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恩爱夫妻捧书画精品(赵朴初书法)-华豫之门 2011

 赵朴初(1907年11月5日-2000年5月21日),安徽安庆人,中国民主促进会创始人之1 ,出色 的佛教领袖、杰出的书法家、著名的社会活动家与伟大的爱国主义者。


早年从事佛教和社会救济工作。1936年后参加抗日救亡活动,曾任上海慈联会救济战区难民委员会常委,负责收容工作,动员、组织青壮年参加新四军。1939年参加宪政促进运动。1945年参与发起组织中国民主促进会。1949年9月出席中国人民政治协商会议第1 届全体会议。中华人民共和国成立后,历任华东军政委员会民政部副部长,华东生产救灾委员会副主任,中国作家协会理事,中国书法家协会副主席,中日敌对 协会副会长、顾问,中国佛教协会副会长、会长,中国红十字会名誉会长,中国人民争取和平与裁军协会副会长,1983年6月任政协全国委员会副主席,政协全国委员会民族和宗教委员会主任。






1938年后,任上海文明 界救亡协会理事,中国佛教协会秘书、主任秘书,上海慈联救济战区难民委员会常委兼收容股主任,上海净业流浪儿童教养院副院长,上海少年村村长。





1953年后,任中国佛教协会副会长兼秘书长,中国作家协会理事,中日敌对 协会副会长、中缅敌对 协会副会长,中国红十字会副会长、名誉副会长,中国人民争取和平与裁军协会副会长。

1980年后,任中国佛教协会会长,中国佛学院院长,中国藏语系高级佛学院顾问,中国宗教和平委员会主席,中国书法家协会副主席,中国民主促进会地方 常委、民进地方 参议委员会主任、副主席、名誉主席,全国政协副主席。

1993年任西泠印社第5 任社长

1996年,他闻讯《西泠艺丛》即将复刊,寄去5000元人民币帮助 。


曾任上海市政协委员、常委,上海市人大代表。是第1 、二、三、四、5 届全国人大代表。第1 、二、三届全国政协委员,第四、5 届全国政协常委,第六、七、八、九届全国政协副主席。  





1907年11月5日,赵朴初出生在安庆天台里四代翰林府第中。是嘉庆元年(1796年)状元赵文楷的后人。父亲赵恩彤,任过县吏和塾师,生性敦厚,家中作主的是母亲陈慧。家中设有佛堂,母亲每日凌晨 烧香拜佛;门前的水塘是她的放生池,里面放养着不少她买下的龟、鳖。

1914年夏日的1 天,七岁的赵朴初看到1 只蜻蜓在蜘蛛网里挣扎,不1 会儿,蜻蜓被越缠越紧,渐渐不能动弹。赵朴初转身到厨房找来1 根竹竿,把蜘蛛网耐心肠 挑开,将蜻蜓救出。母亲见了,非常高兴,第二天带儿子去廨院寺烧香。

佛事结束后,母亲与先觉师父闲谈,说起儿子会对对子了。师父听了,指着庙中的火神殿,出了1 句上联:“火神殿火神菩萨掌管人间灾害 ”。赵朴初想了想道:“观音阁观音大佛保佑黎民平安”。先觉师父笑了,对陈慧说:“这孩子将来必成大器。”

赵朴初的表舅关絅之曾以同知(相当于地方政府厅1 级主座 )身份做上海道尹袁树勋的幕僚。二次革命失败后,关絅之接到上海镇守史郑汝成逮捕孙中山的密令,作为同盟会会员,他悄悄地让公廨秘书杨润之通知孙中山转移,并故意拖延发捕票的时间。孙中山脱险后,曾亲笔题写书扇感谢他。


1921年,关絅之走上佛教道路。在中国古代 佛教史上,关絅之有重要地位。他与周舜卿、沈心师、谢泗亭等人于1922年发起成立佛教居士林,这是全国第1 个居士林团体。同年,关絅之等创办净业社,施省之任董事长,关絅之任副会长。1927年,净业社迁入觉园。

净业社是上海江浙佛教联合会上司 单位,赵朴初在这里做秘书,收发报纸,起草文件。关絅之对赵朴初要求很严。第1 次看到赵朴初起草的文字时,关絅之皱着眉头,1 边拿笔批改,1 边直言 批评:“你的国文很好,毛笔字也好,但佛教有佛教的门径,你要多看佛书。”从此,赵朴初开始研讨 佛经。后来,关絅之建上海佛教慈幼院并任院长,日常工作即由赵朴初去做。

1929年4月,中国佛教会成立,关絅之被选为九人常委之1 。从此,赵朴初和全国高僧大德的接触更加频繁了。年轻的赵朴初在这样1 个佛化气氛里,不知不觉也走上了慈善为本、普度众生的道路。

1935年秋天,圆瑛法师在上海创办 圆明讲堂,经他介绍,赵朴初皈依佛门,成了在家居士。佛教传入中国后,居士普通 指隐居不仕之士、佛教居家修行人士、所有非出家的学佛人士。赵朴初就属于居家修行人士。

在圆明讲堂,赵朴初接触了卷帙浩瀚的佛经。在经卷和高僧的影响下,赵朴初将本身 在私塾和东吴大学所学的知识,融会贯通到佛学中去;他的诗书成就 ,也与日俱进了。

次要 成就

 赵朴初是中国民主促进会的创始人之1 。1945年12月30日,赵朴初与马叙伦、王绍鳌、林汉达、周建人、雷洁琼等在上海成立以“发扬民主精神,推进中国民主政治之实现”为主旨 的政党——中国民主促进会。此后,赵朴初同志历任民进上海分会副主任,民进上海市委主委,民进地方 委员、常委、副主席,民进地方 参议委员会主任,是中国民主促进会德高望重的出色 领导人。赵朴初同志始终热爱中国共产党,1 以贯之地拥戴 中国共产党的领导。他同周恩来、邓小平等中共地方 领导人有着亲密的友谊。他长时间 担任民进地方 和全国政协的领导职务,积极建言献策,发挥参政议政和民主监督的作用,为发扬同中国共产党团结合作的良好 传统,为巩固与发展爱国统1 阵线 ,为坚持中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,为建设有中国特色的社会主义事业,付出了血汗 和汗水,做出了重要贡献。

赵朴初是杰出的爱国宗教领袖,在国内外宗教界有着广泛的影响,深受广大佛教徒和信教群众的尊重 和爱戴。他佛学成就 极深,《佛教常识答问》等着述深受佛教界推崇,多次重版 ,流传广泛。他从青年时期开始,就认真研讨 社会主义学说,经过漫长的求索,他逐渐 认识到,只要 中国共产党最能代表中国劳苦大众的意志和利益,中国只要 走社会主义道路才能建成繁荣富强的新社会。作为新中国1 代宗教界领袖,赵朴初同志把佛教的教义圆融于中国共产党领导的建设有中国特色社会主义伟大事业当中 ;圆融于保护 民族和国家的尊严,扞卫国家领土和主权的完全 ,促进祖国和平统1 的伟大事业当中 ;圆融于促进中国佛教界与世界各国佛教界敌对 交往的伟大事业当中 。他充分地论述了宗教与社会主义社会相调和 的成绩 ,指出:党和国家从政策上、法律上充分尊重和保护公民宗教信仰自在 的权利,宗教徒则要爱国爱教,遵纪守法,拥戴 党的领导,报国家恩,报众生恩,积极为社会主义物资 文明和精神文明建设做贡献。他告诫佛教弟子,佛教的利益必须与人民的利益结合起来。我们的生命好比1 滴水,只需 我们肯把它放到人民的大海中去,这1 滴水是永久 不会枯竭的。赵朴初同志坚决拥戴 党地方 制定的关于宗教工作的1 系列方针政策和重要唆使 ,积极协助党和政府全面正确地贯彻履行 宗教信仰自在 政策,加强对宗教事务的管理,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。赵朴初同志以高度负责的精神,对社会主义初级阶段的宗教理论和工作,坦诚提出许多宝贵意见和建议。他积极促进全国各宗教界的团结和不变 。他热情支持十世班禅为发展藏传佛教文明 ,建立藏传佛教正常次序 ,为保护 祖国统1 ,民族团结,反对境外势力分裂祖国的活动所开展的各项工作。他积极拥戴 按照宗教仪轨和历史定制,经金瓶掣签、报地方 政府批准认定的十1 世班禅,并热情关心十1 世班禅的培养教育工作。他恪尽职守,殚精竭虑,为宗教与社会主义社会相适应的理论与实践做出了杰出的贡献。






1992年获日本明仁天皇赠授1 等瑞宝章和韩国东国大学赠授哲学博士。

1997年获国际狮子会文明 功劳奖。

1998年获中韩日佛教文明 贡献奖。



 作家协会该当 吸收赵朴初先生为会员。他在文学、诗词方面都有很高的成就 ,而且很着名 气。(周总理评) 



提到赵朴老,我真是早已久仰久仰了。他是著名的身体力行的佛教居士,中国佛协的领导人,成就 高深的佛学理论家;他又是蜚声书坛的书法家;他还是有悠久革命经历的国务活动家。赵朴老真正是口碑载道,誉满中外,成为人们景仰的对象。可就是这样一名 名人,一名 大人物,却丝毫没着名 人的架子,大人物的派头,同他1 接触,就会被他那慈祥的愁容 所感动,使人们如坐春风,如沐春雨,感到非常 的暖和 和幸福。(季羡林评) 

朴翁擅八法,千古人好李泰和、苏子瞻书,每日临池,不曾 或辍,乃知八法功深,至无怪乎书韵语之罕得传为家宝者矣。(启功评) 

从普通衲子到高僧大德,从普通 信徒到学界巨擘,从广大民众到党政领导,从港澳台同胞到国际友人,仍然 深深追思缅怀,感念他深远广大的菩提心和济世利人的菩萨行。愚人 已逝,“峨峨若千丈松崩”,德音未远,神理绵绵。(释学诚评)

赵朴老是上海市佛教协会第1 任会长,他为新中国上海佛教和全国佛教复兴 作出了出色 贡献,是当代中国佛教维摩诘。赵朴老是‘人间佛教’的提倡者、倡导者与实践者,是‘爱国爱教’的好典范、好榜样与好楷模,是‘绍隆佛种’的播种者、耕耘者与实施者。(慧明法师评)



 赵朴初文明 公园位于安徽省太湖县寺前镇,规划占地23公顷,建筑面积达8000平方米,公园分为三大部分,东侧是以气势恢宏的朴公陵等人文景观为主的纪念园区;两头 部分是以纪念堂、报恩禅寺、上客房、纪念碑林为主的寺庙区;西侧为仿建的赵朴初祖居状元府(兼陈列馆)。

朴公陵中轴线以神道组织建筑,因山势转机 ,纵深500余米,竖向高差70余米,层层推进,自下而上,沿轴线序列配置广场、门坊、月塘、碑亭、瞻仰平台9.3平方米、耸立的汉白玉立像及祭扫平台(树葬地)。神道宽10米,台阶456级。

陵园牌坊宽15.9平方米,内植睡莲9株,诗碑亭为重檐园亭、方形基座,取“天园地方”之意,亭内石碑刻朴老名诗名句,正面为“自度曲”,背面为“生死观”。赵朴初铜像铜像高9.3米,神道最初 段93级台阶,寓意朴老走过的93年不平凡的生命历程,雕像底座上嵌刻原人大常委会副委员长雷洁琼所书“赵朴初先生”5 字。

祭扫平台为半圆形,地方 千年银杏树下即为地棺。陵园台阶、平台、栏杆等均以本地优良 石材凿制而成,朴实严肃 ,也紧扣赵朴初先生生前钟情于石的性情 特征。赵朴初陵园设计空间布局合理,予人以神圣、庄严、永久 而充满生气。构成 强烈的纪念气氛,重视 朴实自然,充分体现赵朴初先生的性情 特征和人格魅力。

赵朴初故居,别名 世太史第,位于安徽省安庆市迎江区天台里街。建筑坐北朝南,砖木结构,平面呈长方形,东西长约40米,南北宽约100米,占地面积4000多平方米,建筑面积2731平方米。始建于明万历年,清代续修续建。初为明刑部给事中刘尚志私宅,清同治三年(1864年),曾任翰林院主修的赵畇购得,始为赵氏府第。因赵氏族中自赵文楷始,赵畇、赵继元、赵曾重四代翰林,故又称"世太史第"、"四代翰林宅"。

世太史第风格融北方古建的恢宏、粗犷及南方徽州古建的细腻、精致于1 体,有着浓郁的地方特色。七进5 院1 园1 场,布局规整,结构合理,气势恢宏。全体 布局为深宅大院,综合性功能齐全。在功能区域处理上,利用东三、东四、西三隔断墙封闭大门,又灵活地使各进自成独立庭院。建筑结构上,七进主体建筑有三进采用了望板直接铺在桁条上,取代原有椽子两头 环节,合理地减少了制造 安装工序和结构衔接点,构成 皖东北 地域古建筑的1 大特色。2006年被国务院公布为第六批全国重点文物保护单位。

Introduction in English

 Zhao Puchu (November 5, 1907 - May 21, 2000), Anqing native of Anhui Province, one of the founders of China Association for the Promotion of Democracy, is an outstanding Buddhist leader, an outstanding calligrapher, a famous social activist and a great patriot.


In his early years, he was engaged in Buddhism and social relief work. After 1936, he participated in anti-Japanese and national salvation activities. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the Relief Commission for Refugees in War Areas of the Shanghai Ci Federation. He was responsible for the reception work, mobilizing and organizing young and middle-aged people to join the New Fourth Army. In 1939, he participated in the constitutional promotion movement. In 1945, he participated in the sponsorship of the National Association for the Promotion of Democracy. In September 1949, he attended the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was successively Vice-Minister of Civil Affairs of the East China Military and Political Commission, Vice-Director of the East China Production and Disaster Relief Commission, Director of the Chinese Writers Association, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, Vice-Chairman and Consultant of the China-Japan Friendship Association, Vice-Chairman and President of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Honorary President of the Red Cross Society of China Vice-President of the People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Political Consultative Conference in June 1983, and Director of the National Committee of the Political Consultative Conference on Ethnic and Religious Issues.


He died in Beijing on May 21, 2000 at the age of 93.


Paul Mauriat's History


Zhao Puchu was born in Anqing on November 5, 1907. He moved back to his home in Taihu County with his parents in 1911. He studied at Soochow Dongwu University in his early years, and began to learn Buddhism in his university days.


After 1928, he served as Secretary of Shanghai Jiangsu-Zhejiang Buddhist Federation, Secretary of Shanghai Buddhist Association, President of "Buddhist Pure Industry Society" and President of Siming Bank.


After 1938, he served as the director of the Shanghai Cultural Rescue Association, the Secretary and director of the Chinese Buddhist Association, the Standing Committee and director of the reception unit of the Shanghai Cilian Rescue Commission for Refugees in the War Zone, the deputy dean of the Shanghai Jingye Wandering Children's Rehabilitation Hospital, and the head of the Shanghai Youth Village.


In 1945, he participated in the initiation of the establishment of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy.


After 1946, he was the managing director and general manager of Shanghai Antong Transportation Company and Shanghai Huatong Transportation Company.


In 1949, he was the Director-General of the Shanghai Provisional Joint Relief Commission, the Standing Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Committee for the Defence of World Peace, and the Standing Committee of the Asian-African Solidarity Commission.


After 1950, he served as Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General of Shanghai Branch of the Chinese People's Relief Association, Vice-Chairman of East China Ministry of Civil Affairs and Personnel Department, and Vice-Chairman of the Political and Legal Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government.


After 1953, he served as Vice-President and Secretary-General of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Director of the Chinese Writers Association, Vice-President of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Association, Vice-President of the Sino-Myanmar Friendship Association, Vice-President and Honorary Vice-President of the Red Cross Society of China, Vice-President of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament.


After 1980, he served as President of the Chinese Buddhist Association, President of the Chinese Buddhist Academy, Adviser to the Senior Buddhist Academy of the Tibetan Language Department of China, Chairman of the Chinese Religious Peace Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Democracy, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Chairman of


In 1993, he was the fifth president of Xiling Printing Society.


In 1996, he heard that Xiling Art Series was about to be re-published and sent 5,000 yuan to support it.


In 1997, in preparation for the establishment of the China Printing Museum, he wrote a letter to the relevant departments of the State to give support and inscribed the name of the Museum.


He was a member of the Shanghai Political Consultative Conference, a standing committee and a representative of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. He is a representative of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth National People's Congresses. The first, second and third CPPCC members, the fourth and fifth CPPCC Standing Committees, and the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth CPPCC Vice-Chairmen.


He died in Beijing on May 21, 2000 at the age of 93.



Buddhist Origins


On November 5, 1907, Zhao Puchu was born in the fourth generation of Hanlin Palace in Tiantaili, Anqing. He is the descendant of Zhao Wenkai, the first champion in the first year of Jiaqing (1796). His father, Zhao Entong, was a county official and a school teacher. He was a kind-hearted man, and his mother, Chen Hui, dominated the family. There is a Buddhist hall at home, and her mother burns incense and worships Buddha every morning. The pond in front of the door is her free-living pond, in which there are many turtles and turtles she bought.


One summer day in 1914, seven-year-old Zhao Puchu saw a dragonfly struggling in a spider's web. Soon, the dragonfly became more and more entangled and unable to move. Zhao Puchu turned to the kitchen and found a bamboo pole. He patiently picked up the spider web and rescued the dragonfly. Mother was very happy to see him. The next day she took her son to the Yayuan Temple to burn incense.


After the Buddhist ceremony, the mother chatted with the prophet master and said that the son would be the right son. When he heard this, he pointed to the temple's Temple of fire and wrote an inscription: "The Temple of fire, the God of fire, bodhisattva, is in charge of human calamities". Zhao Puchu thought about it and said, "Guanyin Grand Buddha of Guanyin Pavilion blesses the safety of Li people". Master Xianjue smiled and said to Chen Hui, "This child will become a great weapon in the future."


Guan Jiezhi, Zhao Puchu's cousin, once worked as an aide to Daoyin Yuanshun in Shanghai as a colleague (equivalent to a first-level governor of the local government office). After the failure of the Second Revolution, Guan Jiezhi received a secret order from Shanghai guardian Shi Zheng Rucheng to arrest Sun Yat-sen. As a member of the League, he quietly asked Yang Runzhi, the Secretary of Gongbian, to notify Sun Yat-sen of his transfer and deliberately delayed the time of the invoice. After Sun Yat-sen escaped from danger, he wrote a book fan to thank him personally.


Contact with Buddhist Sutras


In 1921, Guan Jiezhi embarked on the path of Buddhism. Guan Bo plays an important role in the history of modern Buddhism in China. In 1922, he and Zhou Shunqing, Shen Xinshi and Xie Siting initiated the establishment of Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist group, which was the first in China. In the same year, Guan Jizhi and others founded the Net Industry Society, Shi Jizhi was the chairman and Guan Jizhi was the vice-chairman. In 1927, Jingye Society moved to Jueyuan.


Jingye Society is a subordinate unit of Shanghai Jiangsu-Zhejiang Buddhist Federation. Zhao Puchu works as a secretary here, receives and receives newspapers and drafts documents. Guan Jiezhi is strict with Zhao Puchu. When I first saw the text drafted by Zhao Puchu, Guan Jizhi frowned, corrected it with a pen and euphemistically criticized it: "Your Chinese is very good and your brush writing is good, but Buddhism has a Buddhist path. You should read more Buddhist books." From then on, Zhao Puchu began to study Buddhist sutras. Later, Guan Jizhi built Shanghai Buddhist kindergarten and served as president. His daily work was done by Zhao Puchu.


In April 1929, the Chinese Buddhist Association was established and Guan Jizhi was elected as one of the nine standing committees. Since then, Zhao Puchu's contacts with the national monks have become more frequent. In such a Buddhist atmosphere, young Zhao Puchu unconsciously embarked on the road of charity-oriented and universal life.


In the autumn of 1935, Master Yuanying set up Yuanming Lecture Hall in Shanghai. According to his introduction, Zhao Puchu converted to Buddhism and became a householder. After the introduction of Buddhism into China, Buddhists generally refer to hermits, Buddhist practitioners and all non-monks. Zhao Puchu belongs to a family practitioner.


In the Yuanming lecture hall, Zhao Puchu came into contact with voluminous Buddhist sutras. Under the influence of scriptures and monks, Zhao Puchu integrated his knowledge in private schools and Dongwu University into Buddhism, and his attainments in poetry and calligraphy also improved with each passing day.

Zhao Puchu is one of the founders of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy. On December 30, 1945, Zhao Puchu, together with Ma Xulun, Wang Shao'ao, Lin Handa, Zhou Jianren and Lei Jieqiong, established the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Democracy, a political party with the purpose of "developing the spirit of democracy and promoting the realization of Chinese democratic politics". Since then, Comrade Zhao Puchu has served as Vice-Director of the Minjin Shanghai Branch, Chairman of the Minjin Shanghai Municipal Committee, Member of the Minjin Central Committee, Standing Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Minjin Central Committee and Chairman of the Participating Committee of the Minjin Central Committee. He is a highly respected and outstanding leader of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Democracy. Comrade Zhao Puchu has always loved the Communist Party of China and always supported the leadership of the Communist Party of China. He has close friendship with Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and other leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He served as the leader of the Democratic Progressive Central Committee and the CPPCC for a long time, actively offered advice and suggestions, played the role of participating in politics, deliberating on politics and democratic supervision, carried forward the fine tradition of unity and cooperation with the CPC, consolidated and developed the patriotic united front, upheld the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC and built it. The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has made great contributions through hard work and sweat.


Zhao Puchu is an outstanding patriotic religious leader. He has a wide influence in the religious circles at home and abroad, and is deeply respected and loved by Buddhists and believers. His Buddhist attainments are very deep. Answers to Common Knowledge of Buddhism are highly praised by Buddhist circles. They have been reprinted many times and spread widely. Since his youth, he has studied the theory of socialism seriously. After a long search, he gradually realized that only the Communist Party of China can best represent the will and interests of the working masses of China, can China build a prosperous and powerful new society only by taking the socialist road. As a religious leader of the new generation of China, Comrade Zhao Puchu integrated Buddhist doctrine into the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the great cause of safeguarding national and national dignity, safeguarding the integrity of national territory and sovereignty, and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland. In the great cause of promoting friendly exchanges between China's Buddhist world and the Buddhist world of other countries in the world. He fully discussed the coordination between religion and socialist society, pointing out that the Party and the state fully respect and protect citizens'right to freedom of religious belief in terms of policy and law, while religious followers should patriotize and teach, abide by discipline and law, support the leadership of the Party, report to the state, all sentient beings and actively contribute to socialist material culture. To contribute to the construction of spiritual civilization. He warned Buddhist disciples that the interests of Buddhism must be combined with the interests of the people. Our life is like a drop of water, which will never be exhausted as long as we are willing to put it into the people's sea. Comrade Zhao Puchu resolutely supports a series of principles, policies and important instructions on religious work formulated by the Party Central Committee, actively assists the Party and the government in carrying out the policy of freedom of religious belief in an all-round and correct way, strengthens the management of religious affairs, and actively guides religion to adapt to the socialist society. In a highly responsible spirit, Comrade Zhao Puchu frankly put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions on religious theory and work in the primary stage of socialism. He actively promoted the unity and stability of religious circles throughout the country. He enthusiastically supported the work of the 10th Panchen Chan in order to develop Tibetan Buddhist culture, establish normal order of Tibetan Buddhism, safeguard the reunification of the motherland, national unity and oppose the activities of foreign forces to split the motherland. He actively supported the 11th Panchen Chan, which was established according to religious rituals and historical custom, and was approved by the central government by lot from the golden urn. He also enthusiastically cared about the training and education of the 11th Panchen Chan. He was conscientious and diligent, and made outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of the adaptation of religion to the socialist society.



