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2022-03-11 17:16:40




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李二保,男,笔名李二宝,山西人。中国美术家协会会员,山西漫画学会会长。1953年生于山西省襄汾县西尉村,因受母亲影响,自幼酷爱美术,1982年开始创作漫画,1970年在山西省地矿局2139队工作,后历任《山西工人日报》美术编辑,山西临汾铁路分局工会任宣教部指点 员、政工师,文联副秘书长至今至今已创作漫画2000余幅,参加全国美展,漫画展和 获国际、国内各类奖百余次。
《官煤勾结》2009年人选第十1 届全国美展。
《甩鞭》《小树弯弯》等作品从1988年始分别人选第1 、二、三,四、5 、六届全国漫画展。
《科研与成果》2002年获中国旧事 奖二等奖。
《握手难》2006年获中国旧事 奖三等奖。
《量变引发 量变 》2011年获中国旧事 奖三等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Male, pseudonym Li Erbao, shanxi person. Chinese artist academician, shanxi caricature learns chairman. Unripe 1953 Yu Shan saves Xi Weicun of assist Fen county on the west, because suffer maternal effect, from a child loves art, began to produce caricature 1982, in bureau of mine of Shanxi province land 2139 teams worked 1970, have successively held the posts of after " Shanxi the Workers'Daily " art edits, shanxi faces labour union of Fen railroad substation to hold the post of division of political instructor of ministry of propaganda and education, politics work, article couplet deputy secretary-general already produced caricature up to now up to now more than 2000, attend countrywide beauty to exhibit, free art exhibition and obtain
Of all kinds award of international, home more than 100.
" unearthed relics " " course " beauty of the 7th whole nation exhibited person selected 1989.
" my ox " obtained beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit cupreous award 1999.
" government-owned coal collude " 2009 person selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited.
" swing whip " " sapling turn is curved " wait for work from 1988 only then cent others is chosen the first, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 whole nations overflow art exhibition.
" scientific research and achievement " won Chinese news award 2002 second-class award.
" handclasp is difficult " won award of third class of Chinese news award 2006.
Shared creative work 2008 " paper-cut of caricature of Olympic Games champion is long roll " be collected by capital museum.
" quantitative change causes qualitative change " won award of third class of Chinese news award 2011.



