.1》入选“众生喧哗—2008第四届中国?宋庄文明 艺术节”,(北京市、宋庄美术馆)?;

完成《抗非典纪念碑》《望闻问切》《岐黄问答》等15件公共雕塑作品的设计制造 (广东省广州市、广东省西医 院大学城院区);
《后文艺复兴——自在 女神》入选“中国动力——国际雕塑年展”?(北京市、北京雕塑艺术区)?;
雕塑《你动、我动、齐运动》设计制造 (江苏省无锡市、体育公园);
与广州土人景观顾问公司庞伟合作公共雕塑《荆棘之路——石阵》《引水引觞,递成曲水》的设计制造 (江西省南昌市、江中置业紫禁城利玛窦广场);
论文《让精神穿透物资 》作品?《荆棘之路——石阵》《引水引觞,递成曲水》发表于《中国雕塑》(河北美术出版社978-7-5310-3339-4);
《自在 女神》《藏匿 》等4件作品发表在《中国当代艺术文献展文献》1 书?(湖南美术出版社978-7-5356-3140-4?);
作品《利马窦广场系列雕塑》荣获全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会颁发“2008年度全国优秀城市雕塑建设项目评选”优秀奖;
《根茎》设计制造 (河南省开封市、建业集团森林半岛商住区);
《华罗庚》铸铜雕塑设计制造 ?(广东省惠州市、华罗庚中学)?;
雕塑《数相时代——亚当》参加“11+1雕塑约请 展”被广东省美术馆收藏?(广东省广州市、广东省美术馆)?;
作品《第三天》参加“真光—中国当代艺术家约请 展”?(北京市798艺术区)?;
作品《后文艺复兴——大卫》入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展”?(北京市、中国美术馆)?;
作题为“精神穿透物资 ”的学术讲座(广州美术学院大学城、南阶梯教室);

撰写《当代雕塑的虚拟与复制》1 文和后文艺复兴系列6件作品,发表于《荣宝斋》杂志2010年第6期(1009—0649中国美术出版总社);
完成《云聚》《豪钻》《蝶舞》公共雕塑的设计制造 ?(广东省广州市、白云万达广场)?;
“雕塑创作的传承与创新”被评为“第六届广东省高等教育省级教学成果奖”?1 等奖,本人在项目中排名第三;
完成《中国砚都》设计制造 (广东省肇庆市、七星岩广场);
《林子祥》、《李克勤》、《谭耀文》等大肖像制造 (广东省江门市、名星公园);
《数像时代》等2件作品发表于《当代艺术家工作室》1 书(978-7-5356-3925-7湖?南美术出版社);
完成《日落大明宫系列》《盛世大唐系列》共六组大型组雕设计制造 ?(?陕西省西安市、大明宫国家遗址公园)?;
完成《天》《地》《人》雕塑设计制造 (广东省珠海市、丽珠集团珠海西区厂区);
组织并掌管 隋建国“雕塑中的时间与空间学术讲座”(广州美术学院南阶梯);

完成公共雕塑《酷购》设计制造 (江苏省镇江市、万达商业广场);
完成公共雕塑《劲歌族》《甜蜜酷购》《幸福酷购》设计制造 (江苏省常州市、万达广场);
组织雕塑系实验雕塑工作室参加“和而不同——第二届学院实验艺术文献展”(北京市、地方 美术学院美术馆)?;
完成《道教源流》雕塑设计制造 (陕西省西安市、周至县楼观台道教文明 展现 区);
《广东省西医 院大学城病院 园区》18件系列雕塑荣获全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会颁发“2010年度全国优秀雕塑建设项目”优秀奖;
掌管 广州美术学院科研项目“喧嚣中的浪漫—当代中国商业环境雕塑创作研讨 ”?;
完成《和谐神木》雕塑设计制造 (陕西省榆林市、神木县神木新村和谐广场);
论文《个体认识 的当代性转译》和作品《第三天》等10件、发表于《艺术锋尚》杂?志(2222-8012?中国国际文明 出版社)?;
作品《地上霜》《后文艺复兴——自在 女神》入选“清晰的地平线——1978年以来的中国当代雕塑”?(北京市、寺上美术馆)?;
《第三天》《后文艺复兴——自在 女神》等作品共7件发表在《清晰的地平线——1978年以来的中国当代雕塑》1 (978-7-5310-4234-1河北美术出版社);
公共雕塑作品《盆景系列——虎兔NO.1》《荆棘之路——石阵》入选第二届“中国姿势 ——第二届中国雕塑大展”,《荆棘之路——石阵》?荣获中国雕塑学会颁发“中国公共艺术学术奖”?(浙江省温州市、温州会展中心)?;
作品《虎兔系列》发表在“中国姿势 ”1 书(978-7-5310-4271-6?河北美术出版社);

完成公共雕塑《大医精诚》浮雕设计制造 (广东省广州市、芳村区广东省西医 慈善病院 园区);
雕塑《后文艺复兴——维纳斯》入选“形与意——中国当代架上雕塑约请 展”(四川省成都市、音乐公园英盟艺术沙龙?);
完成公共雕塑《上善若水》设计制造 (福建省厦门市、安踏营运总部大堂);
参加广东省教育厅的科研项目“广东省高等艺术院校公共艺术专业课程体系和教学模式的时间与研讨 ”,本人在项目组排名第三;
完成公共雕塑《大医精诚》设计制造 (广东省广州市、广东省西医 院总院研修楼);
参加国家精品课程师资培训项目“教育技术利用 骨干教师高级研修班”?;
雕塑《天使在哭泣》参加“第1 届中国佛山?国际城市雕塑大展”?(广东省佛山市、佛山1506美术馆)?;
成公共雕塑《叶欣纪念碑》设计制造 (广东省广州市、广东省西医 院大学城园区);
塑《后文艺复兴——维纳斯》参加“雕塑中国——地方 美术学院雕塑创作回顾展”(北京市、地方 美术学院雕塑研讨 所);
完成雕塑《弘慧法师》纪念像设计制造 (广东省惠州市);
雕塑《耻辱碑》《裂墙》设计制造 (广东省广州市、广东省廉政建设教育基地);
完成商业雕塑《泉》等7件雕塑的设计制造 (福建省莆田市、市莆田万达广场);

参加延安新城东大街“刘志丹迎接红军进延安”组雕设计(陕西省延安市、金延安文明 旅游景区);
作品《1 次幸福的梦游》发表在《微艺术》杂志(2228-7620);
和四川美术学院雕塑系李占阳教授合作设计制造 公共雕塑《和》(山东省蓬莱市、蓬莱西医 院新园区)?;
公共雕塑《滴水三江?彩云之南》?荣获全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会颁发“2012年度全国优秀城市雕塑建设评选”优秀奖(云南省曲靖市、大花桥);
与日本著名环境雕塑家松尾光伸开展联合讲座(广州5 楼空间画廊);
论文“文明与雕塑——解析汉唐陶马佣的艺术外型 与社会文明 背景关系”发表在《雕塑》杂志总第95期(1007-2144?雕塑杂志社)?;
《虎兔NO.1》入选“言语 的飞扬”中国雕塑年鉴第三回展(北京市、中国国家大剧院);
完成《精卫》等六件商业广场雕塑设计制造 (湖南省长沙市、开福万达广场);
雕塑作品《虎兔NO.2》入选“?第5 届中韩当代雕塑交流展”,并赴韩国参观访问(韩国首尔市、仁寺洞美术馆);
《绽放》等六件雕塑设计制造 (广东省佛山市、南海万达广场);
雕塑《粤曲》等六件雕塑设计制造 (广东省广州市、增城万达广场);
雕塑《绽放》等六件雕塑设计制造 (江苏省徐州市、徐州万达广场);
《飞鹅岭》浮雕设计制造 (广东省广州市、飞鹅岭山顶公园);
雕塑作品《虎兔》参加“亚洲古代 雕塑家协会22届年展”(广东省广州市、广东国际会议展览中心);

广东省广州市增城万达广场雕塑设计制造 (广州市2013.11——2014.05);
(2013.10?——2014.06)昆明西山万达广场《山茶花》4件雕塑设计制造 (云南省昆、明市、西山前兴路);
作品《数相时代系列》3件作品参加《迹象——广东当代雕塑约请 展》(广东省东莞市?岭南美术馆);
作品《虎兔系列》4件作品参加“下1 站广州——广州当代艺术展”?广州美术学院大学城美术馆;
组织和掌管 “另1 种方式——实验雕塑教学研讨 展”(广州美术学院雕塑);
组织和掌管 美国艺术家安迪鲍勃学术讲座《空间》(广州美术学院大学城);
东莞万达雕塑制造 共7组(广东省东莞市);
设计制造 万科地产“金域蓝湾”景观雕塑3件(广东省中山市);
广东省江门万达《山水江门》等7件雕塑设计制造 (广东省江门市);
番禺万达《赛龙舟》《荔枝女》等6件公共雕塑的设计制造 (广州市番禺区);
设计制造 “茂名石油化工学院”校庆纪念雕塑《合并升本》(广东省茂名市);
组织和掌管 艺术家史金淞学术讲座“非成功艺术经验”(广州美术学院大学城);
“实验雕塑教学体系的建构与研讨 ”获学院教学成果1 等奖,并获批成为广东省高教厅教学成果奖扶持项目;
掌管 “实验雕塑教学团队”荣获广州美术学院教学团队;

掌管 ?“实验雕塑教学的研讨 与建构”荣获州美术学院教学成果1 等奖;
掌管 ?“实验雕塑教学团队”荣获州美术学院教学成果1 等奖;
广东省广州市萝岗万达广场雕塑设计制造 共5组(广州市);
万达东方影城雕塑设计制造 共5组(山东省青岛市);
《鸠兹之战》参加2015“芜湖故事”——第5 届刘开渠奖国际雕塑大展”?;
设计制造 雕塑作品《听海》“深圳市盐田区城市人文景观雕塑项目”(深圳市、盐田区沙头角滨海栈道);
参加“我行我塑——第四届全国大先生 公共视觉优秀作品双年展”学术活动(上海?城市雕塑艺术中心);
掌管 万达云基地《云数据》多媒体雕塑设计制造 (成都市);
约请 并掌管 西班牙著名艺术家戈博朗学术讲座;
设计制造 雕塑“陕北红军群雕”参加“全国15省红色旅游火炬传递”(陕西延安市);
掌管 设计制造 大型浮雕《建构》(陕西省神木县发展服务中心);
参加西安美术学院组织“西安美术学院东南 雕塑文物联合考察——唐代18陵雕塑考察”(陕西省西安市);
掌管 雕塑《华发》雕塑制造 ,(成都市成都万达瑞华酒店);

作品《鸠兹之钟》受邀参加“第5 届芜湖国际雕塑展”,参加研讨会等学术交流活动,被芜湖市政府,放置在雕塑公园(安徽省芜湖市);
掌管 设计制造 “广州市岭南贤人博物馆”《阮元》《林则徐》等雕塑11组(广州市越秀区);
掌管 设计制造 “北师大珠海校区”景观雕塑《深谷 》(广东省珠海市北师大校区);
掌管 中粮集团成都“大悦城”户外景观雕塑《晕》《戏水》设计制造 共2组(四川省成都市);
掌管 设计江西九江八里湖绿道公共雕塑《韵律》(江西九江八里湖景区);
“入境”——2016成都东湖公园公共雕塑约请 展;



2016年1月,《鸠兹之钟》入选“2015中国.芜湖第5 届刘开渠奖国际雕塑大展”荣获中国雕塑学会、中国美术学院、芜湖市人民政府颁发“优秀作品奖”?;
2015年1月,掌管 “广州美术学院实验雕塑教学的研讨 与建构”荣获校级教学成果1 等奖,获批广东省高等学校教学成果奖建设项目?
5月,掌管 “广州美术学院——实验雕塑教学团队”荣获“校级教学团队”和“广东省高等学校教学团队”荣誉
10月,《仙乐翩翩》入选“朝圣敦煌——首届国际城市雕塑大展”荣获中国建筑学会、甘肃省委宣扬 部颁发“评委会特别奖”(甘肃省敦煌市)
2013年4月,?公共雕塑《滴水三江?彩云之南》?荣获全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会颁发“2012年度全国优秀城市雕塑建设评选”优秀奖;
2011年5月,《广东省西医 院大学城病院 园区》18件系列雕塑荣获全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会颁发“2010年度全国优秀雕塑建设项目”优秀奖;
12月,公共雕塑作品《荆棘之路——石阵》入选第二届“中国姿势 ——第二届中国雕塑大展”荣获中国雕塑学会颁发“中国公共艺术学术奖”?;
2010年2月,“雕塑创作的传承与创新”荣获第六届广东省高等教育省级教学成果奖“1 等奖”本人在项目中排名第三;
2009年6月,作品《利马窦广场系列雕塑》荣获全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会颁发“2008年度全国优秀城市雕塑建设项目评选”优秀奖;
12月,作品《后文艺复兴——大卫》入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展”?;
2008年6月,《后文艺复兴——自在 女神》入选“探索?创新——中国中青年雕塑家约请 展”荣?获河南省美术家协会、河南省教育厅颁发“1 等奖”;
7月,?《后文艺复兴——大卫》入选“中国姿势 ?海峡风——首届中国雕塑大展”荣获中国雕塑学会颁发“中国雕塑艺术大奖”?;
作品《开放》荣获“广州南沙亭角立交城市雕塑国内竞赛”1 等奖;
2001年1月,作品《祝愿 奥运》荣获“新奥运、新北京——地方 美术学院体育雕塑设计方案展”三等奖;
6月,作品《祝愿 奥运》入选“新北京?新奥运?体育雕塑展”荣获中国美术家协会、2008奥运会申办委员会宣扬 部、全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会、北京规划委员会、中国雕塑学会颁发“评委会1 等奖”及“群众艺术奖”;
作品《你动?我动?齐运动》入选“新北京?新奥运?体育雕塑展”荣获中国美术家协会、2008?奥运会申办委员会宣扬 部、全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会、北京规划委员会、中国雕塑学会颁发“评委会三等奖”及“群众艺术奖”;
9月,作品《祝愿 奥运》入选第5 届“广东省体育美术作品展览”荣获广东省体育局、广东省美术家协会颁发“优秀奖”;
11月,?雕塑《祝愿 奥运》入选“第5 届全国体育美术作品展”荣获国家体育总局、中国美术家协会颁发“三等奖?”?;
1999年8月,作品《唢呐情》荣获“建党5 十周年广东省美术作品展”广东省委宣扬 部、广东省美术家协会颁发“铜奖”;
12月,雕塑《唢呐情》入选“第九届全国美术作品展览”荣获中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会颁发“优秀奖?”?;
1988年12月,诗歌《无题系列》荣获“广东省大先生 征诗比赛”三等奖;

Introduction to the artist

Tang Shan of ancestral home Heibei. Ever read at the center of department of sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, Beijing graduate student of teacher of academy of fine arts Paris of class, France is advanced art of idea of academy of fine arts and multimedia art groom class; 1992-2001 year teach to be fastened at canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, taught to be fastened at sculpture up to now 2002. Be chief of studio of sculpture of adviser of graduate student of professor of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, Master, experiment, sculpture now is sculptor of professor council vice director, China conference director, Guangdong saves the United States assist sculpture art appoint conference committee member.
Work wins national level award 6, award of the class that visit a department 14; Education and scientific research project obtain national level to reward 1, the class that visit a department rewards 7; Publication monograph 3; Publish a paper 16. Series of series of the renaissance after having on behalf of work, smooth film unit, tiger hare series; Creation content in order to pay close attention to individual give priority to with the change of collective correlation and relevant society phenomenon; Artistic form is covered sculpture, device, video etc. More than 160 work is collected by government, enterprise, individual and artistic orgnaization; Communal sculpture ever was obtained 3 times " project of construction of sculpture of countrywide outstanding city chooses outstanding award " have the honor to win " award of science of Chinese public art " .
Chronological table
Be born at Henan to save Tang Shan of Heibei of 3 gorge city, ancestral home;
Be graduated from Henan to save Central Plains of 3 gorge city to measure appearance yard vestibule school;
Assume office to save Central Plains of 3 gorge city to measure bearing plant institute at Henan;
Be graduated from sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is;
Hold a post to develop a research center at Guangzhou city building;
August: ?
Sculpture " suona horn affection " selected " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs Guangdong 50 years to save art work to exhibit " , have the honor to win;
Is association of artist of province of department of propaganda of Guangdong provincial Party committee, Guangdong issued " cupreous award " ? (Does Guangdong save Guangzhou city, Guangdong to save art gallery) ? ;
Work " suona horn affection " publish in " collect of work of sculpture of exhibition of work of art of the 9th whole nation " an album of paintings (people art is published;
Work " suona horn affection " publish in " art " magazine 1999 the 10th period cover (country artist association ISSN1003-1774? CN11-1311/J) ;
The design is made include " marine world " " happy ocean " etc 4 anaglyph and " paddle " square advocate sculpture 7 honour in the round (marine house of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangzhou) ;
Along with canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts the department goes to Europe to make an on-the-spot investigation;
Sculpture " suona horn affection " selected " is work of art of the 9th whole nation exhibited " have the honor to win association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China to issue " outstanding award? " () of art gallery of Beijing, China? ;

In September:
Is taking an examination of sculpture of central academy of fine arts (complete be released from production to take on other duty two years) " is graduate student graduation coequal class of attend in a advanced studies of teacher of master's degree of educational level application " ? ;
Work " beatific Olympic Games " have the honor to win " new Olympic Games, new Beijing -- program of design of sculpture of sports of central academy of fine arts is exhibited " third class award;
Work " ups and downs " attend " frit is received -- metallic sculpture is exhibited " (gallery of passageway of Beijing, central academy of fine arts) ;
Work " ups and downs " " evenly " publish at " art studies " 2001 first phase;
Design work " green Hua Piaoxiang " attend " week of German Berlin Asia-Pacific " sculpture landscape design;
In May:
Work " TV person " attend " horological, coke, TV " ideal course report is exhibited (gallery of passageway of Beijing, central academy of fine arts) ;
In June:
Work " beatific Olympic Games " selected " new Beijing? New Olympic Games? Sports sculpture is exhibited " have the honor to win " the commissioner is met first prize " reach " masses art award " (shopping mall of well of Beijing, Wang Fu) ;
Work " are you moved? Am I moved? Is Qi Yun moved " selected " new Beijing? New Olympic Games? Sports sculpture is exhibited " have the honor to win " the commissioner is met third class award " reach " masses art award " , ? Be collected by Chinese sports museum? (shopping mall of well of government office of Beijing, king) ;
In July:
Work " beatific Olympic Games " " are you moved? Am I moved? Neat motion " publish in " new Beijing, ? New Olympic Games, is sports sculpture exhibited " an album of paintings? (ISBN7-5032-1866-5) ;
In September:
Sculpture " suona horn affection " be collected by Guangdong province art gallery; Work " beatific Olympic Games " selected the 5th " is work of art of Guangdong province sports exhibited " have the honor to win outstanding award () of art gallery of province of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong? ;
Work " beatific Olympic Games " " are you moved? Am I moved? Neat motion " publish in " sculpture " 2001 the 3rd period (Chinese arts and crafts? Institutional ISSN1007-2144? CN11-3579/J) ;
In October:
Attend China, central academy of fine arts, the Sino-French international learning of advanced academy of fine arts communicates France, Paris project " sculpture short course " study; Participate in communal sculpture " triumphal god " the design is made (square of entrance of condition of emperor of Beijing, Pearl River) ;
Sculpture " beatific Olympic Games " attend " new Beijing, new Olympic Games -- sports sculptural work is exhibited " (park of labor of city of Shandong province Dalian, Dalian) ;
In November:
Work " the person that die if this NO.2 " selected " years is cantabile -- sculpture of west lake international invites exhibit " , work is collected by Qingdao sculptural house (hill of Gu of west lake of city of Zhejiang province Hangzhou, Hangzhou) ;
Sculpture " beatific Olympic Games " selected " is work of art of sports of the 5th whole nation exhibited " have the honor to win Guangdong to save sports bureau, Guangdong to save artist association to issue " third class award? " (does city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong save art gallery) ? ;
Anaglyph " Central Plains fetch " " Guo Guo Chunqiu " the design is made (Henan visits square of 3 gorge city, railway station) ;
Work " the person that die if this NO.3 " selected China Xi'an 2001 " western ﹒ western art is exhibited greatly " , ? Work is collected by Qingdao sculptural house (museum of city of Shaanxi province Xi'an, Maoling) ;

Video work " tear open " attend " surmounted line- - sculpture of central academy of fine arts and work of complete a course of multimedia creation short course are exhibited " (art gallery of Beijing, central academy of fine arts) ;
" beatific Olympic Games " publish in " collect of work of Guangzhou academy of fine arts " ? An album of paintings () of publishing house of art of ISBN7-80690-304-6/J.1123 mountain South America? ;
Work " my sun " publish in " art journal " 2002.1? (Guangzhou academy of fine arts? CN44-1135/J) ;
Work " red mark NO.1 " attend " unfamiliar with the smile " (artistic workshop of Beijing, BS? Show region of art of fragrant grass ground) ;
In Feburary:
Work " beatific Olympic Games " publish in " art journal " 2000.1? (Guangzhou academy of fine arts? CN44-1135/J) ;
Work " the person that die if this " publish in " art studies " 2001 the 1st period (publication date CN11-1190/J) ;
In March:
Year work " ups and downs " publish in " artistic exploration " 2002 the 1st period (CN45-1077/J) ;
Work " the person that die if this " publish in " sculpture " 2002 the 1st period " Chinese sculpture almanac 2003 " ;
In April:
Work " corner " " control around up and down " " look " " between conduit " " TV person " " take leave of I am too close, take leave of I too far " publish in " at the same time? ? Another 20 the individual's footing? " an album of paintings (publishing house of art of ISBN7-5362-2953-6 mountain South America) ;
Sculpture work " life new form " selected " blue space -- sculpture of theme of Beijing marine house invites exhibit " (marine house of Beijing, Beijing) ;
In June:
Graduation is created " red mark " " eye -- foot " attend " sculpture of central academy of fine arts fastens graduate work to exhibit " , " eye -- foot " be collected by art gallery of central academy of fine arts (art gallery of Beijing, central academy of fine arts) ;
Work " control around up and down " " hide " publish in " is China artistic now " ? An album of paintings (ISBN7-5008-3875-3/1.758 of Chinese worker press) ;
Video unit work " take leave of I too close, take leave of I too far " " look " " red mark " attend " look -- contemporary art is exhibited " (house of Wen Lianmei art of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangzhou) ;

In Feburary:
Work " ups and downs " " look " attend " is the city psychedelic with perception " ? () of Singapore, seasonal gallery? ;
In March:
Unit work " between conduit " attend " blend -- is contemporary art exhibited " ? (Beijing, seasonal gallery) ;
Artistic configuration is designed " triumphant arch " " source " (Guangdong province is Dongguan city, medium believe colorful business to live area) ;
In May:
Work " between conduit " " take leave of I am too close, take leave of I too far " publish in " is China artistic now " an album of paintings (ISBN962-8556-01-4 of publishing house of Chinese world art? ) ;

In January:
Sculpture " infinite " and " Qiu Shi " the design is made (city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Lang Qing resides residential village) ;
" Hai Zhiyun " sculpture design is made (area of scene of marine house of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangzhou) ;
In March:
" identity NO.2 " attend " at the same time? Another " canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is double year exhibit (art gallery of academy of fine arts of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangzhou) ;
" the NO.1 that ask for sail " " the NO.2 that ask for sail " sculpture landscape is designed (park of heart of lake of trade of world of Shanghai, Pudong) ;
In May:
Work " control around up and down " " look " publish in " China is artistic now " an album of paintings (publishing house of Chinese world art) ;
In July:
Sculpture " old paddle " selected " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs Guangdong 55 years to save art work to exhibit " (city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong saves art gallery) ;
In August:
" fall " design of mobile metal sculpture is made (building of honoured guest of International Airport of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Bai Yun) ;
In November:
Work of smooth film unit " red mark NO.2 " attend " did not do not have greatly small " artistic group exhibit (area of art of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, remains) ;
In December:
Smooth film unit " hide NO.1 " attend " bury caboodle " artistic group exhibit (center of art of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Yang Zhiguang) ;

In April:
Landscape of artistic a covered corridor or walk is configured; Wall of the design anaglyph that make, in the round, landscape (Guangzhou city Bai Yun district campus of the 65th middle school) ;
In July:
Paper " after confusion halcyon " publish in " Chinese contemporary sculpture " (press of ISBN7-5388-4893-2TS.359 Heilongjiang science and technology) ;
Sculpture work " joyful " publish in " civilized " (publication date CNII-4789/D) ;
Sculpture work " joyful " publish in " peace? Prosperous sculpture make one's rounds extends market of little draft work " (ISBN962-8877-07-0 galactic press) ;
In August:
Sculpture work " relatively " selected " work of art of sports of 2005 Guangdong province is exhibited " obtain Guangdong to save sports bureau, Guangdong to save artist association to issue " outstanding award " (city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong visits shop of Wen Lianmei art) ;
In September:
"Random thought of 2005 graduate free creation " publish in " sculpture " (arts and crafts of China of publication date ISSN1007-2144CN11-3579J learns) ;
Work " joyful " selected " peace? Prosperity " commemorative World War II wins 60 years sculpture make one's rounds is exhibited, be collected (the 8 cities make one's rounds such as art gallery of China of Changchun, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Xiamen, Shanghai, Beijing is exhibited) ;
Work of smooth film unit " hide NO.1 " " hide NO.2 " publish in " China is artistic now " (publishing house of Chinese world art) ;
In October:
" ask for sail " attend " booth of the Sha Jiao austral Guangzhou stands make a city advocate sculpture home competition " have the honor to win third class award;
In November:
Work " suona horn affection " publish in " art " 425 period (publication date ISSN1003-1774? CN11-1311/J? ) ;
In December:
" with when all is entered " have the honor to win " sculpture of center of exhibition of Guangzhou international conference and competition of design of communal artwork plan " A group is second-class award, " paddle " have the honor to win C group second-class award;

In March:
Work " suona horn affection " publish in " art journal " 2006.1;
In April:
Unit work " happy somnambulate " attend " painterly contemporary disposition -- does work of teacher of youth of Guangzhou academy of fine arts invite exhibit " ? (Does Guangdong save) of art gallery of academy of fine arts of Guangzhou city, Guangzhou? ;
Work " suona horn affection " " return late " " Ma Yan " publish in " Chinese vision is artistic " (publishing house of ISBN7-5386-0529-0/J278 Jilin art) ;
Sculpture " peaceful Olympic Games " selected " plan of sculpture of Olympic Games landscape collects a contest " have the honor to win organizing committee of the 29th Chinese artist association, Olympic to issue " cupreous award " , work is collected by association of home of Chinese arts and crafts (Beijing, Shanghai, Paris) ;
Work " unripe be born not to cease " " melody " " inheritance " have the honor to win " Guangzhou city is communal and artistic 2006, urban sculpture forum " node of road of Jin Sui of Pearl River new city invites scheme;
Work " hide " " take leave of I too close, take leave of I too far " " the identity " publish in " art journal " ;
Device " identity NO.3 " attend " will nod really? Will nod empty " artistic now exhibition? (Shanghai) ? ;
Paper " examine insanely, visit of psychology of creation of Gu Kemei the base of a fruit " publish in " artistic bound " ? (union of group of art of literature of the Anhui province? ISSN1003-6865CN? 34-1002J) ;
Work " joyful " " peace? Does prosperous sculpture make one's rounds extend market of big straw work " an album of paintings? (ISBN962-8877-07-0? People art publishing house;
In August:
(paper) " the reflection of the culture zoology of sculpture of contemporary China city " publish at " sculpture " (society of Chinese arts and crafts? ISSN1007-2144CN11-3579J? ) ? ;
(paper) " chisel exit? Model level road -- does contemporary sculptural education build train of thought " publish at " art journal " (ISSN1004-1060CN44-1135J4720SA of date of publication of Guangzhou academy of fine arts? ) ? ;
In October:
Does the design make torch advocate vulture " close? Gold " with place of form a complete set " water " " ask for " " contest " sculpture (Hunan Province individual plant continent city, sports center) ;
Be in charge of preparing to construct sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is " experimental sculpture atelier " ;
" Guangdong youth " attend " Henan saves the 3rd learning to invite exhibit " (Henan saves art gallery) ;
Work " suona horn affection " have the honor to win " Guangdong province is beautiful assist 50 years of classic work " nomination award;

Work " " publish in " modelling and times of new visual sense " (publishing house of art of 978-7-5362-3631-8 mountain South America) ;
Sculpture work " Gemini star " selected " as contemporary as urban dialog sculpture exhibits sculpture, sculpture of international of Shanghai of the 2007 rich that receive a life year exhibit " be collected by center of Shanghai city sculptural (center of sculptural of city of Shanghai, Shanghai) ;
In April:
Sculpture " " selected " humanitarian? Landscape -- contemporary sculptural extends Chinese benefit state " be collected by benefit state municipal government (city of state of Guangdong province benefit, bank river park) ;
Work " peaceful Olympic Games " publish in " Olympic and sculpture " (foundation of project of 1671-5241 capital civilization) ;
Sculpture work " David " selected " mix and differ -- is nomination of Chinese contemporary sculpture exhibited " ? () of Beijing, phlogistic yellow artistic house? ;
In May:
Sculpture work " Gemini star " selected " the dream is southern. The first season " (area of Shenzhen city, security personnel) of 22 artistic areas? ;
Work " beatific Olympic Games " " look " wait for work to be published 14 times in in all " sculpture " magazine (1007-2144 China arts and crafts learns) ;
In June:
Work " David " " Gemini star " attend " Karakul of section of Guangzhou contemporary art " ? (Does Guangdong save) of art gallery of door leaf of Guangzhou city, Guangzhou? ;
Paper " the contemporary sculptural that the institute sends " publish in " artistic bound " (1003-6865? Union of group of art of literature of the Anhui province) ;
In July:
"Is artistic problem investigated -- is document of art of teacher of youth of Guangzhou academy of fine arts exhibited " (Shanghai, much human relations contemporary art gallery? ) ? ;
Sculpture work " David? Defensive " selected " person? Society? Natural " ? (art gallery of village of Beijing, the Song Dynasty) ;
Work " eliminate " wait to be published 12 times in? " humanitarian art " one book, does Dr. Cha Changping comment on an article for work compose (978-7-221-08457-6? Guizhou people press) ;
In September:
" hind renaissance -- David " attend " times? Impression -- does sculpture communication invite China now exhibit " ? (22 artistic area) of Shenzhen city? ;
In November:
By art of Guangdong province literature federation and Guangdong save artist association to be held jointly " inside and outside -- sculpture work exhibits Chen Ke " , does the exhibition include work of art of sculpture, device, VIDEO 3 parts in all 42 work? . (exhibition hall of couplet of article of province of province of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong " Na Xingge " ) ;
Series sculpture " hind renaissance " ? 4 work are selected " artist of meeting Asia youth recommends Shanghai art rich exhibit " have the honor to win (Asia) recommend award (exhibition of international of Shanghai, Shanghai) ;

In January:
Sculpture work " Gemini star " selected " transition? Propose form -- is work of first sculpture of Guangdong exhibited " ? (Does Guangdong save) of art gallery of academy of fine arts of Guangzhou city, Guangzhou? ;
" eliminate " etc in all are 22 work published at " Chinese sculpture " (978-7-5310-3339-4? Heibei art publishing house) ;
Publish work " ups and downs " " happy somnambulate " is the comment article that waits to be work compose 24 times with Mr Sui Jianguo in " sculpture " magazine (1007-2144) ? Chinese arts and crafts learns;
In Feburary:
" joyful " " hide " wait for work in all 38, publish creation result and Sun Zhenhua, Sui Jianguo, Chen Tong at the same time the comment article about work at " artistic bound " (1003-6865? ) of association of artist of the Anhui province? ;
In March:
Sculpture work " Gemini star " selected " 2007, does artistic now document exhibit China " ? (House of Hua Yi of Beijing, Oriental song? ) ? ;
In May:
" tiger hare NO.1 " selected " source -- river of the first moon sculptural section " , work by lunar river is artistic now house collected? (Is river of Beijing, moon artistic now house) ? ;
In June:
" hind renaissance -- free goddess " " Gemini star -- by the slave of ligature " selected " exploration? Innovation -- does sculptor of the youth in China invite exhibit " have the honor to win Henan to save artist association, Henan to save educational office to issue " first prize " ? (Does Henan save) of university of Zhengzhou city, Henan? ;
Work " Gemini star -- servile " publish in " art journal " (1004-1060? Guangzhou academy of fine arts) ;
In July:
Work " hind renaissance -- the Bronze Age " publish at " is China artistic now " one book (962-8056-01-4? Publishing house of Chinese world art) ;
" hind renaissance -- David " selected? "Chinese attitude? Channel wind -- first China sculpture is exhibited greatly " have the honor to win Chinese sculptor to be able to be issued " Chinese sculptural large award " (the 7 cities make one's rounds such as city of city of Fujian Province Xiamen, Beijing, Guangzhou is exhibited) ;
" peaceful Olympic Games " attend " 2008 is with the Olympic Games sculpture of sports of person of the same trade exhibited " () of the square before hall of Macao, discuss official business? ;
In August:
" hind renaissance -- the Bronze Age " selected " 2008 themes of artistic Beijing are exhibited -- artistic breakthrough " (exhibition of agriculture of Beijing, Beijing) ;
In September:
" hind renaissance -- David " selected " reply Asia, contemporary art is mid invite exhibit " , be collected by Henan province art gallery (Henan Zhengzhou city, Henan saves art gallery) ;
" hind renaissance -- David " selected " artistic and beneficent China, itinerate of artistic now international is exhibited " , ? (Is Yi Si of art gallery of academy of fine arts, Japan especially artistic in the center of Beijing does Hong Kong of house, Hong Kong exhibit central) ? ;
" tiger hare NO.1 " attend " welcome aboard, Chinese contemporary artist group exhibit " () of big public house of Beijing, Sen Genguo border? ;
In October:
" tiger hare NO.1 " selected " the current situation, nomination of sculpture of year of bang millet art gallery is exhibited " (house of art of Su Mei of Shanghai, bang) ;
Sculpture " tiger hare NO.1 " attend " 798 art of 2008 Beijing section -- "LOFT" outdoors sculpture is exhibited " , (Are Beijing, 798 artistic areas outdoors) ? ;
Work " tiger hare NO.1 " publish in " when Song Zhuang undertakes " one book (978-988-17926-5-5 of press of the Christian era) ;
" hind renaissance -- David " selected " the brushwork of number resembling times and sculpture " (Sichuan province the Chengdu City, airport 10 artistic gallery) ;
Sculpture work " tiger hare NO.1 " selected " is all living creatures roaring, the 4th 2008 China? Section of art of culture of village of the Song Dynasty " , () of art gallery of village of Beijing, the Song Dynasty? ;
In December:
Sculpture " tiger hare NO.1 " selected " move free aesthetic 100 photographs " is art exhibited? (Is Beijing center of Lin Dayi art, Indonesian Jakarta) of center of Lin Dayi art? ;

Sculpture " several photographs times -- does baptism writing brush about " attend " light and salt, is art exhibited the 2nd now " () of gallery of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, atomic space? ;
Finish " fight SARS monument " " hope to hear ask cut " " Qi Huang Wen answers " the design that waits for work of 15 communal sculpture is made (area of courtyard of town of college of courtyard of traditional Chinese medical science of province of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong) ;
Work " tiger hare NO.1 " attend " does first landscape sculpture exhibit center of art of international of boreal pole hill " () of center of art of international of hill of pole of Shanghai, north? ;
Work " hind renaissance -- David " selected " is couplet of sculpture of a hunderd schools exhibited " () of art gallery of Beijing, China? ;
" hind renaissance -- free goddess " selected " Chinese motivation -- international sculpture year exhibit " ? () of area of sculptural of Beijing, Beijing? ;
Work " is angel crying " selected " ceremony assist life -- is anniversary of 5.12 big earthquakes exhibited " () of art gallery of Beijing, China? ;
Sculpture " you are moved, I am moved, neat motion " the design is made (Jiangsu province does not have park of stannic city, sports) ;
Communal sculpture of collaboration of Wei of Pang of as advisory as Guangzhou aborigines landscape firm " the road of bramble -- Shi Zhen " " pilot a ship into a harbour brings wine cup, give Qu Shui " the design is made (Forbidden City of course of study of the buy in city of Jiangxi province Nanchang, river square of benefit Ma antrum) ;
In May:
" sundial " configure a design with sculpture of library area landscape (plant area of the pharmacy in city of Jiangxi province Nanchang, river " medical cereal " ) ;
Paper " make spirit penetrable material " work? " the road of bramble -- Shi Zhen " " pilot a ship into a harbour brings wine cup, give Qu Shui " publish at " Chinese sculpture " (978-7-5310-3339-4 of Heibei art publishing house) ;
In June:
" free goddess " " hide " wait for 4 work to be published in " does document of Chinese contemporary art exhibit document " one book? (978-7-5356-3140-4 of Hunan art publishing house? ) ;
Work " sculpture of series of Lima antrum square " have the honor to win countrywide city sculpture to build directive committee to issue " project of construction of sculpture of outstanding city of 2008 year whole nation is chosen " outstanding award;
" rhizome " the design is made (Henan province unseals business of peninsula of forest of the city, group that build line of business lives area) ;
In August:
" Hua Luogeng " is design of casting copper sculpture made? (Does Guangdong province learn) in benefit state city, Hua Luogeng? ;
In September:
Work " David " selected " Chinese art 60 years " " congratulatory People's Republic of China founds a state 60 years national emphasis publishs a project " (978-701-008220-2 people press) ;
Sculpture " several photographs times -- Adam " attend " does 11+1 sculpture invite exhibit " be collected by Guangdong province art gallery? (Does Guangdong save Guangzhou city, Guangdong to save art gallery) ? ;
Work " the 3rd day " attend " true light, does Chinese contemporary artist invite exhibit " ? (Beijing) of 798 artistic areas? ;
Work " hind renaissance -- David " selected " eleventh is countrywide art work exhibited " ? () of art gallery of Beijing, China? ;
Make a problem be " spirit is penetrable material " academic lecture (town of college of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, south amphitheatre) ;

In April:
" hind renaissance " series work is selected " transform historical 2000-2009 year new artistic theme exhibits China " (center of conference of Beijing, new nation) ;
In June:
Compose " of contemporary sculpture fictitious with duplicate " series of the renaissance after one article is mixed 6 work, publish at " Rong Baozhai " magazine 2010 the 6th period (1009, 0649 China art publishs total company) ;
Make a problem be " commission of Chinese Chinese Tang Gu " academic lecture, big amphitheatre of academy of fine arts of Guangzhou of prosperous hillock road;
Finish " does the cloud get together " " is a person of extraordinary powers gotten " " butterfly dance " is the design of communal sculpture made? (Does Guangdong save) of square of Guangzhou city, white Yun Moda? ;
" Guangdong youth " publish in " document of Chinese contemporary art " (publishing house of 978-7-5356-3785-7 Hunan art) ;
Does the sculpture major that participates in as teacher of give a lecture have the honor to win Ministry of Education of Ministry of finance of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China, People's Republic of China, People's Republic of China to award the 6th batch " does major of national level characteristic build a point " ? ;
"The inheritance that sculpture creates and innovation " be judged to be " does the 6th Guangdong save higher education award of provincial education achievement " ? First prize, oneself are ranked in the project the 3rd;
Finish " Chinese inkstone " the design is made (square of cliff of city of Guangdong province Zhao Qing, 7 stars) ;
" get together " obtain the 16th inferior carry organizing committee is issued " design of sculpture of 16 Asia Games collects an activity " reward of excellent design work;
Major of sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts has the honor to win Guangdong to save educational office to issue " Guangdong saves major of characteristic of undergraduate course of colleges and universities to build a point " . Oneself are ranked in the project the 3rd;
" grove auspicious " , " Li Keqin " , " Tan Yaowen " wait for large portrait to make (park of star of retail sales of Guangdong province river, name) ;
Have the honor to win " scientific research of education of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is created " outstanding achievement award;
" does number resemble a period " wait for 2 work to be published at " contemporary artist atelier " one book (978-7-5356-3925-7 lake? South-American art publishing house) ;
Finish " is sunset big bright palace series " " is flourishing age old the Tang Dynasty series " in all is design of carve of 6 groups of large groups made? (? Is Shaanxi province Xi'an city, big) of park of relics of bright palace country? ;
In October:
Work " good faith of big medical science is monumental " wait for work to be published 1 piece 10 times in with author interview collection in all " artistic now " (union of group of art of literature of 1674-0777 Hunan Province) ;
Finish " day " " the ground " " person " sculpture design is made (Zhuhai of group of city of Guangdong province Zhuhai, Li Zhu on the west area plant area) ;
In November:
Finish " Yun Shanzhu water " large group carve is designed (new city of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Pearl River is new in axes) ;
In December:
Organize and chair Sui Jianguo " the time in sculpture and dimensional learning lecture " (a flight of stairs austral Guangzhou academy of fine arts) ;

In January:
Sculpture of memorial hall of hundred years revolution designs Xin Hai (city of Hubei province Wuhan) ;
Be hired to be Guangzhou academy of fine arts " does superintend and director of education of the 3rd undergraduate course guide committee committee member " ? ;
In Feburary:
New north of city of Hubei province Wuhan 10 thousand amount to design of sculpture of square theme landscape;
In March:
Guangdong saves dragon of Dongguan a unit of dry measure for grain to press down mark sex sculpture to design;
Finish communal sculpture " cruel is bought " the design is made (city of Jiangsu province Zhenjiang, 10 thousand amount to commercial square) ;
Finish communal sculpture " strong song a group of things with common features " " sweet cruel is bought " " happy cruel is bought " the design is made (city of Jiangsu province Changzhou, 10 thousand amount to square) ;
Does atelier of sculpture of experiment of constituent sculpture department attend " mix and differ -- is document of art of experiment of the 2nd institute exhibited " () of art gallery of Beijing, central academy of fine arts? ;
In May:
Finish " Taoism headstream " sculpture design is made (culture of Taoism of stage of outlook of building of county of city of Shaanxi province Xi'an, Zhou Zhi shows a region) ;
" area of garden of hospital of town of college of the hospital in Guangdong province " 18 series sculpture has the honor to win countrywide city sculpture to build directive committee to issue " outstanding sculpture of 2010 year whole nation builds a project " outstanding award;
In July:
Manage project of scientific research of Guangzhou academy of fine arts " blatant medium romance, does sculpture of environment of contemporary China business invent research " ? ;
Finish " harmonious god wood " sculpture design is made (Shaanxi visits square of harmony of new residential quarter of wood of god of county of wood of Yu forest city, god) ;
In August:
"Group of education of course of sculpture creation series " be judged to be by office of Guangdong province education " Guangdong saves group of education of colleges and universities, oneself are ranked in the project the 3rd;
Paper " by learn " model " to beg " voice " changeover " publish in " academic sculpture " (a series of books the 11st period) (model of hair of carve of Tsinghua university academy of fine arts is 978-7-5310-3339-4) ;
Paper " does the contemporary sex of individual consciousness turn interpret " with work " the 3rd day " wait for 10, publish at " art sharp edge still " miscellaneous? Annals (2222-8012? ) of press of China International culture? ;
In October:
" David " selected " so -- be inspired by what one sees of Chinese contemporary sculpture " outdoors sculpture is exhibited (art gallery of Beijing, Song Zhuang) ;
Work " does number resemble a period -- does baptism writing brush about " attend " Long Shengjiu child -- does work of teachers and students exhibit Sui Jianguo " () of gallery of Beijing, 798 red star? ;
Work " the frost on the ground " " hind renaissance -- free goddess " selected " clear horizon -- the Chinese contemporary sculpture since 1978 " ? () of the art gallery on Beijing, temple? ;
" the 3rd day " " hind renaissance -- free goddess " wait for work to be published 7 times in in all " clear horizon -- the Chinese contemporary sculpture since 1978 " one (publishing house of 978-7-5310-4234-1 Heibei art) ;
In December:
Communal sculpture work " miniascape series -- tiger hare NO.1 " " the road of bramble -- Shi Zhen " selected the 2nd " Chinese attitude -- sculpture of the 2nd China is exhibited greatly " , " the road of bramble -- Shi Zhen " ? Have the honor to win Chinese sculptor to you can be issued " award of science of Chinese public art " ? (Does Zhejiang save lukewarm state city, Wen Zhou to you can exhibit central) ? ;
Work " tiger hare series " publish in " Chinese attitude " one book (978-7-5310-4271-6? Heibei art publishing house) ;

In March:
Finish communal sculpture " big medical science absolutes sincerity " anaglyph design is made (area of garden of hospital of charity of traditional Chinese medical science of province of Guangdong of area of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, fragrant village) ;
In April:
Sculpture " hind renaissance -- Venus " selected " form and meaning -- is China worn now on does sculpture invite exhibit " (park of Sichuan province the Chengdu City, music salon of flower alliance art? ) ;
Finish communal sculpture " on be apt to is like water " the design is made (city of Fujian Province Xiamen, how to step battalion carry headquarters is old) ;
In May:
The scientific research project that joins Guangdong to visit educational office " Guangdong visits advanced and artistic school the time of system of communal and artistic special training course and education mode and research " , oneself are ranked in project group the 3rd;
Finish communal sculpture " big medical science absolutes sincerity " the design is made (total courtyard of courtyard of traditional Chinese medical science of province of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong grinds long building) ;
Sculpture is designed " wet " " see the New Year in " attend " Guangzhou (China) program of design of sculpture of museum of peasant worker worker is collected " obtain plan to choose third class award (museum of worker worker of peasant of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangzhou) ;
Attend persons qualified to teach of course of national high-quality goods to groom project " is teacher of backbone of educational skill application high grind long class " ? ;
Publish interview an article " identity changeover and artistic creation " , publish at the same time " is good faith of big medical science monumental " wait for 9 work to be in " small craft " magazine? (2228-7626? Company of small artistic magazine) ;
Sculpture " hind renaissance -- David " selected " country rich hundred years, hundred years work exhibits Chinese sculpture " (museum of country of Beijing, China) ;
Sculpture " is angel crying " attend " Fosan of the first China? Is international city sculpture exhibited greatly " ? (City of Guangdong province Fosan, Fosan) of 1506 art gallery? ;
Design " Taurus " wait for work of 4 communal sculpture (Sichuan saves the Chengdu City) Taurus 10 thousand amount to square) ;
In August:
Into communal sculpture " Xie Xin is monumental " the design is made (area of garden of town of college of courtyard of traditional Chinese medical science of province of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong) ;
In September:
Model " hind renaissance -- Venus " attend " sculpture China -- creation of sculpture of central academy of fine arts reviews exhibit " (institute of sculpture of Beijing, central academy of fine arts) ;
The sculpture that finish " great intelligent rabbi " souvenir is made like the design (city of state of Guangdong province benefit) ;
In October:
Sculpture " discreditable tablet " " crack a wall " the design is made (city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong saves Lianzheng to build educational base) ;
In December:
" Adam -- come to the world " publish in " abroad campus " magazine cover;
Sculpture of the commerce that finish " spring " the design that waits for 7 sculpture is made (Pu Tian of city of cropland of Fujian Province Pu, city 10 thousand amount to square) ;

In January:
Enter Yan'an new city east ave " Liu Zhidan receives a Red Army to enter Yan'an " group carve is designed (area of scene of travel of culture of city of Shaanxi province Yan'an, Jin Yanan) ;
" inside and outside -- collect of work of Chen Ke sculpture (1999-2010) " carry work more than 60, do comment and compose article make an appointment with 90 thousand word (978-7-5362-5093-20? Does technique of mountain South America go? Edition company) ? ;
Work " happy somnambulate " publish in " small craft " magazine (2228-7620) ;
In Feburary:
Along with sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts the department goes to and other places of Australia, New Zealand to undertake art makes an on-the-spot investigation;
In April:
Communal sculpture " drop water 3 rivers? Of pink clouds south " ? Have the honor to win countrywide city sculpture to build directive committee to issue " construction of sculpture of outstanding city of 2012 year whole nation is chosen " outstanding award (bridge of city of pacify of Yunnan province music, big flower) ;
With sculptor of Japanese famous environment Songweiguang is extended develop associated chair (5 floor space gallery of Guangzhou) ;
In May:
Paper " civilization and sculpture -- analytic Hantangtaoma the artistic modelling of commission and relation of social culture setting " publish in " sculpture " magazine always the 95th period (1007-2144? ) of sculpture magazine company? ;
" hind renaissance -- David " (big casting copper) selected " does 20 years outstanding sculpture review exhibit -- is Chinese sculptor met " (hill of Shenzhen city, level ground sculptural originality garden? ) ;
" tiger hare NO.1 " selected " of the language fly upwards " Chinese sculpture almanac is exhibited the 3rd times (great theater of country of Beijing, China) ;
Paper " the view of artistic to China zoology " publish in " Chinese sculpture " (the 8th period) (978-7-5310-3200-7) ;
"Beg form at requesting appearance -- outstanding graduate work introduces " academic lecture (space of art of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, 5 buildings) ;
" hind renaissance series " wait for 5 work to attend " deformation -- artistic now special subject is exhibited " , " hind renaissance -- David (big casting copper) " be collected by 53 art gallery (city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, 53 art gallery) ;
Along with sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts the department goes to Japan to undertake art makes an on-the-spot investigation;
In August:
Those who go to Beijing to attend to be held in Chinese country museum " golden Yan'an sculpture plans to design a seminar " academic communication activity;
Finish " essence of life is defended " wait for design of sculpture of 6 commerce square to make (Hunan Province the Changsha City, open Fu Moda square) ;
Sculpture work " tiger hare NO.2 " selected " ? Sculpture communication exhibits the 5th Sino-South Korean now " , go to Korea to visit a visit (art gallery of hole of city of Korea head Er, benevolence temple) ;
Publish communal and artistic monograph " accumulate earth to be hill? -- the exploration of public art and practice (2008-2013) " , does 130 thousand word mix compose publish work 68 (978-7-5362-5288-2? Publishing house of art of mountain South America) ;
In September:
Have the honor to win Guangzhou academy of fine arts 60 years activity of anniversary of the founding of a school is chosen " teach Yo person is outstanding teacher " title;
" blossom " wait for 6 sculpture design to make (city of Guangdong province Fosan, Nanhai 10 thousand amount to square) ;
" hind renaissance -- the Bronze Age " attend " gain new insights through reviewing old material -- is work of teacher of Guangzhou academy of fine arts exhibited? " (art gallery of academy of fine arts of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangzhou) ;
In October:
Sculpture " is incubate greeted phoenix " selected " sea Na Baichuan, China? Sculptural exhibits battalion east " (Shandong is saved east battalion city) ;
Sculpture " music of another name for Guangdong Province " wait for 6 sculpture design to make (city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, add a city 10 thousand amount to square) ;
Sculpture " blossom " wait for 6 sculpture design to make (city of Jiangsu province Xuzhou, Xuzhou 10 thousand amount to square) ;
Sculpture " hind renaissance -- the Bronze Age " etc 4 work are selected " form model -- provide elephantine sculpture special subject newly to exhibit " , " several photographs times -- David " ? Be collected by this house. (art gallery of city of Guangdong province Dongguan, 21 spaces) ;
Dongguan east city 10 thousand amount to square sculpture to design (city of Guangdong province Dongguan, east city 10 thousand amount to square) ;
" flying goose mountain " anaglyph design is made (park of summit of mountain of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, flying goose) ;
In December:
Sculpture work " tiger hare " attend " association of Asian contemporary sculptor 22 year exhibit " (conference of international of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Guangdong exhibits a center) ;
Have the honor to win " year of 2012-2013 of Guangzhou academy of fine arts " advanced individual;
Lecture " provide elephantine sculpture newly " (21 century art gallery of Dongguan city) ;

In January:
Go to Spain to inspect communal sculpture;
In Feburary:
City of Guangdong province Guangzhou adds a city 10 thousand amount to square sculpture design to make (Guangzhou city 2013.11 -- 2014.05) ;
In March:
(2013.1? -- 2014.06) Kunming west hill 10 thousand amount to square " camellia is beautiful " 4 sculpture design is made (the journey is started before Yunnan saves elder brother, bright city, west hill) ;
Work " series of several photographs times " do 3 work attend " evidence -- does Guangdong contemporary sculpture invite exhibit " (city of Guangdong province Dongguan? The art gallery austral mountain) ;
In April:
Work " tiger hare series " do 4 work attend " Guangzhou of below one station -- is Guangzhou contemporary art exhibited " ? Art gallery of town of college of Guangzhou academy of fine arts;
In May:
Organize and chair " another kind of means -- experimental sculpture education considers to exhibit " (sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts) ;
In June:
Organize and chair lecture of learning of Bob of American artist Andy " space " (town of college of Guangzhou academy of fine arts) ;
In July:
Dongguan 10 thousand amount to sculpture to make in all 7 groups (city of Guangdong province Dongguan) ;
In August:
" the Silk Road " wait for 6 sculpture to design (2013.08? -- 2014. ) (the area just outside a city gate of town of Lanzhou of the Gansu Province 10 thousand amount to square) ;
In September:
Attend Taiyuan " steely summer " learning of metallic sculpture battalion communicates an activity (city of Shaanxi province Taiyuan) ;
Art gallery of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is exhibited " tiger hare series -- winter " 4 work;
In October:
Outstanding work exhibits Guangdong province art gallery " miniascape series -- tiger hare NO.4 " ;
The design makes real estate of 10 thousand families " golden region La Wan " landscape sculpture 3 (city of Guangdong province Zhongshan) ;
Guangdong province river Menmoda " landscape river door " wait for 7 sculpture design to make (retail sales of Guangdong province river) ;
Attend Guangxi art college " our city -- forum of international of communal and artistic education and communal and artistic course build year of theme activity " academic communication activity (Guangxi art institute) ;
In November:
Time Yu 10 thousand amount to " contest dragon boat " " litchi daughter " the design that waits for 6 communal sculpture is made (Guangzhou city time Yu area) ;
The design is made " Mao Mingshi oily chemical college " anniversary of the founding of a school commemorates sculpture " amalgamative litre this " (Guangdong visits luxuriant name town) ;
"Center of Zhan Jiang aquatic sports " and " the 14th a place of aquatic sports of Guangdong province the national games " mark sex sculpture is designed (city of Guangdong province Zhan Jiang) ;
Organize and chair lecture of learning of Song of gold of artistic family history " be not successful and artistic experience " (town of college of Guangzhou academy of fine arts) ;
"Of system of experimental sculpture education build compose and research " win first prize of academic education achievement, obtain batch become Guangdong province to teach award of hall education achievement high to give aid to project;
Chair " group of experimental sculpture education " have the honor to win group of education of Guangzhou academy of fine arts;

In January:
World horticultural exposition " museum of civilization of the Yangtse River " sculptural tastes configuration to design in all 4 groups (city of Hubei province Wuhan) ;
Chair? "The research of experimental sculpture education and propose form " have the honor to win a city first prize of achievement of education of academy of fine arts;
Chair? "Group of experimental sculpture education " have the honor to win a city first prize of achievement of education of academy of fine arts;
In Feburary:
Hillock of trailing plants of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou 10 thousand amount to square sculpture design to make in all 5 groups (Guangzhou city) ;
In March:
" between heaven and earth -- roc " sculpture of area of garden of garden of industry of Yangzhou city food is designed in all 6 groups (city of Jiangsu province Yangzhou) ;
10 thousand amount to design of sculpture of Oriental shadow city to make in all 5 groups (city of Shandong province Qingdao) ;
In April:
"Tomorrow -- contemporary sculpture award " commissioner, go to Sichuan academy of fine arts to enter academic activity;
In June:
" the battle that turtledove thises " attend 2015 " story of lake of overgrown with weeds " -- is sculpture of international of the 5th Liu Kaiqu award exhibited greatly " ? ;
In July:
Go to Beijing to attend " work of graduate of Chinese outstanding sculpture was exhibited 2015 " opening ceremony and academic activity;
" bright phearl of filar road boast? Takeoff annals Gao Yuan " " Nanhai bright phearl " attend " bay of bright phearl of Guangzhou Na Shaxin area started 2015 plan of communal landscape sculpture collects the area " win award of excellent design work;
In August:
The design makes sculpture work " listen to the sea " " city of area of Shenzhen city saline is humanitarian landscape sculpture project " (a plank road built along a cliff of seaside of sanded brilliance of area of Shenzhen city, saline) ;
Sea Er is landed (include the 11 part of countrywide such as Qingdao landed project) ;
" celestial being Le Pianpian " selected " pilgrim Dunhuang -- sculpture of first international city is exhibited greatly " obtain a commissioner can special award (city of Dunhuang of the Gansu Province) ;
" tiger hare NO.2 " attend " Guangzhou contemporary art is exhibited -- microtherm " (Shanghai not does Shanmiao artistic space) ;
Attend " unilateral statement -- those who come from Guangzhou art do not play piece of report " academic communication (Shanghai BOOM? CAFE space) ;
In September:
Is day travel conative -- is sculpture of trends of first China International exhibited " academic activity (Beijing? Tsinghua university academy of fine arts) ;
Attend " our bank my model -- is undergraduate of the 4th whole nation communal is the visual sense excellent work double year exhibit " academic activity (Shanghai? Urban sculptural center) ;
Chair the 10 thousand base that amount to the cloud " cloud data " multimedia sculpture design is made (the Chengdu City) ;
Invite and chair Spain lecture of learning of famous artist Ge Bolang;
In October:
The design makes sculpture " North Shaanxi Red Army group vulture " attend " travel torch delivers 15 province red of countrywide " (Shaanxi Yan'an city) ;
Qingdao 10 thousand communal sculpture designs Da Mao (Qingdao city 10 thousand amount to base of movie and TV) ;
" tiger hare NO.2 " attend " couplet of work of college of art of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, Tokyo is exhibited " (Japanese Tokyo) ;
Chair a design to make large relief sculpture " propose form " (county of wood of Shaanxi province god develops a service center) ;
Attend " education of traditional sculpture of China of countrywide key academy of fine arts communicates a seminar " with academic activity (Xi'an academy of fine arts) ;
Attend Xi'an academy of fine arts to organize " cultural relic of sculpture of northwest of Xi'an academy of fine arts makes an on-the-spot investigation jointly -- 18 hill sculpture inspects Tang Dynasty " (city of Shaanxi province Xi'an) ;
Chair sculpture " China hair " sculpture is made, (Chengdu of the Chengdu City 10 thousand Da Ruihua hotels) ;

Work " the bell that turtledove thises " suffer invite attend " sculpture of international of lake of the 5th overgrown with weeds is exhibited " , enter the academic communication activity such as the seminar, by municipal government of lake of overgrown with weeds, place in sculpture park (city of lake of overgrown with weeds of the Anhui province) ;
Chair a design to make " museum of a person of virtue austral Guangzhou city mountain " " Ruan Yuan " " forest criterion Xu " wait for sculpture 11 groups (Guangzhou city jumps over beautiful area) ;
Chair a design to make " campus of boreal division big Zhuhai " landscape sculpture " glen " (area of senior colonel of division of north of city of Guangdong province Zhuhai) ;
Chengdu of group of the food in chairing " exultation city " outdoors landscape sculpture " dizzy " " paddle " the design is made in all 2 groups (Sichuan saves the Chengdu City) ;
Chair design Jiangxi 9 rivers green line of 8 lis of lakes is public sculpture " metrical " (Jiangxi 9 rivers area of scene of 8 lis of lakes) ;
Shan end lakeside is green design of sculpture of square of the axis in reaching;
In Feburary:
"Enter a country " -- 2016 Chengdu east communal sculpture invites lake park exhibit;

Artistic style

Bear the palm

In January 2016, " the bell that turtledove thises " selected " 2015 China. Does sculpture of international of the 5th Liu Kaiqu award exhibit lake of overgrown with weeds greatly " have the honor to win government of people of city of lake of academy of fine arts of Chinese sculpture society, China, overgrown with weeds to issue " outstanding work reward " ? ;
In January 2015, chair " the research of education of sculpture of experiment of Guangzhou academy of fine arts and propose form " have the honor to win first prize of achievement of school level education, obtain batch of Guangdong to save award of achievement of education of colleges and universities to build a project?
In May, chair " Guangzhou academy of fine arts -- group of experimental sculpture education " have the honor to win " group of school level education " and " Guangdong saves group of education of colleges and universities " honorary
In October, " celestial being Le Pianpian " selected " pilgrim Dunhuang -- sculpture of first international city is exhibited greatly " have the honor to win Chinese architecture department of propaganda of provincial Party committee of meeting, Gansu Province is issued " the commissioner will be special award " (city of Dunhuang of the Gansu Province)
In December 2014, ? Have the honor to win " Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2013, 2014 year " advanced individual
In April 2013, ? Communal sculpture " drop water 3 rivers? Of pink clouds south " ? Have the honor to win countrywide city sculpture to build directive committee to issue " construction of sculpture of outstanding city of 2012 year whole nation is chosen " outstanding award;
In September, have the honor to win Guangzhou academy of fine arts 60 years anniversary of the founding of a school chooses an activity " teach Yo person is outstanding teacher " title;
In December, ? Have the honor to win " Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2012, 2013 year " advanced individual;
In June 2012, ? Sculpture is designed " wet " " see the New Year in " attend " Guangzhou (China) program of design of sculpture of museum of peasant worker worker is collected " obtain plan to choose third class award;
May 2011, " area of garden of hospital of town of college of the hospital in Guangdong province " 18 series sculpture has the honor to win countrywide city sculpture to build directive committee to issue " outstanding sculpture of 2010 year whole nation builds a project " outstanding award;
August, "Group of education of course of sculpture creation series " be judged to be by office of Guangdong province education " does Guangdong save group of education of colleges and universities " ? Title, oneself are ranked as teacher of give a lecture the 3rd;
December, communal sculpture work " the road of bramble -- Shi Zhen " selected the 2nd " Chinese attitude -- is sculpture of the 2nd China exhibited greatly " have the honor to win Chinese sculptor to you can be issued " award of science of Chinese public art " ? ;
In Feburary 2010, "The inheritance that sculpture creates and innovation " have the honor to win the 6th Guangdong to save higher education award of provincial education achievement " first prize " oneself are ranked in the project the 3rd;
July, ? Guangzhou academy of fine arts " sculpture is professional " have the honor to win Ministry of finance of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China, People's Republic of China, award the 6th batch " major of national level characteristic builds a point " , ? Oneself are ranked in the project the 3rd;
August, " get together " obtain the 16th inferior carry organizing committee is issued " design of sculpture of 16 Asia Games collects an activity " reward of excellent design work;
Major of sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts has the honor to win Guangdong to save educational office to issue " Guangdong saves major of characteristic of undergraduate course of colleges and universities to build a point " , oneself are ranked in the project the 3rd;
9? Month, have the honor to win " scientific research of education of Guangzhou academy of fine arts is created " outstanding achievement award;
June 2009, work " sculpture of series of Lima antrum square " have the honor to win countrywide city sculpture to build directive committee to issue " project of construction of sculpture of outstanding city of 2008 year whole nation is chosen " outstanding award;
December, work " hind renaissance -- David " selected " eleventh is countrywide art work exhibited " ? ;
June 2008, " hind renaissance -- free goddess " selected " exploration? Innovation -- does sculptor of the youth in China invite exhibit " flourish? Obtain Henan to save artist association, Henan to save educational office to issue " first prize " ;
July, ? " hind renaissance -- David " selected " Chinese attitude? Channel wind -- is first China sculpture exhibited greatly " have the honor to win Chinese sculptor to you can be issued " Chinese sculptural large award " ? ;
In September 2007, ? Work " unripe be born not to cease " have the honor to win " design of outstanding 2007 landscape exhibits China greatly " second-class award;
In November, series sculpture " hind renaissance series " ? 4 work are selected " artist of meeting Asia youth recommends Shanghai art rich exhibit " have the honor to win (Asia) recommend award;
In December, ? Have the honor to win " Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2006, 2007 year " advanced individual;
In June 2006, sculpture " peaceful Olympic Games " selected " does plan of sculpture of Olympic Games landscape collect a contest " have the honor to win organizing committee of the 29th Chinese artist association, Olympic to issue " cupreous award " ? ;
In July, ? Have the honor to win " Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2005, 2006 year " advanced individual;
In December, work " suona horn affection " have the honor to win " Guangdong province is beautiful assist 50 years of classic work " nomination award;
In August 2005, sculpture work " relatively " selected " work of art of sports of 2005 Guangdong province is exhibited " obtain Guangdong to save sports bureau, Guangdong to save artist association to issue " outstanding award " ;
In October, ? " ask for sail " attend " booth of the Sha Jiao austral Guangzhou stands make a city advocate sculpture home competition " have the honor to win third class award;
Work " open " have the honor to win " Guangzhou Na Shating horn stands meet competition of urban sculpture home " first prize;
In December, " with when all is entered " have the honor to win " sculpture of center of exhibition of Guangzhou international conference and competition of design of communal artwork plan " A group is second-class award;
Work " paddle " have the honor to win " sculpture of city of center of exhibition of Guangzhou international conference and C of design of communal artwork plan? Battery design " third class award;
In January 2001, work " beatific Olympic Games " have the honor to win " new Olympic Games, new Beijing -- program of design of sculpture of sports of central academy of fine arts is exhibited " third class award;
In June, work " beatific Olympic Games " selected " new Beijing? New Olympic Games? Sports sculpture is exhibited " have the honor to win Chinese artist association, 2008 Olympic Games to apply committee to publicize sculpture of city of ministry, whole nation to build sculptor of committee of program of directive committee, Beijing, China to be able to be issued " the commissioner is met first prize " reach " masses art award " ;
Work " are you moved? Am I moved? Is Qi Yun moved " selected " new Beijing? New Olympic Games? Is sports sculpture exhibited " have the honor to win Chinese artist association, 2008? Sculptor of committee of program of committee of guidance of construction of sculpture of city of department of propaganda of Olympic Games application committee, whole nation, Beijing, China can be issued " the commissioner is met third class award " reach " masses art award " ;
In September, work " beatific Olympic Games " selected the 5th " work of art of Guangdong province sports is exhibited " have the honor to win Guangdong to save sports bureau, Guangdong to save artist association to issue " outstanding award " ;
In November, ? Sculpture " beatific Olympic Games " selected " is work of art of sports of the 5th whole nation exhibited " have the honor to win association of artist of national sports total bureau, China to issue " third class award? " ? ;
In August 1999, work " suona horn affection " have the honor to win " work of art of province of 50 years of Guangdong exhibits found a party " association of artist of province of department of propaganda of Guangdong provincial Party committee, Guangdong is issued " cupreous award " ;
In December, sculpture " suona horn affection " selected " is work of art of the 9th whole nation exhibited " have the honor to win association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China to issue " outstanding award? " ? ;
In December 1988, poetry " no title series " have the honor to win " Guangdong province undergraduate asks for poetic match " third class award;
In December 1984, have the honor to win Henan to save arms of 3 gorge citizen advanced title;
In December 1983, have the honor to win Central Plains of 3 gorge city to measure appearance yard model worker;



