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1961年生于黑龙江省佳木斯市, 本籍 贵州织金,1982年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学。现为贵州省美术家协会主席,贵州美术研讨 院院长,《贵州美术》杂志主编,中国美协理事、中国工笔画学会常务理事,国家1 级美术师,省管专家。
现为贵州省美协主席、贵州美术研讨 院院长、贵州省人大书画院副院长、《贵州美术》主编。
为中国美协理事、中国工笔画学会常务理事,国家1 级美术师,省管专家。
作品获第十1 届全国美展“首届中国美术奖”银奖、第七届全国美展铜奖、第八届全国美展优秀作品奖、第九届全国美展铜奖、第十届全国美展铜奖、第十八届全国版画展优秀作品奖;曾四次获贵州省美展1 等奖,三次获贵州省政府文艺奖“1 等奖”、“荣誉奖”,四件作品为中国美术馆收藏。
2001年被贵州省文联授予“贵州省优秀文艺家”称号,2005年被贵州省人事厅、省文联授予“贵州省中青年德艺双馨文艺工作者”称号,2008年入选贵州省宣扬 文明 零碎 首届“四个1 批人才,2005年和2010年被贵州省美协授予“贵州省有杰出贡献的美术家” 和“贵州省有出色 贡献的美术家”称号。2013年,被中国文联授予全国文联工作优秀个人。

English Introduction

 Jian Hongwei was born in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province in May 1961. The ancestral home of Guizhou Zhijin. He studied in Harbin Normal University at level 77. He is currently the chairman of Guizhou Association of Fine Arts and the dean of Guizhou Academy of Fine Arts. He has been appointed Vice-Dean of Guizhou CPPCC Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Supervisor of Guizhou University Academy of Fine Arts, Supervisor of Guizhou University of Nationalities Academy of Fine Arts. He is the director of China Association of Fine Arts, member of China Association of Fine Arts Comprehensive Materials Painting Arts Committee, and executive director of China Grade 1 artist, provincial management expert.

Born in May 1961 in Jimusi City, Heilongjiang Province.

He graduated from Harbin Normal University in January 1982.

Now he is the chairman of Guizhou Artistic Association, the president of Guizhou Academy of Fine Arts, the vice-president of Guizhou People's Congress Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and the editor-in-chief of Guizhou Fine Arts.

He is the director of the Chinese Association of Fine Arts, the executive director of the Chinese Academy of Fine Brushwork, the first-level artist of the country and the expert of provincial administration.

His works won silver prize of the 11th National Art Exhibition "First Chinese Art Award", bronze prize of the 7th National Art Exhibition, excellent works prize of the 8th National Art Exhibition, bronze prize of the 9th National Art Exhibition, bronze prize of the 10th National Art Exhibition and excellent works prize of the 18th National Print Exhibition; he won first prize of the Guizhou Province Art Exhibition four times and third prize of Guizhou Province Art Exhibition. The Provincial Government Literature and Art Awards "First Prize" and "Honour Award" are collected by the Chinese Art Museum.

His works are widely published in professional journals such as Art, Art Observation, Art Circle, Art Circle and various large-scale collections of paintings.

Published a special collection of Paishan Jihongwei (Jilin Photography Publishing House), a collection of documents and works of Painting and Society Artists Jihongwei (Guizhou People's Publishing House) in 2006, and a special collection of Jiahongwei (Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House) in 2013.

In 2001, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Literature and Art Artist in Guizhou Province" by Guizhou Provincial Literature Federation. In 2005, he was awarded the title of "Literature and Art Worker in Guizhou Province, who is a young and middle-aged person with both virtue and art." In 2008, he was selected as the first "four groups of talents" in the propaganda and culture system of Guizhou Province. In 2005 and 2010, he was awarded the title of "Guizhou Province by Guizhou Art Association Artists with outstanding contributions and "artists with outstanding contributions in Guizhou Province" title. In 2013, he was awarded the National Federation of Chinese Literature as an outstanding individual.



