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刘如璞,字公琢。(1927~2003),山东寿光人,著名书画家,教育家,书画鉴定家,美术理论家,戏剧评论家。山东轻工学院美术系教授,中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,山东省书法教育研讨 会理事,山东省美术专业职务高级评审委员会委员,齐鲁古文字研讨 所名誉所长,菲律宾中华逸吟神墨诗书画国际展名誉顾问,中华民族文明 艺术研讨 所顾问。1998年倡导创立山东齐白石艺术研讨 院任院长,享用 国务院特殊津贴。擅长中国画。1948年毕业于北平京华美术学院国画系。历任中学美术教师、曲阜师范学院美术系教师、山东轻工业学院工业美术设计系教授。作品有《三清图》、《雁鹊图》等,《牡丹藤萝》入选第二届全国国画展并获奖。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Rupu, word fair carve. (1927~2003) , shandong Shou Guangren, home of famous painting and calligraphy, educationist, connoisseur of painting and calligraphy, art egghead, drama criticism home. Art of Shandong small engineering college fastens a professor, chinese artist academician, chinese calligrapher academician, shandong saves calligraphy to teach seminar director, post of major of Shandong province art is senior evaluation committee committee member, strong point of reputation of institute of Qi Lu ancient writing, international of painting and calligraphy of poem of Chinese ink of god of chant of Philippine China ease exhibits reputation adviser, institute of art of culture of the Chinese nation is advisory. Advocated 1998 found academy of Shandong Qi Baishi art holds the post of a dean, enjoy the State Council special allowance. Be good at China drawing. Was graduated from north to make the same score traditional Chinese painting of capital academy of fine arts to fasten 1948. Having successively held the posts of art of institute of normal school of teacher of middle school art, Qu Fu is artistic design of industry of institute of light industry of teacher, Shandong department professor. Work has " 3 Qing Dynasty pursue " , " wild goose magpie pursues " etc, " peony Chinese wistaria " selected traditional Chinese painting of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited and bear the palm.



