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1948年生于辽宁大连,本籍 浙江宁波;1968年辽宁省艺术师范学校毕业,1970年入伍,1984年在鲁迅美术学院油画系进修;1986年解放军艺术学院美术系油画专业毕业;曾任辽宁省台安县文明 馆美工、沈阳军区空军政治部创作员、解放军艺术学院教授。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国美协壁画艺委会委员、中国油画学会理事。1969年开始参加全国全军美展及出国展,作品发表于多种报刊、杂志、画册。作品曾获全国奖,其中,油画《超低空飞行》获1986年南疆前线美展优秀奖,中国美术馆收藏。油画《序曲》获1989年第七届全国美展铜奖。出版有《孙浩人物画集》、《孙浩油画集》、《当代艺术名家精品·孙浩卷》、《人物专刊---孙浩2009年第12期》等。
孙浩是部队零碎 的著名画家,许多年来,他在深入军旅生活,反映部队官兵时代风貌的主题创作上,不断地构成 了积累。在油画创作上,既是部队零碎 美术创作的一名 代表,也是在中国油画界十分鲜明地体现出本身 言语 风格的著名画家。美术界的同行们都很了解他许多年来的创作过程,对他的印象是他能够很精确 地把握主题性美术创作的思想内涵和生动素材,又以独特的外型 视角经营画面,在作品中营建 出生动的群体抽象 ,特别 善于调动人物的组合,场景的安排,构成 阐释和揭示主题的全体 氛围。
孙浩的画作带有典型的军旅画家的特点和气概。神速、生动,善画大画。画面的把握能力和外型 能力很强。特别 对大型军事画和历史画有突出的控制能力。这些年来,或参与或独立创作,为“辽沈战役纪念馆”、“平津战役纪念馆”、“卢沟桥抗日和平 纪念馆”、“中国革命军事博物馆”等国家级博物馆创作了1 系列的大型历史画,在社会上和学术界产生了广泛的影响,奠定了作为1 个军事画家的重要地位 。

Introduction to the artist

Was born at Liaoning Dalian 1948, ;1968 of peaceful wave of ancestral home Zhejiang year Liaoning visits finish school of artistic training school, 1970 enrollment, ;1986 of attend in a advanced studies was fastened in canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1984 year professor of college of art of the member that Liaoning of Ceng Ren of; of graduation of major of canvas of faculty of art of institute of liberation army art saves a stage to install ministry of politics of air force of military region of art design of prefectural culture house, Shenyang to create, liberation army. It is beauty of Chinese artist academician, China now assist mural art appoint canvas of conference committee member, China learns director. Began to attend beauty of countrywide horse and foot to exhibit 1969 reach go abroad exhibit, work is published at a variety of the press, magazine, an album of paintings. Work ever won countrywide award, among them, canvas " hedgehop " obtain beauty of Na Jiang front exhibited outstanding award 1986, chinese art gallery is collected. Canvas " sinfonia " obtain beauty of the 7th whole nation exhibited cupreous award 1989. Publish have " Sun Hao's character draws volume " , " collect of Sun Hao canvas " , " Sun Hao of · of high-quality goods of artistic now a person of academic or artistic distinction coils " , " character special issue---Sun Hao 2009 the 12nd period " wait.
Sun Hao is the famous artist of unit system, make come for years, he is in development army brigade lives, on the thematic creative work that reflects view of times of troops officers and soldiers, formed ceaselessly accumulate. On canvas creation, a delegate that art of since unit system creates, also be in Chinese canvas bound very the famous artist that brightly body reveals him language color. The person of the same trades of art group understand him to make the creation process that comes for years very much, it is the thought connotation that he can hold thematic sex art well and truly to create and vivid material to his impression, run a picture with distinctive modelling perspective again, a dramatic group image is built in work, be good at bringing the character's combination into play especially, the arrangement of setting, form illuminate and announce integral atmosphere of the theme.
Sun Hao's picture is made the characteristic that accompanies typical army brigade artist is amiable without exception. Amazingly quick, vivid, be apt to paints big picture. The assurance of the picture ability and modelling capability are very strong. Have outstanding control capacity to picture of large military affairs and historical picture especially. These year come, or participate in or create independently, for " memorial hall of distant Shenyang battle " , " memorial hall of smooth ferry battle " , " Lu channel bridge memorial hall of War of Resistance Against Japan " , " museum of Chinese revolution war " waited for national level museum to create a series of large history picture, produced extensive effect with academia socially, established the significant position that regards a military affairs as the painter.



