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2022-03-11 17:22:38




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曾发表小说、诗歌、散文、文艺评论、经济论文、旧事 通讯千余篇,出版《利用 写作概论》(合作)、《常平安硬笔书法》、《雅文明 ·书法世界》、《虚静斋艺丛》等书。书画理论文章在《美术》、《画刊》、《国画家》、《美术界》、《美术报》等多种国家级专业报刊上发表。《论理想 主义美学精神的永久 价值》获2003年“河南省文艺论文奖”金奖;《痴情的乡土歌手——解读陈天然的版画》获2004年“河南省文艺论文奖”二等奖;《论书法在中国画中的历史地位及价值近景 》入选“第七届全国书法讨论会”。书法作品多次参加省及国家级书法大展并获奖。

Introduction to the artist

Person of pseudonym Chang An, ease, date empty quiet room advocate. Shaolin Temple lay Buddhist, law order is delayed condition. Civilian change Party member. Was born at Henan new Zheng 1960. Was graduated from Shandong university Department of Chinese Language and Literature 1984. It is Chinese artist academician, Chinese calligrapher academician, Henan to save vice-chairman of association of artist of city of vice-chairman of literary essayist association, Zhengzhou now, " art learns print " magazine chief editor. Henan is defended inspect " Hua Yuzhi door " ancient bronze mirror of column painting and calligraphy judges expert, communal channel " predestined relationship of brush and ink " courtyard of boat of visiting professor of college of project of column comment expert, Henan, Zhengzhou holds two or more posts concurrently professor of part-time job of courtyard of professor, An Yang division.
Ever published newsletter of paper of novel, poetry, essay, literary comment, economy, news more than 1000, publish " application writes introduction " (collaboration) , " constant restful good drawing calligraphy " , " world of calligraphy of elegant culture · " , " Xu Jingzhai art clump " wait for a book. Chapter of paper of manage of painting and calligraphy is in " art " , " pictorial section of a newspaper " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " art group " , " art signs up for " etc a variety of state level are published on professional the press. " the lasting value that considers realistic aesthetic spirit " obtain 2003 " Henan saves literary paper award " gold prize; " spoony agrestic singer -- the woodcut that unscrambles Chen Tianran " obtain 2004 " Henan saves literary paper award " second-class award; " the historical status in the traditional Chinese painting in talking calligraphy to be in and value distant view " selected " colloquium of calligraphy of the 7th whole nation " . Calligraphy work attends for many times province and national level calligraphy are exhibited greatly and bear the palm.



