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2022-03-11 17:37:12




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马庆中:1960年10月6日出生,1978年至1981年贵州省艺校中专毕业,1982年至1984年地方 美术学院国画系进修,1984年至1987年贵州全国红文明 馆工作,1988年至2002年贵州师大美术系任教,1993年至1995年贵州师大美术系学习油画成教本科毕业。现任贵州师大美术学院副教授,贵州师大民族民间艺术研讨 所副所长、中国美术家协会会员、中国河山画会会员、中国人民大学特聘教授、贵州省美术家协会理事、贵州省中国画艺术委员会副秘书长。
李可染画派传人,擅长中国人物画、山水画、花鸟画、亦工油画,人物画师从卢沉周思聪,风格稳健、清雅。作品《国道》获“第三届中国西部大地情——中国画·油画展”金奖、《千里佳音》获“挪动 杯贵州省中国画·油画展”1 等奖,并多次在全国及全省美展获奖。

Introduction to the artist

Ma Qingzhong: Was born on October 6, 1960, came 1978 1981 Guizhou Province art school technical secondary school graduates, came 1982 traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts is attend in a advanced studies in the center of 1984, came 1984 house of red culture of Guizhou whole nation worked 1987, came 1988 faculty of Guizhou division large painting taught 2002, came 1993 faculty of Guizhou division large painting learned canvas to graduate into textbook division 1995. Currently hold the post ofGuizhou division associate professor of big academy of fine arts, picture of land of academician of artist of assistant director of institute of folk art of Guizhou division old people, China, China meets member, Chinese civilian the university hires association of artist of professor, Guizhou Province especially China of director, Guizhou Province draws artistic committee deputy secretary-general.
Li Ke catchs drawing style to send a person, be good at Chinese content picture of picture, landscape painting, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, also be versed in canvas, character painter is thought of from Lu Chen, week acute hearing, style dovish, elegant. Work " the country " obtain " the 3rd China western earth affection -- canvas of Chinese picture · is exhibited " gold prize, " favorable reply of a thousand li " obtain " canvas of · of picture of China of mobile cup Guizhou Province is exhibited " first prize, be in the whole nation and complete province beauty to exhibit bear the palm for many times.
Published a paper 2004 " span protective screen -- what draw by China is successive with innovation "



