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黄廷海,号流墨子,斋号流墨堂,国家1 级美术师、教授,当代著名书画家、美术理论家、鉴赏家。1944年生,南京人(本籍 扬州宝应)。早年师从傅抱石亚明宋武功 ,求学于浙江美院,得潘天寿陆俨少指授,后又从邵洛羊研讨 理论。现为中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,中国国画家协会常务理事,中国书画艺术研讨 会副主席,南京市文职专业画家,南京市美协副秘书长,国际郑和画院副院长,曼谷中国画院名誉院长,世界科教文组织首席艺术家等职。

以擅长山水、花鸟和理论著称,有“黄家山水”和“江南荷王”之誉。其山水画将南派的阴柔与北派的阳刚相融合,将传统水墨与古代 构成相交汇,并融入西画的光色、暗影 法,独创新南派山水画。其荷莲,色彩斑斓、水墨酣畅,精勾的荷花莲蓬、变形的鸟禽与泼写的荷叶、奇巧的山石构成绝妙的荷塘盛境,开画荷新风。

其作品前后 入选第1 届至第5 届“全国山水画展”并获荣誉金奖、优秀奖和“中国山水画二百家”,《云山无尽任我游》获“曼谷国际水墨画巨匠大展”金奖,《周庄浓荫图》获“澳洲国际中国画展”金奖,《荷塘幽禽》入选北京“中国名家名画大展”获荷花王奖,《荷塘诗情图》入选“中国十大花王”画展。《江村神秀图》入编《今日中国美术20年》,《云涌春山图》入编《中国美术全集》,《苍山照旧 图》入选中国美协“世纪风情中国画展”等等。1996年还应中国画研讨 院之邀参加“当代金陵八家水墨”普京展,引发 轰动。认为“黄廷海的山水画,为南派山水继写了簇新 篇章,是新南派山水画的开创人和代表人物”(普京展讨会),山水画大师宋武功 评其“画坛代有英才出,独具意匠写云山。”中国艺术研讨 院《美术观察》则以《开拓南派山水新天地》为题,专题推介了黄廷海及其作品,在学术上予以高度评价和首肯。2007年他又应邀赴意大利、法国、比利时、荷兰等国交流、讲学办展,其独特画风与才华涵养 深受好评,誉之为当代张大千黄廷海理论深厚、著作 颇丰,出版《历代名家山水画要析》、《南方山水画派》、《黄廷海论画文集》、《中国名画鉴赏大辞典》(合著)、《中国十大画家》(合著)、《黄廷海中国画集》等,并有百万字论文在《中国画研讨 》、《美术研讨 》、《美术论集》、《美术报》等权威刊物发表。并应邀参加了张彦远、荆浩吴镇黄公望黄宾虹傅抱石钱松岩林散之等古今大师的学术研讨会。鉴于黄廷海在山水、荷花和理论上的杰出成就,1999年他被中国文联评选和授予“中国百位杰出画家”称号,名字事迹收录英国剑桥《世界名人录》和 2007年“中国时代旧事 人物”。中国当代重要美术杂志《美术》、《中国画家》、《江苏画刊》、《中国画研讨 》、《收藏家》等均对黄廷海作过介绍,称他是中国当代最具艺术成就、发展实力和收藏价值的画家之1 。他的作品在日本、加拿大、法国、新加坡、泰国、港澳地区和 国内荣宝斋、太平洋、嘉德、瀚海等拍卖公司与画廊均受藏家欢迎,并有不俗事迹 。

Introduction to the artist

Huang Tinghai, date sheds Mo Zi, fast date sheds Mo Tang, country division of one class art, professor, egghead of home of contemporary and famous painting and calligraphy, art, connoisseur. Unripe 1944, nanjing person (treasure of ancestral home Yangzhou should) . Division of one's early years holds stone in the arms from teach, inferior bright, Song Wen is treated, attend school at Zhejiang beautiful courtyard, birthday of the day that get Pan, Liu Yan points to less award, theory studies from Shao Luo Yang again after. It is Chinese artist academician now, country division of one class art, association of home of Chinese traditional Chinese painting is standing director, credential draws artistic seminar vice-chairman in, painter of major of Nanjing city civil service, nanjing city is beautiful assist deputy secretary-general, assistant dean of international Zheng and imperial art academy, bangkok China draws courtyard reputation dean, article of world science and education organizes the duty such as presiding artist.

Say in order to be good at landscape, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style and manage treatise, have " Home Huang landscape " and " king of Changjiang Delta carry on one's shoulder " praise. Its landscape painting will south the Yin Rou of the clique and the Yang Gang that north sends are shirt-sleeve, chinese ink of will traditional water and contemporary form intersect collect, blend in law of the smooth look that draws on the west, shadow, the landscape painting is sent south innovation alone. Lotus of its carry on one's shoulder, glow, merry and lively of water Chinese ink, birds of the lotus seedpod of the lotus that essence of life ticks off, metabolic bird and the hill stone that spill written lotus leaf, ingenious form pond of excellent carry on one's shoulder to fill condition,

Its work early or late selected reach the 5th the first times " countrywide landscape art exhibition " obtain honor gold prize, outstanding award and " Chinese landscape painting 200 " , " Yun Shan is endless hold the post of me to swim " obtain " great master of Bangkok international wash is exhibited greatly " gold prize, " week Zhuang Nongyin pursues " obtain " art exhibition of Australia international China " gold prize, " deep and remote birds of pond of carry on one's shoulder " selected Beijing " picture of name of Chinese a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited greatly " win lotus king award, " poetics of pond of carry on one's shoulder pursues " selected " 10 old beautiful king of Chinese " art exhibition. " show of river village god pursues " into make up " now Chinese art 20 years " , " Yun Chongchun hill pursues " into make up " Chinese art complete works " , " Cang Shan pursues as before " selected China is beautiful assist " art exhibition of China of century amorous feelings " etc. Of academy of the traditional Chinese painting in still answering 1996 invite attend " contemporary Jin Ling 8 water Chinese ink " general Beijing is exhibited, cause sensation. Think " Huang Tinghai's landscape painting, for south clique landscape afterwards wrote brand-new canto, it is new south send a landscape painting initiate support of the people to represent a person " (general Beijing is exhibited denounce meeting) , wenzhi of the Song Dynasty of landscape painting Great Master judges his " the Dai Youying that draw altar just goes out, provide artistic conception to write Yun Shan alone. " Chinese artistic academy " art observes " criterion with " develop south clique landscape new scope of operation " for the problem, special subject recommended Huang Tinghai and its work, in learned give high evaluation and agree. He went to the national communication such as Italy, France, Belgian, Holand on invitation again 2007, discourse on an academic subject do exhibit, its draw wind and talent accomplishment to get distinctly reputably, praise for contemporary magnify 1000. Huang Tinghai is academic deep, write quite abundant, publish " landscape painting of past dynasties a person of academic or artistic distinction wants analyse " , " southern landscape painting is sent " , " Huang Tinghai talks picture collected works " , " big dictionary of appreciate of Chinese name picture " (write in collaboration with) , " 10 great artists of Chinese " (write in collaboration with) , " Huang Tinghai is medium, paper of 1 million words is in " China draws research " , " art studies " , " art considers market " , " art signs up for " wait for authoritative publication to publish. Attended Zhang Yan on invitation the far, Jing Hao, Wu Zhen, Huang Gongwang, Huang Binhong, Fu Baoshi, Qian Songyan, Gu Jin such as Lin Sanzhi. Mix in landscape, lotus in view of Huang Tinghai theoretic remarkable success, he was chosen by Chinese article couplet 1999 and award " 100 crackajack painters of Chinese " title, name achievement collects British Cambridge " world blue book " and 2007 " character of Chinese times news " . China is contemporary and important art magazine " art " , " Chinese painter " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " China draws research " , " collector " wait to all be opposite Huang Tinghai has made the introduction, say he is China has actual strength of artistic achievement, development and one of painters that collect value most now. His work is in the auction firm such as area of Japan, Canada, France, Singapore, Thailand, HongKong and Macow and fast of domestic flourish treasure, Pacific Ocean, fine heart, vast and gallery all get reception Tibetan the home, have not common outstanding achievement.



