谭昊,字晓松,湖南永州人,1962年生于书香世家。父亲谭州系中国古代 著名剧作家(湖南古代 花鼓戏《补锅》作者)。5 岁研习书法,十岁师从著名国画家钟增亚学习绘画八年,1984年毕业于中国美术学院油画系,获学士学位,师从全山石等著名画家。1993年结业于地方 美术学院油画系第七届油画研修班,师从靳尚谊、詹建俊等著名画家。1984年至2006年执教于衡阳师范学院。曾任湖南省油画学会副主席,湖南油画艺委会委员等职。现为中国美术家协会会员,广州美术学院教授。
1998年油画《闲阳》入选第二届湖南油画学会作品展览。1999年油画《劳动者》入选全国第九届美术作品展览,获湖南省建国50周年美术作品大展优秀奖。水彩《客运新1 族》入选湖南省建国50周年美术作品大展,获佳作奖。2000?年油画《雨霁》入选湖南省古代 油画展。2003?年油画《新城》入选第三届全国油画展。油画《新城·大佛手》入选湖南省第5 届油画展。2004年油画《桃花掩映春野绿》入选第十届全国美术作品展。2004年油画《雁峰山下的秋色荷塘》获第二届全国少数民族美展铜奖。专著《水粉静物画技法与步骤》2000年由湖南省美术出版社出版。
Tan Hao, word dawn is loose, hunan always city person, gave birth to Yu Shuxiang old and well-known family 1962. China of department of father Tan state is contemporary and famous dramatist (Hunan is contemporary flower-drum makes fun of " filling boiler " author) . 5 years old study calligraphy, 10 years old of division learn brushwork 8 years from Zhong Zengya of home of famous traditional Chinese painting, was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1984, obtain bachelor's degree, the famous artist such as stone of Shi Congquan hill. Complete a course fastened the 7th canvas to grind at canvas of central academy of fine arts 1993 long class, master wait for famous artist from Jin Shangyi, Zhan Jianjun. Came to taught 2006 1984 institute of Yu Hengyang normal school. Canvas of the province austral Ceng Renhu learns a vice-chairman, hunan canvas art appoint the duty such as conference committee member. It is Chinese artist academician now, guangzhou academy of fine arts is taught.
1998 Year canvas " not in use is open " selected canvas of the 2nd Hunan learns work exhibition. 1999 Year canvas " laborer " exhibition of work of the 9th art of selected whole nation, obtain Hunan Province to found a state 50 years art work exhibits outstanding award greatly. Watercolour " passenger transport new gens " selected Hunan Province founds a state 50 years art work is exhibited greatly, win award of an excellent work. 2000? Year canvas " rain ceases raining or snowing " contemporary canvas exhibits selected Hunan Province. 2003? Year canvas " new city " selected canvas of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited. Canvas " big fingered citron of new city · " the 5th canvas exhibits selected Hunan Province. 2004 canvas " peach blossom sets off one another Chun Ye is green " selected work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited. 2004 canvas " the pond of autumn scenery carry on one's shoulder below hill of wild goose peak " obtain beauty of minority of the 2nd whole nation to exhibit cupreous award. Monograph " still life of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes ability law and measure " published by publishing house of Hunan Province art 2000.