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沈荃(1624—1684年),字贞蕤,号绎堂,别号充斋,江苏华亭人。清顺治九年(1652年)探花,授编修,累官詹事府詹事、翰林院侍读学士、礼部侍郎。卒谥文恪。著有《充斋集》行世。为人经述深湛,喜奖拔后进,颇为时重。工书法,宗法米、董二家,深得康熙帝赏识,尝召至内廷论书,“凡御制碑版及殿廷屏障御座箴铭,辄命公书之。”(方苞《望溪集外文》)为康熙帝书法代笔人之1 。《江南通志》评:“荃学行醇洁,书法尤推独步。”


 沈荃之所以别号充斋,是由于 “为讲充实之为美,数句有省,遂以充斋自号。”顺治九年(1652)沈荃是壬辰科汉榜探花,授翰林院编修。殿试时,是科首题,为《君子有大道》二句,次题是《参乎吾道1 以贯之》1 章,第三题是《经正则庶民兴》。会元程可则,字周量,广东南海人,参加殿试时,因应对不合朱熹正文 而被除名。探花沈荃书法沈荃自年幼聪敏好学,博学多览,文思敏捷,才华横溢,广知天下事。家居艾家桥东,是苦节先生后裔。他的父亲沈绍曾,世居泖滨,有孝行。沈荃幼年丧父,服侍母亲极为孝敬 。沈荃以江南青浦籍,登顺治九年1 甲三名进士及第,授翰林院编修。官至詹事府詹事,礼部侍郎。?

据记载:沈荃授翰林院编修后,顺治帝选定沈荃作为河南大梁道副使。期间,许州、颖州地段疯狂劫掠的强盗董天禄、牛光天之流成为1 方之害。沈荃督促出兵捕获,盗匪四散逃窜,地方上得到管理 。在禹州又派遣官兵捕快,直捣杀人劫财的贼窠倚竹园。挖出尸首十余具,将盗贼全部按律处决。被解救者中有1 个是无后代老生的小妾,那个妾已有身孕,因与仆人 通奸而私奔,被盗贼捉住,盗贼杀了仆人 ,藏匿那个小妾。沈荃捕盗贼时捉得那小妾,已置狱中且生下儿子,沈荃招呼老生来,将他的儿子给与他,那个小妾依法治罪。老生跪下叩头说:“使我得有后者,沈公!” 沈荃缉盗护民,很得民心,不久,沈荃被提升为按察使。他上任后就启奏说明:征集所用宅第、府驿,受累疲苦,请拔给银两;饲养兵马,讨扰数个县府,请下旨给大县5 六百石,小县三四百石粮仓储;因开封黄河况口,官吏分散,请将开封乡试暂时移到辉县举行,并请拨钱粮修复开封城;河南土地贫脊不等,1 样缴纳钱粮不妥当,请降旨按地纳粮;另外,奉旨兵员缺额不补,不付派用;请下旨募招兵员,补足差额,保持 兵额在1 万二千名等等。经顺治帝交部议准予,而后施行。?康熙元年,老人前后 辞世,沈荃回乡丁忧。康熙六年,沈荃丁忧服满,授直隶通蓟道员,因受人牵连,镌二级。康熙九年,授浙江宁波府同知。未等到上任,特召沈荃,书写各体书法,很称康熙帝情意 ,下诏官复原职,留在内廷。康熙十年,特旨召见,授以四品顶戴,补翰林院侍讲,在南书房值班。康熙十1 年,沈荃典试江浙。累迁礼部侍郎,兼詹事府詹事。曾疏言列出阁四事,转为侍读。康熙十二年,充任日讲起居注定官。康熙十三年,沈荃升为国子监祭酒。康熙十5 年,改任詹事府少詹事,次年,沈荃升为詹事。康熙“十六年四月初十,上(指康熙帝)御弘德殿,谕喇沙里:‘尔可同詹事沈荃于乾清门候召’少顷,传沈荃入懋勤殿,命沈荃书‘忠孝’二大字及‘正大光明’四字行书1 幅。”康熙帝在内殿赐沈荃坐,可见,沈荃以书法深得康熙帝宠遇。?康熙十八年,天大旱,康熙帝寻求进谏消弭 旱象的好办法。当时新改旧例,流放发配地变为乌喇。沈荃偕同项景襄侍郎一同 上奏:乌喇阔别 蒙古三四千里,那里非常寒冷,人、畜大多冻死。既然罪不当死,才会遣放,而又流放到必死之地,请最好仍按旧例。并奏言:这样感动上天,三日必定会下雨。康熙帝反问:“能保证吗?”沈荃答:“可以保证。”康熙帝又问:“如果你所说的三日不下雨,怎样 办?”项侍郎不敢再说话,赶紧退后1 步,返回班列。沈荃仍然 坚持己见,并且说:“若此议颁行,三天内不下雨,甘愿承担欺君罔上罪。”朝廷上的九卿官员全以为听错了,大吃1 惊;康熙帝也脸色大变,命令沈荃第三日到午门等候下雨。第三天,沈荃在烈日下跪在午门外,身子直挺挺地祈雨,康熙帝也在乾清门端坐等候,连午膳也不吃了。有些关心沈荃的人劝他,赶紧免冠自责,前去谢罪,请皇帝回宫,只需 不死,求得落个削职为民罢了。要是到天黑了,再不下雨,皇帝1 怒,就是杀头的罪过。沈荃不作答,1 动不动。下午两点多钟,忽见1 片乌云从东方而来,顿时风雨雷电交加,1 刹那,倾盆暴雨从天而降,雨量多达1 尺。康熙帝大喜,对群臣说:“此詹事雨也。”马上召詹事沈荃进宫,犒劳他御膳。朝野人士为詹事沈荃冒死求雨而感慨万分,称此雨为“仁者之雨”。本来 的流放旧例又得到恢复。后来,项景襄侍郎上奏进言:“做积德的事,而不求个人功名邪念 ,就是重耳在世,与沈荃比起来要惭愧多了。”康熙十九年,沈荃因侍讲劳苦,加礼部侍郎衔。康熙二十1 年,沈荃参加皇帝在乾清宫大宴廷臣,并奉旨赋柏梁体诗。

沈荃性情 刚直,敢于直谏,为官清廉。他爱好 诗歌,他的诗作也有功力。沈荃独会心于高、岑、王、孟,足见他的性格 。然而中年当前 ,唱而不叹,诗思匆匆,遂缺乏上佳兴趣 了。在他的诗《送曾龛兄任保宁》中有脍炙人口的名句:“地从巴水折,天入剑门低”。其中的“折”、“低”二字就足以显示他对字句推敲、锤炼的高妙。沈荃颇有诗名,为本朝八家之1 。“八家者,王士帧、士禄、施闰章、宋琬、陈廷敬、沈荃、程可则也。”据记载:人们评价他的“诗春容安雅、盛世之音,沨沨如也。”此外,他在地方志体例上也有贡献。沈荃任“官大梁时,巡抚贾汉复属修河南通志。既成,上之,诏天下郡县修志,1 以河南为法。”?沈荃书法出神入化,宛如有神助普通 。据记载有1 传说:沈学士荃,清修睦 士,尤工书法。西关戚家巷,有5 通庙最灵。1 天傍晚,庙附近有1 个文士,梦见神托梦说:“有位想要沈荃书写1 幅匾额,麻烦你替我求份书法。”文士素来不认识沈荃,沈荃之客叫计生的南阳人,住得相近,就前往告诉他,请计生代写,悬挂在祠中。半夜又梦见神来讨要:“要的是沈荃的书法真迹,计生赝笔,有什么珍贵?为我换1 幅。”文士从梦中惊醒。此后,他请求拜访沈荃,将神求墨宝事说了。沈荃也惊讶,就给写了。当天早晨 ,文士又梦见神来感谢。这就是说沈荃学士名声显赫,似可通神。?沈荃在野 ,端庄持重而有威仪。喜欢奖掖后学,学行醇洁。善书能诗,沈荃曾与康熙帝谈论 古今书法。凡御制碑匾,廷殿屏障,多为沈荃所书写。沈荃擅长书法,书学董其昌,功夫极深。方苞《望溪集外文》评他:“公(指沈荃)学行醇洁,好奖进士类,书法尤着名 。上(指康熙帝)或自作大书,命题其后。(沈荃)尝於御前临米海岳帖,上(指康熙帝)见其笔秃,取凤管1 ,亲吮豪以授公。康熙帝嘉奖沈荃忠益,所赐御书、凤管、马蹄貂裘,还有茗茶佳馔之类,不可胜数。赐号文绮。上(指康熙帝)自元公钜卿碑版之文,下至遐陬荒徼琳宫梵宇,争得公(指沈荃)书以为荣,以是公(指沈荃)名动天下,与赵承旨、 文敏相埒。”清朝吴修评价:“(沈)荃工书,继董文敏而为时所重。”清朝施闰章评说宣宗朝时有大小沈学士,以布衣善书入翰林,皆著名迹,大学士名度,小学士名粲。沈荃也有书名,是小学士沈粲的后裔,“碑版流传,后先辉映。”沈荃的书法为上乘之作,很受皇帝赏识。后来,沈荃的儿子沈宗敬以编修入直,令皇帝追思 起往事,因而 命内侍传谕阁臣李光地,说:“朕初学书,宗敬之父荃实侍,每1 下笔,即指其失,兼析其由,至今每作书,何尝 不思荃之劝也。”皇帝深深地嘉奖沈荃的忠心,甚至他的后人也受益匪浅。?康熙二十三年,沈荃官至礼部侍郎,詹事府正詹事职而去世。卒年61岁。入祀乡贤祠。康熙帝因沈荃贫困,特赐白金5 百两祭葬;赐谥文恪。?在王士祯撰写的《淡墨录》中“经筵讲官得赐谥”1 文中记载:沈荃“顺治壬辰探花,官至礼部侍郎,充经筵讲官,卒谥文恪。本朝最重赐名之典,官至尚书大学士,乃得赐谥。其以经筵旧劳,得赐谥者,惟掌院学士喇沙里、叶方蔼,及(沈)荃三人而已,盖异数也。”以正詹事之职而御赐谥号,仅沈荃才有,可见荣誉有加。?著有《1 研斋诗集》十六卷、《充斋集》、《沈绎堂诗》等。



 沈荃董其昌是同乡, 自幼即倾慕董书,并以之为其书学的基础,极得董书的笔法特点与风神。爱好董其昌书法的康熙皇帝曾向他学习书法,或者说是他专习董书而影响到康熙皇帝对董书的偏爱。据记载,在康熙皇帝向他学习书法时,他每每能够“下笔即指其弊,兼析其由”。好学的皇帝,则十分感慨,并赏赐良多。康熙曾对李光地说:“ 朕初学书,宗敬(沈宗敬)之父荃实侍、屡指陈得失、时下每作书、何尝 不思荃之勤也。”而且,“凡御制碑版、及殿廷屏障、御座箴铭、辄命公书之。或自作大书、命题其后”。因而 朝野间盛行董书,成为了1 时风尚。与沈荃同时,还出人称“康熙四家”的姜宸英和汪士铉、何焯与陈邦彦,他们皆以董书为主,又兼取晋唐或者宋米芾书法。

沈荃存世书法墨迹较多,楷和行、草书都有,以楷、行书最多。沈荃存的楷书,比如《录陆平原燕居课轴》,虽为楷书,结字却是以欹侧中求平正为次要 特点,而且行距颇疏,笔法温润,是从董书中继承和演变 而来。沈荃存的行书,大体如楷书行化,或参以米书纵逸丰姿特点。草书作品比如《临自叙帖轴》,虽说是临怀素草法,其实仍是董其昌小行草书典型面貌,很难看出有《自叙帖》草法。自董其昌以后 ,1 些临帖作品不过是录书其文字,以作为1 时创作契机,并非认真对待其临习得似与不似。这点,沈荃也是在仿效董其昌。虽然如此,沈荃书法也只是貌似董书,由于 他书法过于温厚圆钝,虽可称之为秀雅,但却缺少董书空灵生气。沈荃存的书法能成为宫廷御用书法,成为适应科举制度干禄书体,必然是只重视 形体表现,而且缺乏神采的。即便是善书康熙皇帝,也未能脱此弊端。

圣祖尝召入内殿赐坐,论古今书法。凡制碑版及殿廷屏障、御座箴铭,辄命荃书之。或自作大书,命题其後。每侍圣祖书,下笔即揩其弊,兼析其由,圣祖深嘉其忠益。所赐御书、凤管、襃蹄、貂袭、文绮、茗馔之属,至不可胜纪。其以是名动天下,与赵孟頫、董其昌相埒。书虽学董而无其气韵。后其子宗敬,以编修入直,命作大小行、楷,犹忆及前事。使内侍传谕安溪李公曰:“肤初学书,宗敬之父荃实侍,屡指陈得失,至今每作书,何尝 不思荃之勤也。”卒年六十1 。代表作有《行书如天马赋轴》,著南帆咏、充斋集。《施愚山诗集注、望溪集外文、大瓢偶笔、瓯钵\罗室书画过目考》。



 沈荃存世的书法墨迹较多,楷、行、草书都有,以楷、行书最多。他的楷书,如《录陆平原燕居课轴》,虽为楷书,结字却以欹侧中求平正为次要 特点,且行距颇疏,笔法温润,是从董书中继承、演变 而来。他的行书,大体如楷书的行化,或参以米书纵逸丰姿的特点。草书作品如《临自叙帖轴》,虽说是临怀素草法,其实仍是董其昌小行草书的典型面貌,很难看出有《自叙帖》的草法。自董其昌以后 ,1 些临帖作品不过是录书其文字,以作为1 时的创作契机,并非认真对待其临习得似与不似。这点,沈荃也在仿效董其昌。虽然如此,沈荃的书法也只是貌似董书,由于 他的书法过于温厚圆钝,虽可称之为秀雅,但却缺少董书的空灵生气。他的书法能成为宫廷御用书法,成为适应科举制度的干禄书体,必然是只重视 形体表现,而缺乏神采的。即便是善书的康熙皇帝,也未能脱此弊端。


 沈荃董其昌是同乡,自幼即倾慕董书,并以之为其书学的基础,极得董书的笔法特点与风神。爱好董其昌书法的康熙皇帝曾向他学习书法,或者说是他专习董书而影响到康熙皇帝对董书的偏爱。据记载,在康熙皇帝向他学习书法时,他每每能够“下笔即指其弊,兼析其由”。好学的皇帝,则十分感慨,并赏赐良多。康熙曾对李光地说:“朕初学书,宗敬(沈宗敬)之父荃实侍,屡指陈得失,至今每作书,何尝 不思荃之勤也。”而且,“凡御制碑版,及殿廷屏障,御座箴铭,辄命公书之。或自作大书,命题其后”。因而 朝野间盛行董书,成为1 时风尚。与沈荃同时,还出现了人称“康熙四家”的姜宸英、汪士铉、何焯和陈邦彦,他们皆以董书为主,又兼取晋唐或宋米芾书法。

Introduction in English

 Shen Quan (1624-1684), a native of Huating, Jiangsu Province, has the character of zhenrui, Yitang, chongzhai. In the ninth year of Shunzhi (1652) of the Qing Dynasty, he explored flowers and was given editing and revision. He was also a member of Zhan Shi's government, a bachelor's degree in Hanlin academy, and a servant in the Ministry of rites. Zhushi Wen Ke. He is the author of the collection of Chong Zhai. He is well-known for his profound knowledge, and likes to win awards and be backward, which is quite time-honored. Gong calligraphy, patriarchal clan system, and Dong's family, were appreciated by Emperor Kangxi. They were called to the inner court to discuss the calligraphy. "All the inscriptions made by the imperial government and the motto of the throne on the screen of the palace and the court are often written by the official script." Fang Bao is one of the calligraphers of Emperor Kangxi. "Jiangnan general annals" comment: "Tsuen learn to practice pure, calligraphy especially push alone."


The reason why Shen Quan didn't have the name of "Chong Zhai" is that "in order to talk about the beauty of enrichment, a few sentences have a province, so he used the name of" Chong Zhai " In the ninth year of Shunzhi (1652), Shen Quan was appointed editor of Hanbang of Renchen. During the palace examination, it was the first topic of the branch, which was the second sentence of "the gentleman has the road", the second topic was the chapter of "participating in the consistency of our road", and the third topic was "the regular prosperity of the common people". Huiyuan Cheng Keze, born in the South China Sea of Guangdong Province, was removed from the palace because he didn't respond to Zhu Xi's comments. Shen Quan is a young, intelligent and studious calligrapher. He has a broad knowledge of the world. He lives in the east of aijiaqiao, a descendant of Mr. kujie. His father Shen Shaozeng lived in maobin and had filial piety. Shen Quan lost his father when he was young, and he was very filial to serve his mother. Shen Quan, a native of Qingpu in the south of the Yangtze River, was awarded the editor of the Imperial Academy. When the official comes to Zhan Shi's office, he is the assistant of the etiquette department. ?


It is recorded that after Shen Quan was granted the editing of the Imperial Academy, Emperor Shunzhi chose Shen Quan as the Deputy envoy of Daliang road in Henan Province. During this period, Dong Tianlu and Niu Guangtian, bandits who plundered in Xuzhou and Yingzhou, became one of the victims. Shen Quan urged the soldiers to capture, bandits to flee, and the place was under control. In Yuzhou, officers and captains were sent to fight against the bandit's nest who killed people and robbed money. Dig out more than ten corpses and execute all the thieves according to the law. One of the rescued was a concubine who had no offspring. The concubine was pregnant and eloped because of adultery with the servant. The thief caught her. The thief killed the servant and hid the concubine. Shen Quan catches the concubine when catching the thief. She has been put in prison and has given birth to a son. Shen Quan greets the old man to give him his son. The concubine is punished according to law. The old student knelt down and kowtowed and said, "let me have the latter, Duke Shen!" Shen Quan was very popular with the people in his search for stealing and protecting the people. Soon, Shen Quan was promoted to an inspector. After he took office, he began to explain that: if you are tired and tired from collecting the houses and post houses, please give them silver; if you raise soldiers and horses, please ask several county governments to give orders to five or six hundred stones in big counties and three or four hundred stone granaries in small counties; because of the situation of Kaifeng Yellow River, the officials are scattered, please temporarily move the Kaifeng rural test to Huixian County, and ask for money and grain to repair Kaifeng City; if the land in Henan Province is poor and ridged, you should pay the same If the money and food are not appropriate, please issue a decree to pay for the food according to the land; in addition, if the number of soldiers is insufficient, they will not be paid for use; please issue a decree to recruit soldiers, make up the difference, maintain the number of soldiers in 12000, etc. It was approved by the Ministry of communications of the emperor Shunzhi and then implemented. In the first year of Kangxi, the old man died one after another, and Shen Quan returned to Dingyou. In the sixth year of Kangxi's reign, Shen Quan was filled with contentment. He was granted Zhili as a member of Jidao. Because of the involvement of others, he was engraved with two ranks. In the ninth year of Kangxi, Tongzhi was granted to Ningbo Prefecture, Zhejiang Province. Before taking office, Shen Quan was specially called to write all kinds of calligraphy, which was very popular with Emperor Kangxi. He ordered the officials to return to their original duties and stay in the inner court. In the 10th year of Kangxi's reign, it was specially summoned to wear the top of the four items, and the assistant of buhanlin Academy was on duty in the South study. In the 11th year of Kangxi, Shen Quandian tried Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I've moved to the Ministry of rites, and I'm also a Zhan Shi in Zhan Shi's office. He once said four things about the pavilion, and turned to serve as a reader. In the 12th year of Kangxi's reign, he served as the official of daily life. In the 13th year of Kangxi's reign, Shen Quan was promoted to the Imperial College to sacrifice wine. In the 15th year of Kangxi's reign, he was transferred to Zhan Shi's office, and the next year, Shen Quan was promoted to Zhan Shi. "On the 10th day of April, the 16th year of Kangxi, I went to the palace of Emperor Kangxi, and said to rashari," you can join Zhan to call Shen Quan at the gate of the Qianqing Dynasty. "Shaoqing said that Shen Quan entered the hall of maoqin, and ordered Shen Quan to write the two characters of" loyalty and filial piety "and the four characters of" justice and brightness " Emperor Kangxi gave Shen Quan a seat in the inner hall. It can be seen that Shen Quan was favored by Emperor Kangxi for his calligraphy. In the 18th year of Kangxi, when there was a severe drought, Emperor Kangxi sought advice on how to eliminate the drought. At that time, the old and new regulations were changed, and the exiled distribution area was changed into urah. Shen Quan and Xiang Jingxiang's servant together play: Wula is three or four thousand miles away from Mongolia, where it is very cold, and most people and animals are frozen to death. Since sin does not deserve to die, it will be sent away, and it will be sent to the place where it must die. It is better to follow the old rule. And play words: so touched heaven, three days will surely rain. Emperor Kangxi asked, "can you guarantee it?" Shen Quan replied, "I can guarantee it." Emperor Kangxi asked again, "what if it doesn't rain for three days?" Xiang Shilang dared not speak any more, so he stepped back and returned to the train. Shen Quan still insists on his opinion, and says, "if this proposal is issued, it will not rain for three days, and he is willing to bear the crime of deceiving the king and neglecting it." All the officials of Jiuqing in the imperial court thought they had heard it wrong, and they were shocked. Emperor Kangxi's face changed a lot and ordered Shen Quan to wait for rain at the Meridian Gate on the third day. On the third day, Shen Quan knelt outside the Meridian Gate in the hot sun and prayed for rain straightly. Emperor Kangxi also sat at the gate of Qianqing and waited. He didn't even eat lunch. Some people who care about Shen Quan advised him to get rid of the crown and blame himself. They went to thank him and asked the emperor to return to the palace. As long as he didn't die, he could be demoted to serve the people



