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2022-04-28 13:38:10



根据宋僧适之《金壶记》记载可知欧阳询见《右军教献之指归图》,喜而不寐,于是开始临摹,《右军教献之指归图》虽然被张彦远认为是赝品,但或可说明托王书之人至少是与王书书法风貌类似基本,而王献之作为王羲之的儿子虽有变化但实属一系,因此欧阳询取法二王,当无异议。而窦臮认为欧阳询书法取法北齐刘珉,窦臮《述书赋》云:“若乃出自三公,一家面首,欧阳在焉。不顾偏丑,翘缩爽,了枭黝纠,如地隔华戎, 屋殊户牖。”又李昉《太平广记》卷二百八所引《国史异篡》云:“率更尝出行,见古碑索靖所书,驻马观之,良久而去。数步,复下马伫立。疲则布毯坐观,因宿其傍,三日而后去。”
















“竖弯钩” 的用笔与其他楷体有不同之处,多用提转法,收笔保持了“隶书”笔意,从上一节《张黑女墓志》和《九成宫碑》之间的比较我们就所有了解,如下图中《化度寺碑》中的“也”和《九成宫碑》中的“九”字的竖弯钩都有燕尾的余韵,而《虞恭公碑》和《皇甫诞碑》这也是欧书用笔在发生变化的地方,而直钩多用挫法,出钩较短,如下图表中的“门”字的写法;《化度寺碑》和《九成宫碑》是欧阳询成熟期的作品,特点是以静以和,体势上倾向于内擫,《虞恭公碑》和《皇甫诞碑》是他升华期的作品,以动以险《虞恭公碑》,体势上倾向于外拓。




















taking method of European regular script < / P > < P style =" margin: 0px 0px 0.75em; padding: 0px; outline: 0px; max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " Helvetica Neue", & quot; PingFang SC", & quot; Hiragino Sans GB", & quot; Microsoft YaHei UI", & quot; Microsoft YaHei", Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.544px; text-align: justify; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow-y: auto; line-height: 1.75em; visibility: visible; box-sizing: border-box ! important; overflow-wrap: break-word ! important; "> as for Ouyang Xun's teaching method, the old Tang Dynasty Book Ouyang Xun biography said:" after learning Wang Xizhi's book for the first time, it gradually changes its body, and its writing power is dangerous and powerful, which is unique for a time. " "The book of the new Tang Dynasty · Ouyang inquiry biography" said: "the inquiry first followed Wang Xizhi's book, and then it was dangerous and vigorous. Because it was named after its body and redeemed by the ruler, people thought it was the law." From the records of the old and new Tang books, Ouyang Xun's calligraphy began to learn from Wang Xizhi at first, and then slowly formed its own style. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy influenced many calligraphers in Sui and Tang Dynasties and later generations. Wang Xizhi's view of Ouyang's inquiry should be reasonable. In addition to Wang Xizhi's view, there is also Wang Xianzhi's view. Zhang Huaixiang's "shuduan" said: "the book of true deeds, although in the great order, is also different into one."

according to the records of song sengshi's golden pot, Ouyang Xun saw the" guide map of the right army's religious offering "and was so happy that he couldn't sleep, so he began to copy the" guide map of the right army's religious offering " Although Zhang Yanyuan thought it was a fake, it may show that the person who entrusted Wang Shu is at least similar to Wang Shu's calligraphy style, and Wang Xianzhi, as the son of Wang Xizhi, although there are changes, is actually a department. Therefore, Ouyang inquired about the two kings of the law and should have no objection. Dou Peng believes that Ouyang Xun's calligraphy is based on Liu Min of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Dou Peng's "shushufu" says: "if it comes from Sangong, how can Ouyang be in the face of a family. Regardless of the ugliness, he shrinks and corrects the owl, such as Huarong across the ground and different houses." And Li Fang's "different usurpation of national history" quoted in volume 208 of "Taiping Guangji" said: "when I travel, I see the ancient monument Suo Jing's book, stop and watch it for a long time. After a few steps, I get off my horse and stand. When I am tired, I will sit and watch with a blanket. Because I stay near it, I will go after three days."

to sum up, in addition to learning from the two kings, Ouyang also learned from Liu Min of the Northern Qi Dynasty and Suo Jing, and finally formed his unique style of" fierce halberd "and steep and sharp. Mr. Zhu guantian believes that on the basis of comprehensive historical records "Ouyang inquired about his initial study of Liang and chenshifeng, and obtained the secret of making him show his frown. He returned to Liu Min of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and his brush was thin and straight. Later, he studied Zhang Cao and understood the three flavors of Suo Jing's pen. Finally, he integrated the essence of the Six Dynasties into Yang Sui's books."

although Liu Min of the Northern Qi Dynasty has no calligraphy traces left, he can understand the basic situation through some historical records. For example, the Xuanhe calligraphy manual says:" calligraphy has been steeped in decline since Wang Xi and his father and son were offered, especially in Qi. Min is good at grass and Li (truth), so he can wash the fallacies of popular learning and pursue Xi Zhi far, so he can get his method. The best place to write is often the ancient people. " It can be seen from the "far pursuit of Xizhi, quite get its method" that Liu Min's calligraphy has learned Wang Shu on the basis of the northern calligraphy style, so it will be compatible with the north and south, and Ouyang inquired about the meaning of "Geji strict" is the remaining trend of the northern calligraphy style, so there is some reason to adopt Liu Min's calligraphy. Guo Zongchang believes that "the regular script method of Shugeng originates from the ancient scribes, so it has broad-minded character and unique structure, ranking first in the regular script of Tang Dynasty", P: height, P: Max; P: height, 34; P: height ; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " Helvetica Neue", & quot; PingFang SC", & quot; Hiragino Sans GB", & quot; Microsoft YaHei UI", & quot; Microsoft YaHei", Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.544px; text-align: justify; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow-y: auto; line-height: 1.75em; box-sizing: border-box ! important; overflow-wrap: break-word ! important; "> as soon as the book changes", Guo Shangxian of the Qing Dynasty commented on the inscription on Liquan in the Jiucheng palace, saying: "the inscription on Liquan is high and simple, and the French square pen is round. It was formed by the merger of the official script of the Han Dynasty and the regular script of the Wei and Jin Dynasties", "it is the crown of calligraphy." < / P > < P style = "margin: 0px 0px 0.75em; padding: 0px; outline: 0px; max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " Helvetica Neue", & quot; PingFang SC", & quot; Hiragino Sans GB", & quot; Microsoft YaHei UI", & quot; Microsoft YaHei", Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.544px; text-align: justify; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow-y: auto; line-height: 1.75em; box-sizing: border-box ! important; overflow-wrap: break-word ! important; "> in addition, Mr. Jiang Bo thought that the regular script style of Ouyang Xun was compatible with the north and the south in his re examination of the era of the tablet of Huangfu's birthday - also on the evolution of Ouyang Xun's regular script style:" although the epitaph of Yao Bian in the seventh year of Daye was engraved by later generations, the spirit may not catch, but the body still exists, which can be seen in the European script style. Its wide and uniform structure and elegant writing method can be seen in the influence of Huangting classic, but compared with Huangting classic The epitaph of Yao Bian tends to be square, rigid and solid. It also shows the characteristics of the northern school calligraphy. It can be seen that Ouyang inquired about the direction of taking the method of integrating the north and the south at that time. " Through the records of some historical documents and the integration and analysis of materials by modern people, ouyangxun's calligraphy has created its own unique style of calligraphy by fusing the characteristics of Han Li and Wei Jin regular script, which has become a consensus

Oukai is the first profound crystallization of the southern calligraphy of the northern stele of the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties in the Tang Dynasty. In terms of the inheritance of the northern stele, Oukai has many similarities with the common strokes in the Wei stele in terms of form and brushwork. From the epitaph of Zhang heinv, we can vaguely see that its calligraphy is similar to Ouyang Xun's words in brushwork. Ruan Yuan of the Qing Dynasty pointed out: "Ouyang Xun's calligraphy is square and vigorous, which is actually the northern school. Try to observe the stele of Wei and Qi. The one with strong grid method is the one from which his school comes." "Jiucheng palace tablet" is a very representative work in European regular script. The treatment of some strokes in this tablet is similar to that of the Wei tablet

the following is a comparative analysis of the hook paintings in Jiucheng palace stele and Zhang heinv's epitaph, including vertical hook and horizontal hook. The similarity between the two steles is analyzed with specific word examples. Zhang heinv's epitaph was unearthed only in the Ming Dynasty, so Jiucheng palace stele is not based on Zhang heinv's epitaph, but they have similarities in hook paintings. It can be seen that Jiucheng palace is influenced by similar epitaphs of Zhang heinv The influence of the writing method of Wei stele also fully shows the universality of Ouyang Xun's calligraphy method

" Zhang heinv's epitaph "and" Jiucheng palace stele "use square pen to start the vertical hook, and line the pen to the lower left to form an oblique trend. The pen at the bottom is light and the stroke is thin;