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韩文来 - 天成勤奋画卓绝 人淡如菊甘寂寞——

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 1962年毕业于地方 美术学院附中,同年被保送到地方 美术学院中国画系,受教于李苦禅郭味蕖吴作人诸先生。1967年毕业。著名中国画画家、书法家、美术教育家。现任天津美术学院教授。中国美术家协会、书法家协会会员、天津美术家协会理事。其作品曾多次在美国、日本、北京、天津、广东、深圳等地举办个人书画展;1988年5月、6月前后 在天津、深圳美术馆举办个人书画展,颇具影响;1989年应费城市政府特邀赴美讲学,前后 在美国宾夕法尼亚美术学院、马里兰大学、班宁顿大学、费城艺术学院等10多所高等院校讲授中国书画艺术,被赞城市政府授予“美中文明 使者”称号,书画被国内外博物馆、美术馆收藏,代表作《枯树赞》、《生命》、《无声》、《山花》等分别入选《中国画新作选》、《中国高等美术学院中国画集》、《当代中国花鸟画集》、《首届全国中国画展作品集》、历届《全国花鸟画约请 展作品选》等20余部画集,1989年为天津东方艺术学院编印制了《中国写意花鸟画技法》、《梅、兰、竹、菊画法》两本函授教材。前后 编写了《宋人花鸟精品线描集》、《中国历代草书钢笔习字帖》、《翰文来书集》等。发表论文有:《学习1 研讨 1 开拓1 论中国花鸟创新》、《外师造化·中得心源》等。另有作品“咏梅”获《全国名人名作书画约请 大展》1 等奖。1996年获中国“中华金奖书画家”称号。1998年9 月“傲雪”获第1 届“世界华人艺术大奖”优秀作品奖,并享有“世界杰出华人艺术家”荣誉称号。其艺术传略入选《中国当代国画家辞典》、《世界名人录》、《世界美术家传》等众多典籍。


其作品曾多次在美国、日本、北京、天津、庚束、深圳美衍始等地皋瓣侗人害壹展;1989年庶美园费城市政府特邀赴美黹孕,前后 在蜜夕法尼亚美衍孥院、属襄蓝大孥、费城荽衍孥院等十多所高等美衍毕院黹授中园害_若葜衍,被赞城市政府授予“美中文明 使者”柄虢。害叠作品被网内外柴爹博物销、美衍鲐收藏,其代表作“山花”、 “枯树赞”等分别人遮《中圆高等美衍孕院巾园盍集》、《首届全圆巾网壹展作品集》等数十}}15蛊集。前后 编褂出版了《111I戒l寓意花岛赘技法》、《宋人花岛精品线描集》、《中国历代草书钢笔习字帖》、《斡文来书集》等。鼗表渝文有:《学习1 研讨 1 开拓1 论中国花鸟创新》、《外帅造化·中得心源》等。另有作品“咏梅”获《全国名人名作书画约请 大展》1 等奖。1996年获中国“中华金奖书画家”称号。1998年9 月“傲雪”获第1 届“世界华人艺术大奖”优秀作品奖,并享有“世界杰出华人艺术家”荣誉称号。其艺术传略入选<<中国当代国画家辞典>>、<<世界名人录>>、<<世界美术家传>>等众多典籍。

English Introduction

 1962 graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts high school, the same year was sent to the Department of Chinese painting China Central Academy of Fine Arts, taught by Li Kuchan, Guo Weiqu, Wu Zuoren, mr.. Graduated in 1967. Famous Chinese painting artist, calligrapher, art educator. Professor, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association and director of Tianjin artists association. The works have been in the United States, Japan, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangdong, Shenzhen and other places held personal exhibition; May 1988, June in Tianjin, Shenzhen Art Museum held a personal exhibition, influential; 1989 City Government invited the United States to lecture fees in the United States, Pennsylvania, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Maryland, University of Philadelphia art Pennington School of more than and 10 colleges and universities such as China taught painting and calligraphy art, praised the city government awarded the "Cultural Ambassador" title, and by domestic and foreign museums, art galleries, representative of "withered tree", like "life", "silent" and "Shanhua" were selected Chinese "election", "Chinese painting works the Academy of Fine Arts Chinese album", "contemporary flower and bird", "China first national China exhibition works", the "national flower and bird painting Exhibition of selected works "and so on more than 20 albums, 1989 for the Tianjin Oriental Art Institute published the" Chinese freehand flower and bird painting "," plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum painting "the two correspondence teaching. Has written "song", "flower boutique line set Chinese ancient cursive copybook" pen, "book collection" Hanwen etc.. Published papers: "a study on developing a learning and innovation", "Chinese nature outside, in the heart". The works of "plum" won the "national painting and calligraphy exhibition" the first prize of famous artists invited. 1996 was China's "Chinese gold painting and calligraphy home" title. September 1998 "Ao" won the first "World Chinese Art Award" award for outstanding works, and enjoy the "world outstanding Chinese artist" honorary title. The art of biography "contemporary Chinese painter named China dictionary", "world celebrities", "world of art" and many other well-known classics.

The works have been in the United States, Japan, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, the United States began Yan Geng beam, Gao Dong people and one flap exhibition; 1989 Shu Mei Garden City Government invited the United States for embroidery pregnancy, successively in Niamey Yan Xi honey Law Institute, the University of Philadelphia, is the blue Xiang Yan Institute of the coriander more than and 10 high school beauty Yan Bi Zhi Yuan and _ if granted in Greenbrier Yan, praised the city government awarded the "China Cultural messenger" Guo handle. And stack works by network inside and outside the museum, beauty Yan pin bavin dad of his masterpiece "mackerel, flowers", "tree like" others "in the circle of higher decile cover beauty Yan Institute park covering towel set" pregnant, "the first round a napkin net exhibition" and other dozens of sets of}}15 gu. A series of successively published "111I L" or "flower island vegetation, flower island" Song skill set "," fine line drawing China ancient cursive copybook, "my pen" the book "etc.. Your table Chongqing: "study on the pioneering theory innovation", "Chinese flower handsome nature in the heart", etc.. The works of "plum" won the "national painting and calligraphy exhibition" the first prize of famous artists invited. 1996 was China's "Chinese gold painting and calligraphy home" title. September 1998 "Ao" won the first "World Chinese Art Award" award for outstanding works, and enjoy the "world outstanding Chinese artist" honorary title. The art of biography appeared in the China contemporary Chinese Dictionary "and" world famous "and" world artist biography and many other books.



